

The objective of the Parsifal project is to use ICT to allow students to improve literacy through an aware knowledge of their cultural heritage.


EuroEd published an interesting article about enhancing students' research and reading/writing skills through the Parsifal project

• „The Development of Culturally Intelligent Resources through the 3CLab Network”, Bice Della Piana, Alessio Esposito;
• „The Importance of Intercultural Communication Competence for Academic Mobility”, Luminiţa Cocârţă, Silvia Andrei;
• „Intercultural Issues in the Use of the Internet in ELT”, Laura Ioana Leon;
• „Language as the Expression of Culture – A Study on the Linguistic. Situation of the Republic of Moldova”, Cristina Snatinschi;
• «Verdi și Terpsihora: de la „Il Trovatore” la „Don Carlos”», Dragoș Cojocaru;
• „Societatea lichidă în viziunea lui Umberto Eco”, Cristian Ungureanu;
• „Practici muzicale otomane la curţile domnești și boierești din Valahia și Moldova în epoca fanariotă (1711–1821)”, Nicolae Gheorghiţă;
• „Călătoriile fantastice ale unui „sclav al fanteziei” de inspiraţie gotică”, Emanuela Ilie;
• „Pentru o cultură a recunoștinţei – exemplul edificării Mausoleului de la Mărășești”, Pr. Daniel Niţă Danielescu;
• „La globalizzazione vista da Italo Calvino”, Corina-Gabriela Bădeliţă;
• «Cartografii psihologico-literare în „Asuntos De Un Hidalgo Disoluto”. Schimburi interculturale», Lavinia Ienceanu;
• „Confucius Institutes for Traditional Chinese Medicine”, Shi Xueying;
• „Interferenţe mitologice în literatura franceză și în cea spaniolă”, Sorina-Crina Ghiaţă;
• „Intercultural Communication and Cultural Clashes in Edith Wharton’s Novels”, Oana Alexandra Alexa;
• „Enhancing Students’ Research and Reading/Writing Skills Through the Parsifal Project”, Anca Colibaba, Irina Gheorghiu, Mihaela Vatavu, Carmen Antoniţă;
• „L’interculturel, de la théorie à quelques aspects pratiques dans la classe de FLE”, Ana Sanduloviciu, Adriana Grigoraș;
• „Studying in China”, Jia Menglu;
• „The Ethics of Translation – An Emerging Concern”, Sorina Chiper;
• «Viaţa și moartea în traducerile românești ale proverbelor din „Don Quijote de la Mancha”», Alin T**i Călin;
• «Limbaj licenţios în traduceri românești ale prozei lui Mario Vargas Llosa: „La Fiesta Del Chivo”», Ioana Ilisei;
• „Literal and Metaphoric Meaning – An Analysis of Farming Verbs in Business English Dictionaries”, Anca-Irina Cecal.

Cuprinsul volumului „Language, Culture and Change. No. 1/2020: Intercultural Communication: Research, Theory and Practice”, editat de Luminiţa Andrei Cocârţă, Sorina Chiper, Ana Sanduloviciu și Anca-Irina Cecal, recent apărut la Editura UAIC.
Detalii, aici:


Montale has now published the draft copies of all the essays on the project portal!!! We wish to thank the students from class 4 C lin and 4 H lin for their enthusiastic involvement in the project and for the essays they wrote! Thank you guys, well done!

Photos from Parsifal's post 29/11/2019

During the week of Salone Orientamento, on 12th to 14th November IIS Montale-Nuovo IPC distributed some leaflets on the Parsifal Project and the other European projects. The "Salone Orientamento" is a popular fair visited by all the pupils from all the lower high schools in town to decide which school to select for their future upper high school studies.


On 28th October Ms Bernazzoli Cristina went to the middle school Barrili; she left some leaflets on the Parsifal project and she informed the students and families about the European Projects of IIS Montale-Nuovo IPC


Ms Rossella Risso went to Canterbury (UK) on a school trip with some students from IIS Montale-Nuovo IPC. The students attended an English course at Stafford House from 11th to 17th November and Ms Risso had the chance to talk about the Parsifal project with the head teacher at Stafford House who accepted to pin a leaflet on the school board and keep some leaflets on the table at the entrance of the school, at the disposal of all those interested.


Ms Risso Rossella was involved in a dissemination event on 7th November 2019 at IIS Montale-Nuovo IPC. She spoke about the Parsifal project with the representatives of the partner schools in the Erasmus+ project SuperInt.

Photos from Parsifal's post 24/09/2019

On 10 September in Vidin, Bulgaria, Zinev Art Technologies organized a dissemination event, dedicated to the popularisation of ZAT's project initiatives in the field of education. The Parsifal project was presented too and it attracted the interest particularly of teachers in literature and English language. Some of the teachers shared their experience how they worked with students for the choice of Bulgarian legends, which were published on the project portal:

More about the Bulgarian legends you can find here:

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 15/09/2019

The Romanian legend of The Dracula - Vlad Tepes
Dracula is more than 100 years old and still alive! Dracula is a fictional character inspired by the real historical character Vlad Ţepeş.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher Parsifal, the Legends Researcher

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 14/09/2019

The Romanian legend of The Iele/ Nymphs
It is not known exactly how the Iele appeared. Some say they are daughters of the Moon. Others say daughters are Alexandru Macedon's daughters who drank the living water that he kept for old age.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher Parsifal, the Legends Researcher

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 13/09/2019

The Romanian legend of The Living Fire
Some people consider it a gift of the nature, there are those who attributes a miraculous character and, according to tradition, it is considered the protector of the animals. Because it looks like a messenger from another world, people come here to make a wish.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher Parsifal, the Legends Researcher

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 12/09/2019

The Romanian legend of the The Bride's Cave
Near Slănic Prahova, Prahova County, there is a small salt mountain beside a salt-lake, called Baia Baiului. It has the appearance of a cup on its side, with the salt-lake in the cup, overshadowed by the mountain.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher Parsifal, the Legends Researcher


The Romanian legend of Meșterul Manole
In Romanian mythology, Meșterul Manole (roughly: The master builder Manole) was the chief architect of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery in Wallachia. Curtea de Arges Monastery is one of the most famous monasteries in Romania and a must-see attraction if you’re looking to discover centuries-old religious sites.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 10/09/2019

The Romanian legend of The Lady’s Rocks’ (Pietrele Doamnei)
The Lady’s Rocks’ is within a conservation area of national interest located in Suceava county under the administrative jurisdiction of Câmpulung Moldovenesc.

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 05/09/2019

The Romanian legend of The Dragon Garden.
The natural reservation area of ‘The garden of the dragons’ is a geological structure of rocks formed through the natural breaking off of huge blocks of sandstone. The reservation covers an area of about three hectares, is unique in the world and ... 05/09/2019

The Polish Legend of Gingerbread.
The dough is made by hand from flour, water, milk, honey and spices in appropriate proportions. Then they are baked in the oven at ... 05/09/2019

The Lithuanian legend of the establishment of Trakai Castle.
Legend tells that Trakai appeared on women's whims. Kestutis’ Duke of Trakai and Samogitia, wife Birute was unsatisfied that ... 05/09/2019

The Bulgarian legend of Devil's Bridge.
According to the legend, the creator of the bridge is craftsman Dimitar from the nearby village of Nedelino. He undertook the challenge to build ...


Italy has pubished the legend of Lake Misurina and Mount Sorapiss

Photos from Parsifal's post 12/03/2019

Discover the Parsifal project brochure

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher 08/03/2019

One of the project small steps - Kauno Jono ir Petro Vileišių mokykla shared the first Lithuanian legends on Parsifal project website:

Parsifal, the Legends Researcher


The Parsifal project has been funded, by the European Commission through the Polish National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim to improve secondary school students' achievements in literacy making reference, through traditional tales and legends, to the cultural heritage surrounding them. This process can be used to motivate students to learn, making them the protagonists of their learning process.