Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company

Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company

Massage | Mindset Coaching | Retreats | Lifestyle 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Tyluno | Datblygu | Sesiynau | Bywyd At Hwylus, it's all about making the great stuff happen.

We can help you scope, plan and deliver your bright ideas.
- we empower people to achieve their goals with bespoke training and coaching
- our events bring people together to think and work differently
- we develop insightful questions and bring fresh ideas to make a difference to your work through our consultancy

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 14/04/2024

As a business I have the Right to refuse service to anyone. My ethos is to help as many people as possible but I provide a specialist service, and not everyone that enquires about my service is the right fit.

Most of the time, refusal is based on:
🥽 Protecting the health, safety and hygiene of my clinic
🛑 Inappropriate behaviour by potential clients
🙅🏻‍♀️ Making a booking under a false name

This is not an exhaustive list but as my loyal clients will know, I uphold strong values of kindness and this is an exchange of energy and healing. If I don’t feel that you are the right fit for my business, I have the right to refuse service. Refusing to take a booking is me exercising that right in a polite way.

🚩Threatening to bad mouth me and my business is confirmation that I have done myself a solid by refusing you service.


Mae gennyf yr hawl i wrthod gwasanaeth.

🙅🏻‍♀️Nid wyf yn derbyn unrhyw ymddygiad o fwlio na thwyll i’ch gwasanaethu.

🚫 Mae pallu gwneud apwyntiad yn ffordd gwrtais o wrthod gwasanaeth.

🚩 Mae fy mygwth i trwy ddweud “Rwy’n addo bydd hyn ddim yn dda i dy fusnes” yn gadarnhad mod i 💯 yn neud y peth iawn.

Photos from Clwb Criced Bronwydd's post 13/04/2024

Balch iawn noddi Clwb Criced Bronwydd. Edrych mlaen i’r tywydd gwella a’r tymor cael cychwyn! 🏏🫶

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 18/02/2024

💁🏻‍♀️ Have you ever thought about Coaching?
🗺️ If you’re at a bit of a crossroads in your life, whether looking for a new career, dealing with a relationship breakdown, or simply want to add colour to your life, get in touch.

Pop the word NEW in the comments and I’ll get in touch 👇

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 10/02/2024

T O R - C A L O N 💔

🤎 Os wyt ti’n mynd trwy derfyn perthynas nawr, fi yma. Mae e’n galed a fi’n gwybod sut ti’n teimlo.

🤎 Falle bod ti dal ddim dros dy Ex. A mae blynydde ers i chi wahanu. Mae angen i ti symud mlaen a joio bywyd.

🤎 Falle bod ti wedi colli dy bartner drwy salwch neu anffawd. 🫂

Cysyllta i greu pecyn cefnogaeth ar dy gyfer i ddigymod â’r holl deimladau MAWR sydd gen ti, ac i symud mlaen a chreu bywyd hapus.

Rho calon ❤️ yn y comments a wnai anfon neges atat.


S A N T E S - D W Y N W E N

Rhannu cariad ❤️ gyda fy nghleientiaid heddiw! DIOLCH i chi am y cyfle i wneud gwaith rwy’n llwyr yn mwynhau!

Mae eich cefnogaeth chi yn golygu gymaint ☺️

Mwynhewch eich diwrnod 💫

H A P P Y - S T - D W Y N W E N S - DAY

Thank you to all my clients for your support. I love helping you find your way to wellbeing.

Have a great day 💫

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 23/11/2023

M A N I F F E S T 2 0 2 4

Yn cyflwyno'r Parti Calan gore erioed!🎊

Y cyfle i weithio gyda fi am ddiwrnod i wireddu dy freuddwyd Fawr am y flwyddyn i ddod.

Gellir bwcio yma - https://buytickets.at/hwylus/1075961

Sesiwn Gymraeg fydd hwn 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

Pwerdy - Powerhouse

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 17/10/2023


Been quiet on here but lots going on IRL.
1. I qualified from Advanced Raynor Massage in London during September. Amazing to meet and be tutored by the one and only Brandon Raynor, all the way over from Oz.
1b - You may have spotted the new tshirts - they’ll be available to buy soon. Wait for detaila of the merch shop.

2 & 3 Braint cael bod yn rhan o ddathliad murlun o waith Meinir Mathias o Elen Llandysul. Hwyl wrth gynrychioli Elen yn Ffair Elen gyda

Fun celebrating Elen of Llandysul, mother to Owain Glyndwr. Now celebrated with the beautiful mural at Calon Tysul.

4&5 - Making shifts in my personal life and did a bit of exploring in Greece and Turkey as a chance to unwind and refocus.

6 - Wedi joio mas draw y profiad o recordio CD gyda wrth ddathlu 20 mlynedd.
Fun recording a CD as part of 20 anniversary celebrations with Seingar Choir.


Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae Hapus i chi gyd.

Yn falch iawn i ddarparu gwasanaeth Cymraeg yn yr ardal. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


This may be of interest so a few of my clients. Great way to help on your healing journey.

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 01/09/2023

H E R - H W Y L U S

Wyt ti'n teimlo dy fod ti'n perchnogi dy fywyd dy hun? Neu ydy pob dydd yn ras i wasanaethu dy waith a dy deulu, a dy fod ti ar 'treadmill' sy'n troi'n gyflymach ac yn gyflymach?

Mae'r Her Hwylus just y peth i ti ddechrau creu defodau yn dy ddiwrnod ar dy gyfer di. A mae e'n berffaith ar gyfer bobl brysur.

Ymuna gyda fi yn yr Her gyda grwp gefnogol o'r criw Hwylus. Dychmyga'r gwahaniaeth wrth i ti ddechrau ar drywydd newydd Hwylus.

Ymuna fan yma (cofia wirio dy ffolder Junk) - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus


H W Y L U S - C H A L L E N G E

Do you feel ownership over your days - and your life? Or does everyday feel that you are running around serving your work, and your family? You're on that treadmill that keeps going faster, and you can't come up for air?

Join me on the Hwylus challenge with a supportive group of people all focused on injecting wellness into our days. Imagine the difference it could make to you.

Jion here (remember to check your junk mail for the welcome email) - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

Can't wait to have you join us!

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 01/09/2023

H E R - H W Y L U S

Dere ffocysu ar y pethau Da!

Mae dal cyfle i ymuno!

Dyma'r gofod i ti gael ffocysu ar dy les Di am 30 diwrnod yn ystod mis Medi.

👉 Dewis 3️⃣ defod, 1️⃣0️⃣ munud yr un, am 3️⃣0️⃣ diwrnod.

Gofal dros dy Galon ❤️, Meddwl 🧠 a'th Enaid 🙌.

Atebolrwydd wrthai i a'r criw Hwylus mewn Grwp Breifat.

I ymuno, dilynwch y linc yma - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

H W Y L U S - C H A L L E N G E

Let's focus on the good stuff!

There is still time to join!

Join me on the Hwylus Challenge 2023.

A chance to focus on your wellbeing during September. Creating a new routine as you get back to the family routine.

👉 Choose 3️⃣ rituals, 1️⃣0️⃣ minutes each, for 3️⃣0️⃣ days.

Caring for your Heart ❤️, Head 🧠 and Soul 🙌.

Accountability by me and the Hwylus crew in a Private Group.

To join, register on this link - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 31/08/2023

H E R - H W Y L U S

Mae dal amser i ymuno!

Cyfle i ffocysu ar eich lles am 30 diwrnod yn ystod mis Medi.

Dewis 3 defod, 10 munud yr un, am 30 diwrnod.

Gofal dros dy Galon, Meddwl a'th Enaid.

Atebolrwydd wrthai i a'r criw Hwylus mewn Grwp Breifat.

I ymuno, cofrestrwch erbyn 31ain Awst 2023 ar y linc yma - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus


H W Y L U S - C H A L L E N G E

There is still time to join!

Join me on the Hwylus Challenge 2023.

A chance to focus on your wellbeing during September. Creating a new routine as you get back to the family routine.

Choose 3 rituals, 10 minutes each, for 30 days.

Caring for your Heart, Head and Soul.

Accountability by me and the Hwylus crew in a Private Group.

To join, register by 31st August 2023 on this link - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 27/08/2023

H E R - H W Y L U S

Ymunwch a Her Hwylus 2023. Cyfle i ffocysu ar eich lles am 30 diwrnod yn ystod mis Medi.

Dewis 3 defod, 10 munud yr un, am 30 diwrnod.

Gofal dros dy Galon, Meddwl a'th Enaid.

Atebolrwydd wrthai i a'r criw Hwylus mewn Grwp Breifat.

I ymuno, cofrestrwch erbyn 31ain Awst 2023 ar y linc yma - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

H W Y L U S - C H A L L E N G E

Join me on the Hwylus Challenge 2023. A chance to focus on your wellbeing during September. Creating a new routine as you get back to the family routine.

Choose 3 rituals, 10 minutes each, for 30 days.

Caring for your Heart, Head and Soul.

Accountability by me and the Hwylus crew in a Private Group.

To join, register by 31st August 2023 on this link - https://hwylus.eo.page/herhwylus

Photos from Hwylus - The Welsh Wellbeing Company's post 24/08/2023

A T H R A W O N - T E A C H E R S

AAAAAAAA - nadlwch! 🙌

Ar drothwy flwyddyn newydd academaidd, beth am gyfle i ffocysu ar eich lles, er mwyn dychwelyd i'r dosbarth a phositifrwydd, egni a grym 💪

Mae'ch meddylfryd 🧠 wrth danio at Dymor newydd yn holl bwysig am eich iechyd meddwl a ffisegol. Ar ddiwedd y driniaeth yma, mi fyddwn hefyd yn neilltuo amser i drafod cynllun lles personol.

Gellir fwcio fan hyn - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book

Mae'r pecyn yma ar gael i athrawon, darlithwyr a staff ysgolion ac academaidd. Bydd angen tystiolaeth arnoch pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd yr apwyntiad.



As we await a new academic year, this is the perfect opportunity for you to focus on your wellbeing, to return to the classroom with positivity, energy and vigour 💪

Your mindset 🧠 going into a new term is so important for your mental and physical health. At the end of this treatment, we will also make time to create a personal wellbeing plan.

You can book here - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book

This package is available to teachers, lecturers and school and academic staff. Proof of occupation will be asked for when you arrive for your appointment.



🙌 Appointments at Bronwydd This Friday!

⏰2pm and 4pm

📍Clwb Criced Bronwydd Cricket Club 🏏

Book 👉 https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


The first questions that I ask new Executive Coaching clients are -
"Who are you here to serve?" and "What do your team need from you?"

The answers to these questions usually guide the structure of our sessions together. If you're aspiring to enter a leadership position, the first thing you need to understand is that you can choose to be a leader at whatever level of the hierarchy you sit.

You see you don't need 'leader' in your job title to be a leader, you're a leader whenever you're in a position to support people achieve a common goal. I have more often experienced the strongest leadership behaviours from junior staff, than those at the top.

Working with an Executive Coach can help you to reflect on and refine your Leadership Style. It can also help you in developing productive line management relationships. For female leaders, working with a coach as you enter a leadership role can be incredibly valuable when working with conflict, power and balancing work with your personal life.


The link between physical and mental health is well-known and researched. It's impossible to have good physical health without good mental health and vice versa. Stress can have a huge impact on both aspects of our well-being and finding healthy coping strategies for dealing with stress can help with our well-being.

Scheduling a regular raynor deep tissue massage can help with feeling fresh and energised. If you are living with chronic discomfort and pain from muscle and emotional tension, life can feel draining and exhausting. It can feel impossible to drag yourself out of bed in the morning, let alone work with a clear head.

As massage improves circulation, you can feel more energised and focused, dispelling feelings of fatigue and lethargy. I can also use an infusion of invigorating essential oils with the massage oil on your body and in the diffuser in the room. Olfactory senses (our taste and smell) link directly to the emotional centre of our brains and using the right scents can lower stress levels and improve mental outlook.

Book your massage through this link - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


Working with a coach like me can help you with achieveing a better work-life balance. There are three key ways in which I can support you with this.

1. Settting your Priorities
It can be tempting to fall into a trap that everything is a priority that needs your urgent attention. But this simply isn't true. Working with me, I can help you understand your values and your long term aspirations. This arms us with the information needed to categorise your work based on importance and urgency, giving your brain the space it needs to focus on the task at hand.

2. Being Intentional with your Time
Once you know what is important, we can set up a working rhythm that fits around you. Emails can easily overwhelm us and we can lose the day without achieving any of the really gritty stuff - beating this requires discipline and weaning yourself from the dopamine hit of opening emails as they arrive. We do this by building and maintaining a systematic approach to your work.

3. Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
The flexible approach offered by some employers following the pandemic has blurred the lines between work and home. It can feel that although you may have the flex to do the school run at 3pm, you're expected to be 'available' to pick up emails or a 'quick call' until 9pm. It may be that introducing back some structure to the working week actually gives you freedom to enjoy time after 5pm. Clearly articulated boundaries are also important with your colleagues, particularly around answering emails and calls when you're focused on productive work.

If there's something that resonated with you here, and you feel that coaching can help you feel happier and less overwhelmed, get in touch with Helen.


Muscle knots are hard, sensitive areas of muscles that tighten and contract even when the muscle is at rest.

Knots can be caused by:
- a sedentary lifestyle
- overusing or injuring your muscles
- poor posture, especially those with desk based jobs who work on a laptop
- dehydration and unhealthy eating habits
- stress and anxiety, especially if you're 'holding yourself tight'

Muscle knots can occur anywhere in the body, but they're usually found in your back, shoulders, and neck.

My clients most often love the first part of their treatment, easing tension in the head, neck and shoulders.

Whilst you can ease knots with rest and stretching, if you have chronic muscle tension it's probably developed over time and stretching by yourself is unlikely to release it.

Massage therapy, especially raynor deep tissue therapy, is an effecive way to treat muscle knots. Raynor massage increases circulation and improves blood flow, which can help improve muscle function and loosen them up.

Keep in mind that one session isn't going to heal you completely. You'll likely need a series of frequent sessions to 'excavate' the built up tension and I recommend having regular 4-6 week massages to keep on top of things once we've treated the initial issue.

If muscle knots are causing you chronic pain and starting to restrict movement of your neck, shoulders and back then join the hundreds of clients that have benefitted from raynor massage with Hwylus.

You can book here - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


Raynor massage is a holistic and naturopathic treatment which means that it works with the body to heal itself.

I am blessed to work everyday helping people to feel at their best. In the past months, I have supported people with back pain, sciatica, stiff necks, tension headaches and joint inflammation.

When I support you by easing tight knots in your muscles, toxins are released into your blood stream and lymphatic system. Keeping hydrated is key here to support your body to metabolise this waste, as well as improving on-going healing from your treatment.

It's best that you drink tepid water on the day of your massage. Tepid water is comforting, aids with digestion and supports your metabolism.

Click on this link to book your next massage with me - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


Who doesn't love a hot bath?

It's not unusual for me to spend at least 3 hours in the bath, infused with my own blend of epsom salts and essential oils. I'm happy with a book and a glass of wine, topping up with hot water every now and then. I've even been known to revise in the bath! (I've passed every time too!)

Whenever I stay away, I talk very nicely at reception and try and get a room with a bath if available. I've swapped rooms half way through stays as well - proper committed.

Taking a warm bath with epsom salts after your massage can be a great way to keep you in a deeply relaxed state - but the key here is WARM. If we've worked quite heavily on an area of your body, like tight shoulders, they are likely to be a bit inflamed after your massage, so you'd be better to ice it.

And unlike my 3 hour bath marathons, you'll need to avoid alcohol and caffeine for a few days, making sure that you drink pleny of water as your body metabolises all the toxins we've released through massage therapy.

With raynor massage, the therapy doesn't end when you leave the clinic. It's a great way to kick a reset button and adopt healthy rituals.

I would love to walk with you on your wellness journey.
Book now - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


Did you know that Helen is the ONLY Raynor therapist in Mid and West Wales?

Aaaand she’s studying Advanced techniques right now?

Aaaand she looks great in pink? 😉


🌟 Enhance Your Skin Tone and Texture with the Healing Touch of Massage! 🌟

✨ Dreaming of smooth, radiant skin? Seeking a natural way to improve skin tone and texture? Look no further than the incredible benefits of massage therapy! 💆‍♀️💫

While we often think of massage as a relaxation and stress-relief technique, it also offers numerous benefits for your skin.

Here's how massage can work wonders for your skin tone and texture:

1️⃣ Increased Blood Circulation: Massage techniques like effleurage and kneading help stimulate blood flow to the skin's surface. This improved circulation delivers oxygen and essential nutrients, promoting a healthy, glowing complexion. With regular massage sessions, you'll notice improved skin tone and a more youthful appearance.

2️⃣ Lymphatic Drainage: The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body and removing waste. Massage stimulates lymphatic flow, helping to flush out toxins and reduce fluid retention. This lymphatic drainage can contribute to a clearer, healthier complexion by reducing puffiness and promoting skin cell renewal.

3️⃣ Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Stress is often reflected in the condition of our skin. When we're stressed, our bodies release cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and breakouts. Massage therapy induces a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety. By managing stress levels, you'll notice improved skin tone and diminished signs of skin conditions like acne and eczema.

4️⃣ Muscle Relaxation: Massage techniques release tension in the facial and neck muscles, which can contribute to improved skin tone and texture. Relaxed muscles help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving your skin a smoother, more youthful look. Additionally, relaxed facial muscles promote better absorption of skincare products, enhancing their effectiveness.

5️⃣ Boosted Collagen Production: Massage stimulates collagen production, a vital protein responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. As collagen levels increase, your skin becomes more supple, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This natural boost in collagen production can give your skin a youthful, plump appearance.

Remember, massage is a complementary approach to skincare and should be combined with a consistent skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle for optimal results.


🌟 Unlock Your Inner Strength: Boost Resilience with a Mindset Coach! 🌟

Life is full of ups and downs, and we all face setbacks and obstacles along the way. But here's the thing: resilience isn't just an innate quality; it's a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured. That's where a mindset coach like me can help to guide you towards a resilient mindset.

Here's how working with a mindset coach like me can transform your life:

1️⃣ Perspective Shift: A mindset coach helps you shift your perspective on adversity. I'll empower you to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. By reframing your mindset, you'll see setbacks as stepping stones towards success. Embrace a positive outlook and watch your resilience soar!

2️⃣ Emotional Mastery: Resilience isn't about suppressing emotions; it's about mastering them. A mindset coach equips you with powerful emotional tools and techniques to navigate difficult situations with grace and composure. I'll help you learn to process emotions, regulate stress, and maintain your inner balance in the face of adversity.

3️⃣ Self-Belief and Confidence: Building resilience requires a strong foundation of self-belief and confidence. A mindset coach helps you discover your strengths, overcome self-doubt, and embrace your potential. They'll challenge limiting beliefs and guide you towards a mindset of unwavering self-confidence. With my support, you'll face any challenge head-on!

4️⃣ Goal Setting and Action Planning: Resilience thrives when fueled by purpose and direction. A mindset coach assists you in setting meaningful goals and creating actionable plans to achieve them. I'll help you break down overwhelming challenges into manageable steps, keeping you focused, motivated, and resilient on your journey.

5️⃣ Resilient Mindset Habits: Resilience is a habit that can be cultivated through consistent practice. A mindset coach introduces you to powerful mindset habits and rituals that reinforce your resilience. From gratitude practices to visualization exercises, I'll guide you in developing a resilient mindset that becomes second nature.

Remember, resilience isn't about avoiding adversity; it's about embracing it and growing from it. With the support of a mindset coach, you can cultivate unwavering resilience that empowers you to conquer any obstacle that comes your way.

So, are you ready to unlock your inner strength, bounce back stronger, and thrive in the face of adversity? Reach out me today and embark on a life-transforming journey towards resilience!


🌟 Boost Your Mental Clarity and Focus with Raynor Deep Tissue Massage! 🌟

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant hustle and bustle of life?
Struggling to stay focused and clear-headed amidst the chaos?
Raynor Deep Tissue massage is the game-changer to enhance your mental well-being.

Raynor Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic technique that targets the inner layers of your muscles and connective tissues. But guess what? Its benefits go way beyond relieving physical tension! This heavenly massage can actually work wonders for your mental clarity and focus.

Here's how:

1️⃣ Stress Reduction: Raynor Deep tissue massage is like a soothing oasis for your nervous system. As skilled hands knead away the deep-seated tension, your body releases pent-up stress and anxiety. This reduction in stress hormone levels allows your mind to relax and rejuvenate, paving the way for enhanced mental clarity.

2️⃣ Improved Circulation: By applying sustained pressure on specific muscle groups, raynor deep tissue massage stimulates blood flow throughout your body. This increased circulation delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to your brain cells, promoting optimal brain function. Say goodbye to mental fog and hello to crystal-clear focus!

3️⃣ Release of Toxins: As I work on your muscles, I facilitate the release of metabolic waste products and toxins that can accumulate in your body. By flushing out these impurities, deep tissue massage detoxifies your system, allowing your mind to function at its best. Experience the mental clarity that comes with a purified body!

4️⃣ Muscle Tension Relief: Chronic muscle tension can be a major distraction, preventing you from concentrating on the task at hand. Raynor deep tissue massage targets those stubborn knots and trigger points, releasing muscular tension and allowing your body and mind to unwind. Let go of physical discomfort and embrace laser-sharp focus!

5️⃣ Mind-Body Connection: Raynor deep tissue massage nurtures the mind-body connection, a vital aspect of mental clarity. As you sink into the blissful experience, you become more attuned to your body's sensations and needs. This mindfulness spills over into your daily life, empowering you to stay present, focused, and in control of your thoughts.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity for your overall well-being.
So, why not invest in yourself and discover the transformative power of deep tissue massage? 🌺

Unleash your mental potential, banish mental fog, and sharpen your focus with the magic of deep tissue massage. Book your session today and embrace a clearer, more centered version of yourself! 🌟💆‍♀️💆‍♂️

Book Here - https://bookings.gettimely.com/hwylus/bb/book


Want to focus on Your Growth, Your Wellbeing, Your Career?

Book onto one of my Bloom Retreats.

DM for more details


🌟 Unlocking Relationship Potential: Working with a Mindset Coach! 🌟

Our relationships have a big impact on our happiness and wellbeing. Whether these are with a romantic partner, friends, family or colleagues. They can sometimes become challenging, causing stress, misunderstandings, and feelings of disconnect. This is where working with me as a mindset coach can help, supporting you with a wealth of knowledge and techniques to help us navigate these intricate dynamics.

First and foremost, working with a mindset coach cultivates self-awareness, which is the foundation of healthy relationships. By delving into our thoughts, emotions, and belief systems, we gain invaluable insights into our own patterns, strengths, and areas for growth. This newfound self-awareness enables us to approach relationships with clarity and authenticity, fostering trust and genuine connections.

A mindset coach also empowers us to challenge our limiting beliefs and replace them with positive, empowering ones. We often carry baggage from past experiences that taint our perception of ourselves and others. I can guide you to shed these negative narratives and adopt a growth-oriented mindset, fostering greater compassion and empathy. As a result, we become more understanding and forgiving, breathing new life into our relationships.

Another fantastic aspect of working with a mindset coach is the emphasis on effective communication. I can equip you with powerful tools and strategies to express your needs, boundaries, and emotions in a respectful and assertive manner. Clear communication is the lifeline of any relationship, and by honing this skill, we can avoid misunderstandings, build deeper connections, and resolve conflicts constructively.

A mindset coach also encourages us to embrace vulnerability and authenticity. I remind you that it's okay to be imperfect, to let your guard down, and to express your true self. When we approach relationships with this openness, we invite others to do the same, fostering a safe and nurturing environment where growth and love can flourish.

Last but not least, working with a mindset coach provides ongoing support and accountability. I am your cheerleader, offering guidance, motivation, and constructive feedback throughout your journey. Having me by your side ensures that you stay committed to your personal growth, consistently showing up as the best version of yourself in your relationships.

In a world where relationships are pivotal to our happiness and well-being, working with a mindset coach is a game-changer. By developing self-awareness, challenging limiting beliefs, fostering effective communication, embracing vulnerability, and receiving ongoing support, we unlock the true potential within ourselves and our relationships.



Today’s wellbeing Wednesday is focused on the menopause. I’m pleased to be able to help women experiencing this transition with massage and coaching.

Particularly supporting women to have positive, productive conversations about menopause in the workplace.


🌟 Boost Your Self-Confidence with the Support of a Mindset Coach! 🌟

💪 Struggling with self-confidence? Ready to step into your true potential and shine? It's time to harness the transformative power of working with a mindset coach! 🚀

Self-confidence is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities and achieving your goals. However, it's not always easy to cultivate this inner belief in yourself. That's where a mindset coach comes in. I can be your guiding light, helping you build unwavering self-confidence from within. Imagine what having the confidence to go for a new job could do for you?

Here's how working with me can transform your self-belief:

1️⃣ Identifying Limiting Beliefs: I can help you uncover and challenge the limiting beliefs that have held you back. And help you recognise and understand the negative thought patterns that have kept you from fully embracing your worth and potential. By bringing these beliefs to light, you can begin to release them and replace them with empowering ones.

2️⃣ Developing a Positive Mindset: A mindset coach guides you in cultivating a positive and empowering mindset. I'll teach you techniques to reframe negative thoughts, focus on strengths, and embrace a growth mindset. Through consistent practice, you'll develop a more optimistic outlook, boosting your confidence and self-belief.

3️⃣ Building Self-Awareness: A mindset coach supports you in deepening your self-awareness. I'll help you understand your strengths, values, and passions, allowing you to align your actions with your authentic self. This self-awareness fosters a sense of confidence and clarity in who you are and what you can achieve.

4️⃣ Overcoming Self-Doubt: Self-doubt can be a major barrier to self-confidence. A mindset coach provides strategies to overcome self-doubt and develop resilience. I'll guide you through mindset shifts, affirmations, visualisation exercises, and other tools to break free from self-limiting beliefs and embrace your true potential.

5️⃣ Goal Setting and Action Planning: A mindset coach assists you in setting empowering goals that align with your values and aspirations. I'll help you break these goals down into actionable steps, creating a clear roadmap for success. As you make progress and achieve milestones, your self-confidence naturally grows.

6️⃣ Unleashing Your Inner Strengths: A mindset coach helps you identify and leverage your unique strengths. I'll help you recognise your talents and skills, empowering you to confidently showcase them in various aspects of your life. By tapping into your inner strengths, you'll radiate self-assurance and authenticity.

Working with me as a mindset coach is an investment in yourself and your personal growth. Low self-confidence has an impact on your career and your relationships. I'll provide the guidance, support, and accountability you need to cultivate unshakeable self-confidence and lead a life you love.

Our Story

Ni yma i wireddu’r anhygoel.

Gallwn helpu darganfod, dylunio a gweithredu’ch syniadau da.

Mae ein gwaith yn cwmpasu annogaeth, cymhelliant a hyfforddiant.

Digwyddiadau sy’n creu cynnwrf a’r cyfle i feddwl yn agored.

Videos (show all)

BURNOUT RECOVERYThis mental health awareness week, if you are facing struggles or a relapse in mental illness, this does...
Good Luck to everyone starting exams this week.Share this with someone who needs it! XPob Lwc i bawb yn gwynebu aroliada...
LOVE MY JOBI love doing my thing and helping my clients release tension and negativity.#massage #massagetherapy #hwylus ...
Carem ddymuno Nadolig Llawen i’m holl cleientiaid a chefnogwyr. Mwynhewch yr Ŵyl, gan wneud amser i’ch hunain. Mae petha...
If you haven’t had a massage before I want you to feel safe in my clinic. You will be asked to undress to your underwear...
Haia Bobl!Ydych chi’n gallu roi awgrymiadau realistig o farchnata yn ddwyieithog 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿i mi?Gwrandewch ar y Reel a gade...
Improve the flexibility, mobility and softness of scars with massage.Book on this link - https://bookings.gettimely.com/...
M E N O P A U S EI’m Helen Hwylus and I’m here to help you talk about menopause in a professional manner in the workplac...
M E N O P A U S EToday’s wellbeing Wednesday is focused on the menopause. I’m pleased to be able to help women experienc...
Feeling tired and a little lacklustre?I can help you let go of tension and the unresolved stress, worry and trauma of co...
3 BIG things that waste your time.If you want to work through some of this, get in touch to discuss Mindset Coaching.Tak...

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00