The Armed Citizen-Nebraska

The Armed Citizen-Nebraska

The Armed Citizen of Nebraska (T.A.C.) is all about training responsible citizens to protect what is Relax, have fun and learn. We hope to see you again!

We focus on small class settings where everyone will feel comfortable. Many times people feel intimidated because they don’t own tactical gear or don’t know what it is to put 1,000 rounds of ammo down-range! Whatever your skill level, we here at T.A.C. will take you from where you are and help to perfect your shooting. I am looking forward to meeting you on the range! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

CUFI Weekly: Standing With Israel at War 06/08/2024

CUFI Weekly: Standing With Israel at War This week, CUFI held our annual Washington Summit in the midst of Israel fighting a war on multiple fronts. In this edition of the CUFI Weekly, Kasim breaks ...

Breaking News: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Is Dead 11/11/2023

Breaking News: ATF Pistol Brace Rule Is Dead 📲 Subscribe to Here: News! The ATF BRACE RULE is DEAD and now you all can go back to putting all the sweet SB Tac...


Remember kids- it's not always the gun's fault, sometimes you just can't shoot. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Proper grip, stance and sight alignment = good shooting.

Nebraska - Urgent Action Needed - Constitutional Carry’s LAST VOTE Tomorrow! 19/04/2023

Nebraska - Urgent Action Needed - Constitutional Carry’s LAST VOTE Tomorrow! Nebraska Legislature will hold the final vote tomorrow, April 19, for Legislative Bill 77, “LB 77” by Senator Tom Brewer, the constitutional

Nebraska: Constitutional Carry, LB 77, Up for Second Vote in the Legislature 28/03/2023

Nebraska: Constitutional Carry, LB 77, Up for Second Vote in the Legislature Legislative Bill 77, “LB 77” the constitutional carry bill that recently passed the first of three rounds in the legislature, is up on


Who's excited for all the new guns coming out???

THIS is absolutely on my list!!! 😲😲

Well, this is certainly unexpected! The folks at Smith & Wesson Inc. have introduced an all-metal M&P9 M2.0 pistol. Just when you thought everything was going polymer, S&W flips the script!

Read up on the specs and features here:


Don't think that Concealed Carry in Lincoln is important?? Just remember: when seconds matter, police are just minutes away (and tired, overworked, and overwhelmed)

YOU are the FIRST Responder.

Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Concealed-Carry Restriction | National Review 23/06/2022

With other further infringements on our 2A rights looming, it's super important to recognize the reinstatement of 2A rights in New York (and other states, I'm sure)

this is a HUGE win for the 2A community!!

Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Concealed-Carry Restriction | National Review The court ruled that New York’s ‘proper-cause’ requirement violates ordinary citizens’ Second Amendment rights.


Listening to the House Judiciary hearing trying to erode our 2nd Amendment rights..


Who's got a new defensive shotgun on their list this year?

🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️ - this guy!!!

Looking for a new boomstick? Shop smart. Shop the New Shotguns for 2022 Guide at Shooting Illustrated, and find new guns from O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc., BERETTA and others.

Timeline photos 20/04/2022

well, we had our chance at this--- but GREAT JOB, GEORGIA!!

“DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. - Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill allowing Georgia residents to carry handguns in public without a license or background check into law Tuesday. The governor signed a second measure that gives concealed weapons permit holders from other states the ability to carry legally in Georgia as well.

The Georgia Senate passed what supporters call the ‘Constitutional Carry Act’ at the beginning of April, sending it to the governor’s desk for signature.

Standing in front of a crowd of supporters outside Gable Sporting Goods in Douglasville, Kemp said the bill is a public safety measure.

‘SB 319 makes sure that law-abiding Georgians — law-abiding Georgians, including our daughters and your family too — can protect themselves without having the permission of the state government…. Kemp said Tuesday. ‘HB 218 ensures that individuals who are licensed to carry in another state are also authorized to do so here in Georgia.’”

Half the country has recovered an essential God-given right. Which state do you think is likely to follow next?

From Fox Atlanta at


This is your reminder to get out and shoot!
Carry On-- jjm
