NENH Creative

NENH Creative

A good business starts with a great logo. NENH Creative is a small design studio based in New Hamp Hi there. My name's Joe. Your brand needs a face.

And I'm the owner and lead designer at NENH Creative - a small design studio based in New Hampshire, specializing in logo development. In 2012, NENH Creative was founded as a means to assist small businesses navigate the highly expensive and complicated world of logo and brand ex*****on. To date, NENH Creative has serviced big and small organizations from every industry, promising the same thing:

Maximizing Minimalization

NENH Creative is a one-man, graphic design shop primarily focusing on clean, simplistic, and unique logo design and development.

Your brand needs a face. A personality that shouts from the rooftops who you are and what you do. It’s memorable, and above all else, personal. Throughout our collaboration, I'll learn about your business, research the industry and competition, and sketch truly unique concepts.

This process begins with a complete understanding of you, your company, and its branding. Working together, we determine the fonts, colors, and graphical elements that not only represent you, but are remain cohesive in the overall design.

I'm an ad guy with marketing knowledge and a designer with a vision for perfection.