Nancy Mango's Hand Crafted Scarves

Nancy Mango's Hand Crafted Scarves

Since my retirement, my new passion is creating one of a kind, hand painted and dyed, silk scarves. No two are the same!

These hand crafted scarves will be sold at art shows, craft fairs and out of my home by request. Do not hesitate to contact me, I will accommodate special requests and colors. Each scarf will be from 48 inches to 72 inches in length and every scarf will be unique.


Look what George won at the Octagon House! We just love it, like Macy’s in our own little window. Life is good!


The Octagon House in Camillus will be having its Hoilday Craft Fair Nov 12, 13,14from 12:00-4, I’ll be there with silk scarves and handmade gnomes. Many beautiful & crafty wreaths & trees will be available, hope to see you there.


Spring 2021 update. Covid came and put an end to my little business of painting & dying my silk scarves. I enjoyed the process, loved the colors & experimenting with brushes and dyes.etc. I am left with lovely gift items & lots of cool pendants..might have a fancy garage sale before fall, maybe even a fancy tea with pendant favors... that sounds like fun. For now I am going to enjoy my garden, backyard birds & flowers & my amazing grandchildren that are growing up way TOO FAST. Enjoy the nice weather, stay safe & be nice & kind to each other.
