Frostbite Cruisers Videos

Videos by Frostbite Cruisers. Were all about the car scene in Northern Ireland :) Send your photos in! :) Instagram @FrostbiteCruisers #FrostbiteCruisers

No smoke no poke they say 🤣 🚗💨💨 ~James ~

Other Frostbite Cruisers videos

No smoke no poke they say 🤣 🚗💨💨 ~James ~

King of the cone day 2 ~Deo~

King of the cone day 1

Kotc final live now

Donegal rally 2018 practise ~robert

Donegal rally - king of the cone day 1 ~Deo~

Nothing beats a bit of wrecking 😍😈

Location X



Highlight of Easter Sunday. Location X 😈😍

Send us in any pictures/ videos of your cars we will get them posted up

Dunganon Modified Mayhem 2017 Skyline

King of the cone 2017

Kotc 2017 letterkenny

Kotc 2017

King of the cone 2017 letterkennny

King of the cone 2017

Diffing at location x after easter sunday cruise