Women Active For Christ, West Virginia

Women Active For Christ, West Virginia

We exist to help women find their God given roles in the church, community and the world. We are a support ministry to our FWB missionaries.

NAFWB News 30/05/2024

NAFWB News Pride Month, 2024 National Convention, and more from national departments NAFWB News Stay up-to-date on happenings throughout the Free Will Baptist denomination with this week's NAFWB News. Read below the exciting things going on in our national ministries. NAFWB Executive Office PO Box 5002 Antioch...


We honor and remember all those who have gone before us

WV Free Will Baptist Women's Ministry State Convention - May 18, 2024 20/05/2024

2024 WV State Women’s Ministries State Convention - May 18, 2024

WV Free Will Baptist Women's Ministry State Convention - May 18, 2024 We own no rights to any music in this video.


Look at all the food collected for the McCorkle FWB Church’s food pantry! Those who shop for the pantry estimated the value of this food as approximately $3,000!!! Way to go, ladies!! God will surely use this to help them minister to those who need it!


If you missed today’s convention, you missed a good time! We missed some and welcomed some new ladies! Please continue to pray for your officers that they would allow God to speak through them to give us what we need, spiritually, during these meetings! Also, please pray for Sister Linda Grimes as she plans and prepares to speak for this year’s retreat in September!


Sister Jody Sullivan is doing a workshop for the WNAC and National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc. on Feb. 13th at 10am or 7pm! You can register for this event by following this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeASLochEXjzL3bE5nczT1_zqmL24otiOznRnXJIC6lY7i9bw/viewform


Retreat notes are ready!! If you gave Abby your email address, check your email. If you don’t have anything from her, and you still want them, please send us a message and we’ll get them right over. Thank you!!


We will be having a WV State WAC Planning Meeting on Saturday, October 21st at 9:30 am at the Chesapeake FWB Church, Chesapeake WV.

Officers should be there; others are welcome to come too.


Our offering at retreat for our Bulgarian missionaries was $1,153!
Praise the Lord!


This was what every woman looked like walking in the door for retreat! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Ladies, what a WONDERFUL time we had in the Lord this weekend!! We pray that those who came would carry that spirit back to their home churches tomorrow!

Also, Abby’s phone died during last night’s session. She will post the video she has, and if you want her notes, she’s more than willing to email them to you so you can get the last part (send us a message on this page and leave your email). She did get the special music and talk from today. She’ll post it as soon as she can. It will be a bit of work as the audio is wonky, but it will be up soon!


NAFWB News 08/06/2023

NAFWB News Convention Publications, 3 for 30 Survey, & news from national departments NAFWB News Stay up-to-date on happenings throughout the Free Will Baptist denomination with this week's NAFWB News. Read below the exciting things going on in our national ministries. NAFWB Executive Office PO Box 5002 Antioc...

WV FWB Women’s Ministry State Convention - May 20, 2023 21/05/2023

Here’s video from the worship service at our State Convention on Saturday! There really is no other word for Grace but Amazing!!

WV FWB Women’s Ministry State Convention - May 20, 2023 Hosted at the Sofia FWB Church


Our WV FWB WAC State Convention is this Saturday, May 20th at 10 AM . The meeting will be held at the Sophia FWB Church, Sophia, WV.

The theme is "No Other Word For Grace But Amazing!"
Ladies - please mark your favorite verse in your Bibles about GRACE and be ready to share it during the morning session. Abby Lilly will provide the special music and Patty Tolliver will share her testimony of God's Amazing Grace! We will conduct our business in the afternoon session.

Hope to see all of you there!


Even if your only children are ones you’ve taught in church, Happy Mother’s Day! You are loved!!


Don’t forget that today is the National Day of Prayer! We’ve never needed to pray more than we do right now.

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” ‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Timeline photos 04/05/2023

Please pray for our country and for revival!

Join us in prayer for our ministry, our communities near and far, and the leadership of these communities.

Photos from Women Active For Christ, West Virginia's post 07/04/2023

Apologies for not getting these up in a more timely manner. I've been a little under the weather this week. - Abby

Today's specific request is for the WMO. Why pray for the WMO now? Because we know that between now and when the WMO offering is taken, someone may have it placed on their heart to give BIG to help our missionaries!! We've heard directly from our missionaries, and they are so very grateful for the support they get that allow them to be and stay on the field! Their work is vital toward the building of the Kingdom, and we're thankful for their sacrifices to do God's work full-time!

Photos from Women Active For Christ, West Virginia's post 06/04/2023

Apologies for missing the Tuesday post yesterday. It's still not too late to pray for these things though. It's never a bad time to pray for your missionaries!!


Join us and the other Women's Ministry groups around the country praying for specific things this week as we prepare for Easter!

Photos from Cornerstone Freewill Baptist's post 09/02/2023

Way to go Cornerstone ladies!


My friend Natalie and her husband are missionaries on Kodiak Island in Alaska. She often sends me pictures of island life, and awhile ago she sent me this colorful photo.

It seems her husband decided to have a little fun with some spray paint along their snowy driveway. 😂

I love the result!

You know, winter seasons—whether it's the weather outside, or a winter season of the heart—can get us down.

But we still have a choice:

Accept the winter and live with joy.

Or fight against it, kicking and screaming.

But either way, it will still be winter.

Today, let's choose joy. Even if it means we have to dig out some old cans of spray paint. 😉

"...for the joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

Interview with April Tummins on Daniel 9 07/02/2023

Interview with April Tummins on Daniel 9 April Tummins and Phyllis York look at the prayer life of Daniel. Listen here as April and Phyllis discuss Daniel chapter nine. For the full study learn more at https://www.wnac.org/treasure/treasure-magazine/

March Study in Treasure 07/02/2023

March Study in Treasure Prayer Is the WorkMarch Bible study written by April Tummins is now available at wnac.org/treasure.

Dates for upcoming Shine! Conferences 24/01/2023

Dates for upcoming Shine! Conferences Shine! in-person conferences provide a safe place for junior high and teen girls to confront cultural messages with biblical truth. Two new locations for the next Shine! events on March 18, 2023 — Cultivate Church in Athens, AL, and Cross Point in Wichita, KS. Register here.

February Bible Study Available Now 24/01/2023

February Bible Study Available Now February Bible Study Now Available Read more at wnac.org/treasure


Here's something to bless your heart.

Last Wednesday evening I sat in our gymnasium, watching the teenagers from our youth group play basketball. As the teens pounded up and down the court, my 4-year-old niece amused herself beside me in the bleachers.

Lila wasn't at all interested in the game.

Instead, she hung head-first over the bottom-row bleacher, her face inches from the floor with her little feet hooked around the seat. She hung there for a few minutes, then turned her little upside-down-face in my direction.

Her blonde curls in disarray, she called, "Help me up!"

I laughed, leaned over, and pulled Lila back on top of the seat, knowing she fully intended to dive head-first toward the floor once again.

I was right. 😉

2.2 seconds later, she again dangled inches above the floor, bobbing her head back and forth like a caffeinated monkey.

I stayed close enough to rescue her again. (Because I'm THAT aunt, she's awesome, and I love her to pieces.)

When the incident came to mind later that evening, I thought about God's complete knowledge of our lives.

From our first breath to our last, He knows everything we will ever do.

All the sins we will commit, all the mistakes we will make.

And all the times we'll dive headfirst into unwise choices, dangling helplessly until He pulls us out.

In spite of this, He is willing to rescue us.

Over and over again.

That isn't to say He always takes away the consequences of our choices. Scripture says we will reap what we sow. (Galatians 6:7)

But when we come to Him in repentance, He always forgives our sins and assures us of His unconditional love. (1 John 1:9)

We serve the God of second chances.

The God Who stands ready to rescue, even before we realize we need rescuing.

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)



Bro. Bob is now at home in Heaven with his sweetheart Kyla. Please pray for the family.
