Faith & Wyatt Foundation

Faith & Wyatt Foundation

Helping others in difficult situations whom are having children with life threatening circumstances.


One thing I will forever be grateful for is the way this community was there for Sean and I through all of the obstacles we faced with our son, Wyatt. It makes such a difference when you have people praying with you, for you, & lending a hand anyway possible.

We have two children in The Miss-Lou now, as well as their parents, who need our prayers and support.

The first child is 3 year old Watson, the son of Melissa & Casey Calhoun. After many hospital trips, misdiagnoses, scans, & bloodwork a tumor was found on the back of his head that is pressing against his spinal cord. Because of the tumors placement it is causing fluid to build up in his brain. The tumor will need to be biopsied to determine if it is cancerous or not but from the look of it on the scan the neurologist does believe that it is. They are headed to St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis tonight. If you are able I ask that you please consider contributing to their medical expanse & anything that may be needed on this long journey ahead of them. Most importantly…. Pray, pray, pray.

Melissa’s (the mother) Venmo & CashApp:
CashApp: $MelCal5


The second child is 10 year old Alayna, daughter of Stephanie & DJ Ainsworth. After an extensive amount of hospital trips, misdiagnoses, scans, and tests Alayna was diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune disorder called Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane also know as Good Pasture Syndrome. It is a form of vasculitis that attacks the lungs & kidneys and causes them to destroy the blood vessels. She also has parainfluenza type 4. To skim the surface Alayna has been on multiple levels of oxygen, bipap, the ventilator, oscillator and ecmo. She has received chemotherapy drugs, high dose steroids and plasmapheresis. But there are other test & procedures she still has yet to endure. I as well ask again that you please consider contributing anything you can to this family & covering them in your prayers.


Blood Drive for Alayna:
Adams County Christain School
February 6th 10am - 3pm
Alayna’s code is EI24


The road ahead for these children and families will be long and full of unknowns, but we can rally together so that they do not have to walk it alone.

This life is so precious and fragile, may we all remember how special each day is and not take a single moment for granted.

Please share this post so that it can reach as many people as possible. A multitude of prayers can do a multitude of miraculous things. 💙

About the Faith & Wyatt Foundation

My fiancé and I were expecting our first child whom was diagnosed with ABS and given a 0% chance of survival outside of the womb I decided to share his diagnosis publicly in hopes that it would make the road we were on a bit easier, and that it did. Sharing his diagnosis publicly did much more than make it easier though, my Facebook post reached many more people than I ever expected. From that moment I knew that I wanted to do more under Wyatt's (our son) name and in his honor.

By request I made a blog page and kept people updated via Facebook. I let everyone in on a very vulnerable and personal aspect of Sean and I's life. God did His thing and made Wyatt's story much more beautiful than I could have ever done alone. He proved that prayers and unwavering Faith will guide you right into a miracle if it is fit under His perfect will for your life. My precious little boy did what doctors said was not possible, he turned that 0% chance of survival into 100%. Not only was Wyatt born alive upon delivery but he was living completely unaided by any form of life support, yet another surprise to our doctors. Even though we as a family had faith in God working a miracle we were still in shock and in awe of what God had done.

The following week with Wyatt was spent in the hospital. Wyatt had a severe cleft as well as an undeveloped eye and head. Wyatt's brain tissue on the crown of his head was only being protected by one membrane. His skull, his skin, and every other needed layer did not develop due to an Amniotic Band interfering with growth early on in pregnancy.

​Nobody knew how best to care for Wyatt's head or eye, his condition was rare. It was a learning experience for everyone involved, myself included.