Catholicism Coffee

Catholicism Coffee

Catholicism Coffee is dedicated towards spreading knowledge about the Catholic Faith to the world. W

Catholicism Coffee is a Medium Publication which focuses on publishing articles about Catholicism which promote the faith and inspire others to learn more about Christ and his Church. Articles published here promote and discuss the various theological beliefs, doctrinal concepts and philosophical ideas of the One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Jesus Christ, in Union with the Bishop of Rome.


How do you get to the Vatican from Matthew 16:18? What else do Catholics have to show that the Vatican is Jesus’ Church? Defending the Church based on Holy Scripture, the Church Fathers, early historians, and archaeology.

A History of the English Bible 10/04/2022

What is the history of the Bible in English? Why is it important for English-speaking Catholics to know about their Bibles? Spanning a timeline of almost 1400 years, English-speaking Christians have sought to read and pray the Bible in their native tongue. With the internet era and the ability to read the Bible becoming more and more accessible, it is helpful to review the humble, and sometimes dramatic, history of English Bibles.

A History of the English Bible A history worth knowing


God is a living God and has intervened many times throughout history. He is not anonymous, as He made His name known through Israel. If He declared there were no gods before him, why would people say it was a lie? God never lies.

Read our latest Catholicism Coffee to find out why Jesus is indeed God!


Mercy, often confused with tolerance or leniency, is a disposition ordered towards what is good for both the spiritual and physical needs of another person. To help us understand how to be merciful, the Church has listed 14 different "works" or acts of mercy that we as Catholics are both obligated and encouraged to practice. What are the 7 spiritual works of mercy? Why are they important?

Read our latest article and find out!


Our latest article explores the popularity of the movement away from religion toward spirituality, combating the temptation to leave religion behind, and explaining why you won't find "the real Jesus" apart from His Church.

It's a must read for all those who have heard about the SNBR moment.

Addressing the "Spiritual but Not Religious" Movement -


The common picture of consecrated religious life is usually in a convent or a monastery. However, there are orders, called third orders, that place their members to live in the secular world among the common laity.

What is it like to be a third order Discalced Carmelite?
What does it take to become one?

Find out now in our latest Catholicism Coffee article!


Salvation history is full of accounts of different ways that God has made Himself known. Even after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, God has chosen to make Himself present to a few people. Why doesn’t God reveal Himself to everyone? What would happen if He did?

Find out now by reading the latest article from Catholicism Coffee


The Pro-life movement is a movement that is mainly focused on abolishing abortion legally. However, as Catholics, our social teachings call for fixing more than just the legality of abortion. What are some ways we can make abortion unthinkable from a social standpoint? How can we implement these changes?

Read our latest Catholicism Coffee article to find out!


Marriage in the modern age is an extremely misunderstood topic. Ephesians 5 commands wives to “be subject to their husbands”; it is an idea that doesn’t sit well with a lot of people today, especially with ideas of equality floating around.

What does Ephesians 5 really tell us about marriage? Is the wife the only person required to submit?

Read our article here to find out!


In this day and age, we have many untrue and blatant lies about the Church, stretching from the allegations that we do not believe in science, to the lie that we are a criminal organisation. So, all said and done, what are 5 Common Myths surrounding the Catholic Church today?

Find out more by reading our latest article!


A question we all would have asked ourselves at some point in our lives is "If God loves us, why do we suffer?". The Book of Job attempts to answer this question. Job is an investigation of the problem of divine justice. It begs the question of why the righteous suffer as the conventional answer is that God rewards virtue and punishes sin, so what is the real answer to this question of why we suffer?

Find out more by reading our latest article!


Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to St. Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531, after the Spanish invasions of the Aztec Empire. What occurred during these apparitions, and what messages did Our Lady give to Juan Diego? What can we learn from such an old apparition, actually being the oldest approved apparition by the Catholic Church?

Find out more by reading our latest article!

A Catholic Argument Against Fascism 25/08/2021

Unlike Communism, Fascism has not been formally condemned by the Catholic Church. It is easy to be swept away by its conservative attitude that pretends to be welcoming towards Catholics.

At it's core, though, fascism contains views and positions that are contrary to Christian beliefs. What are these positions? Can Catholics support fascism?

Find out now by reading our latest article!

A Catholic Argument Against Fascism Fascism at its core is extreme nationalism in which the State has the ultimate say. To put it bluntly; fascism is monarchism on steroids.

The SSPX and Its Offsprings 24/08/2021

Individuals who attend Latin Mass (aka Tridentine Mass) have probably heard of the SSPX, FSSP and the SSPV, but what do you actually know about them and their history?

Find out more by reading our latest article!

The SSPX and Its Offsprings Most individuals who attend Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass) have probably heard of at at-least few of the below mentioned fraternities:


Have you ever wondered why Easter is never on the same Sunday from year to year? Have you ever wondered why Easter and Passover sometimes overlap but sometimes don’t? The answer lies in how both holidays are respectively calculated. These calculations have led to some historical controversies and almost schisms

Find out more by reading our latest article!


What does it mean for God to love us? Have we ever considered the intensity and immensity of his love? Well it's certainly clear that God love us, but let us ask ourselves, do we really love Him? how do we love Him? and what does it mean for us, mere mortals to love God?

Find out by reading our latest article!


Citizens during the Medieval period thought that the world was flat, so a tiered system of Heavenly and Earthly bodies made sense to them. This misconception spread through the teachings that Columbus set sail in 1492 to prove that the world was round along with the idea that the Catholic Church never formally acknowledged that the Earth is a sphere.

So what did people really believe? and what was the truth?

Find out by reading our latest article!


Considered to be one of the most influential saints of the Catholic Church, Saint Catherine of Siena has been a popular figure for Catholic women ever since the 14th century. Her mystical marriage to Christ has been one of many purported marriages and had a powerful impact on her theology. So what make her so important?

Find out why by reading our latest article!


We are told in John 15:8 to "go out and bear much fruit." Listed in the Latin-English Missal Booklet are 17 subjects for daily meditation that help us to live a Christ-centered life. What are these subjects? How do they help us live devout lives?

Find out where by reading our article!


Unlike Communism, Fascism has not been formally condemned by the Catholic Church. It is easy to be swept away by its conservative attitude that pretends to be welcoming towards Catholics. At it's core, though, fascism contains views and positions that are contrary to Christian beliefs. What are these positions? Can Catholics support fascism?

Find out where by reading our article!


We are told in John 15:8 to "go out and bear much fruit." Listed in the Latin-English Missal Booklet are 17 subjects for daily meditation that help us to live a Christ-centered life. What are these subjects? How does it help us live devout lives?

Find out where by reading our article!


One large distinction between Catholicism and other Christian denominations is authority. Catholics have the papacy and hold that it was instituted by Christ Himself, but why? Where does Peter’s primacy come from and how is it backed by scripture?

Find out where by reading our article on Papists and Popery!


☕Prayer is a habit that must be a part of every Catholic’s life. Due to our human negligence, prayer life is hard to keep up with and maintain. How do we develop spiritual stamina that is strong enough to continue praying, even when we do not feel like praying? ☕

Find out how by reading our article on Spiritual Stamina: The Beginning of Prayer


☕Many holy men and women have been canonized and their sanctity declared absolute. However, the Church does not declare a soul condemned, that is, damned for eternity to hell. What about the case of Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Christ? ☕

Find out now by reading our article on The Fate of Judas and the Command to Forgive!


☕ When reading the history of the Catholic Church, we see various conflicts about the Roman position of presidency over other Churches, one such conflict was between Saint Cyprian vs Pope Stephen I ☕

Find out more by reading our article on Papal Supremacy: Saint Cyprian vs Pope Stephen


☕ Charity, or caritas in Latin, translates to the type of love that God has for us. According to St. Augustine and St. Paul, it is the greatest of virtues and without it, all virtue merits nothing. What makes it so important? How do we put this virtue into practice? ☕

Find out now by reading our article on The Virtue of Charity!


☕ Scripture plays an important and crucial part of our faith, so we must come to understand the reliability of our Canon. What makes our Canon (the 73 books in our Bible) reliable? ☕

Read our latest article to find out!


☕The story of the widow's mite or the widow's offering is presented in the Synoptic Gospels. ☕

"He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow also came and put in two small coins worth a few cents. Calling his disciples to himself, he said to them, 'Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.'" - Mark 12:41

So keeping this story in mind, why should we remember the widow?

Read our latest article to find out!