Rebecca McQueen

Rebecca McQueen

Empowered Living, encouragement and education to help you connect with your body, mind and spirt and live fully

Please join me in my free facebook community where I share my journey so far to inspire your own personal transformation story

You can also listen to the podcast 'A year to change my life on ITunes and Spotify .


I was talking to a friend about juices this weekend for health etc. He didn't realize that a smoothie maker was different to a juicer. This recipe incorporates both but you can just make the juice part and vice versa.

As you know juices form a big part of my story, I feel strongly about their effortless ability to benefit our health.

After my session with Sheena Ramgobin it was confirmation as well as the reading of the gene keys with Kelly Butchart that Juices need to come back and I think it is an important element for all of us.

Juices freshly made literally flush the lymphatic system. This is important as we consume and are surrounded by toxins on the daily in this environment and we need to make sure we fortify our defenses. It is quick and easy to add in to your day.

A smoothies, breaks it all down for you and does require a little balancing to make sure it doesn't negatively impact your blood sugar levels. I find the smoothie element a great way to get superfoods in.

I feel like the juices release and replenish the cells of the body and the smoothies done right recharge or reenergize.

The one I had today I used the juicer first which extracts the juice and the cellular goodness from the fruits and veg to flood the cells, but I also wanted to work on my heart chakra, energizing my mind and giving my sacral chakra some love.

I need to balance my yin energy and to do this I need more plants, I need more cooling foods.

I need to heal and balance my heart, aside from the nutritional profile of fruits and veg a very simple way to eat for healing is to look at the colour of the chakra out of balance and bring that edible vibration in so the heart chakra is green hence the green juice. This is a time in history where we are required to start living more with the heart intelligence than with the head, nourishing both helps the gut which is one of the 3 brains.

I needed my brain to feel energised as I woke feeling sluggish so I know anything that grows above the ground as opposed to in the ground (roots) helps my upper chakras and the energy of my mind so I added the green leaves for this.

I also know I have issues with my sacral chakra which includes reproductive organs so 1/2 Avocado it is and the fruit I love the most, passion fruit :-). Passion fruit is yellow/orange so again contains the edible vibration blueprint to help balance the sacral chakra.

Our connection to food is lost and in reconnecting with the power of mother earth to provide nourishment we take our power back and raise our vibration meaning we experience life differently, in a healthy, happy, collaborative connected way.

If all society knew how important everything is, from what we consume to what we put out, our living experience would be very different.

Everything we need is either within us or around us, the more we learn or relearn the more we can live our blessed lives.

I am working the chakras and the juices in to my coaching model from September, if you are ready to remember who you are and take your power back, body mind and spirt, send me a text or a a message to go on the waitlist.

Here is the recipe from this morning if you would like to give it a try and let me know what you think :-)

Too much Yang not enough Ying — Rebecca McQueen 15/07/2024

I had a wonderful experience with Sheena Ramgobin last week and I have written some highlights. We need gifted people like Sheena now more than ever. She shared with me so much to help me on my own personal journey of healing, trying to make sense of the madness and she does it effortlessly with zero weirdness and just a rare genuine honesty, and an insanely cool spiritual gift. I write a little more about it here how she has given me some key information that I need in order not to continue to sabotage, she spoke about karmic cycles and how working with the moon energy the feminine energy would help me and stop shying away from my spiritual beliefs .

It made so much sense and as I am lucky enough to have a lot of knowledge about the body and how it is affected by the emotions and so many other things we can not see, she has enabled me to take another step in my healing journey, in the journey of becoming.

She didn't know I used to have a juice business and I used to do things around the moon and the chakras but a little chat with Sheena showed me my next move in my life and I am grateful.

Yin and Yang are so important in the blog I mention just the tip of the iceberg with it, but I urge you to explore as many ancient, spiritual traditions as you can to fully understand just what this game of life is really about and how we are supposed to play it

We are just over half way through this year now and I have to say I can not believe how blessed I am with wonderful people appearing from nowhere to help me pick myself back up, Sheena Ramgobin is now also on that list with so many others. How lucky am I!!

Thank you

Too much Yang not enough Ying — Rebecca McQueen Post by Rebecca McQueen

I am Sorry I am Too Much and Not Enough — Rebecca McQueen 10/07/2024

Hello :-) Technology was being difficult earlier, that or divine intervention so I created instead. Here is a little entry from my heart to yours. A little reflection on life and on the success of the remember who you are workshop x

I am Sorry I am Too Much and Not Enough — Rebecca McQueen Post by Rebecca McQueen


I have just been going through the workbook myself for the vision board workshop in June.

Working with The 4 Healers which are:

🥦Physical Health - Activity/movement, breathwork, nutrition, hydration, sleep & environment

🥰 Relationships - Self compassion, friends, family, romance/dating partner

🙏Spiritual health - Gratitude, connection to nature, meditation, journaling &c creativity.

🌻 Emotional Health - Joy factor, peace, confidence, self esteem, excitement and adventure, passion and purpose and kindness.

I can see that there are some easy changes to be made one of which adding in a green juice a day!!

The only people at the top of their game are the ones doing life assessments like these and then pivoting to a point where the quality of life is higher, is in line with the highest vision of yourself.

The first step in making any changes is first seeing where you are, then building the vision of where you want to be and then planning and implementing the steps to act as the bridge as the go between.

I invite you to join me on Sunday 23rd June for our 'Remember Who You Are ' Vision Board workshop where we will work with our 4 pillars and create the template, the vision for a life lived in line with the highest version of your life.

On arrival you will be welcomed by an energizing and invigorating ginger shot to get the mind and body ready for action, ready for change and I shall make some cold pressed organic green goodness juices to!!

You will leave with 2 Recipe books to help you out with your physical health full of delicious, nutritious juices, smoothies, snacks, beverages and meals, just one of the take homes I want you to have after our day together

If you haven't already, message or text me to book or register your interest

Peace and Love Vibes


🤩Vision Boards are incredible tools to attract in to your life more of what you align with. It is not enough to just pin up some pics and leave it out of mind and out of sight. It is a tool that helps facilitate the autosuggestion to the subconscious mind which is where we project our life experience from.

🌻Over the last 18 years I have been using these to bring in what I wanted and the undeniable fact is becareful what you wish for. Manifesting from a place of bringing in what you think you should want rather than what YOU DO want can end with more drama less dharma.

🧚‍♀️On this day together we will put a big focus on knowing if your desires or yours truly, or if they are from the list of 'shoulds' that we are presented with from our family, friends and society.

⭐️By the end of the day you would of reflected on your past, understand where you were pleasing others before yourself, where you sold out who you came here to be and how you can start to truly know yourself and remember who you are.

Included in this day is yummy plant based snacks, loads of love laughter, probably tears (from me at least lol) planning, realignment and an action plan to be who you want to be now!!

Life stages demand a different game play, your environment changes and shifts and we can navigate this with some core exercises that connect you with the highest version of yourself so we can live with joy :-)

For more info and to secure your space text me or send me a message.

Love & Light Vibes


Workshop to remember who you are in June 🥰


"In my life I have been scared to say things I know to be true that would hurt someone close to me, at the age of 43 I think its time to stop tolerating the bu****it, level up and remember my worth and if you find yourself relating I urge you to do the same. Energy will always be contagious, we need more hero energy in circulation, remember it is not to be cruel it is to be kind, be kind to yourself first. Maybe this is another part of my journey of homecoming.

Time to be more Hero, less victim."

This is the last paragraph in the blog I wrote from my caravan on the drive of my home after an event that I didn't know would be the end of my life as I had planned it. I said 'No' to something that was not an isolated event, was not fair and was not from love but from control which is often what we think love is.

It is almost a year ago since everything changed, I believe when you stand up for whats right for you, the universe helps you out, sometimes in chaotic ways but always for the greatest good.

I have solidified a life time of learnings from this year and I am looking forward to growing and sharing together with those of you who have had a lot of 'WTF' energy around.

Remember Who You Are Workshop will be held in Essex in June.

Drop me a text or a message with your mobile/email if you would like to join me in the journey of rediscovering our truth and taking our power back.

If you would like to read the whole article the link is in the first comment.


When you reflect on your life and you feel
Confused about things you have gone through its a hard to pill to swallow that you had a role to play in all of it. You experience a reflection of how you feel about yourself. Start nurturing the natural wonder that is you, be true to you, live in alignment with beliefs, values and have boundaries and watch how life welcomes you with all good things.

To know yourself and live with honour and respect of that is what makes life your own

Life is what YOU make it

How My Highest Self and Wounded Child Help me Move Forward 26/02/2024

Here is a hack I used to get out of an imposter syndrome moment. We must remember when our ego starts to make us doubt our actions it is fear and micro traumas trying to make us feel and play small.

Change happens through action. We must get out of our heads and use our bodies to create change we want to see and welcome.

I used a trinity method where I used the highest version of myself, myself now and my inner child . It worked and it was easy. Let me know if you try it and what results you got. I did a live video in my group The Empowered Life detailing it, join and check it out if you haven't already ❤️

How My Highest Self and Wounded Child Help me Move Forward Part of the work I do for others is the same as I do for myself. The journey of living a life you love and personal and spiritual growth.

February 28, March 13th, 20thth &27th - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence 25/02/2024

Join us for this 4 week Burlesque course where we get our 50 shades on for 'Earned it.'

Classes are 1 hour on a Wednesday at Hannakins Farm Community Center Billericay

Wear something comfortable to move in and bring a tie for this routine.

This is a beginner friendly chair routine.

*Swap the daily grind for a bump and grind

*Loosen up and find your self & natural Sensuality

* Try something new :-)

February 28, March 13th, 20thth &27th - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence February 28th 4 week course, no class Wednesday 6th March - Beginner friendly. This is another chair dance which has floor work and requires a tie ;-) Unleash your inner confidence and embrace the transformative power of movement with our Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes. At [Your Dance St...

February 21st, 28th, March 13th, 20thth &27th - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence 05/02/2024

Next Routine 'Earned it', slow, sultry chair routine with floor work and you need a tie! Book Now. Limited Spaces

February 21st, 28th, March 13th, 20thth &27th - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence February 21st 5 week course, no class Wednesday 6th March - Beginner friendly. This is another chair dance which has floor work and requires a tie ;-) Unleash your inner confidence and embrace the transformative power of movement with our Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes. At [Your Dance St...

It is just a game trying to find our way home — Rebecca McQueen 05/02/2024

I use Buy me a coffee to blog about more personal things, this week I am just recognizing that s**t in your life is a key component to your growth.

It is just a game trying to find our way home — Rebecca McQueen Post by Rebecca McQueen

Do You Have Low Self Esteem 23/01/2024

Self Esteem is so important! The quality of our self esteem determines the quality of our decisions, the quality of our decisions determines the quality of our relationships and our quality of life!
So interesting that an environment that breeds worthlessness can result in both a people pleasing empath or a narcassist, both just trying to fill their own void.
Void can never fill Void, it can only create more void. Healthy, integral self esteem has the power to change the world one fulfilled person at a time.
And yes I have gone 'woo woo' in my blog because basically I am woo woo. The more information that comes out the more quantum physics proves it to be the truth of reality and the building blocks of our universal existence
Imagine if we all loved ourselves and had peace within ourselves, if we felt whole and complete, imagine a world with people connecting from this vibration. How cool would that be if we changed the world, one whole person at at time.
Where are you with your self esteem? Let me know x
Peace & Love Vibes

Do You Have Low Self Esteem " Are you being a good person or do you have low self-esteem?"


'Greens & Beans' 🫘 🥬

Since learning about my liver and health inbalance I swear all I think about how can I eat more greens and beans?!

I had a quick changeover between my job roles of dance and nutrition and needed a quick warm meal as I don't eat early in the morning now either.

This is the reason a lot of my clients say they grab that crisps and a sandwich, because they are in a rush. This soup was ready in 20 minutes and eaten in 10 ! No good being both time and nutrient poor!

Our first responsibility has to be to ourselves and feeding the body is as important as feeding thr mind and soul!

Treat yourself like you are valuable because you are.

Greens and Beans Recipe

Heat avocado oil in pan
Add 1 chopped onion, 1 chopped clove of garlic and 2 of each chopped celery and carrot and a few mushrooms if you have them and some sprouts or brocoli
Cook for a few minutes
Add the fresh herbs orgeno amd thyme
Cook a little more
Add 1ltr of yeast free veg stock
1 x can of white beans
1 x can of tomatoes
Simmer for 10 mins
Add spinach and fresh basil
Season with salt and pepper

Then 'Nourish Up'

Physical Effects of Food Intolerances 19/01/2024

I have just written the first of a gazillion of posts on how knowing what you are intolerant to can improve your health literally within hours! Sounds mad but it isn't. Everything is doable when you know how. I will be going over more details about which foods cause what symptoms and then go on to my fave subject of how food intolerances effect your mood.
The relationship with your own self, body and mind is the best most empowering one you can have, get connected and acquainted with your inner workings and needs x

Physical Effects of Food Intolerances As a holistic health coach and Nutritional practitioner with 15 years working experience in the field of food intolerances and emotional wellbeing, I can tell you that without a doubt knowing if or what food intolerances...

Easy Vegan Quinoa Breakfast Bake - That Vegan Babe 15/01/2024

Good Monday to you all! I have had my usual full plate schedule the past few days with MANY out of the blue curve balls.

I am proud of myself for not allowing chaos to take over, I have handled every situation with maturity and grace instead of self loathing and blind panic. This is a really big achievement for me as self loathing and not being good enough has been my self destructing narrative since forever.

I remind myself that this year I am operating atbthe highest vibration of myself and I act accordingly, bringing more of her in to the now, to this reality.

Before I would blame myself and also worry about being behind or letting others and myself down.

So far by asking myself what would the highest vibration of myself do? I am keeping up with my self care in the form of practicing compassion towards myself, patience and kindness, taking time to enjoy being with my kids, making delicious gluten free, sugar free breakfast (see links and screen shots) and doing yoga every day.

I also have been running with my step son to further help my metabolic imbalance causing my liver issues and agaim instead of berating myself for not going once pr twice, I just continue on the next day.

I am
Commited to doing more of the good and less of the bad and if I keep that balance I am winning and going in the right direction.

What about you??? What empowered choices wre you making? What are you proud of ? How have you dealt with curve balls? What are you commited to doing mor of and less of? Xx

Breakfast for me and liliana...

For the carrot cake breakfast go to The Empowered Life its all there x

Easy Vegan Quinoa Breakfast Bake - That Vegan Babe This quinoa breakfast bake is nutty, sweet and so light and fluffy! It takes 10 minutes of prep and is perfect for meal prep!

The Empowered LIfe 12/01/2024

Now is the time, not to diet and do anything intense but to build healthy foundations. I am working on some cool things for this year that I am so excited about, think self love and single mum projects as well as my usual health and nutrition.

I have already given 3 food intolerance tests this year and the results are always immediate. If you haven't had one, I highly recommend having a food test if you are suffering low energy, low mood, digestive issues, aches and pains etc. It works every time. Your body wants you to feel good, it just needs you to make the right choices. Check it out or give me a call.

Love Becca x

The Empowered LIfe I am a big believer as well as both student and teacher of the transformative power of taking control of your life mind, body, and spirit. My mission is to guide you on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging you to Eat, Dance and live like you both know and love yourself.


Being out of your comfort zone puts you in a powerful ripple effect of growth. If fear is holding you back this is your sign to take action!

You are of course invited to book on to our 5 week course for our new Burlesque routine starting This Wednesday.

January 10th 5 week - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence 06/01/2024

Beginner friendly 5 week Burlesque Course, Billericay, Beginner Friendly
Taster sessions available for week one Wednesday January 10th 2024

Let the music be your guide, and dance be your celebration of self. 💖 Every move is a step toward greater body confidence and self-love

January 10th 5 week - Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes: Celebrate Your Body, Ignite Your Confidence January Burlesque Routine 5 week course running from 10th January - 8th Feb 2023 Once booked details will be sent to you via email. Unleash your inner confidence and embrace the transformative power of movement with our Burlesque-Inspired Empowered Dance Classes. We believe that dance is not just ab...


And on the path of self-acceptance,
These twelve illusions you shall shed:

The illusion of being unwanted:
For, in truth, there is no such thing as an unwanted soul.

The illusion of being unlovable:
For your true self is love.

The illusion of unworthiness:
For you are always deserving of love and success.

The illusion of being weird:
For there is no such thing as normal.

The illusion of needing external validation:
For your worth is never dependent on another's approval.

The illusion of being insignificant:
For your presence impacts all of humanity.

The illusion of being powerless:
For within you lies the strength to shape your destiny and influence the world.

The illusion of not being good enough:
For you were born good enough.

The illusion of being a burden:
For your existence is a precious gift, and your contributions add value.

The illusion of being unsuccessful:
For success is subjective, and your path is uniquely yours.

The illusion of being ugly:
Because that label only ever reflects the viewer being incapable of seeing beauty.

And the illusion that aging decreases your value:
For, in truth, you are not a body but a soul.

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Artwork by Katarína Vavrová Artist


Dropped in to The Empowered Life group earlier with a little intro the wintering season and how we are working against nature. This is a time to wind down, to ruminate and hibernate, we are in the 'water' element in Traditional Chinese Medicine calander wheel which is our kidneys and our adrenals.

We need to go easy on ourselves at this time until Spring but instead we speed it up and consume all the stuff that exhausts the kidneys and adrenals (which is where we hold our vitality).

In the live we spoke about how you can take responsibility for bringing peace to the present, what you can do, can you take a breather every 50 minutes, just to sit and chill? Can you balance all the excessive feasting with calming drink and supplement choices?

I was blessed with a miracle of getting all my children, even the 16 year old asleep by 7.30pm so it gave me a rare and wonderful opportunity for some time alone to chill that was before midnight!

I chose to do some restorative, contemplative powerful yet gentle yoga and thought it was too good not to share.

Here is the link, it will only be valid for 7 days, let me know if you find time to bring yourself the gift of peace in the present and what you thought and of course if you want more details and support, hop in to our community The Empowered Life[]=en&utm_source=share

Heart Held High 18/12/2023

Dropped in to The Empowered Life group earlier with a little intro the wintering season and how we are working against nature. This is a time to wind down, to ruminate and hibernate, we are in the 'water' element in Traditional Chinese Medicine calander wheel which is our kidneys and our adrenals.

We need to go easy on ourselves at this time until Spring but instead we speed it up and consume all the stuff that exhausts the kidneys and adrenals (which is where we hold our vitality).

In the live we spoke about how you can take responsibility for bringing peace to the present, what you can do, can you take a breather every 50 minutes, just to sit and chill? Can you balance all the excessive feasting with calming drink and supplement choices?

I was blessed with a miracle of getting all my children, even the 16 year old asleep by 7.30pm so it gave me a rare and wonderful opportunity for some time alone to chill that was before midnight!

I chose to do some restorative, contemplative powerful yet gentle yoga and thought it was too good not to share.

Here is the link, it will only be valid for 7 days, let me know if you find time to bring yourself the gift of peace in the present and what you thought and of course if you want more details and support, hop in to our community The Empowered Life

Heart Held High This is a slow-paced and contemplative practice using classical standing, forward fold, twist, and balance poses. Throughout the practice, listen for gentle reminders of opening the heart and leading with compassion. Props: 2 blocks optional


Brunch today was white mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and brocoli with a little chili

Did you know white button mushrooms suppress an enzyme called aromatase, aromatase is an enzyme that helps make estrogen and I don't want any more do I. We also then have the cruciferous veg and tomatoes with insoluble fibre. Insoluble fiber binds to estrogen and mops out the access!

Shout out to mother earth ALWAYS having a solution to every problem! # # # Earth provides balance if we allow it ❤️

Videos (show all)

You can not be betrayed unless you first betray yourself
Born Worthy! Life is always an inside job. It all comes from within you
Born Worthy! How self worth is not something you have to prove !
Starting from scratch thoughts. It is just as relevant to know what no longer is working for you, it is one step closer ...
As you know in the group we are talking about liver health with a focus on for myself estrogen dominance and fatty liver...
Special episode on forgiveness and our inability to forgive ourselves is what really holds us back from our own personal...
Reset and Realign to live on-purpose
If I don't get more confident my family will suffer! Powerful Monday thought! "Faith is something we have in an unknown ...

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 14:45
Tuesday 10:00 - 14:45
Wednesday 10:00 - 22:45
Thursday 13:30 - 20:30