Arkansas Neighbors

Arkansas Neighbors

We at Arkansas Neighbors want to be a network of community groups who recruit good people to run for

Colorado GOP Unveils 'Caucus' Loophole After State Supremes Boot Trump From Ballot 20/12/2023

If only Arkansas law granted parties the same flexibility.

Colorado GOP Unveils 'Caucus' Loophole After State Supremes Boot Trump From Ballot ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Republican Legislators Today More Big Government than Democrats Just Seventeen Years Ago? 10/12/2023

Republican Legislators Today More Big Government than Democrats Just Seventeen Years Ago? State Senator Bryan King served in the legislature starting in 2006, left the legislature, but came back years later. He was dismayed to find that his Republican colleagues were more "Big Government"

Council for Inclusive Capitalism: Straight From a Conspiracy Theorist's Version of a Bond Movie 03/12/2023

Council for Inclusive Capitalism: Straight From a Conspiracy Theorist's Version of a Bond Movie The organization, led by a Rothschild, seeks to formalize the replacement of elected leaders with a world in which the largest, most connected corporations m...

Shocking Numbers in Both Parties Say Political Violence OK. Two-Party System Pushing America to War 29/10/2023

Shocking Numbers in Both Parties Say Political Violence OK. Two-Party System Pushing America to War A recent poll has showed that significant numbers of Democrats and Trump Republicans consider political violence to be justified if necessary to stop the oth...

State Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit over legislature's 'emergency clause' votes 15/10/2023

Looks like if the state has wronged you, you must go to federal court. The courts have dusted off a new "the state can do no wrong" standard for state courts. There is support for that standard in the constitution but perhaps that language itself should be change.

State Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit over legislature's 'emergency clause' votes Plaintiffs attorney Ali Noland blasted the decision, saying the various concurring opinions used "various legal gymnastics to get to [the] desired outcome."

Why Arkansas Wants to Build SO MANY New Interstates Around the State 13/10/2023

Why Arkansas Wants to Build SO MANY New Interstates Around the State Arkansas is planning to build a surprising number of new interstate highways around the state. On this video we take a look at some of those potential roadwa...

Arkansas Libertarians Submit Petitions For Ballot-Access - Libertarian Party of Arkansas 12/10/2023

Congratulations to the Libertarian Party of Arkansas for submitting 13,200 signatures for ballot access in 24, and before that winning the lawsuits required to even give them a fair chance to get on the ballot.

Arkansas Libertarians Submit Petitions For Ballot-Access - Libertarian Party of Arkansas This morning, representatives of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas (LPAR) submitted petitions to the Arkansas Secretary of State seeking to become a “new political party” for the 2024 elections.

Elite Control Via Choice Management is Experiencing a System Failure in the Presidential Race 04/10/2023

Elite Control Via Choice Management is Experiencing a System Failure in the Presidential Race Is the illusion being pierced? The potential is there! The elites have always exercised control by managing our choices and telling us we have a real choice. Why that is now breaking down. Link to Ama

Why the Federal Reserve's Plans to put More Pain on Main Street Won't Stop Inflation 23/09/2023

The plan to put all the pain on Main St. for stopping inflation will fail, because we are not causing the inflation,.

Why the Federal Reserve's Plans to put More Pain on Main Street Won't Stop Inflation The Federal Reserve is throwing America to the inflation crocodiles hoping they will eat them last. They have no plan to fix it. Just a plan to ruin you first. Link to Amazon page of book "Journey on

School Choice Expert Gives Update on the LEARNS Act 29/08/2023

Where are we with AR Learns? My guess is 'over budget'

School Choice Expert Gives Update on the LEARNS Act Distinguished Professor of Education Policy at the University of Arkansas and leading school choice expert Dr. Patrick Wolf is back on Conduit News providing...

Closed Primaries on Republican Committee Agenda - Conduit News Arkansas 29/08/2023

Fine with me, just pay for them yourselves. Pick candidates by caucus again, whatever. But It is wrong for the Republican Party of Arkansas to be welfare bums using taxpayer money to fund a primary election that no one but Republicans can vote in. If the public pays for it, then the public should be able to participate in it. Basic morality. But I think they want the public to pay for a closed party event all the while, keeping the filing fees for themselves. End welfare for the two establishment parties!

Closed Primaries on Republican Committee Agenda - Conduit News Arkansas By Conduit For Action The State Committee of the Republican Party of Arkansas meets on August 19th in North Little Rock. We already mentioned the important resolution calling for candidates for judicial races to be allowed to run as political party candidates. There is another important issue on the...


DISSENT AND PROGRESS Increasingly, dissent is being viewed as a disease, or even a crime, by our failing system and the mobs who have faith in it. But the truth is that rational dissent has always been at the heart of hum


"“If the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history,” wrote US District Judge Terry A. Doughty. “The plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits in establishing that the government has used its power to silence the opposition.”"

Judge bans members of Biden Admin from contacting social media companies while trial continues. On the 4th of July!

Do Blue States Really Subsidize Red States? 09/06/2023

Do Blue States Really Subsidize Red States? Do Blue States really subsidize blue states, paying way more taxes than they get back from FEDGOV while the Red States are "welfare queens" paying in less than they get? What might be closer to the tr

Our Debt Clock 03/06/2023

FEDGOV is broke and unsustainable. Each taxpayer share of true federal obligations (debt) is $933,000. The nation is bound to fail and it may be time to think about what should follow it.

Our Debt Clock Our Debt Clock US Published National Debt$The Truth$Each Taxpayer's Share: $933,000U.S. Published National Debt consists of:debt held by the publicintragovernmental holdings, including debt held by Social Security and Medicare trust fundsIt does not include total unfunded Social Security and Medicar...

Republican Legislators Today More Big Government than Democrats Just Seventeen Years Ago? 08/05/2023

Republican Legislators Today More Big Government than Democrats Just Seventeen Years Ago? State Senator Bryan King served in the legislature starting in 2006, left the legislature, but came back years later. He was dismayed to find that his Republ...


WHY I VOTED AGAINST THE VOUCHER BILL ( Arkansas ) State Senator Bryan King voted against a bill that would provide state money to students who were not enrolled in public schools. Here he explains why. Links...

The Best Gun Rights Group in the State (Arkansas) that You've Never Heard of? 27/04/2023

The Best Gun Rights Group in the State (Arkansas) that You've Never Heard of? State Senator Bryan King explains the reasoning behind the Constitutional Carry bill, and sings the praises of a grassroots group that "kept the other organizations in line". Link to book for which th

WHY? 26/04/2023

WHY? Why have the elites who run all of our institutions stopped making sense? Why do corporations do things that it is obvious will offend their customers? Why d...

Senate Floor Session 18/04/2023

See time 10:30:16. Sen. Bryan King points out the absurdity of state legislatures calling for an Article V Convention to reign in federal spending- they are amongst the biggest spenders! Sen. Stubblefield does not seem to grasp that just because the state has a balanced budget amendment they are still part of the federal problem because Arkansas "balances its budget" by spending billions of Federal dollars that are borrowed!

Senate Floor Session Senate Chamber


The AR legislature just passed an application to Congress to do this, and it is a big mistake

WHY an ARTICLE V CONVENTION is NOT the ANSWER There is a big push for an article five convention to propose amendments for the constitution. It has been proposed as the answer for a wide variety of ills....

Opportunity Arkansas on Twitter 07/04/2023

Opportunity Arkansas on Twitter: "The Arkansas House has voted to suspend transparency rules, diminishing public input and allowing bills to be rammed through in the last few days of the 2023 legislative session." / Twitter

BTW, Senator Bryan King predicted something like this would happen, and he tried to change Senate Rules to limit the number and pacing of bills a legislator could introduce to prevent it. They shrugged him off. Now they want to "batch" bills together and rubber-stamp them without anyone being able to see what is in them. Would you participate in a farce like that?

Opportunity Arkansas on Twitter “The Arkansas House has voted to suspend transparency rules, diminishing public input and allowing bills to be rammed through in the last few days of the 2023 legislative session.”

Kirk Cameron book event interrupted by activists, drag queens: publisher 20/03/2023

In Fayetteville

Kirk Cameron book event interrupted by activists, drag queens: publisher “The small group of protesters, which included some grown men wearing silly makeup, dressed in skirts and heels, pretending to be women, listened to the reading of a kids’ book about God’s vi…

An Arkansas Spaceport? Why It is Such a Bad Idea that even Funding the Study is Ridiculous 14/03/2023

They may vote to fund this boondoggle with SB315 as early as tomorrow 3/14, so feel free to share with your legislator.

An Arkansas Spaceport? Why It is Such a Bad Idea that even Funding the Study is Ridiculous I can save the taxpayers of Arkansas almost one million dollars with this single video. That's what the legislature proposes to spend for a study on the feas...

Tim Jacob - TERM LIMITS and Politician Opposition to Citizen Petitions 13/03/2023

Tim Jacob, formerly of AR Term Limits, takes us through the downright embarrassing history of what the ledge did to undermine real term limits

Tim Jacob - TERM LIMITS and Politician Opposition to Citizen Petitions This one is rough because I could not get it in frames without losing the sound, but the content is so good that I decided to load it raw. Tim Jacob, formerl...

Why Federal Reserve Policy Won't Stop Inflation but Will Crush Main Street America 07/03/2023

Why Federal Reserve Policy Won't Stop Inflation but Will Crush Main Street America The establishment expects you to share in the sacrifice required to bring inflation under control. They just don't intend to participate in that suffering th...

Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Fails to Pass Senate Committee | Ballot Access News 03/03/2023

Federal courts threw out Arkansas election law. Right now we have no election law in six sections. Is the legislature really going to refuse to pass election law that will bring this law into compliance with the court rulings?

Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Fails to Pass Senate Committee | Ballot Access News Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Fails to Pass Senate Committee Posted on February 28, 2023 by Richard Winger On February 28, the Arkansas Senate Judiciary Committee considered SB 277, the bill to improve ballot access for new and minor parties. The bill received four “yes” votes, but because there w...

Choices for Your Ballot vs. Choices for Potato Chips: TWO PARTY CARTEL Restricts Choice 02/03/2023

Neither of them are "pro-choice" when it comes to opening up ballot access. Neither of them are for "free market competition" when it comes to ballot access.

Choices for Your Ballot vs. Choices for Potato Chips: TWO PARTY CARTEL Restricts Choice This was originally a concept vid. The idea was considered for a teaser trailer for the documentary ACCESS. We eventually went with another trailer, but this...

"Access" Trailer - A Documentary About Ballot Access For 3rd Parties and Independents 27/02/2023

Trailer for the Documentary ACCESS, about ballot access struggles for 3rd Parties and Independents in a world where establishment parties make the rules

"Access" Trailer - A Documentary About Ballot Access For 3rd Parties and Independents "Access" is a documentary about what it is like for minor parties and independents to even get on the ballot in a world where the two establishment parties m...

Bill Information 16/02/2023


What it really does is greatly restrict access to the ballot for voter referendums and the only way it "protects" the voters is by "shielding" them from having any choices to make. One person who I am sure is strongly in favor of the bill is Tulsa civil rights attorney Jim Linger, who has been making a good living representing citizens who sue the state for a long stream of unconstitutional ballot access laws. Looks like this will be another pay-day for him at taxpayer expense because it is clearly unconstitutional. But that hasn't stopped our legislature. Heck, six sections of the Arkansas Code are in a struck-down status right now, and instead of fixing them, they are busy trying to pass more unconstitutional ballot access laws!

Governmental Affairs committee meeting to consider the bill is at2/16 at 10AM at the Capitol Building

Bill Information This site is maintained by the Arkansas Bureau of Legislative Research, Information Systems Dept., and is the official website of the Arkansas General Assembly.

Woke Walmart’s Political Clout - Conduit News Arkansas 14/02/2023

When artificial government-created persons called "corporations" have more access to government than real persons, it's a problem.

Woke Walmart’s Political Clout - Conduit News Arkansas When the Arkansas legislature meets, Walmart is the 800 lb. gorilla in the backroom. To begin with, politicians realize Walmart is a big driver of the Arkansas economy and they want Walmart to continue to succeed. But, the influence of Walmart on politicians is much more than that. Many Arkansas pol...

When Your Sheriffs Tell the ATF to Go Pound Sand. (We Love Arkansas). 13/02/2023

When Your Sheriffs Tell the ATF to Go Pound Sand. (We Love Arkansas). Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses a recent counter-trend to many of these very blue states not only banning guns and gun rights, but doin...

Arkansas Gov. Sanders To Deliver GOP Response To Biden’s State Of The Union 03/02/2023

AR Gov. Sarah Sanders to give response to the "State of the Union" Address

Arkansas Gov. Sanders To Deliver GOP Response To Biden’s State Of The Union ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

How to Govern Badly: AR Senate Rejects Transparency and Accountability 23/01/2023

The recent behavior seen in the Arkansas Senate really has implications for our political system overall

How to Govern Badly: AR Senate Rejects Transparency and Accountability There was some tension on the floor of the Arkansas Senate recently when State Senator Bryan King, back after four years outside the legislature, wanted to i...

Drama in Senate, Quiet in House on Rules for Arkansas Legislative Session - Conduit News Arkansas 22/01/2023

Drama in Senate, Quiet in House on Rules for Arkansas Legislative Session - Conduit News Arkansas Drama in Senate, Quiet in House on Rules for Arkansas 2023 Legislative Session On Thursday, January 12, the Arkansas House of Representatives and Arkansas Senate passed their rules for the 94th General Assembly. This sets the parameters on how bills can be heard, passed, amended, and killed, and how...

Videos (show all)

Former State Senator Jim Holt and His Wife Bobye have endorsed Bryan King in the State Senate District 28 Republican Run...