Marie Madeleine D'Houët (Foundress of the FCJ Sisters)

Marie Madeleine D'Houët (Foundress of the FCJ Sisters)

Marie Madeleine D'Houët (1781-1858) founded the sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ).

2020 is the Bicentenary of our FCJ Society.

We are a Catholic congregation of Ignatian women religious.

Gratitude 08/01/2024

Today I felt really blessed by the gratitude of someone. It was just something small... a heartfelt thank you for practical support that our community offers. It led me to reflect on the significance of gratitude in our lives - the beauty of recognising the gifts that we receive in all sorts of ways - and the importance of saying thank you when that gift comes through another person. May we be more alert to the gifts we receive and to the generous actions of others in so many small ways every day.

Gratitude Today I felt really blessed by the gratitude of someone. It was just something small… a heartfelt thank you for practical support that our community offers. It led me to reflect on the signif…

FCJ Walk 1000 Miles's 2023 27/12/2023

Fundraising for Jesuit Refugee Service ... aground of FCJs have each walked 1000 miles this year...
Why not sponsor them for the last few days.... we will pay total mileage in the new year when we begin the next challenge!

FCJ Walk 1000 Miles's 2023 Help FCJ Walk 1000 Miles raise money to support Jesuit Refugee Service

A little more light 15/12/2023

Each Sunday when we light the advent wreath we remember that there is a little more light coming into the world. Sometimes our only light can be a bit of a wavering flame... but as we communally acknowledge the coming of Light it gives us courage to add our own little bit, to keep going, to keep trusting in goodness, to remember that light is stronger than darkness, goodness stronger than evil. May we each have the courage to bring light in our own place so that the world is filled with light.

A little more light Each Sunday when we light the advent wreath we remember that there is a little more light coming into the world. Sometimes our only light can be a bit of a wavering flame… but as we communall…


Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception! And a very blessed Advent journey...

A photo from a prayer space in one of our FCJ communities.

FCJ Refugee Centre Fall Newsletter - Faithful Companions of Jesus 08/12/2023

Find out what is new at the FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto on their Fall Newsletter.

FCJ Refugee Centre Fall Newsletter - Faithful Companions of Jesus Catch up with FCJ Refugee Centre in Toronto on their Fall Newsletter.

Upton Hall 'Feast Day '23' 07/12/2023

The students at Upton Hall School FCJ are celebrating their Feast Day today and they have prepared this festive and joyful recording.
Happy Feast Day!

Upton Hall 'Feast Day '23'


A reflection on Advent by Sr Teresa White fcJ, also appeared in Thinking Faith.

Events - Faithful Companions of Jesus 30/11/2023

Advent is starting soon... FCJ sisters around the world are offering Advent events and resources.
Check our event page! Some are online, or perhaps there is one near you...

Events - Faithful Companions of Jesus Find out about upcoming events organised by FCJ Sisters and institutions around the world.

An ‘Older Sister’ Who Prays With Us - Faithful Companions of Jesus 30/11/2023

Read the latest issue of our newsletter "A Woman for Our Time… Celebrating Marie Madeleine". The theme of this issue is Marie "Madeleine d’Houët … An ‘older sister’ who prays with us".

(Also available in other languages - see comments below)

An ‘Older Sister’ Who Prays With Us - Faithful Companions of Jesus Read the latest issue of this newsletter - through it we hope to make more widely known the life and work of Marie Madeleine, the Foundress of the FCJ sisters.


"We think one of our calls is to bring hope to our world. How? Well, our hope lies in trusting in our loving and gracious God who is generous in gifting us in many wonderful ways."
A short reflection on hope from FCJ Retreat & Conference Centre to start the week...

This quote from Pope Francis reminded us of the importance of hope. So, this week, we would like to share with you a few words about hope! Hope is so important and especially in the time in which we now live, it is a very necessary virtue to cultivate.
So many people are feeling hopeless in the face of Covid, inflation, climate change, homelessness, and political unrest in so many places in our world! So, what is our call as Christians and your call as you live out your everyday life?

We think one of our calls is to bring hope to our world! How? Well, our hope lies in trusting in our loving and gracious God who is so generous in gifting us in many wonderful ways. In our Baptism, we were given the gift of hope as the water was poured over us and we embarked on our life-journey as followers of Jesus Christ. This Jesus who rose from the dead! Do we really remember that Jesus’ crucifixion was followed by the Resurrection? We like to say that we are a Resurrection People, and our song is Alleluia! (not our original quote but one we love to recall.)

So, may we go forth each day with hope in our hearts and may God enable us to bring hope to the people we meet each day!

Creating a Culture of Safeguarding - Faithful Companions of Jesus 20/11/2023

Members of 90 religious orders gathered in Rome for a one-week conference on Safeguarding. This important gathering of religious with responsibility for safeguarding was organized by the Care and Safeguarding Commission of the Unions of Superiors General of women and men congregations (UISG / USG) in Rome.

Sr Judith Routier fcJ from the FCJ General Leadership team attended this conference.

Creating a Culture of Safeguarding - Faithful Companions of Jesus Members of 90 religious orders gathered in Rome for a one-week conference on Safeguarding.

Why Wait? A 5-Week Ignatian Retreat in Advent Life - Faithful Companions of Jesus 20/11/2023

This starts today - online from the FCJ Retreat & Conference Centre in Calgary, Canada. Prayers for all participants and retreat directors. 🙏🏻

Why Wait? A 5-Week Ignatian Retreat in Advent Life - Faithful Companions of Jesus A 5-Week ONLINE Series exploring what the characters of the Advent story can teach us about waiting

A Pilgrimage to the History of the Church in Java - Faithful Companions of Jesus 09/11/2023

Sr Hartini, fcJ invited a group of her high school students into a pilgrimage to explore the history of the Catholic faith in Java.

A Pilgrimage to the History of the Church in Java - Faithful Companions of Jesus

Embodying the Beatitudes - Faithful Companions of Jesus 09/11/2023

A reflection on the Beatitudes by Sr Teresa White, fcJ to mark the feast of All Saints. First appeared in Church Times.

Embodying the Beatitudes - Faithful Companions of Jesus A reflection on the Beatitudes by Teresa White, fcJ to mark the feast of All Saints. First appeared in Church Times.

Sarasvita is Six Years Old - Faithful Companions of Jesus 06/11/2023

FCJ Sisters, volunteers and friends celebrated the sixth birthday of Sarasvita FCJ Center for Spirituality and Human Development in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Happy birthday!!

Sarasvita is Six Years Old - Faithful Companions of Jesus FCJ Sisters, volunteers and friends celebrated the sixth birthday of Sarasvita FCJ Center.


Join Serra Calgary for a vocations talk with Sr. Michelle, FCJ, followed with the Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 11:00am. Doors open at 10:00am.


Everyone is welcome at the online monthly evening retreat offered by FCJ Spirituality Centre London.

7.30 - 9.00 pm


This evening’s time of reflection is based on beautiful and powerful words attributed to
St. Patrick during his ministry in Ireland in the 5th century. Patrick rejoices in the constant presence and protection of our God, who is with us at all times, in all places and in all circumstances.

As usual, we will use music, poetry, short talks, images and quiet moments to support us as we reflect and pray. We do not have sharing groups in these evening retreats.

If you would like to attend this retreat online, please email:
[email protected]

The Zoom link will be sent to you on the evening of Wednesday, 8th November.

FCJ Reading Centre - Faithful Companions of Jesus 21/10/2023

Congratulations to the FCJ Learning and Development Center Inc. for the new opening of a Reading Centre in the Sandakot extension of Payatas in Metro Manila.

FCJ Reading Centre - Faithful Companions of Jesus The FCJ Learning and Development Center in Manila has a new Reading Center.


Thanks to all Camino Companions volunteers - FCJ Sisters, Companions in Mission and other friends - who have been serving pilgrims in Santiago de Compostela this 2023 season. We are closing the doors today until Easter Season 2024.

Mary and Alan were happy to welcome another great group of pilgrims who shared their experiences and listened to one another. An intergenerational and international group representing people from every continent. How we wish our war torn world could learn from the spirit of the Camino!

A Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace 17/10/2023

Holy Land Prayer This prayer was prayed by the Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination at their annual meeting held in the region in 2017. O God of our ancestors,you gave us the earth to make our homeso that all peoples may live together in harmony.We have allowed our sad divisions to grow,causing discord and fear of one another....

A Day of Prayer and Fasting for Peace Holy Land Prayer This prayer was prayed by the Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination at their annual meeting held in the region in 2017. O God of our ancestors,you gave us the earth to make our ho…

Bellerive Receives Live Simply Award - Faithful Companions of Jesus 13/10/2023

Congratulations for your Live Simply Award! We are so proud...
The award, which is sponsored by CAFOD, recognises an organisation’s commitment to sustainability and living in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the globe.

Bellerive Receives Live Simply Award - Faithful Companions of Jesus Bellerive FCJ Catholic College has been awarded CAFOD's Live Simply Award for their commitment to sustainability and living in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the globe.

Being at MAGIS and World Youth Day - Faithful Companions of Jesus 13/10/2023

A lovely photo of Sr Ramona fcJ (2nd left) with other members of the UK delegation of young adults to MAGIS and World Youth Day in Lisbon with Jesuits in Britain.
Ramona describes the experience of being at both of these wonderful events.

Being at MAGIS and World Youth Day - Faithful Companions of Jesus Sr Ramona, fcJ tells us about her experience as member of the MAGIS UK delegation to the World Youth Day in Lisbon.

Ask and it will be given 12/10/2023

Today's Gospel reminds us to ask for what we need, promising that it will be given to us. Peace We need and desire and long for peace. To have peace we must have understanding and dialogue, so I pray for all who have the skill and capacity to bring enemies together in dialogue. May we each RISE UP, rise beyond ourselves and speak to those with whom we have conflict....

Ask and it will be given Today’s Gospel reminds us to ask for what we need, promising that it will be given to us. Peace We need and desire and long for peace. To have peace we must have understanding and dialogue, s…

Anti Human Trafficking Day - Faithful Companions of Jesus 06/10/2023

And FCJ Sisters from the community in Ende participating in a vigil, a night of a thousand candles, to raise awareness against human trafficking.

Anti Human Trafficking Day - Faithful Companions of Jesus FCJ sisters in Ende, Indonesia, participated in a night of a thousand candles against human trafficking.

Praying in the Season of Creation - Faithful Companions of Jesus 06/10/2023

FCJ Sisters from the FCJ Spirituality Centre London offered a reflection St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Finchley to mark the .

Praying in the Season of Creation - Faithful Companions of Jesus FCJ Sisters from the FCJ Spirituality Centre in London offered a reflection St. Philip the Apostle Parish in Finchley to mark the Season of Creation.

FCJ Sisters

The Society of the Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus, is an International Congregation of Catholic Religious women. We were founded in France in 1820 by Marie Madeleine D’Houet.

The essence of our lives is to be Companions of Jesus, sharing his mission.

God calls us to follow the Son in faithfulness, to stand at the foot of the cross with Mary and the holy women, there to be one with Jesus who thirsts for the coming of the kingdom.

We live an Ignatian spirituality and, as Faithful Companions of Jesus, our missionary spirit urges us to adapt our work to the changing needs of Society and to the culture in which we live.

Videos (show all)

Stations of the Cross from Around the World with the Faithful Companions of Jesus
Stations of the Cross form Around the World with the Faithful Companions of Jesus
A Candle of Hope - prayer for our world