Wu Wei Center for Holistic Healing LLC

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Tao Healing Concert Series – Dr. & Master Sha – Tao grandmaster, healer, teacher, and singer 07/23/2022

A special complimentary sound healing
Dr. & Master Sha's special Tao Healing Concert

Also his new book, "Tao Calligraphy to Heal and Transform Depression and Anxiety" is available on Kindle for free today only.

Tao Healing Concert Series – Dr. & Master Sha – Tao grandmaster, healer, teacher, and singer The Tao Healing Concert is a 90-minute transformational event hosted by Queen Diambi of the Congo. Featuring Dr. & Master Sha, a Tao Grandmaster, who will lead the audience through an interactive, life-changing experience to transform your anxiety, fear, depression, grief and trauma into love, peace...


🗝 According to quantum science, “information” is what creates our reality.
Information flows through all of us in a very strategic order.

1️⃣ The Soul is the warehouse of information.

2️⃣ The heart is the receiver of that information.

3️⃣ The mind is the processor of that information.

4️⃣ Your energy is the mover of that information.

5️⃣ And finally, the matter transforms that information into something we can see, touch, and feel.

When we go to the mind, we only impact a small part of this manifestation cycle.

We can create valuable change using mindset and mindfulness techniques, but we still aren’t tapping into the complete manifestation process.

By understanding that the Soul is the most significant step to manifestation, you’ve already strengthened your ability to manifest.

This is why Soul over matter is so vital.


The Best Remedies :) 🥰🐞🌷🌼🌸🌞🌻💐☀️
What more could we add...


You know that sinking, sickening feeling you get when you know you really messed up? When you got frustrated and overwhelmed and lost your temper and said something hateful or shouted so loud your throat hurt or just acted like a great big jerk and you feel like the worst person EVER?
We all have those moments, even as parents. They’re ugly, for sure, but they can also open the door to amazing reconnection with our children if we’re willing to be real with them.
Think about it. Our children are new here. They mess up aaaallll the time. And they get that same sinking, sickening feeling we do when they know they messed up. Only, they don’t have the life experience to understand that they can still be okay when they don’t feel okay, to know that they’re still loved when they’re acting unlovable, to see that being human is just a lifelong process of learning how to be human and that that’s okay.
So when we have our occasional adult meltdowns and that sinking, sickening feeling threatens to put us in a shame-filled adult time-out, let’s try to turn it into a ‘time in’ instead:
a time in reconnection through apologies;
a time in honest conversation as you talk to your tiny humans about normal human emotions;
a time in relationship growth as you share about your own struggles and needs in age appropriate ways;
a time in softening and stretching and becoming our most velveteen-real selves that our children can truly relate to and hold onto in their most vulnerable human moments.
You’ll be surprised at how understanding your children can be and how honesty is not a bridge too far, but a bridge to healing.

📷 💞


🦋Peaceful Parenting Resources: https://t.co/T8goym3P6Z 🦋


Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.

Mobile uploads 03/27/2022
Timeline photos 03/21/2022

You can think of an emotional experience like a tunnel: it starts, then you’re in the middle of it, and then it ends. ​​​​​​​​
🤯 However, when you’re experiencing the same emotion all day and every day, there is no satisfactory end to that feeling. You’re stuck in the emotional tunnel with no relief.​​​​​​​​
➡️ A sense of emotional burnout happens when you feel like you don't have a break from the emotional exhaustion you are experiencing.​​​​​​​​
Whether its work-related, personal relationships, or just feeling overwhelmed by what's going on in the world, it's essential to take time to calm your nervous system and experience some ease. ​​​​​​​​
📲 Our "Emotional Freedom" category in the App is a popular one because we have so many topics! If this speaks to you, check out the "Burnout Recovery" meditation at the link below:



Feel your feelings, and let your children feel theirs. After all, the only way past them is through them.

Some of us as children were not allowed to express our emotions, so that might be easier said than done. We were told to “get over it,” “suck it up,” that “you’re ok,” or worse. Over time we may have learned to avoid our feelings. And now that we’re parents, witnessing or hearing our own children in distress might be uncomfortable and we may just want to make it stop.

But here’s the thing: Emotions are involuntary; they’re not under our conscious control. Suppressing them, or telling our children to suppress theirs, doesn’t make them magically disappear. Sure, sitting with feelings can be overwhelming and maybe even painful. But denying them is akin to denying who we are in any given moment. And denying our children’s feelings sends the message that we don’t accept who they are in that moment; that we accept them only when they’re happy or agreeable. Consequently they may begin to believe their feelings aren’t valid or worthy, and that they shouldn’t trust their emotions. They may even start to avoid them.

Avoiding emotions has been linked to anxiety, depression, & even physical distress.

Conversely, acknowledging emotions, experiencing them, and moving through them promotes mental & physical well-being. And when we validate our children’s feelings, we promote a deeper connection between us via our understanding & acceptance of them.



🪴Peaceful parenting resources: http://t.co/T8goym3P6Z 🪴

Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.


“They’re just trying to get attention.”
Yes, of course they are. We all are. To need to be seen, to be heard, to be understood, is simply to be human. And children are as human as we are.
Children, though, communicate their needs far more through behavior than words. So when your child is exhibiting attention-seeking behaviors, look for the unmet need behind the behavior:
“I’m struggling with big emotions. Please pay attention.”
“I don’t know how to cope with my sibling. Please pay attention.”
“This task feels too big for me. Please pay attention.”
“I’m scared. Please pay attention.”
“I’m lonely. Please play attention.”
“When you yell at me I’m afraid you don’t love me anymore. Please pay attention.”
“When you’re busy all the time I feel like I disappear. Please pay attention.”
“When you leave me alone at night I’m afraid something bad is going to happen. Please pay attention.”
“I feel disconnected from you and that’s scary. Please pay attention.”
🍂..and the list goes on.
All humans need their worries, their fears, their struggles, their problems, their disappointments, their pain, their tears, their interests, their excitement, their successes, their dreams, their humor, their laughter, their wonder — to be seen, to be acknowledged, to be understood. Tiny humans just have a very small circle of people they trust to meet those needs.
Try to shift the narrative in your mind from “They’re just trying to get attention” to “They trust me to see and hear and understand and meet their needs.”
It’s a small change in perspective that can create a huge change in your parenting.

Meme quote:

🪴Peaceful parenting resources: http://t.co/T8goym3P6Z 🪴

Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.


Harmonizing Yin & Yang
Earth Qi & Heaven Qi at Stillness-Movement & Gift of Tao Neigong & Clinical Qigong Workshop October 2018

Harmonizing Heaven and Earth

Sun rising over Twin Sisters & Moon setting over Long's Peak

"...That energy may be drawn from earth as from heaven. We tend to turn only to heaven to implore help and mercy and to fancy that spiritual progress consists in leaving earth for heaven. But Divine Energy comes both from below and from above. One cannot separate them. So he who turns away from earth, whether consciously or not, receives nothing from heaven. Likewise, he who gives his attention only to earth is deprived of the gifts he might receive from heaven. One cannot open oneself to one part of life and close oneself to another. Our attitude is either one of openness – and then we are open to everything – or it is not, and our supposedly heavenward glance is only a semblance.
In the ability to wonder and the openness for the pe*******on of Divine Energy, the intellect plays no part. It is silent because the I has ceased to exist. And in that silence there sounds forth the beginning of a reply to the fundamental question about man’s role in the process of evolution. If man can be conscious of what surrounds him to such an extent that he marvels, if he can receive the energies stemming from the heights of heaven and the depths of earth, then he is the link between heaven and earth and his role lies in restoring harmony between them, in making earth a living reflection of heaven. Indeed, this reflection comes about first in him, in his very act of observing.
We tend to think of earth as samsara, illusion, suffering, and of heaven as nirvana, bliss. But samsara and nirvana are both experiences of life. When we torture ourselves, or drown in our emotional problems, that is samsara. When we are at peace and our relationships are harmonious, that is nirvana. We vacillate continuously within ourselves between samsara and nirvana, which we unconsciously associate with earth and heaven. When we see around us only chaos, ugliness and evil, that is samsara. When we see beauty, truth and goodness in a human being, an event, a natural phenomenon, that is nirvana. We should not consider earth a place from which to escape in order to find truth elsewhere. The aim of the spiritual search Is to find truth in this world, to change our sight so that it can go beyond appearances and pe*****te into the heart of things. Then all we see will reflect perfection. Thus we should consider earth as the reflection of that one universal consciousness eternally evolving, a reflection which the human mind cannot perceive in its perfection. It is not the reflection which is imperfect, it is the way we see it.
So it is in himself that man can and must bring about that harmony between heaven and earth. He should so act that the Divine, which is his own deep nature, is reflected undistorted in his thoughts, feelings and actions. Thus he can link with what is above and what is below in the vastness of manifestation – not by trying to change others, not by trying to alter what seems to be wrong around him, but by bringing about that inner harmony. As a result of the unity of life and resultant interdependence, man by changing himself changes the whole universe. He changes it first for himself: the universe will appear to him more and more in its truth, its coherence, its beauty. He changes it also for others, by rending the veil of human inertia, by breaking the vicious circle of self-centered thoughts, feelings and actions in which humanity is imprisoned...."
[ Passage from "Between Heaven and Earth: Man" by Danielle Audoin https://www.theosophyforward.com/.../2216-between-heaven... ]


My son and I were walking in our neighbourhood last summer when a father and little boy walked past us. The little boy was crying. The father said to the little boy, “Stop crying or your mother is going to hear about this when we get home.”
I said nothing to my son and we kept walking.

Moments later my six-year-old said, “Why did that Dad tell the boy to stop crying? You can’t just stop crying when there’s a reason. You have to get the tears out. Why did that Dad even want him to stop crying?”

Our kids are wise. And when we parent through a relationship that is unafraid of tears and feelings of any kind, our kids don’t become scared either. They see them as normal. Sad, angry and frustrated are just as valid and necessary as their “positive” counterparts.

Just as the waves are not the ocean, our children are not their emotions. Their emotions pass and we need to learn to ride the waves, rather than try to bend reality. Many of us were raised to stuff “negative” emotions deep down where they couldn’t be seen. And so we repeat it, without a conscious thought.

Or we try to fix it by distracting our kids to make the hurt go away because it feels painful for us to see our kids in pain. But more often than not, what I’ve found is that when I allow my son to feel disappointment or sadness and walk through it with him, he bounces back far quicker than I expected.

We allow our kids to become resilient when we make space for their emotions. When we’re brave enough to sit with a crying child, whether in our living rooms or on the sidewalk, we validate their feelings.

They learn that we have their backs, that they’re not alone with their emotions and when we hold them up to the light together, rather than make them hide alone in dark places, they’re not so scary after all.


🌻Peaceful parenting resources: http://t.co/T8goym3P6Z 🌻


Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.

Mobile uploads 03/04/2022

🎼 Music Is The Medicine 🎼


"Thank you for your steady heart," the Grandmothers said. "Thank you for casting the Net of Light for others and for giving love the place of honor in your life. Thank you for being the lighted beacon that you are, for being a way-shower, a clean, well-lighted place in the world today. You are doing more good here on earth than you will ever know. We are of so proud of you," they said, and as they spoke, they wiped tears from their eyes.

"When we watch you in action," they said,"when we see your kindness and selflessness with one another and observe you caring, sharing and praying for others, it brings tears to our eyes. At this time, so many people are living in fear, so many of them have collapsed into hopelessness, and yet you are loving on. With this love, you are upholding millions. Millions!" they declared.

"Each time you choose to say 'yes' to life, to say 'yes' to whatever life gives you, you strengthen the Fabric of Being of the Universe. You magnify the power of the Net of Light to hold the earth steady at this time. You have no idea of how enormous the effect of these (to you) seemingly small acts of kindness are. Each loving act reverberates throughout the cosmos.

"This is what is needed now," the Grandmothers said. "This is the salve for the wounds of despair, hatred and grief that are festering in your world today. This is the medicine that's needed. Loving kindness.

"Keep on choosing love," they said, their eyes lit with happiness. "Keep on saying 'yes' to giving and serving. Don't forget for a moment that you are our hands, heads and hearts here on earth. We count on you to be our love in action."

Message from
the Great Council of the Grandmothers

Poliana Dimitropoulou Ameyali

Mobile uploads 03/03/2022



Celebrate your small wins. No one but yourself understands what it took to accomplish them.
quote inspired by

Eating forHealth — Chinese Style 02/18/2022

Eating forHealth — Chinese Style Eating lunch in our clinic reception Dr Liu winced

Mobile uploads 02/18/2022

The journey of Dharug people have been rough but senior community members like Uncle Chris Tobin and Many others continue to GET UP! STAND UP! SHOW UP!

And they do it humbly, peacefully and respectfully.

Timeline photos 02/18/2022

"My device is the sky.."

Mobile uploads 02/15/2022

James Norbury ❤️❤️

Timeline photos 02/13/2022

Goodnight Poetry lovers


I remember as a child feeling like I had to rush to explain myself or to defend myself or to apologize for how someone else was feeling without being able to take a few moments to figure out how I was feeling myself.

I still fall into that pattern sometimes.

It takes conscious effort and intention to slow down, breathe through my initial reaction to others’ anger or disappointment or upset, do a self-check...

•Am I responsible for their feelings?
•Do I owe them an explanation?
•An apology?
•Are they projecting?
•Are they expecting me to act as an
emotional sponge to clean up their mess?
•Is that my responsibility?
..and then respond from a place
of self-awareness and peace.

It’s taken me a long time to learn that responding to people kindly doesn’t mean shouldering their emotional baggage for them.

It means responding peacefully while also kindly, but firmly, maintaining healthy boundaries and encouraging them to sort through their own emotional baggage in their own time and way.

Life is hard enough without taking on the role of mop to every emotional meltdown you meet.


🌎Raising Humans Kind: http://t.co/T8goym3P6Z
Please respect the work of authors, photographers, and artists. You are welcome to share provided you include appropriate credit and do not crop out author’s names from quote memes. Thank you. 🙂

Fighting a rare, incurable cancer, but I'm still here!💞 L.R.


"Just because you can't see the good in your life right now, doesn't mean that it isn't there." My Self-Love Supply


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