Shey Webb IFBB PRO

Shey Webb IFBB PRO

Lupus Warrior! Buff Bikinis Sponsored Athlete! CPT. Certified weight loss practitioner. IFBB Bikini Spring 2012 I was in and out of the hospital.

They could never figure out what was wrong with me. Finally they told me i had a brain infection and i was given medication for it but my symptoms continued. I went to my primary doctor who then sent me to a cardiologist and neurologist. I had tons of test performed and was given tons of medicine. I then started to lose weight drastically and my primary doctor decided to do blood work and i was di


Sometimes when we are in the moment we can only see what needs to be improved or what we didn’t accomplish. It’s not till we sit and reflect that we can see the growth and our accomplishments.

This year I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish both personally and professionally. When I decided to end my season early I immediately went to the negative of what I didn’t accomplish on that list. However after taking time to reflect I realized just how much I did accomplish.

One of my goals was to get first call outs and I did that at my first show of the year. I consistently placed in the top 10 this year which I never placed prior. My best placing was my pro debut where I placed 14th and never placed after that. So this year was all about getting my confidence back. I started thinking this was not for me but how could I make that assumption when I have never really given it my all.

I competed in 3 shows after my pro debut (2 in 2018 and 1 in 2021) I wasn’t going to give up after the first show this time and I didn’t.

As I reflected I realized although to some top 10 is a small accomplishment for me it was huge. I did this while still producing breastmilk, not sacrificing time with my son, while being mindful of not pushing too hard so I didn’t have a lupus flare up. So for me this year has been a success in my book. I can only imagine what I can do when I am no longer dealing with the hormones from breastfeeding.

So was I sad I ended was season and will not be competing this weekend yes but I am so damn proud of the year I have had and the growth.

Honestly if I would not have sat in chair at that first show I don’t know if I would have made it this far. It was her vibe and talk that really engraved in my head to block the outside noise and I got this. She always says we have a purpose for some it may not be being Ms Bikini O and this year I think my purpose was to show all breastfeeding mamas you can still live out your dreams and take care of your little one.



Every year on your due date I will tell your birth story because it’s my favorite story 🩵🥰

4years ago today was your due date. I remember people saying they thought you would be early. Your grandma told you that you had to come the week of Oct 7th. I remember thinking if he has my personality he is going to be late because “No one” tells me when to show up” 😂

I woke up and checked in with and got ready for work. I remember going into work and everyone saying “When is he coming” “Why are you here” My response was “When he feels like it” and “Being pregnant is not a disease im more than able to work”

Although through the week it felt like your kicks were getting harder the only discomfort I really had was my feet started to swell.

As i was leaving work i was told dont return because they are not letting me in the next day 😂😂😂 i was okay with that because i said i should prob rest before my marathon (labor)

I left work and went to my 40 week appt with I told her about my feet and she said go get a foot massage. Since i now had 2 days off i made some appts to help me relax.

The Friday before you were born i called the birthing center to ask a question about how i was feeling and answered and told me she would be there all weekend. When we hung up the phone I said “Oh he’s coming” i was asked how did i know. “I was still sitting high and he didnt look like he dropped” From the moment i met Emily i instantly felt safe, protected, empowered, and so much more. I put out in the universe she needed to be in the room with me. I slept like a baby knowing that she would be there!

Rest was my priority from that moment on to get ready for what was to come...

To be continued on his born day! 💙


2018 Hurricane Pro (no placing)
2019 Hurricane Pro (no placing 😆)
2023 Hurricane Pro 10th place

2018 Hurricane Pro was my first show with . We were actually suppose to be in a reverse but I thought this would be the last show my grandma would be able to see so we prepped.

At the beginning of the year I said I would return to every show I did beating the last look they saw! We did just that!

Proud and thankful for all the support 💜🥹

Show Hurricane Pro


“When there’s blood in the sky… red and blue = purple. Purple rain pertains to the end of the world and being with the one you love and letting your faith/God guide you through the purple rain,” Prince said of the song’s meaning.

When I say bodybuilding saved me I mean it SAVED me. From back when I was diagnosed with Lupus and just escaped a physically and mentally and emotionally abusive relationship… to finding myself again after postpartum depression and anxiety… to helping me find my worth, my strength after a tough couple years. I remember telling me at girl power to go with the suit I felt best in. Forget the color… what made Shey Shey.

When I first got into bodybuilding I did natural shows and I walked out to prince kiss. I sometimes want to bribe the DJ to play it. I added prince back to my playlist and purple rain really spoke to me. Well nailed it!

I have faced many storms but as prince said “let faith and god guide you” and that is exactly what I have done!

This prep was the most difficult and not for the reason most May think. It has tested my resilience. My mental toughness when life was lifting, people were peopling 😆. I had every reason to throw in the towel and give up but I didn’t.

A wise man told me The best revenge is to live well. In the words of Chris brown “look at me now”



Beauty is what makes up who you are. Beauty is not just your looks, but your mind, empathy, creativity and abities. It is something you can be proud of and people around are drawn to and FEEL.

Look by who will be having a seminar Sunday! Click the link in her bio to book.



Getting started is the easy part. The difficult part is the struggle to keep going when you are not motivated. Get back up because it takes commitment, discipline, and sacrifice to get to where you are trying to go.


Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 20/06/2023

3 down but more to come!

I made a promise to myself this year to not give up on myself or doubt myself. I wrote out a list of all my goals. I am slowly checking them off. One set was in regards to competing. I questioned if I deserved my pro card. If I was fit for this.

I gave myself grace and remembered I have never truly given myself a chance. After one show I would give up. This year is different. We are finding my look and getting feedback show to show and making those changes.

The only way to get better is to keep showing up. I am proud of what we have accomplished so far and thankful to all the judges for their feedback. It will only get better from here 🩵💜


Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 30/05/2023

Offseason VS Improvement Season

Both of these pictures are the starting point of my prep. The left picture is before coaching myself and not knowing the benefits of having structure once I got off stage. I trained how I wanted, ate how I wanted, and although I knew I could prep myself in 8-12weeks it was not the right way. I always got feedback that I was quad heavy (I used to try to reach a 300lbs one rep max) and I would lose muscle because I didn’t give myself enough time to get ready.
I call this look off-season because I literally was off everything; tracking, training, cardio.

Right pic is what I call improvement season. After getting off stage in 2021 I decided to approach this season with meaning. I didn’t want the same feedback. I wanted prep to not feel like work or torture. Now this is not to say I didn’t enjoy the 3Fs (food, friends, and family) because I had oysters every weekend, went to brunch every other week, took vacations, ect but with my goals in mind and purpose. Now this was not easy. I have had 3 attempts at a reverse with and this was my first successful one.

Prepping this season has been a walk in the park. We are keeping muscle/shape. I went into my last show eating 300gs of carbs. Improvement season is harder than prep but is worth it not only physically but mentally as well!



Dare to take chances, follow your dreams, risk it all, and believe in yourself 💜🩵


Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 10/05/2023

Not only is May Lupus Awareness month but it is also Maternal Mental Health as well.

3.5years into this and I am finally getting a sense of being normal. Not my old me because obviously I grew after having a child and continue to learn and grow. He teaches me new things everyday. Not only how to be a better mother, but sister, friend, daughter. I have learned patience, true love, setting boundaries, self worth, and so much more because of this little guy.

However, at the beginning it was HARD! When he would sleep I would sit in the shower and cry. I didn’t want to ask for help because I trusted no one. I spent 40 weeks and 3 days carrying this bundle of joy and was not going to let anything or anyone hurt him.

As time went on I realized i have to take care of myself in order to be the best I can be for him. That took a lot of self reflecting. Sitting in my pain and feeling all those emotions. It was HARD! I block things out like no other but I could no longer to that. I had to face my fears so I could raise him to be an amazing little boy that will be an amazing man and someones amazing husband.

To all the moms suffering. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t look at social media and let that upset you because you see all the smiles with the baby. Remember people show you what they want you to see but the real happens when no one is looking. You got this. It may take you a year, 2 years, or 5 years but you can do this!

Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 08/05/2023

Ask for what you need!

A lesson I am still working on. My fear of asking for what I need is 1. I never want to come across as needy. 2. I feel weak and vulnerable 3. Rejection 4. I don’t want the person to feel obligated 5. I don’t want to feel in debt to someone.

I let go of those fears when I asked .whitney_1 to come to my show. Asking for what you need takes a lot of courage because you are putting yourself out there in a vulnerable situation. If you never ask how is the person suppose to know though.

She made her schedule work just to come to Florida and support me!

Your worst enemy could be living between your own two ears! Asking for what you need is not selfish. Accept that we all have needs. You can hope the person says “yes” but always give them the option of saying “no”



Today is the start of Lupus Awareness Month.

In the past I felt i had to be all or nothing when it came to being defined by this disease. Since being in remission I felt I couldn’t/shouldn’t really speak on it anymore. I didn’t want to come across as cocky that I was in remission when others still suffer.

This wise man that God put in my life reminded me it didn’t need to be that way. I could show people that you don’t have to let a disease define you and just because you overcome something doesn’t mean it didn’t help shape you into who you are today.

The struggle I had with Lupus has made me that much stronger. I often didn’t want people to feel sorry for me or have that as an excuse for why I didn’t do or accomplish certain things. So I never truly acknowledged that I was going through something. In reality it was an obstacle I had overcome. When the deck was stacked against me I still persevered.

This is a reminder that you can do anything you put your mind to. I am a Lupus survivor, a mom, and a professional IFBB bikini athlete. If you would have told me 10years ago this would have been my life I would have laughed. I thought I was dying but here I stand!


Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 30/04/2023

where do I start…

Girl… Girl… come on now!! I literally almost cried at the finish product. The vibe, the energy, and then the look was the icing on the cake.

As a competitor she knows the pressure we put on ourselves and the atmosphere was just so chill and fun. When you come to her she is not going to let you go up there half ass when it comes to glam!

I showed her my suit and she got to work! I am honored I got to experience her magical hands. Literally just want to follow her to every show 😂

I am so thankful for you! Even when I had a mini freak out you just had such a peaceful vibe that I couldn’t help but snap out of it.

You are one in a million in every aspect and I appreciate you 💜


Still on an emotional roller coaster but wanted to give a little update!

I competed in Grl Pwr in 2021 as my return to the stage. I went into off season as I knew I needed to build more, work on my confidence, and mental well being.

Well here we are after time off I returned back to with the goal of beating my last look. I went from last call out in 2021 to first call outs 😭😭

I ended up in 10th place! I am so PROUD. I could not have done this without my family, , , and . There are so many other to thank and I will be making another post but this picture doesn’t even need words!

you killed this look! I literally almost ruined it right when I saw myself! This is it 🌟🌟🌟

thank you for such an amazing event and goodie bag! I will return every chance I get 💜


In honor of my show being in 2 weeks (April 29th) I will be offering 2 weeks of my nutrition services for $29. You will have a meal plan customize to you and your goals. The best part you don’t have to give up foods you love. I will teach you how to have a balanced relationship with food. This will be limited to 10 people. These 10 will have the option to continue with my services at a monthly rate. Serious inquiries only email me at [email protected]


This week I was reminded that I have a bright light that shines within me 🌟

In the past I have been in places, situations, and around people who I have had to dim my light for. This caused me to doubt myself and the power I possess.

I used to feel the need to explain myself or actions to people and I allowed their opinions of me or what I wanted to do hold power

I am finally stepping into my power! I am able to see myself worth and believe in myself. I am more confident and comfortable being me.

As mama and papa 🐻 say if someone doesn’t see how amazing I am they just simply have their eyes closed 🙈 but what I will not do again is dim my light to makes others comfortable!



All I desire is on its way to me but like a seed, dreams too, must be watered. My belief and determination is what makes them grow. I will be patient throughout this journey, it is all unfolding at the perfect time!

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]
Dump truck

Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 31/01/2023

What will you do to get the results you want? May 2022 first decided to work with till a few weeks ago.

After checking in with mama 🐻 we knew I would need someone to be more hands on and help with mind muscle connection. I booked my first session with Shane and I think we are making things happen 🤩

Dump Truck Daddy (trainer)

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 17/12/2022

When people say check on your strong friends how many of you truly do it? Not just asking how they are and leaving it at fine but trusting you gut instinct. Looking at the signs and seeing something is not right. Noticing that behavior change. Postpartum depression is nothing I wish anyone to experience but I was/am blessed to have . As annoying as I thought she was at the time lol she noticed all those things in me. She made sure I was not alone.

I remember being asked in therapy have I had thoughts of hurting myself and I responded “no but I understand why people get to that point” my answer may have been different if it wasn’t for her.

You can know you are loved and have an amazing life but that does not stop you from going into a dark place. You are not you and as much as you may know there is a light at the end you don’t see it.

I am very thankful for being that light. So instead of taking I’m fine as how someone is doing make them describe how they are feeling. I am stressed, overwhelmed, feeling helpless, ect without judgement or feeling you need to fix them.


Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live your best life. Plan to outdo your past!

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


Reasons you are not reaching your goals:

You are not hitting your macros 🍐🍠🥦

You are not getting enough sleep 💤

You are making cardio 🏃🏽‍♀️a priority vs lifting weights 🏋️

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 05/12/2022

My dad did it so why not join the fun😂


To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can’t just accept the ones you like

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


When it comes to a fat/weight loss journey people tend to go into it with the best intentions but make it a lot more difficult than it has to be.

The 🥇 rule when it comes to fat/weight loss is you must be in a caloric deficit. You can be eating all the healthiest foods 🥗🥑🍎 but if you eat more than you are burning the body fat will not move. The most important thing is to find a lifestyle (i hate saying diet) that works for you. Paleo, low carb, low fat ect will all work if you can be consistent with it. If you hate what you are eating you will not ❌ adhere to it. Find ways to incorporate food you love so you do not feel deprived 🍫🌮🍕.

🥈 Cardio does nothing to build or maintain muscle! When it comes to fat loss you want to keep as much muscle 💪🏽as possible and that can only be done by hitting the weights🏋🏽‍♀️. Also do not stay sedentary outside of the gym. Go for a walk, stand instead of sit, do mobility work, ect. All these extra activities can go a long way in burning extra calories.

🥉Be patient! Results do not come overnight. Stay consistent, trust the process and results are sure to come! Consistency always trumps perfection. Have other ways of tracking your progress other than the scale i.e photos!

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .



2020 ⏩️⏩️ 2022

Not only has he grown and continue to photobomb my checkin photos but I have grown as well!

What is the best thing about people doubting your potential? The pleasure of proving them wrong.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


The best project you will ever work on in this lifetime, is YOURSELF. Nothing and no one can fill your shoes. No one can fulfill those dreams you have. No one can prevent you, or push you enough into doing something you know you need to do, or are meant to do, unless YOU finally decide to do it.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


When we conquer our fears, we discover a boundless, bottomless, inexhaustible well of passion.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day. Keep that in mind. That goal you want to accomplish. That dream you wish to come true. Getting that win. As long as you keep moving forward, and not giving up, you get closer and closer to it. So KEEP GOING. You'll get there. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


Don’t bring up what I did… Bring up what I’m doing now!

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .


He got ninety-nine problems and the biggest one is me

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]

Photos from Shey Webb IFBB PRO's post 29/08/2022

Find you a trainer you don’t like 95% of the time that means they are doing their job right 😂

Same weight but coming through with the body comp! This would be the 5% I like you.

Getting to this place especially in improvement season has not been easy. After stepping off stage 2021 after 1 show I had a conversation with mama 🐻 and realized I couldn’t just keep running in circles I needed to get uncomfortable if I really want to reach my goals.


Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .


You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]


Instagram VS Reality

"There will be many times you will feel like you have failed. But in the eyes, heart and mind of your child, you are supermom."

- Stephanie Precourt


I been living life cuz you don't ever get a night back!


There is no shortcut to a great achievement. There is no substitute for doing the work. Meditate on this every day: “I will do the work.” As Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work.” You must run to be a runner. You must write to be a writer. You must actively work on a business venture to learn how to run a successful business. Make no mistake that it takes diligent effort to build something worthwhile

I have been working hard to put on size in all the right places. I am starting to be more balanced top to bottom. I have been focused on the feedback I received last year. I took everything step by step. Once I knew I could reverse correctly by being in a good mental space I focused on training. Then I reached out to Shane OConnor] to really push. Now the only piece missing is posing so I am ready to get back to it.

Interested in 1-1 Online Coaching (competition prep, lifestyle & transformation)? Fill out a 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀] new client app online. Link is in my bio. Make sure to mention me (SheyFBF) for a free consultation. .

Team: 🌀 FitBody Fusion 🌀]
💪🏽: Shane OConnor]

Videos (show all)

I don’t always wear bikinis and workout! ABC’s with my twin 🤍❤️🤍#boymom #momlife #love #babyboy #asl #signlanguage #lett...