

An Erasmus+ project that will introduce 3D Garment Design in the VET training in Jordan and Palestine


Check this out 😃


One month after the participation of seven from and in the training programme of the , find out how the themes explored during the will impact on their activities.

Watch the podcast where some of the participants share their thoughts about the programme. LINK in BIO 📽️

3D Gart Project - Advanced Training in Portugal 25/04/2024

One month after the participation of seven teachers from Jordan and Palestine in the training programme of the Erasmus+ 3DGarT project, find out how the themes explored during the training will impact on their activities.

Watch the podcast where some of the participants share their thoughts about the programme.

3D Gart Project - Advanced Training in Portugal

Photos from 3DGarT's post 24/04/2024

3DGarT Training Program
from and in Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal
Day 5. 1/3/2024
Visit Departments and get an explanation for fabric manufacturing technology ,
experimenting with 3D textile printing and recording a podcast

Photos from 3DGarT's post 24/04/2024

3DGarT Training Program
from and in Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal
Day 4 29/2/2024
The use of digital assets in visual communication, integration of 3D assets in creating a virtual showroom, experimenting with mockshop in creating a virtual fashion store and a Participation from têxteis S.A as an example of success in 3D modeling

Photos from 3DGarT's post 24/04/2024

3DGarT Training Program
from and in Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal
Day 3 28/2/2024
Sync with 2D digital design solutions and multiple colourways with already built-in fabric samples for customised clothing

Photos from 3DGarT's post 24/04/2024

3DGarT Training Program
from and in Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal
Day 2 27/2/2024
Digital materials pros and cons, challenge, connection with sustainability goals , disciplines in 3D virtual ,pros for pre validated 3D blocks and endless experimentation for creators

Photos from 3DGarT's post 24/04/2024

3DGarT Training Program
from and in Vila Nova de Famalicão , Portugal
Day 1 26/2/2024
Visit to CITEVE facilities, Importance of the digitalisation of materials for a successful 3D asset and physical properties in 3D tools

Photos from 3DGarT's post 04/03/2024

Last but not least, the 5th day of the training programme, was marked by experimentation with 3D textile printing and the recording of a podcast.

It was a day full of sharing knowledge and emotions. A very rich and rewarding experience.
Hosted at

Photos from 3DGarT's post 04/03/2024

Last but not least, the 5th day of the 3DGarT project's training programme, was marked by experimentation with 3D textile printing and the recording of a podcast.

It was a day full of sharing knowledge and emotions. A very rich and rewarding experience.
Hosted at CITEVE - Centro Tecnológico Têxtil e Vestuário

Photos from 3DGarT's post 28/02/2024

CITEVE holds under the 3DGarT project

5 days of training | 35 hours of knowledge, sharing and experiences

From February 26 to March 1, 7 from and are taking part in the training programme of the 3d Gart , which aims to modernise the training offer in the sector in these countries by incorporating the principles of clothing design into initial curricula and improving the knowledge of current in departments

Photos from 3DGarT's post 22/02/2024

3DGarT Project makes presence at the 63rd edition of Modtissimo, the oldest fair in the Iberian Peninsula and the only one in dedicated to the Portuguese and Industry.


Digital Product Creation Report 2023

Photos from 3DGarT's post 16/01/2024

We are happy to share with you 3DGarT’s 2nd newsletter! Enjoy 😊


Despite the unfavorable situation in 3DGarT project activities go on as planned…

As we have cancelled our last transnational meeting in , we have met online last Friday to discuss the state of activities

Training contents for the have been finalised and training sessions are supposed to be held in and this winter

Creative Thinking Development Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Palestine Technical College Jordan University of Science and Technology JUST Al-Balqa` Applied University
Academia Citeve CIAPE - Italian Permanent Learning Centre International Hellenic University


Creative Thinking Development Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Palestine Technical College - Dier Elbalah Al-Balqa' Applied UniversityJordan University of Science and Technology JUSTAcademia Citeve International Hellenic University/Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος

Questo post si intitola .

è un progetto partito a Gennaio 2023 che ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di innovativi laboratori di con corsi in 3D Garment Design in Giordania e .

Qualche settimana fa era previsto un meeting tra tutti i partner, in Giordania.

Il meeting, ovviamente, non c'è stato.

Non siamo riusciti neanche a sentire i partner Palestinesi su Skype, non avevano connessione e sono rimasti isolati per giorni.

Stanno tutti bene per fortuna.

Non è semplice parlare di progetti, di e di in un momento così delicato. Non è semplice, non è "comodo" ma è indispensabile farlo.

I nostri partner stanno continuando a lavorare al progetto, con dedizione, con coraggio, con resilienza, appunto.

Avevamo immaginato una condivisione diversa per questo progetto, molto più scenografica dato il tema trattato. Per il momento, però, preferiamo condividere un racconto più discreto, in attesa di tempi migliori.

Grazie a tutti i partner di per l'impegno, il coraggio e la resilienza. Nonostante tutto.
Creative Thinking Development
Désirée Scalia
International Hellenic University/Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος
CITEVE - Centro Tecnológico Têxtil e Vestuário
Jordan University of Science and Technology JUST
كلية فلسطين التقنية - دير البلح

جامعة فلسطين التقنية - خضوري

جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية - Al-Balqa Applied University

This post is titled Resilience.

3DGart is a project celebrated in January 2023 which aims to create innovative design laboratories with 3D Garment Design courses in Jordan and Palestine.

A meeting between all the partners was scheduled a few weeks ago in Jordan.

The meeting, obviously, did not take place.
We couldn't even hear the Palestinian partners on Skype, they had no connection and were isolated for days.

Luckily they are all well.

It's not easy to talk about projects, the future and innovation in such a delicate moment. It's not easy, it's not "comfortable" but it's essential to do it.

Our partners are continuing to work on the project, with dedication, with courage, with resilience, in fact.

we imagined a different sharing for this project, much more spectacular given the theme covered. For the moment, however, we prefer to share a more discreet story, waiting for better times.

Thank you to all the partners for your commitment, courage and resilience. Despite it all.

Home 24/07/2023

👉Work has already begun to define and plan the contents of the modules that will be part of the training programme aimed at future trainers of 3D Garment Design, from Jordan and Palestine. This training materials will be assured by CITEVE (Portugal), IHU (Greece) and CIAPE (Italy).
🔜✍️👗👕👖6 training modules will be developed:
➡️MODULE 1: 3D Digital prototype
➡️MODULE 2: 3D Fashion Design
➡️MODULE 3: Digital showroom and visual merchandising
➡️MODULE 4: Digital avatars and virtual influencers
➡️MODULE 5: Rapid prototyping
➡️MODULE 6: Digital Materials


Transition pathway for the textiles ecosystem. 11/07/2023

🆕The Textiles Ecosystem Transition Pathway was published on 6 June 2023.
The policy report includes specific actions to support the twin transitions.
Key aspects of the transition:
1️⃣ Sustainable competitiveness 2️⃣ Regulation and public governance 3️⃣ Social dimension 4️⃣ Research & Innovation, techniques, and technological solutions 5️⃣ Infrastruture 6️⃣ Skills 7️⃣ Investiments and funding 8️⃣ Ecosystem's readiness to support EU strategic autonomy and defence efforts.

Transition pathway for the textiles ecosystem. On 10 March 2020, the European Commission adopted a ‘New Industrial Strategy for Europe’ (hereafter ‘Industrial Strategy’) to help the European industry lead the way on the green and digital transformation and to boost the EU's global competitiveness and open strategic autonomy. In light...

Photos from 3DGarT's post 03/07/2023

We are happy to share with you 3DGarT 1st newsletter! Enjoy ☺️
The newsletter is also available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rO4-mBWLQalYstw_2VIFSJ4YSQIfmROw/view?usp=sharing


Last but not least ....

The Palestine Technical College is a in Deir El-Balah, Strip, .

The college offers bachelor degree programs and 2-year associate degrees in at the post-secondary level, as well as programmers for different target groups through continuing education.

PTC was established in 1993. Currently there are more than 1800 enrolled in the college in 20 programs and 8 B.Sc. programs.

كلية فلسطين التقنية - دير البلح


Let's move to

Palestine Technical University “Kadoorie” looks forward to becoming a leading state ‎ and a for scientific

PTUK also seeks to serve the by ‎becoming a catalyst for the socio-economic of

It aims to provides high quality and programs that prepare ‎competent graduates.

The university has diverse and committed who teach and conduct ‎ which addresses relevant local and regional and contributes to the ‎advancement of by actively addressing the and of ‎

جامعة فلسطين التقنية - خضوري


Al- Balqa' Applied University (BAU) was founded in 1997.

BAU is a leading institution in qualifying in both and and endorsing scientific for local communities socioeconomic

It provides the with distinguished highly qualified graduates fulfilling the demands of the Jordan Market with and

جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية - Al-Balqa Applied University


Jordan University of Science and Technology is a comprehensive, state-supported located in

JUST was established in 1986 and is considered today as one of the region's leading in and

The provides a wide range of advanced programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Jordan University of Science and Technology JUST


The International Hellenic University is the last but not least to be presented.

IHU is ’s first public where are taught exclusively in English.

The IHU comprises nine 9 , 32 and has its campuses in 8 greek

International Hellenic University


CITEVE is another involved in this capacity building
It is a for the and
It aims at providing support and to T&C

CITEVE - Centro Tecnológico Têxtil e Vestuário Academia Citeve


CIAPE is one of the partners.
It is an promoting in an innovative and inclusive way, with a sound expertise in designing and carrying out activities 👨‍🏫 aimed at developing and validating

CIAPE - Italian Permanent Learning Centre


CRE.THI.DEV is the applicant of 3DGarT project.

It is a not for profit organisation specialized in training and consultancy services addressed to the manifacturing sector.

It also has among its staff people expert on quality measures.

Discover more on their profile

Creative Thinking Development

Photos from 3DGarT's post 28/05/2023

International Hellenic University (IHU), partner of 3DGarT project, co-organized a Workshop with National Technical University of Athens called "Art-istic OR Art-ificial?: Artificial Intelligence in Human Creativity”
below are the results of students' work from both Universities

Videos (show all)

Innolea Online Meeting4th Sep
6th MM, online.
