Education for the Whole Child

Education for the Whole Child

This is a brand new page! We are creating a resource for anyone looking for inspiration or informat


Already wonderful 💕


💖 Loving each other is a skill.

Rilke's beautiful advice on love to his young friend:


Build character on St. Patrick's Day with these cute shamrocks in my March door decor!


This expert explains why sleep is so important. 😴



Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes speech was EVERYTHING. 👏

Margaret Mead on Myth vs. Deception and What to Tell Kids about Santa Claus 24/12/2017

Santa’s story and poetic truth. ✨

Margaret Mead on Myth vs. Deception and What to Tell Kids about Santa Claus How to instill an appreciation of the difference between “fact” and “poetic truth,” in kids and grownups alike.


The power of a positive role model:

Life Doesn’t Frighten Me: Maya Angelou’s Courageous Children’s Verses, Illustrated by Basquiat 23/12/2017

She wrote, “for all children who whistle in the dark and who refuse to admit that they’re frightened out of their wits.”

Life Doesn’t Frighten Me: Maya Angelou’s Courageous Children’s Verses, Illustrated by Basquiat A priceless primer on poetry and contemporary art for little ones, and a timeless reminder of the power of courage in all of us.


Empathy ❤️

📷 Look with Love

Ellen Surprises Inspiring Baltimore Teacher Mr. O 16/12/2017

This man puts his whole heart and soul into teaching and supporting his students! ❤️🙌

Ellen Surprises Inspiring Baltimore Teacher Mr. O Inspiring teacher Wyatt Oroke sat down with Ellen to talk about giving more opportunities to his students – who surprised him all the way from Baltimore, Maryland.


A child who was bullied for stuttering and big glasses, a child who would not speak in class out of fear of being mocked, discovered that his stutter went away after memorizing Eminem lyrics and felt a sense of control when playing guitar in his bedroom.

With this life-changing awareness came the knowing that his mission in life was to write lyrics, sing and play guitar.

After years of tremendous grit and perseverance, Ed Sheran was discovered by Jamie Fox, which lead to a tour with Taylor Swift, which exposed his talent to the world!


Here's to the creative, daring, passionate and compassionate teachers!


Many of us could use this reminder!

A Creative Alternative To Baby TV Time 10/12/2017

Alternative to TV time, without the guilt trip!

A Creative Alternative To Baby TV Time The last thing you’re going to catch me doing is provoking parental guilt. So, I’m going to assume you’ve heard all about the hazards of TV for infants and


What perceptions are you holding on to?

Dr. Stuart Shanker adds: "This has far more bearing on how they perceive themselves than we might ever dream." 🙇🏿


“Like” if you think the world needs more people who think like this:


🔹Can the “you’re special” and “you can do anything” philosophies many millennials grew up hearing contribute to problems with job satisfaction, impatience and depression?
🔹Can that same optimistic philosophy be maintained with the negative impact reduced when positive concepts are supplemented with other crucial pieces of advice and perspective?
🔹What advice/perspective would you add?

Timeline photos 27/10/2017

Have I honored a unique choice or perspective this week?

Daily Occupation


Save money and learn!


Important conversations to be had between fathers (and/or mothers) and daughters:


We must provide opportunities and plant seeds for children to dream big from a heart for service.



15 Questions to Replace ‘How Was School Today?’ 12/10/2017

A little extra thought can go a long way!

15 Questions to Replace ‘How Was School Today?’ These questions will help you draw out important information from your kids.