Health Reform and Bible Studies

Health Reform and Bible Studies

A page devoted to the sharing of Bible studies, Prophecy, quotes on diet and health reform from Ellen G. White and Medical Missionaries' presentations.

The world is sick, and wherever the children of men dwell, suffering abounds. on every hand there is a seeking for relief. It is not the creator's purpose that mankind shall be weighed down with a burden of pain, that his activities shall be curtailed by illness, that his strength wane, and his life be cut short by disease. but all too frequently the laws established by god to govern the life are


Happy Sabbath!


Just remember, the best way to preach the Gospel is to live it and not only speak it.
Happy Sabbath!


Uncover the intriguing journey of Paganism's influence within Christian churches, from ancient traditions to modern practices, in this eye-opening exploration. Delve into the historical context and ideological shifts that shaped this evolution, shedding light on the blurred boundaries between faiths. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind the fusion of ancient beliefs and organized religion.


Matthew 12:8
For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.


Just when you think Jesus is not going to come, that's when He comes.


John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."


Happy Sabbath
"if ye forsake him, he will forsake you." 2 Chronicles 15:2


Sin originated in self-seeking. DA 21.3


This is why Jacob Prevailed.


In this presentation, we will briefly discuss the work of the Holy Spirit in our Lives


The Chief Corner Stone


Persistence: Enduring to the End, even in the Face of Death

Why there is no love in your life? 10/01/2023

Why there is no LOVE?

Why there is no love in your life? You crave for love in your live, you crave for love in your family, you crave for love at your work place and even in society, but it is no where to to found...

The Rise of False Prophets – They are Among Us 31/12/2022

Happy Sabbath. This shows us clearly why the church is becoming like the outside wolrd.

The Rise of False Prophets – They are Among Us The Bible says in the Book of Mat 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. Beware! They are among us.

The beginning of sorrows 28/12/2022


The beginning of sorrows The Bible says in the Book of Matthew 24:7 "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, a...

Famine and Pestilences - Signs of Jesus’ Second Coming, part 4 - Oniel Salmon 24/07/2022

Oniel Salmon talking about the famine and pestilences that will come upon us just like what took place in the destruction of Jerusalem. Have a look.

Famine and Pestilences - Signs of Jesus’ Second Coming, part 4 - Oniel Salmon End Time Prophecy - Famine and Pestilences as signs of Jesus' second coming. We are living at the end of the World and it is time for us to repent and make c...

Jesus is the light of the world 18/04/2022

Jesus is the light of the world Hello, how are you doing today?I'm here with some words from the Bible for you today. Um I hope you will be blessed as you listen and watch. Now before we start, let's just breath a word of prayer to invite the presence of the Lord. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, Prince of peace, as...

Videos (show all)

How Paganism Entered The Churches
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives
The Chief Corner Stone
Persistence: Enduring to the End, even in the Face of Death