Burpees and Burpcloths- Tricia D.

Burpees and Burpcloths- Tricia D.

Hey! I'm Tricia! Health & fitness lover, physical therapist & wellness coach. I'm a mom on a mission to inspire others to love themselves, inside and out!



You know how we are told that babies have “leaps” or milestones through their first year of life? I strongly believe that we as postpartum women have them too.

There is SO much physical and mental growth, and transformation within that first year! Obviously it’s variable between us all, but in general:

0-12 weeks: Survival. Enough said. ☠️

12 weeks: you’re coming out of that haze a bit, (hopefully 🤞🏼) getting a little more sleep, getting more accustomed and in more of a rhythm in your daily life.

6 months: this was a big one each time for me. When I started to really start to feel a big piece of ME coming back, on all fronts. Mentally less of a zombie, physically stronger and more connected. 💪🏼

1 year (plus): YESSS 🙌🏼 the one year mark, and the cessation of breastfeeding (if applicable) such a major turning points for many women. Hormones are generally more regulated and balanced, sleep is hopefully way more consistent, you feel more confident in your skills in keeping humans alive… the holy grail of a sweet spot.

So if you’re reading this at just a few weeks or months out from labor and delivery and you’re discouraged that you don’t feel more progress… HANG IN THERE.

It’s NOT a race, no one wins a prize for the quickest “bounce back”, that’s a bogus, ridiculous statement anyway 😜

One day at a time, you’ve got this 🫶🏼

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 08/01/2024

The postpartum visit (or visits!) … what was YOUR experience?

We talked about this a great deal in my stories over the weekend. And heard a lot of really upsetting stories and experiences regarding your postpartum visits:

-feeling like you weren’t being heard regarding your concerns.
-being rushed
-not being taken seriously
-being told “welcome to motherhood, there’s nothing you can do about xyz”

While there is absolutely NO excuse for being treated any less than human at your postpartum visits. The whole system is just so far from perfect. And most of the time it’s not the doctor’s fault at all when it comes to the time they have to give (it is their fault if they’re being a Class A jerk off though).

I really and truly hope that these guidelines from the ACOG become common practice, and that we see better care for pregnant and postpartum women in our very near future.

Some of you do now (I also have had really great experiences myself with my own OBGYN, and I’m forever grateful for that!)

Let’s keep the conversation alive, ladies. 🫶🏼🫶🏼


To any “geriatrics” 😉 out there, wanting another baby, but at the same time scared that age is a factor. Please, don’t let a number hold you back. 🙏🏼

I remember one Christmas morning specifically, before I had my third baby, just feeling like someone was missing. Like we weren’t complete as a family.

I remember my OBGYN telling me at the time (I was 36 and told him we wanted to go for one more) that I was healthier than most 20 year olds, I wanted another? GO FOR IT.

My third pregnancy was the most seamless, strongest pregnancy I had. Labor and delivery the sp*ediest, recovery THE easiest.

Don’t let age hold you back.

If you had that same “someone is missing here” feeling this past holiday season? Your health is in good shape and you’ve got the medical stamp of approval? Age is THE only thing holding you back?

You freaking GO for it ❤️❤️


Amazing how much can change in one year.

I’m one of those obnoxious people that actually really enjoys being pregnant, postpartum? Not so much.

I always felt so confident and badass in my body while growing a human, but that first year postpartum is hard, humbling, and exhausting. Worth it, 100% worth it, SO much strength is gained (mentally more than anything!) and you learn so much about yourself. But it’s not easy.

Really thankful that I can share my own experiences and pay it forward with my expertise in prenatal and postpartum exercise with YOU all. New moms have enough on their plate as is, being able to guide you through this pregnancy and recovery/building back postpartum is a massive passion of mine.

Opening up spots for new clients NOW 🙌🏼.

Link in bio to learn more 🫶🏼


Happy New Year 💫

May 2024 bring you health, happiness, peace, prosperity, and little to no bu****it 😜



Here she is…My word for 2024…


Shoutout to my mom for giving me this beautiful bracelet for Christmas, with even more beautiful words to go with it ❤️❤️

2024…let’s go. 🤘🏼

What’s your word for the year? 👇🏼👇🏼


Merry Christmas from my nuthouse to yours!!! 🫶🏼😉🎄


Merry Christmas Eve to all of you ❤️❤️

Thankful to have you guys around this crazy side of the internet ☺️🫶🏼

Soccer field run with the sunrise. It’s going to be a good day ❤️

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 23/12/2023

Happy EIGHTH birthday to my first born baby 🥹🥹

You are so kind, smart, strong, handsome and good at so many sports ⚽️ 🏀!

I am SO proud of you and I am even prouder to call myself your mom.

I love you Brayden Mac!!❤️❤️❤️


It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes…we get dressed up 😉🎄 🎁


Don’t blink 🥹😳😳

5 years ago (to the day) on the left! Today on the right…My oldest baby will be 8 in a few weeks and I can’t even believe it.

this time next year, I think he might be the one lifting me 😂😂


Day 2: Parenting edition 🤌🏼

OK it’s all fine and dandy to say “Get up early, get up before your kids do!” When it comes to working out and consistency in your fitness routine.

Enter parenting and it’s not always that simple.

You’re up at the ass crack of dawn plunging children toilets (me yesterday 👋🏼)you’re changing diapers, you have to get up constantly to fix a blanket that’s fallen off the bed, find a random stuffed animal at 2 AM or feed your baby round the clock.

All of this provides the ultimate challenge to just “get ‘er done”

So- make it work WITH your kids.

And you have to approach this with the idea that this is not going to be perfect, it might be, and then it’s a really fantastic day, but you don’t want to set yourself up with false expectations and have s**t fly out the window and leave you a pi**ed off mess. Been there. It’s not pretty.

Go after it with FUN (see yesterday for the) as your main objective and they will have fun too.

Good habits instilled ✔️
Quality time with your family 🥰
Lots of laughs on the best of days ❤️

4 miles with Brynnlee in the stroller and Brayden on the bike (his longest ride yet!)

This is the stuff that makes me LOVE motherhood SO much. ❤️❤️

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 25/11/2023

I’ve run races while pregnant with each of my 3 kids, but this was my first while pushing one of them in a stroller…and I hope it’s not the last ❤️

Race spectator are fantastic, but having your own private cheerleader the whole way is pretty much the best 🙌🏼

I hope you guys have a great weekend!!


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!

From my turkeys to yours 😜 🦃


6 weeks postpartum… that magical timestamp when a light switch goes off, you’re back to “normal”…right?

I remember getting that green light at my 6 week postpartum checkup after having my first kiddo. I had done NOTHING aside from walks for those 6 weeks.

I was weak.
I was struggling adjusting to life with a newborn baby who cried nonstop.

So I get that green light and immediately go for a run, stopping midway into a 3 mile run to p*e behind a bush.

My mind was ready.
My body was not.

Our medical providers that guide us through pregnancy and delivery are amazing. But (most) are not specialists in returning to sport postpartum. It’s ok, it’s not their main concern.

This is where you need to seek advice from those of us who understand how to SAFELY progress exercise and get you back to doing what you love, without issues or complications.

It takes patience, it takes work, but it will pay off.

Let’s hear about your 6 week postpartum experiences, how did it go for you?


Because no other photo has ever been such an accurate representation of the absolute circus that is our family 🫶🏼

nails it. Every single time 🙌🏼

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 16/10/2023

SO much information out there, right? And even more conflicting opinions on the topic when it comes to rehabilitation and what exercises are considered "safe or unsafe". It’s enough to drive us nuts 🤪

Why? Because our education on diastasis recti is constantly evolving, as more research becomes available.

‼️If you're seeing something out there that is instilling fear around DR, or calling exercises "good or bad"..it's likely not going to be helpful.

‼️Every body is different and every postpartum recovery is different, where you are in your postpartum journey (10 weeks vs 10 years) will have an impact on what you need. This means that every rehab program should vary and be more specific to YOU, the individual person, NOT the diagnosis (as it should be with ANY diagnosis).

❔❔❔What types of things have you heard about diastasis recti?

*Learn more about working with me, and see if my personalized prenatal and postpartum exercise programs would be a good fit for you by filling out the questionnaire linked in my bio.


In the fall of last year, I registered for the , with high hopes of setting a PR and breaking 3:10.

fast-forward through a vestibular, hypofunction diagnosis, 8 months of consistent vestibular PT with multiple PT’s and then a runner’s dystonia diagnosis by a neurologist in July….That dream has been postponed.

Today is the Chicago marathon, and I have SO many emotions.

While I would love to be crossing that finish line with everyone else out there today, I would MOSTLY really just love to be able to run around and play outside with my kids without having to think about every step that I’m taking.

Today I ran 13.33 miles on the soccer fields that have become my escape and comfort with running, as I’m able to do it…slowly.

while I still have so many unanswered questions regarding my official diagnosis after more recent testing, challenging everything else I’ve been told over the past year plus, I still have a lot of unknowns, and to be honest? sometimes it’s really, really hard to stay positive. I can put on a happy face for everyone pretty easily. But it’s not 100% my reality these days.

So, I share this as a reminder to myself and anyone else who is struggling with anything in life right now.

We have got to keep moving forward, we’ve got to keep our heads up, and have faith in knowing that our struggles happen for a reason (even when it’s so hard to see it while we are in it).

We will come out, stronger, WAY, stronger, on the other side. Whatever side that may be.

We’ve got this , you and me both ❤️


3 years ago ❤️

Hard to believe my youngest will be THREE next month 🥺🥺

I listened to ‘s podcast episode on her pregnancy announcement and WOW, I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who is pregnant.

She touches on so many great topics:

-Mental health and pregnancy
-Pregnancy and exercise
-Placenta previa
-Body comments
-the ups and downs and in betweens

It’s REAL, RAW and filled with so many “YES!” Moments.

Thank you Holley for sharing all that you do. I think this episode will help a lot of people! (I will link in stories now!)

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 11/08/2023

Last full day of vacation and last beach run.

10 sunrise miles ❤️

Really hoping all of the beach runs can translate into road runs next week 🙏🏼 But if not, I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to run as much as I have this week ❤️


Old post, same message:

Who you are, what you love, your dreams, your passions, your goals…. They don’t suddenly disappear the moment you have kids.

Things change (ABSOLUTELY) when you become a parent, but it’s not a death sentence to your body or your life.

It’s not selfish to have something you do for YOU.
Actually? It’s imperative that you do something for YOU too. It sets a good example to your kids too.

Keep going, keep dreaming, keep DOING 💪🏼🤘🏼
You’ve got this ❤️


5.2 miles ❤️

It’s been just over 3 weeks since I was diagnosed with and 3 weeks since starting a trial of an anticholinergic medication to see if it would help my symptoms.

My doctor has me on a really slow build on this drug to help minimize side effects but I’ve definitely noticed improvement in walking AND running on pavement today🥹

While I had to take walk breaks to cross roads and it was so much slower than my “norm” , I felt so much better than I did a few weeks ago before starting the med.

This diagnosis has really been a test of checking my ego at the door. I have to remember that a mile is a mile no matter what the pace is, and I really just have to take things one day at a time.

I’m so hopeful that things will continue to click and improve and I’ll continue to find my new groove, holding out hope that one day I’ll be even stronger because of this big old hurdle- ❤️


I wish I could show you this picture and say "I'm better!". It's easier to share the good stuff. It's painless. It’s also not real…

Over the past several years, I've been struggling. I've had more doctor's appointments than I can count.

This loss of coordination, mostly with running, which has trickled over into my walking from time to time as well, has come and gone since 2019. I’ve felt as if I was going to fall mostly on downhills or when trying to run my usual paces. I drift off to the left side of the road, sharp turns to the right would make me throw my hands out to catch my balance. I have this MASSIVE disconnect between my brain and my body. I can run with a stroller, I can do A LOT, but running solo became an impossible task.

All of my symptoms were explained away with vertigo this hear , while I KNEW it was something more, I didn't want to believe it. The only diagnosis that made sense went back to my google search in 2019: Runner's Dystonia, I just could not bring myself to accept it.

I ran every day on the beach 3 weeks ago. I ran on sand, I ran on beach trails. It was then that I KNEW. I came home, joined an online dystonia support group and made an appointment with a neurologist. By some miracle I was able to get in on July 3rd.

I was diagnosed with Runner's dystonia (otherwise known as focal dystonia), as well as anxiety/depression.

This is a rare neurological movement disorder. There is no cure, they don't know why the brain decides to forget how to do what you love to do the most. I'm learning all that I can and participating in a research study on Dystonia to hopefully help others in the future.

I want to make it clear that it is NOT lost on me that people have it way worse. I am thankful that I can still do what I can. But I would be lying if I said that this hasn't been a really difficult thing for me to swallow. Running has been a massive part of my life for a very long time. It has helped me through many tough moments in life. It's way more than "just a hobby". I want to be able to run with my kids, I have goals and dreams that I'm not ready to give up on.I am determined to figure this thing out.

The journey begins now

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 07/06/2023

Happy 🏃🏼‍♀️

While my running has looked a whole lot different this past year, I’m grateful for what I’ve still been able to do ❤️ - thank YOU guys for making it possible for me to run as I work on beating this vestibular issue. I quite literally could not do it without you. (Or my trusty running sidekicks here ❤️❤️)


7 + hills + VA humidity =

the ultimate poor man’s altitude training 🤘🏼

Still trying to figure out my crazy vertigo situation, 8 months after it all began this go around (third time in 4 years but by far the most challenging of them all)

After months of vestibular PT with 2 different PT’s, I am tackling this from a different route with and keeping my hopes UP that I can start seeing some changes 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

If you’re struggling with injury, health or life in general. Know that you are NOT alone. Keep pushing HARD for answers. ❤️


This past year has been pretty special with this one. 🥰

4 days/week it was just the two of us for several hours a day. I never got that when she was born ( 😜) and I loved every minute.

With three young kids it’s really hard to get one on one time with each of them, something I struggle with at times. (Hello mom guilt) so I’ll take what I can get ❤️

I Love you -My brown eyed girl ❤️

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 27/05/2023

Shoutout to all of the parents just doing the best they can and grinding it out when things get tough ❤️

For some unknown, ungodly reason, my youngest was up every hour on the hour last night. (This hasn’t happened since the newborn days)

What seemed like the lesser of two evils in the middle of the night, was bringing her into bed with us-
which in reality was like a jujitsu match with Joel and I on the losing end 🤪

I historically perform massively better than Joel with sleep deprivation, so when Kaelyn was up at 6, I asked her if she wanted to go for a run, and off we went.

- I was happily on the bench for a while 😂but today I’m back in it. Cheers to everyone else in the ring with me today. May the coffee and nap gods be with you ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

8.5 for us
2.5 for Cat5 🌀


Behold the power of a Saturday morning run 🌞

In my opinion there’s just nothing else like it.

Damn that felt GOOD. ❤️

Happy weekend everyone, here’s your reminder to go do something that makes YOU HAPPY.

Photos from Burp*es and Burpcloths- Tricia D.'s post 14/05/2023

Shoutout to these little people for making it possible for me to celebrate this day as a mother ❤️

Brayden, Brynnlee & Kaelyn, I love you SO much 😘


2004…my first Boston marathon💙💛

I ran my very first marathon in February 2004- Miami . I was a junior in college in southern Florida and had trained for Miami following a free plan I found in a Runner’s World magazine.

I had no clue what I was doing, took the very first gel of my life around mile 20 of that race and let’s just say ignorance is bliss. Everyone screaming “you just qualified for Boston!” As I crossed that finish line in 3:33. So I did what anyone else in my shoes would have done and turned around registering for Boston just 2 months later.

I grew up in Massachusetts and my dad grew up ON Heartbreak Hill. This race holds such a special place in my heart.

2004 Boston was a HOT day, even training in Miami couldn’t save me from this death march of a picture on Boylston, crossing the Boston finish line at 86 degrees moments later, at 3:39. I was so sick from the heat that to this day I cannot stomach lemon lime Gatorade like they had on the course that day 😂

I went on to qualify and run Boston two more times and I cannot wait to get back there again one day. Hopefully one day very soon

GREAT job to everyone who ran today, so motivated and inspired by all of you.

Boston- I’m coming back for you . Mark my words 💙💛

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