PIC DeVere group vital information

PIC DeVere group vital information

Some times people trust to much without doing research. The man in the Video was one such Victim. I have found a number of independent articles.....

Some times people trust too much without doing research. Myself and my wife as well as friends we recommended have lost thousands in "Devere owned funds" no one is allowed to say anything bad about this company. If you are a client and complain you lose money and so this is not a complaint site. It is nearly an information site putting together a number of independent articles about this company t

Wealth Manager to UK Expats is Fined and Banned In South Africa 08/06/2022


Wealth Manager to UK Expats is Fined and Banned In South Africa One of the biggest financial advisers to British expatriates has been fined by a South African regulator.


Please feel free to add more news articles. This is not a place to write things about any company. This is just a place to share public news that has been written by credible sources into one easily manageable space.

Two ex-deVere U.S. execs fined combined total of US$750,000 08/06/2022


Two ex-deVere U.S. execs fined combined total of US$750,000 Two executives from a seven-year venture into the U.S. market some years ago by the well-known, globally-active deVere advisory firm have been ordered to pay US$400,060 and US$350,060 respectively for "material misstatements and omissions made to clients and prospective clients to whom they reco...

Nigel Green fined and banned for five years in South Africa 08/06/2022


Nigel Green fined and banned for five years in South Africa Leading brand for international independent financial advisers, wealth management professionals serving expatriate and cross-border clients worldwide.
