Hilary Hraefn Porter - Multidimensional Healer

Hilary Hraefn Porter - Multidimensional Healer

Divine frequencies for your spiritual R:evolution.


:: unexpected magic ::

When I booked this year's family camping trip, I knew the area around Qualicum Falls had some amazing energy but little did I know the absolute magic that lives there.

We camped by the river and on the first day discovered this little watering hole, surrounded by trees, water, and rocks. The water was crystalline, cool but warm at the same time. It held you in it's hum as you sat beside it, it held you in its embrace as you floated in space, and it calmed the Heart, lifting the spirit.

Each morning I walked down to a private space I found in my wanders and spoke with the water, listened to the trees and discovered the breath I didn't realize I had forgotten how to breathe.

It was 5 days in the woods and a complete game changer in how I was settled into my body, how I was relating to the world, and how my heart was open to the possibilities.

And this was just by our campsite!

We also discovered a Buddhist Temple (to be returned to on a later date day), the North Island Animal Rescue Centre (a must support and see), Astro Boba (thank you for having gf/df/sugar-less options!), a beach that goes on for miles and miles and miles (Rathtrevor for the win!), and a round of mini golf or two. My heart is full. My spirit is ready.

I've found a new place that feels like and brings me back to Home within. These are the places to return to again and again (and oh yes, I most definitely will be back!)


:: inauguration ::

Yesterday's Circle of Illumination gathering was the first collective offering at the new home of The Star 🌟 Temple.

A portion of each Full Moon gathering is learning as a way to deepen the understanding of the astrological sign of the current moon plus a gem and a plant friend that are in synergy with that sign.

Another part of the gathering is a guided journey with an Elixir-Herbal blend of the frequencies of that plant and gem.

Last night was about building a relationship with the frequencies of Aquarius, Angelite and Lavender.

During the meditation, I guided the group through the heart, to the Eye of Horus (Third Eye) within and then up through the Crown to the Universal Mind/Knowledge. This is the place of infinite possibilities and Divine wisdom.

There was Light Language streaming through and tuning forks to enhance the visions and support the opening of the gateway for each individual.

There was astral travelling, monkey mind vortex thought patterns, healing by prpxy for others unable to make it, and the recognition of patterns Self created and their impact on living a life of presence.

The thing I love most about these gatherings is the comfort people express they find in knowing they aren't alone in this journey and feeling safe to show up exactly as they are, where they are, in that very moment. There are parallels within us all and through these parallels we see the way more clearly.

In deepest gratitude for it all,


:: paradigms shifting ::

The Aquarius Full Moon is upon us this week. It comes bearing frequencies from Earth to Sky. Aquarius is about all things in the heavens (planes, astrology, space travel....), seeing past the limits of what is in front of us and imagining a different world.

It is electric.

This electricity creates dynamic, powerful change. It also can burn up the nervous system as it flows through quick and unhindered.

This is where lavender comes to say 'hello'. It holds the container so that the Aquarius energy can soar, can create, can be the visionary that it is and help humankind continue to evolve. It balances the above with the below so the profound ripple effect of revolution can expand beyond the accepted parameters of reality (which is where growth and change occurs!). When paired with Angelite, the connection to the heavenly realms is amplified, the subtle bodies held in contact with everyday reality as it journeys out through the ethers.

This Full Moon is a time to speak your Truth. To show up in all the quirkiness that you are. And to see the box around you as something impermanent, something you have the choice to step over and through.

This is the time of realization that just because something is considered the 'accepted' way of doing things, doesn't mean that it's the only way. This is the time to shake up the current paradigms in your life, to reconfigure them in a way that takes you past the boundaries that have held you tightly for so long.

This is the time of your reimaging.


Circle of Illumination Full Moon Ritual + Plant Elixir Journey
Full Moon in Aquarius :: Lavender - Angelite Elixir

Tues Aug 20 :: 6p-730p at The Star Temple, #4 - 2020 Douglas St, Victoria BC
sliding scale :: $33 / $44 / $55
*limited to 8 Divine Beings.

*Each being will receive a 15ml Elixir to take home with them and continue to journey through the cycle until the next full moon.

Join :: SacredStarseedHealing.as.me/Gatherings


:: lion's gate frequencies ::

A few early morning transmissions from the Lion's Gate Portal while I bathed within the frequencies alongside the Little Qualicum Falls.

(My bed feels great, but I most definitely miss being within the whisper of the water and the sighing of the trees.)


All the ways in which to connect :: linktr.ee/SacredStarseedHealing

1:1 Sessions, gatherings, and trainings :: SacredStarseedHealing.as.me


:: potions + gratitude ::

First day back in the Star 🌟 Temple after some magical crystalline time in the woods and river.

Second official week in the Temple's new location.

My heart was so full with so much gratitude this morning as I started my day in the Moon πŸŒ™ Room mixing up some custom potions for some Divinely amazing clients.

Things are feeling cozier, most fractalline and absolutely 'yes please' as and I continue to hone this cosmic space for all the sacred journeys and multidimensional magic.

Thank you for being with us on this journey. Thank you for trusting us to be in yours.

From my full, stardusted heart to yours,


Hello Divine Beings!

It's been a push the last couple of weeks with the galactic move of The Star Temple to its new magical location.

Now, it is time for us to rest, to take a short break to spend time with the family and recharge our souls.

The Temple will be closed from Aug 4 - 11th. Both & myself ( .starseed.healing ) will be following up with all inquiries and communications after we return on the 12th.

We are both so very excited for what is to come for The Star Temple as we settle in and really make it a mini-oasis within the city. (So far, 8/8 clients say it's pretty awesome - and we aren't even done yet!)

Sessions are filling up for August. There are only 9 transformative spaces available with myself (Hilary) for the rest of this month. This is the month to prepare your frequencies, your Heart, and your mind for the entry back into September and all this means for the changes in routines and Self work.

While I am away, sessions can be booked self serve style at SacredStarseedHealing.as.me.

Not sure where to start? The 90 min Session of Consciousness is a good place to land.

Wanna book in with Derek? You can find him at linktr.ee/TheStarTemple.

Thank you from the depths of my heart for all your support and magic as we continue on this journey of making The Star Temple the most potent portal for your Soul healing + expansion.

in stardusted love,

credit for the beautiful image goes to


Today's tea coming at ya from The Lotus Room at the new Star 🌟 Temple.

A little licorice, lemon grass, oatstraw blend to share with my clients throughout the day.

Refreshingly lemonesque with a little soft sweetness to bring the brightness while calming the edges.

I'm excited for more tea time sharings as and I continue to make this new landing pad of transformation even morr amazing!

(P.S. if you haven't heard, you can now find our little oasis in The Mercantile Building - 2020 Douglas πŸ’œ Unit 4, Victoria BC. )


Today's tea coming at ya from The Lotus Room at the new Star 🌟 Temple.

A little licorice, lemon grass, oatstraw blend to share with my clients throughout the day.

Refreshingly lemonesque with a little soft sweetness to bring the brightness while calming the edges.

I'm excited for more tea time sharings as and I continue to make this new landing pad of transformation even morr amazing!

(P.S. if you haven't heard, you can now find our little oasis in The Mercantile Building - 2020 Douglas πŸ’œ Unit 4, Victoria BC. )

Photos from The Cosmic Messenger's post 01/08/2024

Derek says it all! We are very excited to be hosting transformational happenings at this little oasis in the city!


....coming soon....


:: liminal space ::

Have you heard about this annual gateway called 'The Day Out Of Time'?

It's an opportunity to start a new story, have our star karma start on a fresh cosmic canvas & finally put these old outdates versions to rest, so we are not dependent on what was or the nostalgia holding us back.

This is the rising of Sirius with Sun, this is the day that puts the original 13 month moon calendar back into alignment & shows us that time is quantum, each moment layered one upon each, happening in tandem as the Now.


Quantum Sound :: sacred geometry grid work :: Sacred Heart Tameana :: Multidimensional Reiki+ :: Light Language Encodings :: Oracle Divination :: guided meditation

We invite you to a night of activation, initiation and deep cellular unification. You are invited to sink in & access the deeper states of your own Central Nature and Divine Self as you are lovingly bathed in frequency & welcomed through the portals of Self-Realization.

During the gathering we will honour and align ourselves within our individual Soul journeys while connecting into & sharing the Collective experience. This takes the healing of the timelines to a place beyond this moment. It takes the healing back to generations before, through our own timelines and through the timelines that wove their way over, under, and within those moments. By raising our own Consciousness, we raise that of the Collective. By doing so as a Collective, all experiences are amplified and we are more deeply transformed, as One and as All.


:: Frequency Bath & Light Language Activation ::
w/ Hilary Hraefn Porter, Astral Shaman & Derek Pennett, Lightbody Technician

Thurs 25 July :: 7p-9p
Victoria BC @ The Star Temple 1500 Haultain St

sliding scale :: $55 / $66 / $77

Join :: sacredstarseedhealing.as.me/gatherings or through a direct DM

Limited to 5 beings. 2 spots available.


: Full Moon in Capricorn ::
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Boneset + Turquoise
Sun 21 July :: 6p-730p

Circle of Illumination is an educational + experiential journey to illuminate your way through the next lunar cycle.

It's a space to surrender into Self through the cycles of the moon and the wisdoms of the plant and crystal realms.

It's a place to rejuvenate your Spirit + renew / strengthen your relationship with the Sacred.

It's a moment to pause + reconnect to your Soul practice.

Each gathering we will learn about and journey with a Plant + Gem Elixir that celestially resonates with the moon and the current astrological sign it is in. There will be a teaching, a tasting, and a guided meditation as well as a 15ml bottle of the month's Plant-Gem Elixir for each participant to take home with them.

Space is limited to 6.

The Star Temple, 1500 Haultain St Victoria BC

:: Sliding scale ::
$33 / $44 / $55 per gathering
*includes 15ml Plant-Gem elixir to take home with you.

:: Registration ::
SacredStarseedHealing.as.me or by email to [email protected]

:: Upcoming Dates ::

Sun 21 July :: Full Moon in Capricorn
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Boneset + Turquoise

Tues 20 Aug :: Full Moon in Aquarius
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Lavender + Angelite

Tues 17 Sept :: Full Moon in Pisces
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Reishi + Amethyst

Tues 17 Oct :: Full Moon in Aries
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Verbena + Citrine

Fri 15 Nov :: Full Moon in Ta**us
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Rosemary + Amber

Sun 15 Dec :: Full Moon in Gemini
Plant-Gem Elixir :: Skullcap + Agate


Turquoise is a familiar stone to many. Through this familiarity, or commonality, the intrinsic magic it offers can be forgotten.

This is a stone of strength. One that dissolves the borders of self-sabotage, that contain you and keep you small.

This is a stone of balanced centre that stabilizes emotional fluctuations and brings peace in moments of overwhelm, exhaustion, and depressed states. It brings the chakras to a higher crystalline state within the subtle bodies and brings the physical pieces of you into harmonic resonance with the spiritual bliss of your light.

This is a stone of protection, a purifier of space through ridding negative energy and EMF pollution.

This is a stone of connection, a unification between the Earth/masculine/human aspects and the Sky/feminine/spirit planes.

It is a stone of self-realization, creative expression, and solace.

This Sunday Turquoise will be coming to play alongside Boneset during this month's Full Moon Gathering.


Circle of Illumination Full Moon Ritual + Plant Elixir Journey
Full Moon in Capricorn :: Boneset - Turquoise Elixir

Sun July 21 :: 6p-730p at The Star Temple, Victoria BC
sliding scale :: $33 / $44 / $55
*limited to 6 Divine Beings.

*Each being will receive a 15ml Elixir to take home with them and continue to journey through the cycle until the next full moon.

Join :: SacredStarseedHealing.as.me/Gatherings


:: mending the timelines ::

It sings the frequencies of the bones and the seas of the ancestors that reside within them.

It sings the vibration of the teeth, rattling a calling to the past that lives within us.

It calls it forth to mend that which has been broken.

It calls it forth to seal the wound and clear what festers.

It makes strength where lines were made fractured, broken.

It creates pathways upon the memories through the strength gained, the seal complete.

This is the frequency of Boneset.

We will begin to build a relationship with Boneset and Turquoise under this coming Full Moon in Capricorn this Sunday, July 21st.

I invite you to join us and to remember.


Circle of Illumination Full Moon Ritual + Plant Elixir Journey
Full Moon in Capricorn :: Boneset - Turquoise Elixir

Sun July 21 :: 6p-730p at The Star Temple, Victoria BC
sliding scale :: $33 / $44 / $55
*limited to 6 Divine Beings.

*Each being will receive a 15ml Elixir to take home with them and continue to journey through the cycle until the next full moon.

Join :: SacredStarseedHealing.as.me/Gatherings


:: clearly expressed ::

Tomorrow morning we will be exploring the further concepts of Self through the idea of being expressed so clearly you are able to understand and connect with, through and as your luminous self.


Esoteric Storytime is a chance to sit back, sip some tea, and soak in the words as they are read to you. (There is no need to have the book!) There are side notes and opportunities to ask questions. It is a vessel of a collective coming together to learn, expand, grow and receive mentorship on your journey.

:: Each gathering includes ::
- Reading of & guidance through the chapters
- Discussion time of the topic
- link to recording of gathering to (re)watch at a later time.

:: Esoteric Storytime + group mentorship ~ 1st + 3rd Wednesday of each month
:: 11a - 1p PST ~ over the virtual portals

**July Gatherings **
3 July - Who Are You?
17 July - The Lucid Self.

Book: "the untethered soul ~ the journey beyond yourself" by Michael Singer

:: Energy Exchange ::
sliding scale $11 / $22 / $33
*Per gathering date*

:: Register ::
Online @ sacredstarseedhealing.as.me/gatherings up to 6 hrs before gathering or through DM

You will have the choice of dates to join when registering. Not sure which ones you want to come to and just want to begin with one? You are able to register for as many or as few as you would like.

No need to have the book as the week's chapter will be read aloud interspersed with decoding time.

See you soon!


This month has been hot.

Which means finding ways to keep your cool.

Pair this with the gauntlet and that brings a whole other level of chill out required.

This month so far has been the pure outward manifestation of 'keeping it cool' under pressure.

How does this pressure show up in you?

Maybe it's as sleeplessness.
Or intense dreamspace processing.

Or the inability to remember thoughts, words or where you placed your keys.

Or the stomach that seems to not want to digest anything.

Or the quick to tears, the quick to snap, the agitation below the surface.

Amplify these with the July heat and it can feel like a lose-lose situation.

In these moments, I turn to my potions in the form of tea.

Yes, tea even in the heat.

The difference? I drink them at room temperature, iced or added to my blended yum.

Hibiscus, Chamomile, Skullcap tea - steeped double strength, sweetened with honey and poured over ice is a balm for the physical, spiritual, and mental fritz. It boosts the immune system while calming the edges and supporting the digestion.

Not a fan of Chamomile? Swap it out for Lemonbalm.

Like it a little more floral? Add some Lavender or Rose petals into the mix.

(Lemonbalm, Skullcap, and Lavender -are some of my favorite go-to herbs right now not just because they are delish, help smooth the nervous system and bring in the settled sigh, but because they all are specific for when we've had too much sun).

Don't want tea but craving some delectable frozen treat? This blend also makes a delish popsicle or ice cubes blended into a granita.

Take the moment of pause. Make it non-negotiable as a space of Being, a space to sip your tea, breathe, settle and sigh.


PS Not all herbs are right for all beings. Please check in with a trained herbalist if you have any health conditions, allergies, or are taking medications before adding in new potions to the mix.

PPS Looking for a herbal mix to call your own? A custom blend to support you through your specific journey? I've got you. Herbal potions are one of the wisdoms that come into our time together during 1:1 sessions. Reach out and let's make it happen!


:: liquid frequencies ::

I'm so very excited for these to have finally been born! They have been in my mind and heart for awhile as another access point for people to bring transformative frequencies into their everyday.

Blue bottles allow the healing light rays to shift the water inside, bringing it back to its Zero Point field (its Original Set Point) and when amplified with the Light Language symbols, the crystalline intention is taken into the cells as we hydrate and replenish.

These 4 will be available at the tomorrow (Sat 13 July) in Langford.

The small are 500ml, the larger are 750ml.

4 different symbols, 4 different frequency shifts. Each symbol has been transmitted/translated through my relationship with Sacred Heart Tameana and etched by hand. Each bottle comes with the Light Language transmission written in English.

Custom symbols and transmissions will be available soon! Stay tuned!

in so much stardusted love,


:: into the light ::

Our next metaphysical market appearance is coming up this weekend! This is our first time with this market and we are excited to be joining them in the newly renovated Langford Legion Hall.

The Star Temple (Derek and I) will be on site with Starseed offerings, a selection of our sacred products for tapping into your luminary potential & an abundance of info about The Star Temple.

We are going to have some awesome offerings at the booth, including:

πŸ”₯ 30 min treatments w/ or myself (your choice!)

πŸ”₯ Exit the Matrix Light Language Album USBs on handcrafted key chains

πŸ”₯ a selection of Vibrational Elixirs + Liquid Stardust blends

πŸ”₯ Light Encoded Art card prints

πŸ”₯ NEW! Light Language Hand engraved Cobalt Blue drinking bottles

πŸ”₯ Crystalline Gift draw for $88 towards sessions at The Star Temple

πŸ”₯ Info about The Star Temple & a chance to connect with us about our Starseed Services.


The Light and Energy Summer Spiritual + Wellness Symposium
Sat 13 July :: 10a - 5p
Langford Legion Hall :: 761 Station Avenue
$5 entry

There will be a variety of vendors and healers in the mix. Find out more at www.lightandenergy.ca or

See you soon!


:: something's coming....::

Playing mad scientist over here in prep for the upcoming .

Can you guess what I'm making?

Hints......they're blue...they hold liquid...a dremel is being used.

Comment your inkling below!


Getting ready this week to get galactic with you next weekend!

Our next public metaphysical market appearance is coming up next quantum weekend :: Sat, July 13th :: 10-5pm!

This is our first occasion being at The Light & Energy Wellness Symposium @ The Langford Legion Hall (recently renovated).

Come visit our multidimensional booth: The Cosmic Messenger & Hilary Hraefn Porter - Multidimensional Healer will be on site with starseed offerings, a selection of our sacred products for tapping into your luminary potential & an abundance of info about The Star Temple.

30 mins powerful frequency healing-activation treatments all day long ($55): need a galactic tune up or astral assistance? + would love to see you there & come by for a metaphysical chat!



:: Development ::

To begin, you must take a single step. Through this step, the intention of direction is created. Regardless of the size of the step, momentum has begun.

This first step, it's imperative. The focus it takes on this present moment to make the decision to take this step influences the process to the nth degree. It's the patience, flexibility, and sensitivity to what is around and within that informs what comes next. Too much urgency and the step can be laid sideways, askew, creating imbalance and misdirection.

It's ok to stumble. It is a normal part of growth. The key is to stay with what is, in the present moment, so that even when the unexpected comes, you are able to not be thrown of balance and to maintain your intended direction. In these toughest moments, these 'stumblings', is where the vital learning comes. These moments are a chance to develop wisdom from being present to the discomfort or embarrassment that ,ay come along side the trip up. Don't look for the shortcuts. Don't look for the way around the rough patch, a distraction to keep you from feeling the growing pains from what you are about to move through.

"You can't hide from Truth. Life's lessons are all about your willingness to look truth straight in the eye and feel supported rather than fearful of it."

There were 2 changes to the I-Ching for this cycles card.

The first...."Stick with the tried and true. Maintaining unwavering constancy, and taking careful steps, one at a time, are the means by which you can realize your fondest dreams. Even if you have to walk among strangers, it's the journey that's important now and not the names and family history of your fellow travellers. A little farther down the road the landscape will become more familiar."

And the second..."When your inner development reaches a certain stage of maturity, you find that others are attracted to you and might even try to express their attraction by following your example. Don't be embarrassed by it, and don't let it go to your head either. Real humbleness is compassionate to others no matter where they are on the path."

:: Oracle Card Messaging of the Tao for the cycle of Summer ::


:: the Place Within ::

Come to yourself first. Come to yourself before reaching out to another in an attempt to fix you or recreate the mistakes that you made. Come to yourself first, to the Inner Knowing that resides within but has become lonely for the lack of light, the lack of attention, the lack of desire to trust that it is in there, in you.

It can feel easier for another to do the work for you, but then it isn't your work being done. You must be present to the process. You must be a part of the shifts, changes, work...and yes it feels this way, like work, requiring effort, because it IS work. It takes effort.

And through it all, it takes you.

Where do you go when it gets tough? Do you hide? Dissociate? Pass the blame? or do you show up, accept what is yours, and look it directly in the eye and say " I am here to do the work. I am here to show up to and for me."

What are the inner workings of your Heart? Look there for this is where you will find the answers to release and retain, to acknowledge and discover. Through these answers you find peace. Through these answers you find acknowledgement of your place and the setting before you.

Don't shy away from the work. Show up before it. Need a hand to hold along the way? There is no shame in asking but don't ask them to lead. This is your time to be here for you. This is your time to access your heart, feel the heat and rise up through and into the space between your eyes, the one that expands you outward and holds you centred as a nebula, a star born within.

Come back to you, this place within, again and again and know that you are meant to be here, know that you are meant to be brilliant, and know that it takes doing the work.

:: Guidance from the Council of the Sisters for the cycle of the Summer season ::


:: beneath it all ::

Underneath all the layers of expectation, labels, and desires, who are you?

What is the core essence of your awareness, of your presence, of your being?

This week during Esoteric Storytime we will look at the layers and get curious about how to pull them back so that we can be here, now, as our Original Core frequency.


Esoteric Storytime is a chance to sit back, sip some tea, and soak in the words as they are read to you. (There is no need to have the book!) There are side notes and opportunities to ask questions. It is a vessel of a collective coming together to learn, expand, grow and receive mentorship on your journey.

:: Each gathering includes ::
- Reading of & guidance through the chapters
- Discussion time of the topic
- link to recording of gathering to (re)watch at a later time.

:: Esoteric Storytime + group mentorship ~ 1st + 3rd Wednesday of each month
:: 11a - 1p PST ~ over the virtual portals

**July Gatherings **
3 July - Who Are You?
17 July - The Lucid Self.

Book: "the untethered soul ~ the journey beyond yourself" by Michael Singer

:: Energy Exchange ::
sliding scale $11 / $22 / $33
*Per gathering date*

:: Register ::
Online @ sacredstarseedhealing.as.me/gatherings up to 6 hrs before gathering or through DM

You will have the choice of dates to join when registering. Not sure which ones you want to come to and just want to begin with one? You are able to register for as many or as few as you would like.


Videos (show all)

:: lion's gate frequencies ::A few early morning transmissions from the Lion's Gate Portal while I bathed within the fre...
:: take 6 ::Yep, it took 6 takes to get through it without laughing so hard that Derek (@the_cosmic_messenger ) had to l...
:: events of the Light ::β˜€ Summer Solstice + Sidr Honey Frequency Bath & Light Language Activation β˜€Two solo ceremonies ...
:: to gather in relationship ::This week is the first gathering of the Circle of Illumination and I am so very excited t...
:: getting curious with Spongy Moth ::Spongy Moth is a non-native species brought over from Europe for its silk. In some...
New Moon in Taurus is all about stability and foundational structures. But where can you shake it up and do it different...
:: let it breathe ::Sacred Heart Codes for the Full Moon in Scorpio.:: Translation + Guidance ::Where have you come from...
:: Eclipse Season Sacred Heart Codes ::Who have you become? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Does it match wh...
:: the love of the angels ::A throwback to 2019 where I celebrated by birthday month with a Plant Party 🌿 and a sharing ...


Opening Hours

Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00