What's possible if we just look 'outside the box'? 🎁
Opportunity for change that's for sure! I'm noticing how the work I share has changed over the years.
As I seem to be a lifelong learner - I've continued to expand my interests, have amazing experiences and master some incredible techniques that I'm able to share with my clients. The other day, I was writing, updating my website - and I wrote the words . . . "Midwife, Therapist, Healer, Coach" which reminded me slightly of, probably, the most life changing book that I've ever read "Shaman, Healer
, Sage". This was the beginning of an incredible journey when I stepped back from the life that I had known for so long . . . and into one that has shown itself to be truly fulfilling and extra-ordinary. So, I'm delighted to offer you a very warm welcome to my page :
"All Things Annie Barber"
My career began many years ago as a very unsure student nurse - who hadn't really chosen this career . . . but had been advised to get a 'proper' job. To say that it was a bit of a culture shock is an understatement - but I grew to love nursing - and had an amazingly successful and rewarding career both as a Nurse and as a Midwife. Interest in all things a little 'outside the box' of conventional medicine led to the study of a number of hands-on complementary therapies and the establishment of my own clinical practice. This grew over a period of time - as did my studies, each new training taking me further away from what I had known . . . and into the realms of energy medicine and the world of the Peruvian Shaman. And it is working in this way that has been my focus for a number of years - sharing these wonderful healing tools and practices that have enabled clients to heal long held traumas and then move forwards in their lives. Most recent studies have been in the field of coaching - looking at how our thoughts and beliefs can keep us so stuck - thereby limiting our choices and creating a life that is less than fulfilling. And, it has been totally fascinating to integrate this work with the energy medicine - seeing how they can weave together and offer the real potential for change. Whilst much of my work supports women through pregnancy . . . enabling and empowering them to step into their life as a new mum confident and absolutely prepared, I am also being called to work with women at the 'other' end of motherhood. Those that might be called the 'empty nesters' when life changes, can feel quite empty and many experience the feeling of "whats next"? And, my learning continues. Always with the thought that whatever I learn has huge benefits for myself as well as my clients. Which makes it a win-win! And whilst this page is about sharing my work - I also want it to be collaborative. By this I mean that it's a space to share what other people are doing out in the world. How they are making a difference. Their gifts. Their passions. Where we can wonder at what's truly possible, not just for ourselves but for future generations and our planet. That's got to be exciting hasn't it?