Meditative Awakening

Meditative Awakening

Creative Eschatology
for the Golden Age
πŸ™πŸ’–πŸŒΊπŸŒβœ¨ Meditative Awakening facilitates the understanding of the timeless and the timely.

While most of the teachings here are timeless, effort is also made to promote understanding of the time in which we find ourselves... namely that we are embarking upon a new Golden Age of enlightenment, or even Golden Aeon of Enlightenment. Jesus taught of such an Age, namely an Age to Come (Luke 18:29-30) as have sages in other cultures. The teachings of India, which by the biblical timeline have antediluvian origins, also include the understanding of a Golden Age of Enlightenment.

Photos from Meditative Awakening's post 03/12/2023

Happy Advent.



β€œSoon” Devotional with Brooke 01/12/2023


β€œSoon” Devotional with Brooke A video devotional exploring the Biblical themes that anchor β€œSoon”, from Brooke’s latest album EIGHT.Here are the scriptures Brooke references or quotes dir...



"Imagine a universe filled with peaceful beings eager to connect. That's the vision of CE5."

β€œHow to Save The Planet!” 27/11/2023

This video shows the importance of protecting our planet from cosmic impact and the value of reaching beyond our home world.

Hebrews 12:28
New International Version
28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,πŸ™πŸ’–πŸŒŽβœ¨οΈπŸ•Š

β€œHow to Save The Planet!” Joe Camera, a retired US Navy Captain, presents NASAs planetary defense efforts and how they may be improved.


I say, β€˜You are gods;
you are all children of the Most High."

Psalm 82:6 NLT

feeling it?...❀️

Are Near-Death Experiences Just Hallucinations? What a Leading Researcher Has Found | Mysteries of Life (S1, E5) 02/10/2023

Science on the verge of proving reincarnation...πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ•ŠπŸŒπŸ˜Š

Are Near-Death Experiences Just Hallucinations? What a Leading Researcher Has Found | Mysteries of Life (S1, E5) Does the soul actually leave the body and travel to realms beyond our physical world? Or are NDEs just hallucinations caused by chemical reactions? We asked Dr. Jeffrey Long, a leading NDE researcher and New York Times bestselling author, to see what he has found.

Meditative Awakening, an introduction 06/07/2023

Got Quora?

Meditative Awakening, an introduction Meditative Awakening is essentially a Pathway of Immortality. In today's society there is a lot of interest in the topic, including ambition to unite biology with technology in order to achieve the objective, the so-called "singularity." Except for maintaining good health, the Meditative Awakenin...


Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. - 2 Corinthians 2:11

Boston Marathon welcomes nonbinary runners for 2023 race 05/03/2023

Boston Marathon welcomes nonbinary runners for 2023 race The race said it is taking steps to make its runs more inclusive for nonbinary racers.


"It is a long road from Awakening to Transfiguration....

Your mission as a candidate on the Path is to travel this road carefully and with supreme awareness, mindful always of the great Treasure that you carry." πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈπŸ’–πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈπŸ™πŸŒŽπŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨πŸ¦‹

Protect The Child

The birth of the Christ-child is yet another symbol. It symbolizes the awakening of the Divine Spark within the Seeking human-being.

When this Divine part of us is awakened, it is like unto a newborn babe. It is weak and frail, the result of long ages spent in latency. It is vulnerable, it is defenseless. Above all, it requires careful nurturing to grow and to thrive.

The aeons of this nature can sense this Awakening. The high frequency of the Divine vibration is diametrically opposed to the overall low vibration of the fallen human system. Every effort will be made to locate this Divine vibration and expel it. This state-of-being is symbolized by the story of Herod sending his soldiers after the newborn "king" on a search-and-destroy mission.

The newly-awakened Divine Spark can be put right back to sleep if the candidate does not resolve to provide the necessary care and feeding. Thus, there must be a "flight to Egypt", where the Divine vibration can grow in strength while evading the forces that oppose it.

It is a long road from Awakening to Transfiguration; from Birth to Resurrection; from Bethlehem to Golgotha. Your mission as a candidate on the Path is to travel this road carefully and with supreme awareness, mindful always of the great Treasure that you carry.

Protect the Child.



Mobile uploads 07/01/2023

Prayer and self-knowledge enable us to grow in freedom.

Mobile uploads 03/12/2022

We are all together called to develop a renewed society oriented towards freedom, justice and peace so as to overcome every kind of inequality and discrimination so that no one can make another person a slave.


"As many of you are aware, we've changed our name from Unity of Sedona to β€œThe Global Center for Christ Consciousness.” What could be better? What could be higher in intention and consciousness?" ~Michael Mirdad

Mobile uploads 12/07/2022

His Real name was Jeshua or Yeshua or Issa but is better known by his Greek name of Jesus. Marked from an early age by the Hebrew prophecies surrounding his birth, he did not have an average normal Jewish life.
First, he fled from Herod with his parents to Alexandria, Egypt, where he was exposed to Egyptian wisdom as a child.
Then when he was about eight years old he returned to Galilee to study with the Esoteric Essenes.
There was an Essene school up in Galilee at Mount Carmel that was away from the Pharisees and Sadducees and all of the crazy people down in Judea. In Judea and Jerusalem there were lots of politics and greed and power but that is not what the Essenes were about at all.
They were a true Esoteric Mystery School, doing their best to teach higher consciousness.
Jesus excelled at these teachings and he got his Bar Mitzvah from the Essenes when he was twelve years old.
By the age of thirteen Jeshua/Yeshua was travelling with his uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, who had five ships, upto the Ancient Britain.
Joseph of Arimathea was mining tin in Britain, used in the creation of Roman weapons and this was extremely important.
So, Joseph was friends with all the Druids up there.
Here Issa studies with the Druid priests.
We know from the records of Julius Caesar, that at that time there were over sixty Druid Universities and over 60,000 students in England alone, that were studying with the Druids.
Like the Essenes, the Druids had three levels of Mystery School; three major initiations although there were initiations within each level.
The first level, were the healers who wore green. The second level included the Bards or the historians who wore blue. To become a Bard you had to learn over 10,000 songs, poems and oral histories, for they were the historians and the teachers.
Last, there were the full Druids who wore white for purity. White is the colour closest to the sun, representing the full power of illumination.
But the Druids sages could see that Jesus/ Yeshua was already so advanced that they sent him to study with the sages of India.
Thus, Yeshua/Jesus/Issa acquired some of the powerful Kundalini disciples of Yoga, Meditation and the Eastern Philosophies. He became trained in the Vedas, the Puranas and the Upanishads. After several years he began to teach this wisdom to all the common people.
But this created a problem because at that time in India there was a very rigid caste system. At the top of the heap were the Brahmins, then the royalty, then the military and the higher social classes. They were able to hear spiritual teachings a few times a year.
But the farmers and peasants could maybe hear it one time and the untouchables could never hear sacred knowledge. So Jesus/ Yeshua was teaching everybody just the same.
And very quickly he attracted 3,000 to 5,000 students. This was a big problem for the powerful elite in India.
The reason, the power elite didn’t want the lower classes to learn was because, since they believed in reincarnation, they wanted to keep them back in the same lower level of service instead of evolving to the higher level spirituality.
So the forces in power were threatened by Jesus/ Yeshua and sent assassins to kill him.
There are two stories that I have found about how he escaped.
The first story is that the Magi Masters (3 wise men from his birth) appeared to Jesus to warn him.
The second is that the peasants and farmers came to warn him, allowing Yeshua/Jesus/Issa time to flee to the city of Rajagriha where there was a strong Buddhist community.
There he lived for six years, studying the Buddha’s teachings in Rajagrinha.
Jesus/Yeshua/Issa was recognised as the coming of the second Buddha that the first Buddha had predicted would come 500 years after him.
If we stop to think about it, we realise that Jesus/Yeshua/Issa could have stayed in India. He was safe here. He was happy, respected and loved. But such a dedication, to freeing the consciousness of his brothers and sisters, who were in spiritual bo***ge back in Judea, that he undertook the long journey, back to Galilee.
He traveled over land, through the Himalayas and China to get back home.
He went through an area called the Torugart pass, and there he spent time with the Persian Magi sages who initiated him into the Zoroastrian Mystery Schools, the Zoroastrian teachings and the Sarmoung Society who taught him the Star Mysteries.
These Masters taught a hidden knowledge about the 25,920 year in a gigantic astrological cycle called the Great year. They taught how every 2160 years the astrological age would change, and this would alter the consciousness of mankind.
They taught how at the beginning of every age, a great avatar would come.
They called this Avatar the Saoshyant.
They saw the Saoshyant as an incarnation of God, or Sugmad who was so powerful that he could choose to insert itself between the turn of these Ages.
The Zoroastrian priests believed that Jesus/Yeshua was the incarnation of the Saoshyant of the Piscean Age. He was basically the next World Savior and Aion.
The Aion is the Ages.
Jesus/Yeshua returned home to Judea when he was about 27 years old. He saw his family and friends, but he had to continue with his training. To do that he travelled to Egypt to study for seven years in the Mystery schools of Ancient Egypt. He did not start his ministry until he was probably about 39 years old.
This is actually corroborated by some of the early Christian fathers before they changed all of this in the writings.
While he was in Egypt, he was being trained by the White Robe Order if the Sehaji Masters.
The White Robe Order is usually called the Great White Brotherhood although there are both male and female masters within it.
At the end of his training they met with him in a circle, in a great ceremony, and they gave him the choice to go forward and play the role of the Saoshyant or to be the next Aion, publically.
This was the role of the World Saviour who was also known in Egypt as the next Horus King.
This meant that Jesus/Yeshua would knowingly take on the role of being put to death.
This meant that Jesus/Yeshua would knowingly take on the role of being during this powerful initiation the person had to have their soul leave their body and to travel into the higher dimensional planes.
That would mean that when they returned they would have a true knowledge of themselves as a soul, and be able to live as immortal souls.
These initiates had died and been reborn.
They had died to the ego or the little self and had been reborn into soul consciousness.
Initiates that underwent this journey were called The twice born.
Today in Christianity when you hear the expression β€œI have been born again” this deeper story is where the expression comes from, but most modern Christians don’t really understand the deeper significance behind it.
The role that Jesus/Jeshua/Yeshua accepted from the White Robes Order or the Great White Brotherhood was to demonstrate to the world that the immortality of the soul is more powerful than the mortal body, that when we die we can be reborn through the power of Love and Light, and that the spark of God that lies within us, is greater than the material world, that we can see everyday.
Yeshua/Issa/Jesus even reminds us,
β€œThese things I do, you too shall do and do greater”.
In this saying he reminds us that The Divine Spark that dwelt in him also dwells within each one of us as well”.
Shri Mata Devi
The Living Sehaji Master
For more info visit


And Heaven & Nature Sing...πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ˜Š


Once we experience a Spiritual Awakening and sense the importance of Personal Growth, we realize that life is an adventure of awakening where we allow ourselves to be intuitively guided on a journey, and where we know that each of us is here for an inspired purpose. By sharing our Inspiration Energy together, we can uplift each other and pool our varied talents to build a better world we all want to see.πŸ™πŸ’–βœ¨

855-8 Easter is for Everybody! 17/04/2022

Great talk on EWTN:

Happy Easter... πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ•ŠοΈπŸŒŽπŸŒŸβœ¨πŸ˜Š

855-8 Easter is for Everybody! Easter is a season that brings new life, abundance and fortifying hope. Jesus’ resurrection is for everyone because he rose to save all. We will experience h...



God's presence is so humble, hidden, so invisible, that it needs an attentive, awake and welcoming heart to be recognized.


"Ireland's Christianization was incredibly peaceful compared to conversions elsewhere (there were no martyrs in Ireland's transition to Christianity) and actually preserved many aspects of pagan belief and superstition, rather than rooting them out."

" Ireland's Christianization was incredibly peaceful compared to conversions elsewhere (there were no martyrs in Ireland's transition to Christianity) and actually preserved many aspects of pagan belief and superstition, rather than rooting them out.

Christianity was actually introduced to Ireland even before St Patrick through Roman Britain, and evidently spread amongst the most politically powerless segments of Irish society; women and slaves. Indeed, Patrick wasn't even Ireland's first evangelist; a man named Palladius was sent to "the Irish believing in Christ" in 431 AD. Christianity was adopted incredibly quickly in Ireland not because it was successful at rooting out and destroying pagan structures, but because it Christianized pagan beliefs and traditions. Healing wells and springs associated with deities were now associated with local saints, and Irish warriors now called upon Jesus, Saint Patrick or Saint Columba for victory in battle rather than their pagan gods. Christianity's success can be linked to its widespread adoption by the Irish aristocracy, whose druids seem to have quickly become Christian clergy, and whose warrior-aristocrats were likely convinced by its superiority as a form of military magic.

Irish pagans weren't philosophically attached to their religion; they just used whatever magical forms of manipulation could work best for them. The belief in magical manipulation was central to the belief structures of all pre-Christian Europeans and survived in popular belief until the Modern period. When Christianity justified those forms of magic by attributing them to Jesus or God, there was no real barrier for an Irish pagan to become an Irish Christian - there was less of a cataclysmic break from the past than a blended transition where elements of old structures of belief survived because the clergy couldn't risk alienating the majority of the population.

As well, Christianity with its clear doctrine and corpus of literature, filled with apparently magical events, could justly assert itself as a fundamentally more powerful way of attaining magical power. Drawing on Old Testament God's ability to destroy cities and flood the earth, Christianity was evidently more powerful than paganism whose gods were more localized and had more diffused power. Why would you worship a bunch of gods with different, limited powers when you could worship one supreme god who could give you all your benefits at once? With Christianity, one could harness a single god's power for prowess in battle, fertility for their crops, protection from weather or plague etc. instead of having to supplicate a whole bunch of different deities and spirits. Not only did Christianity simplify the process of gaining magical powers, but it also had a whole corpus of events in the Bible that could be used as proof of the new Gods' power, while Ireland's pre-Christian belief system had no doctrine or dogma and thus lacked Christianity's persuasive power."

Pagans were never subjugated in Ireland Christianization. Their beliefs were actually adopted by the Christian church (in fact, almost everything we know from pre-Christian belief in Ireland comes from Christian texts!) and they willingly adopted it because of its perceived magical power. -depanneur

Reference: Early Medieval Ireland, 400-1200 (Longman History of Ireland) by Daibhi O Croinin (Author)

Timeline photos 17/03/2022

"The Lord mostly compels us inward to receive and ponder His word, and this means that our spiritual growth is a process of divine seed-planting, of allowing the seed to fall into the good soil of our hearts, and then letting God bring forth the fruit. This is what contemplation is all about and why our silence is a prerequisite for prayer that goes deeper than words. If the Lord spoke words to be heard but declined to explain everything, the message is clear: Dig beneath the words, look behind the actors of the parables, and peer into the saving truth directed at you, personally." -by Fr. John Henry Hanson, O. Praem.


"The Lord mostly compels us inward to receive and ponder His word, and this means that our spiritual growth is a process of divine seed-planting, of allowing the seed to fall into the good soil of our hearts, and then letting God bring forth the fruit. This is what contemplation is all about and why our silence is a prerequisite for prayer that goes deeper than words. If the Lord spoke words to be heard but declined to explain everything, the message is clear: Dig beneath the words, look behind the actors of the parables, and peer into the saving truth directed at you, personally." -by Fr. John Henry Hanson, O. Praem. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​