TIARA-COSMETICS is an all-round producer of top quality hair products for him and her. Visit the web However, TIARA-COSMETICS provides hope!

Extensive research has proven that human evolution has contributed to hair loss, which is aggravated by the surrounding environment. The most visible changes are of course on the head and the number of hairs steadily decreases with each generation. Lush hair is associated with good health, happiness and success. Hair loss is a complex problem that is not always treated immediately. We have done our utmost to create a new and effective product, based on natural ingredients.

Instagram Photos 09/08/2017

❤️❤️❤️❤️ а вы знали, что через волосы мы связаны с тонким планом и получаем поток для реализации наших программ? Выпадение волос- это сигнал, что мы делаем что- то не так, зависаем в негативных эмоциях, и отрицаем свои программы. Конов мы подстригаем волосы , мы перезагружаем эти программы. Об этом и многом другом мой курс Парагламур - роскошные волосы!
Подписывайтесь на мой канал в Ютюб там будут полезные видео! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ls8sEXIaX6u-2ZdDo9Ik.
❤️❤️❤️❤️ did you know that throw out hair we are getting our programs from God for realization ? Whalen we go to a hairdresser for s hair cut we reset those programs. This and more are on my Chanel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ls8sEXIaX6u-2ZdDo9IkA


The difference between those pictures is less then 2 years!
If you want the same effect - subscribe to my group. I will be sharing my magical secrets !

Hair Doesn't Define Me Project 15/01/2017

Hair Doesn't Define Me Project written by Nell Coleman

Timeline photos 04/12/2016
Timeline photos 16/04/2016

Your child has a friend in Ella! Mattel's doll without hair is not available in stores or even online, but Mattel has generously donated a select quantity of the Ella doll to NAAF, which we are making available to children 3 -17 with alopecia areata. As supplies are limited, we are again making Ella available on a first-come first-served basis, and can only offer one doll per child with alopecia areata.

To have Ella sent to your home, please email us at [email protected]. Please be sure to include your address, as well as the age of the child with alopecia areata.

Post-Winter Hair Rehab: How to Bring Tortured Strands Back to Life 02/04/2016

Post-Winter Hair Rehab: How to Bring Tortured Strands Back to Life Spring’s best hair- and scalp-reviving products are up to the task of reinstating shiny, healthy-looking strands.

Guava Leaves Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair loss and Make It Grow Like Crazy 04/02/2016

Guava Leaves Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair loss and Make It Grow Like Crazy Guava leaves have been proven to be effective for increasing platelets for patients with dengue fever, but can also prevent hair loss. Isn’t that fantastic?! Experts say that the leaves can avoid a…

Heleen (49) is kaal: 'Ineens viel alles uit' 19/01/2016

Heleen (49) is kaal: 'Ineens viel alles uit' Niemand ziet het als ze over straat loopt, maar Heleen van Dijk (49) is eigenlijk kaal. Om het taboe dat om kale vrouwen heen hangt te doorbreken, richtte ze de tentoonstelling 'Ode aan de kale vrouw' op. Detail: ze ging zélf ook kaal op de foto. "Confronterend."

Mobile uploads 04/05/2015

TIARA Golden Lotion

The Correlation Between Your Health and Your Hair - Health and Beauty - The Breeze 27/04/2015

The Correlation Between Your Health and Your Hair - Health and Beauty - The Breeze Did you know there is a direct correlation between healthy hair and your health?

The Truth About Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long -- Sott.net 27/04/2015

The Truth About Hair and Why Indians Would Keep Their Hair Long -- Sott.net This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War . Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how...

What affects the young, old, rich and poor alike??? | LEARNHAIRLOSS.COM 03/02/2015

What affects the young, old, rich and poor alike??? | LEARNHAIRLOSS.COM Something to ponder - despite the development of multitudes of hair products and treatments, why are so many men balding at such a young age? The thing with

The Hair Growth Cycle 28/01/2015

The Hair Growth Cycle You may not be able to alter your hair’s texture or growth patterns, but age- and lifestyle-related changes to your hair can be prevented. Understanding a healthy growth cycle makes it easier to identify the concerns that affect your hair and what you can do to fix them. “Hair goes through the three…

Timeline photos 21/09/2014

Testimony of Raoul J., 34 years old,

‘We all wear wigs’: teacher comes out of the hair closet 30/07/2014

‘We all wear wigs’: teacher comes out of the hair closet About a month ago, Amanda Greenough was lying on a floatie on Hubbles Lake, wanting to swim and splash around with her friends but too scared to jump in. It’s not that Greenough can’t swim. Her parents, after all, have a backyard swimming pool at their Riverbend home.

Timeline photos 29/07/2014

The main cause of Male Pattern Baldness is a genetic testosterone-based effects. However women can experience hair loss through too much perming, hair coloring and styling, blow-drying, tight braiding as well as emotional stress and hormonal changes.
One other culprit you should be aware of is a condition resulting from autoimmune disease, where the immune system gets so busy and confused it actually starts attacking the body. Alopecia areata is the Latin term for it, and one of its early signs will be problems with your fingernails. Remember that your fingernails are made of the same protein – keratin – as your hair? Your hair follicles soon come under attack by your immune system and a small round patch of hair will fall out, sometimes overnight, anywhere hair grows on your body.
Alopecia androgenetica caused by hormonal imbalance or by our old friend, DNA. It manifests differently in men and women. In women the hair will begin to thin on top of the head, this area gradually spreading as the hair thins out and becomes fine. While the hair doesn’t fall out as in male pattern baldness, it becomes so thin that the scalp may be clearly seen.
“Toxic alopecia” is the technical term for hair loss brought on by ingesting certain chemicals and pharmaceuticals. It can also be a response to ravaging diseases such as leprosy, typhoid fever, syphilis, advanced dysentery and malariacancer,…
“Parasites can also be devastating for your hair. A parasitic condition is normally relatively easy to diagnose and treat by your doctor. You need to understand that anyone can pick up parasites. They’re everywhere: in your lawn, in the dirt, on your dog or cat and even in the air. If you routinely handle your pets, just make sure to wash your hands when playtime is over. Eating undercooked pork or shellfish can let parasites sneak into your system. Bug bites of all kinds can introduce parasites into your bloodstream. Intimacy with an infected person is another surefire way to give parasites a new home.
Poor nutrition is another cause of hair loss. The good news is that when you get your nutrition right, your hair follicles will come back on line and begin happily growing hair again.
There can be strictly physical reasons as well to explain your hair loss. An accident, bad fall or even misaligned teeth can result in considerable and often unconscious tension in your neck, shoulders and back. This tension impairs the blood supply to your head, affecting your brain and your scalp. The result ends up in your hair brush.
If you have mercury-based amalgam fillings in your teeth, the mercury is decidedly toxic and can literally kill your hair over time. You may wish to consider having your fillings removed and replaced with a less lethal substance. There are many dentists today who specialize in this procedure.
There are many more factors, which can lead to hair loss, but it all boils down to this: either the factors are internal (e.g. genetics, psychological condition, hormonal imbalance, faulty nutrition) or they’re external (e.g. mechanical stress on your hair, toxins, parasites). Either way, there is a solution for whatever is assaulting your hair. You just have to identify the “why” of your hair loss to find the “how” of restoring your hair.” (John Kelby ”Hair Again”)

Timeline photos 28/07/2014

September is Alopecia awareness month. Blue ribbon for support.

Sarah Seward of Warrensburg, MO, offers and mails these ribbons completely at her own expense. Let's give her a big round of thanks!


TIARA presentation Delft

But it does define me 30/06/2014

But it does define me I am in the 9th grade and I was diagnosed with alopecia universalis.... i'm still a child I shouldnt have to be worrying about this I'm supposed to be worrying about school and education and friends not hair loss.

Who said bald can't be sexy 03/06/2014

Who said bald can't be sexy Any mention of products and services on Alopecia World is for informational purposes only; it does not imply a recommendation or endorsement by Alopecia World. Nor should any statement or representation on this site be construed as professional, medical or expert advice, or as pre-screened or endors…