Jenny Maree - Spiritual Guide & Healer

Jenny Maree - Spiritual Guide & Healer

Jenny is an empath working with unseen energy as a Spiritual Guide and Singing Intuitive Healer.


Hear hear... who needs the negativity...




Choose an Angel Number card you feel drawn to, 1 through to 6, and comment with your number below. I'll be back later on with the reveal in the comments section of this post.


Be okay with resting...


You can do this...


A beautiful specimen of Rainbow Fluorite...


Well, have you 🀣
Find me on Tiktok


Things we all deserve...


I love this! Don't deny your feelings...


For that added energy boost, look for simple solutions...


"Her light and her dark were like sisters.

Same blood, one body.

Both had a realm within her.

One couldn't survive without the other.

On the days that her dark was too powerful and encompassing her soul, her light would stand back and let the dark drape over her.

It needed to happen for her to heal.

For light knew, eventually, it would have to shine through and break open the clouds of dark and become a new dawn."

—©️Michele McKenna, Simple Elegance


To receive unconditional love, practice it...


We can only ever work on ourselves if we so choose...


You are stronger than you think πŸ’ͺ




How long do you need to meditate for? Even 5 minutes to begin with regularly will get you into the habit, then you can increase the time.


Be gentle with yourself...


Beware of people whose spiritual degrees/credentials come only from study /courses.
Look at those who have learned/improved based on their own experiences, not just reading/listening to others' experiences. These people know suffering first hand. They know courage. They fought their own battles and survived.

Look at those who say, "I don't know." Look at those who have scars. Look at those who limp, not those who are out of the box.
Don't look at that guru who reached the top of the mountain by helicopter.
Look at those who climbed to the top, who got there dirty and exhausted. They are the ones who know the value of the Journey.
When they reach the top, they will reach out to help those "climbers" who are too tired to continue. When they reach the top, they raise the vibration of everyone else.
They will always share their "treasure" with others - literally and figuratively.
They will always feel compassion for your broken heart. They will always treat you with Love. "
Source: Alison Nappi


This too shall pass...


Fear is a reaction, courage is a decision...


It's about letting go of the masks we wear, releasing the conditioning and healing the emotional and mental bodies. This brings us back to our authentic selves.


It's your faith that heals you...


We all have a choice to heal ourselves. Nobody can do it for you.


Good morning and happy Star Wars Day. Have a wonderful weekend. ❀️


Bahaha 🀣


Spirit Wisdom Message
Week beginning Monday, 29th April

Ten of Wands

I see someone writing on a white piece of paper. And I receive the words "mismatched thoughts". There may be a need to write your thoughts down to get them in some kind of order or discover where there may be incongruent thoughts and feelings.

Journalling may be helpful or therapeutic or automatic writing where you pose a question and see what thoughts come to mind from your soul or spirit guides and write them down.

Alternatively, perhaps you need to get your ideas on paper for it to all make sense or find clarity on what you truly desire. This can be a brand new start, where the pen is in your hand to write or rewrite your story.

I also see a white butterfly, which indicates there's transformation or change surrounding this writing which is a positive step forward.

For some, a loved one who has passed is trying to get your attention. It may also indicate you are feeling a sense of peace despite the change that surrounds you.

The card indicates you may be taking on too much, or carrying too much burden upon your shoulders. It's time to pull back from overdoing it, delegate some chores or workload, or speak up at work if you are feeling pushed too hard to perform.

Alternatively, you need to let go of your worries or concerns. Ask yourself if those worries are yours to keep or you're carrying the load for someone else. Please know, you are not responsible for any adults in your life except for yourself. Again, journalling may be therapeutic if you have any worries or feeling overwhelmed.

It may be a week to think about how you can bring back some fun into your life, especially if you've been stressed or overworked, or you may like to set aside some time to play, if you've been working too hard.

Jenny xo


Why we suffer and struggle to be the full expression of ourselves...




Spirit Wisdom Message
Week beginning Monday, 22nd April

The Empress

I sense some may be experiencing a little heartache this week. This could be due to loss such as a job ending, grief through a loved one passing, relationship endings, health issues, an aspect of yourself shifting, or something unpleasant being exposed or revealed, either personally or globally.

You may need to be gentle with yourself and put some time aside to process this feeling. Life will get back to the status quo with time.

I'm also sensing the need to see shades of grey, rather than everything being so black and white in how you view things.

Getting yourself to a place of peace such as the beach, forest or garden will give you the healing you need. Mother nature is a place for healing and gathering our strength. Meditation or yoga practice will be helpful also.

I feel it's not all doom and gloom this week, so remember when life gets you down, this too shall pass.

The card indicates that we are birthing something new, but with all new beginnings, some things will end and that's where the heartache can be felt, with the need to process this before moving on. But once that's done, don't look back. It may also indicate the need for a pregnant pause. Abundance awaits beyond the birthing of a new reality or goal. Jenny xo



The first says:

"The person who comes into our life is the right person"

In other words, no one comes into our lives by chance, all the people around us, who interact with us, are there for a reason, to make us learn and advance in each situation.

The second law says:

"What happens is the only thing that could have happened."

Nothing, but nothing, absolutely nothing that happens to us in our lives could have been otherwise.

Not even the most insignificant detail.

There is no: "If I had done such a thing, such another would have happened...".


What happened was the only thing that could have happened and it had to have been so for us to learn that lesson and move on.

Each and every one of the situations that happen to us in our lives are perfect, even if our mind and our ego resist and do not want to accept it.

The third says:

"Anytime it starts is the right time."

Everything starts at the right time, neither before nor after.

When we are ready for something new to start in our lives, that is when it will begin.

And the fourth and last:

"When something ends, it ends."

Just like that.

If something ended in our lives, it is for our evolution, therefore it is better to leave it, move on and advance already enriched by that experience.

I think it is not by chance that you are reading this, if these words came into our lives today; It's because we're prepared to understand that no snowflake ever falls in the wrong place."

Author unknown πŸ™

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This is something we all need to take on board. Feel free to follow me on Tiktok. @theinspiredoracle
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