

Change the way you feel. Healine, based in Ibiza offers multiple massage therapies and treatments.


🌿 Stepping Away, Stepping Forward 🌿

I’ve been absent for a while, and for a good reason. Life’s more than social media; it’s about facing our truths, our journeys, even the painful ones. For over 7 years, I carried a heavy trauma, hidden from the world and myself. Every day was a battle with insecurities and triggers, until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

During my recent trip to Romania, the weight of it all became too much. Panic attacks, anxiety, insecurities - they consumed me. But I knew I needed help. I reached out to a transformational coach, and through Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) hypnosis, I delved deep into my past.

In those four hours of hypnosis and three weeks of reprogramming, I tore down walls I didn’t even know I built. I embraced my inner child, showing her love, security, and safety she never knew. Thanks to practitioners and Nikki, I found strength, self-love, and clarity.

This journey taught me the importance of self-value and boundaries. Mental health isn’t something to overlook; it’s the foundation of our well-being. With the right tools and support, healing is possible. And so, I embrace this new chapter with gratitude, love, and an open heart.

If you’re struggling, know that help is out there. Whether it’s therapy, hypnosis, or counseling, investing in your mental health is invaluable. Let’s embrace life, love every moment, and be grateful for the journey. Thank you for being a part of mine. 🙏💚

Love and clarity,
Nana 🤍


The Animus and Animus Possession

A woman is compensated by the masculine animus, the personified spirit of a woman that corresponds to the paternal Logos, representative of rationality, discrimination and cognition. It is the union of Eros, the expression of her true nature – that is, relatedness, connection and the feminine feeling value – and Logos that creates the instinctual drive toward wholeness necessary for psychological development and individuation.

While the animus is an eternal, inherited archetype of the collective unconscious, it is also influenced the context of one’s life, culture and personal relationships with the opposite s*x. Therefore, it is both an archetypal image that possesses a degree of autonomy, such that it cannot be wholly integrated into consciousness, and a personal complex. The animus is best thought of as a kind of psychopomp or guide to the unconscious, formulating the bridge between a woman’s ego and the Self, the psychological totality of her being. According to Jung, “If the encounter with the shadow is the ‘apprentice-piece’... then that with the anima [or animus] is the ‘master-piece.’” (Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part I. Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious)

A woman possessed by the animus will develop emotionally charged, ‘sacred’ convictions and critical judgements, inflicted either against herself, causing deep feelings of inferiority, or indiscriminately against others. She exhibits ‘. . . a priori assumptions that lay claim to absolute truth.’ (Jung, 1951, p.15) When challenged on her position, she becomes abrasive and dogmatic. Such convictions are never true to the reality of her personhood, and in fact threaten her feminine identity and her relationships, for the animus-possessed woman is gripped by an unconscious desire for power and control. This negative animus lures her away from life and encases her in fantasies of how things should be. It can also manifest as a destructive attitude. According to Marie Louise Von Franz, the animus shares the primitive propensity of man as hunter, capable of murdering life for a woman. If the animus robs her of all life and leaves her in a state of emotional paralysis, she may become a vampire who sucks the life from others. This is quite unlike the anima, which serves to enhance life. In fairytales, such a negative animus may appear as the personification of death itself.

“Just as the mother influence is formative with a man's anima, the father has a determining influence on the animus of a daughter. The father imbues his daughter's mind with the specific coloring conferred by those indisputable views mentioned above, which in reality are so often missing in the daughter. For this reason, the animus is also sometimes represented as a demon of death. A gypsy tale, for example, tells of a woman living alone who takes in an unknown handsome wanderer and lives with him in spite of the fact that a fearful dream has warned her that he is the king of the dead. Again and again she presses him to say who he is. At first he refuses to tell her, because he knows that she will then die, but she persists in her demand. Then suddenly he tells her he is death. The young woman is so frightened that she dies. Looked at from the point of view of mythology, the unknown wanderer here is clearly a pagan father and god figure, who manifests as the leader of the dead (like Hades, who carried off Persephone). He embodies a form of the animus that lures a woman away from all human relationships and especially holds her back from love with a real man. A dreamy web of thoughts, remote from life and full of wishes and judgments about how things "ought to be," prevents all contact with life. The animus appears in many myths, not only as death, but also as a bandit and murderer, for example, as the knight Bluebeard, who murdered all his wives.”

Marie Louise von Franz, The Animus, a Woman's Inner Man.

The animus becomes a valuable inner companion for a woman only once she is able to differentiate between the thoughts and opinions of this autonomous complex, and what she herself really thinks. To become familiar with the nature of her animus, she must create distance between herself and her convictions and look upon them with a critical eye. Manifest positively, the animus provides her with qualities of initiative, creative action, objectivity and spiritual wisdom. In his highest form, he is the incarnation of meaning.

“Just as the anima becomes, through integration, the Eros of consciousness, so the animus becomes a Logos; and in the same way that the anima gives relationship and relatedness to a man’s consciousness, so the animus gives to a woman’s consciousness a capacity for reflection, deliberation and self-knowledge.”

Carl Jung, C.W. Vol 9. Part II: Aion. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus

Art: Blue Beard by Eune Ryu

Photos from Healine's post 05/12/2023

Step into a sanctuary crafted just for you, where the ancient art of massage transforms into a dance of Elemental Healing. 💆‍♀️🪷

In this sacred space, my passion for massage is more than a skill -it’s a connection to ancient wisdom that shapes this therapeutic craft. From the balanced “Qi” in ancient China to the aromatic oils of Egypt, massage has a rich tapestry woven through the cultures of Greece, Rome, India and beyond.

Every technique, a unique thread, holds a story of evolution. 💫 Initially bound by protocols, my journey led me to a fusion of practices guided by intuition. In this dance of massage, I explore energy, attended to the body’s cues, rooted in love and care.

Embark on this Elemental Healing Journey, I present signature treatments crafted with love. ✨ Each treatment, associated with different elements, promises a transformative experience for your body, mind and soul.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a tailored massage experience aligned with your mood? Dive into our Elemental Signatures ->

Explore Elemental Healing- where each massage is a journey, and your well-being is the destination. 🌅 https://www.soulful-radiance.com/elemental-healing/


Much love,
Nana 🤍


Embrace the Journey with Nana 💫

🌈 Join me on a quest of self-discovery as I delve into the realms of emotional and physical wellness. From childhood tales to the transformative power of massage, this blog is a tapestry of resilience, growth and authentic joy.

📖 Uncover the chapters of my life, from the enchantment of books to the magic of Ibiza. Life’s twists have changed me into a compassionate soul, devoted to guiding others on their healing journey.

✨ Every touch, every word shared here, serves the purpose of redeeming lives. It’s an invitation to heal, to believe, and to embark on your unique transformative process.

👣 Let’s walk this path together, embracing the art of creation, healing, and living in alignment with our true selves. Stay tuned for stories, treatments, and insightful health studies.

🙏🏼 Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Much love,
Nana 🤍

For the entire chapter, click on my bio 🫶

Photos from Healine's post 13/05/2023

First retreat with the in Ibiza. 🌅
The participants of this truthful foundation came to the island to share a unique adventurous, fun and holistic experience for a couple of days.

They showed courage, determination and openness to all the activities that were planned by their main figure , for that matter I'm thanking him for inviting us to help in building this retreat. 🙏🙏🙏

The event was designed to inspire and encourage people to go into the fitness and outdoor experiences with or after injury /illness or disability. - Adaptive Grand Slam

🌬️ I want to share a bit my own view. The whole group is an inspiration to everyone they get in contact with. Their inspiring story on how they overcome war is their super power. A power ✨ to live life to the fullest. They are the ones that are the best example to follow. With them I learned that you can accomplish anything you want if that is what keeps you motivated, you can overcome fear, any limit just by stepping out of the comfort zone and jumping into the unknown,
🌀 that is where Magic and Healing Journey happens!

In the first days we have treated them each with a mix of deep tissue massage💆‍♀️ and some cranial pressure that helped them in releaving tension from the central nervous system, by boosting their health and immunity. In their last night we organized a Cacao Ceremony where everyone shared their personal experience from the past few days, we laughed, we shared good moments and gratitude for being there, all of us!

These guys are fully dedicated, committed, respectful, courageous, fun, adventurous, and are here and now!
Hats off,🎩 gentlemen!

It was a pleasure meeting you all, getting to know your story, your humor, your willingness, your power!

If you want to get to know these super power group, get on their website :https://www.adaptivegrandslam.com/new-page
To get involved email operations .com

Thank you team .ibiza , 👐

Thank you , ,

Looking forward to the second AGS - Healine retreat! 🙏

Much love,
Nana 🤍


Food means energy, food represents fuel to our body, it's nourishment for the soul if you eat with consciousness, with gratitude and in peace.
I've started since a month to plan my meals for 1 month in advance, taking notes to what I felt I would love to fill my body with and also taking into consideration the lunar phases. And I've accomplished it with a big smile on my face and belly 😃

Every day we had soup, and one good meal.. Some days I had only one meal, some I had two or days when I was free with my schedule I had breakfast as well, but I'm not that type of breakfast person.
This has worked for me really well, to others it may be different, so don't take this post too seriously in terms of how many meals you should have. Listen to your body and see what it feels right.

I can say that the days with two meals per day felt really good, I took all the nutrients I needed for my body to be able to work. Soup was a good detox, I had several types of soups, some I was doing for the first time and taste was way better that the ones I was used cooking. I love doing new recipes, I love trying out different food cultures, Asian, Persian, Arabic, Mediterranean, Romanian 😂 or whatever triggers my interest.

I found myself while cooking in a good state of mind, feels like a sort of meditation, me in my kitchen space, with some good music or no music, creating with love the energy for our bodies and soul.

All the ingredients I've been using are Local, in Season and Natural. I've realized that the quality of the veggies and fruits are incomparable to what you find in any shop. Fruits we were consuming only seasonal, mostly apples, oranges and clementine these months and in terms of veggies, a lot of parsley, mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, salads, potatoes and others. Sourdough Bread and pasta I'm also making in the house, and a tip I recommend, it's a lot of fun if you want to involve your partner in this process.

Cooking is teaching me a lot of things, patience is the first one, being delicate with your food, being dedicated to it, if you started, finished it, be grateful for what mother nature gives you, and take a moment to thank you as well.

Nana 🤍


Love, can be expressed in so many ways, verbally or action, and all days of the year. It does not have to be a special occasion to show the person you care most, you can do it in every moment of your life, especially when you are Present with your true love.
As well, loving yourself, by giving some time to what your heart needs most, to listen to your body and calm your mind with anything that makes you feel in peace.

With this Valentine's Day, I'm launching some treatments offers for her and him, during two months - February and March.

If you didn't decided what the gift will be for your loved ones, for yourself... I have some ideas that are coming also with a special skin care product, in complementary with the service you booked.

The treatments were special designed to touch both Yin and Yang, Feminine and Masculine, into a beautiful synchronization.

The 6 offers consists of:

165 💶

✨ SCRUB RITUAL FOR HIM & FULL BODY MASSAGE (2H) 🎁 Serum Hyaluronic/Creme Anti Age -
175 💶

✨ Her - HEAL FACIAL LIFTING TREATMENT & REFLEXOLOGY (2H) 🎁 Energy Yin/Energie Yang Serum -
155 💶

✨Her - ANMA TREATMENT (2H) 🎁 Gommage Bio Purete (Scrub) Facial Product -
155 💶

✨ Him - DEEP TISSUE (1.5H) 🎁 Seve de Rasage -
140 💶

✨ YIN & YANG - COUPLES DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE (2.5H) 🎁 Surprise for both -
180 💶

Get your treatment for this Valentine's Day, spoil yourself, spoil your loved ones!

Much love,
Nana 💙

Photos from Healine's post 16/01/2023

A space for inner stability, tranquillity, celebration and setting intention with Bea Aditi & Nana.

We are inviting you to join our first Cacao Ceremony on 21st of January with the - New Moon Cleansing -
This ceremony will bring awareness into everyone’s heart, opening ourselves to accept every change as part of our life. Let your hand be held by this gentle medicine, as she will stand with you at the gate of your heart and guide you through.
Honouring the Cacao with our purest intention, we will hold space for the 7 Mantras Chanting where all of the 7 Influences Physical, Metaphysical, Mental, Emotional, Psychological, Psychic and Spiritual will be connected.
You will be following Bea for a gentle Yoga Nidra and Reiki Healing held by Nana.
The ceremony will end with an Energy Activation and Cleansing so that you will leave the space in a serene state of the soul, mind and body.

Healing is elemental!

Limited spaces
Time: 2h from 3pm
Entrance Fee: 25 €
Location: PM-803, Sant Josep de sa Talaia, Balearic Islands - Bea Aditi Yoga Space
DM or WhatsApp to reserve your spot at 643973824/ 691750534
For a better experience: Please be at the event 10/15 minutes before 3pm, and you can bring a blanket/towel and comfortable clothes.

Much Love, Bea 💜 & Nana 🤍

Un espacio para la estabilidad interior, la tranquilidad, la celebración y la puesta en intención con Bea Aditi & Nana.

Te invitamos a unirte a nuestra primera Ceremonia del Cacao el 21 de enero con la - Limpieza de Luna Nueva -
Esta ceremonia traerá conciencia al corazón de todos, abriéndonos a aceptar cada cambio como parte de nuestra vida. Deje que esta suave medicina sostenga su mano, ya que ella estará con usted en la puerta de su corazón y lo guiará.
Honrando al Cacao con nuestra más pura intención, tendremos espacio para el Canto de los 7 Mantras donde se conectarán todas las 7 Influencias Física, Metafísica, Mental, Emocional, Psicológica, Psíquica y Espiritual.
Seguirás a Bea para una suave curación de Yoga Nidra y Reiki impartida por Nana.
La ceremonia terminará con una Activación y Limpieza Energética para que salgas del espacio en un estado sereno de alma, mente y cuerpo.
Mucho amor, 💜 🤍


Anma Treatment is a combination of intuitive, relaxing, deep tissue and trigger point techniques where I let myself be guided in the present moment of what client needs are.

The end of the treatment consists in a face cleaning and a lift massage that helps your skin in being more elastic, hydrated and illuminated.

It's one of my favorites massages, because not only I am working where body has pain or discomfort, but I also give the client the pleasure to be spoiled in receiving a facial treatment.

Do you know the benefits of a massage?
Tomorrow I'll make a video of the most important aspects after receiving one, and what to do before and after the treatment.

Stay close for more information.. 🙏

Thank you, for choosing me!
Looking forward to see you, again!

Have a blissful week!

Much love,
Nana 🤍

Photos from Healine's post 03/01/2023

Our "Former path to beauty" treatment has its roots in the Chinese Traditional Medicine. With this ritual of beauty, you can easily say goodbye to any trace of fatigue, or stress mark.

Why is this treatment for you?
It's a Regenerated and Revitalized Treatment, where we are circulating the vital energy, and by giving you a deep sense of well-being.

How often you should have it?
We recommend ONCE every 2-4 weeks - the Heal Facial Lifting Treatment ✨
🙏 daily face yoga exercises, for stimulating the elasticity of the skin.
And a 💦 Good Hydration, in order to slow down the signs of time. All of this means Regularity, Consistency.. And in the end a Ritual.

We all know that A Healthy lifestyle, just like a healthy diet, contributes to the Health of the Skin, and to Health in General.

🙌 Benefits
- Relaxes the nervous system
- Facial contour is redesigned
- Release stress, neck spasms
- Reduce the double chin, wrinkles, sagging jawline and eyelids
- Pores are tightened
- Realigns energy flow

People that have a skin that suffers severe acnee, pronounced rosacea or severe irritations.

Start your year with some treatments, enter in the state of consistency, pure bliss and enjoyment!

🤙 Book your session now, and you will receive a discount of 10% for a Body Scrub product.


I am happy to announce this Winter-Spring offer for all the LADIES that are in need of Re - Shaping their BODY. 🧘‍♀️.
The work done in winter is the perfect preparation for your summer 🌅.

There's NO BETTER TIMING to start shaping your body, than Now!

I'm offering 👇
First 3 People that register in choosing the
Package of 10 sessions, will benefit of a 50% discount of the treatments, and will receive a skin care product which will help in burning faster the fat tissue.

Or Packages of 5 sessions followed with a bonus that consists in some GUIDANCE throughout your shaping journey that you've already committed to fulfill UNTIL the SUMMER kicks in.

As well, I will share with you some posture exercises that will help your back, neck and shoulders in maintaining a firm and correct position, that will change your entire body.
CHANGES will be seen after 1 WEEK.

☀️ Reducing the dimpling or 'orange peel syndrome' 🍊 on the skin, mostly seen in the areas of thighs and on buttocks;
☀️ Blood flow simulation in the areas which are being treated;
☀️ Laser free, ultrasound free & supplements free;
☀️ The Elasticity of your skin will be improved once there aren't fat deposits present;
☀️ The muscles which are treated are also TONED;
☀️Better RESULTS can be seen if you COMBINE the CELLULITE REDUCTION with EXERCISES! 🙌

🎑 The important aspect in each HEALTH ACTIVITY IS REGULARITY 🔥 for better results!
My advice, start with 2 sessions per week, exercise regularly, fast 1 time per month, the rest of the days try in eating healthy and clean, and I promise you, that the CHANGES IN YOUR BODY WILL BE MASSIVELY!

As mentioned above, Just the first 3 people that are registering in choosing the 10 sessions will get also a skin care product that will help in reducing the fat deposit. What you have to do is easy : 🤍 Like, write a comment if you choose the 10 session offer and your name and share this post on your story.

🕉️ Reach out to reserve your spot or for more information:
[email protected]
+34 643973824

☯️ Don't waste any time! YOUR MOMENT IS NOW! I'm Nana and I can't wait to see you for our next shaping session!


This reel is about one of my ✨ favorite treatments and that is: Tired Legs and Anticelulite treatment.
We are transforming the energy into something that you love to see.
Wishing you a great week and good luck with everything that you planned to achieve!

Much love,
Nana 🤍


I've started a morning routine with these tasty smoothies since more than a month, and I can say that the results are amazing. Quick note, before drinking the smoothie, I'm warming a cup of water and adding some lemon juice for a better digestion and also for turning off my stomach acid.
After that, whatever I feel inspired in making the smoothie, such as combing spinach with apple, ginger and lemon juice, or raspberry, celery, banana, and carrot, some Maca powder, Acai, Spirulina... Or anything I feel like adding ..But I'm always careful to add antioxidants elements in my drink..and I can make sure that until afternoon I'm not feeling hungry..
Of course there are days when I replace the smoothie with a healthy breakfast, because we also need some protein in our system for a better digestion..
For me this morning routine works really well, but I'm also combining a yoga session, or a fitness class for keeping my body healthy, and something for stimulating the mind, like learning something new everyday, can be a new language or a subject that interests you the most.. Eureka, by 10 in the morning I'm feeling like a new one.
Thank you for taking your time in reading this post.. I hope you might find it helpful..

After all, I'm interested in knowing what's your morning routine like?
Any tips are welcome 🙏

Have a beautiful week ahead!


✨ IQM is an empowerment method that integrates the energies within all influences into Oneness ... IQM came into my life an year ago, when I first met Catherine Monahan ...The connection that I had with this methodology can be called magical. I've started a guided journey with my teachers .arnold and catherinemonahan and finalizing both levels at this retreat week.
Thank you both for your dedication, your shared experiences, knowledge and full commitment throughout these 5 days.
Thank you, Luisa Mita, for creating and integrating all the knowledge into this method of energy.. Thank you for learning and guiding all practitioners to help people to better understand themselves, to heal and to change whatever needs to be changed.. Because no energy can be destroyed, it can only be transformed.
Thank you, Jade, for helping us out how to integrate, how to share our ideas with the help of technology and create something representative beautiful..
Thank you to all participants for taking this chance to empower themselves, to embrace everything that is beyond and bellow, to let yourself be guided by the Spirit in every day life..To be truthful and grateful.
Wishing you all a life in honor and peace!
Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏


Dear clients, I've been off the island for about 6 weeks, the reason why I left this place, you will find a different post about this topic later this week..
Starting from today, 19 of September, I'm back at my normal schedule, with a different energy, with a different touch.. ✨

All my services are adjusting to what you want deeply, at physical, emotional and as well as mental level!

Let's try keeping in balance our embodied elements!


Aniela Jaffe, "The Myth of Meaning" :
"Artists were among the first in our century to risk an encounter with the unconscious and its indefinable background. In the early decades they tried, each in his own way, to get behind the façade of the phenomenal world. “Appearance is eternally flat, but a daemon impels us artists to look between the cracks of the world, and in dreams he leads us behind the wings of the world’s stage.” Thus Franz Marc formulated the longing for an existential reality behind appearances. Driven by fate, a whole crowd of artists followed the way within; in their work they sought to express a “higher and profounder condition of being” (Carlo Carrà). Kandinsky, perhaps the most important theoretician among those artists, demanded: “The artist’s eye should always be turned in upon his inner life, and his ear should always be alert for the voice of inward necessity.” With the evocation of the “inner life” the unconscious debouched into art: the unfathomable, invisible background of the living world is the “secretly perceived that has to be made visible” (Paul Klee). After an epoch of concentration on form and nature in the realism and impressionism of the nineteenth century, this was indeed a bold departure, a new and unprecedented interpretation of the theme of art. It was a turning-point that had its parallel in the natural sciences, which about that time began to get over the materialism of the nineteenth century.
Gripped by their inner vision and endeavouring to give shape to “that secret ground where primal law feeds growth” (Klee), to capture the “metaphysical aspect of things” (Chirico), the “changeless reality behind changing natural forms” (Mondrian), artists turned their backs more and more on the reality of the external world. Their pictures became non-objective, abstract, imaginative, or else the object was transmuted in terms of subjective inner experience, sometimes lifted into the archetypal realm, sometimes perverted into absurdity. Their countless attempts to outline in manifestoes their pictorial goal show clearly that what was at stake was far more than a new style or a new formal or aesthetic technique. They were attempts to pe*****te to the hidden spirit of nature and of things, to disclose the background of life, to portray an inner reality, to express the irrational, so as to gain access to a new, vital centre. Artists were seized by the numinosity of the unconscious, art had become mysticism. They were trying to “express the mystic vision”, as Kandinsky put it. Like the scientists, they were brought face to face with the religious question, the question of an active, transcendental spirit."
Jaffé, Aniela (2012-07-27). The Myth of Meaning (Kindle Locations 899-919). Daimon. Kindle Edition.

Photos from Healine's post 16/02/2022

As the winter season ends ❄️ with February, and we are stepping into the Spring or the Wood element, we thought of 6 Specials for this period of time, specifically designed with the 4 elements components : fire, air, water and earth.
The 6 Specials are designed for both women and men, it is designed for couple, friends, or just one person.
We are starting our offers with : 👐
The 🔥 element, and that is Thai massage or better called 'yoga for the laziness'. This experience is an ancient healing practice that uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques in order to relax the whole body.
Another 🔥element that comes up with these Specials is Deep tissue massage where we will centralize on the root of your muscle aches and pains.
As the water element, or Winter season comes to end, we've created a SPECIAL that implies:
💧 a Body Scrub Ritual or 'facial for your body'.
The benefits of this treatment are : removing the dead cells from the skin's surface, has a relaxing feeling and achieving a beautiful body complexion to match your FACIAL. Adding to this Special, we combined another element that goes in hand, and that is 🌬️ Heal Facial Lifting Treatment. The purpose of this treatment is to slow down the aging process and achieve younger looking and healthier skin.
The next one has the element of 🌬️ & 🌍, and consists of Heal Facial Lifting Treatment & Reflexology with CBD cream. We will tackle the face, neck, feet and hands by applying pressure with a specific technique in order to reflex those areas, that are corresponding to all the parts of the body. The benefits are to relax and work with any blockages.
Another offer is Anma Treatment that has the element of 🌍 and a fragment of 🌬️. This particular one is a balancing and relaxing full body massage, that aims to address multiple conditions.
The last one, is Heal Facial Gua Sha and Reflexology which speaks more of 🌍 element. The aim of this experience is to move energy where it is blocked, and we are using special tools to apply massage in needed areas.
☀️ If you would like more information in regards to price or to book your spot for one of our Specials, give us a call or a message!

Photos from Healine's post 12/02/2022

A guide of what elements represents to us,
☀️ Understanding the integration of the mind, body and spirit,
☀️ How the element can influence us,
☀️ What we can do in order to increase an element vibration if that particular element is unbalanced,
☀️What are the organs connected to the element itself..

Fire & Air are active energies (Yang).

Within our bodies, 🔥 Fire is most manifested in the process of nourishment, in which foods are transformed into the energy needed by the body. In turns, this energy enables the body and mind to function properly.

Whereas, 🌬️ Air is the basis for all energy transfer reactions. As we breathe air, our bodies use oxygen from the air to create energy, builds cells, and maintain healthy body functions.

Water & Earth are passive energies (Ying)

💦 Water is a huge life force, it has healing power and nurturing energies. When you take a bath, or go swimming, your body naturally relaxes very quickly. The water pulls out negativity, balances our emotions and makes our mind calm and focused.

🌍 The second Ying energy is earth, and represents the source of stability. This element enchances the strength of mind, determination and uninterrupted advancement towards a goal. When balanced, it induces a feeling of peace and harmony.
🕉️ And Last but not least, Ether, where it acts as a bridge, it reminds us to get to the point and keep focused on that point as if it were the Lighthouse of our Souls.

🙌 In this world, every element has been a part of us since the moment we were born, and I believe that in order to be in balance,we must first identify our unbalanced element and work with it. Sometimes it can be too much, or too little, but there is always a method to stabilize that particular one.
Every day is a lesson for all of us, every day our higher Spirit finds a method, even through a subtle one, to guide us!
Trust your heart, trust your intuition, trust the process, and be one with this present moment, with yourself!

☀️ Thank you for your time and energy, I hope that this post was helpful!

Sending you all, light, love and abundance!
Namaste 🙏

- Nana -

Videos (show all)

Waaaaw 🫶 is what I can truly say about the last week, where I had been blessed with abundance and growth by participatin...
Super excited about my business trip to Rome from this week, and wanted to share tiny bits of how it was.It was a first ...
Sharing is heartfelt especially when the one you have the moment with is on spiritual sharing as well.This is what I wan...
Kids massage can be as deep as massaging any adult, and there is no need to judge why they need massages. Simply, they c...
Food means energy, food represents fuel to our body, it's nourishment for the soul if you eat with consciousness, with g...
Anma Treatment is a combination of intuitive, relaxing, deep tissue and trigger point techniques where I let myself be g...
Presenting you my favourite🤍 signature treatment: AnmaI will be playing with a mix of intuitive deep-tissue, relaxing an...
Merry CLEANSEmas! We are excited to launch our 3 week Christmas special offer ending 23rd December 🎄⏰ Looking for the pe...
This reel is about one of my ✨ favorite treatments and that is: Tired Legs and Anticelulite treatment.We are transformin...
I've started a morning routine with these tasty smoothies since more than a month, and I can say that the results are am...
✨ IQM is an empowerment method that integrates the energies within all influences into Oneness ... IQM came into my life...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00