Iowa Operation Lifesaver

Iowa Operation Lifesaver

Operation Lifesaver's mission is to end collisions, deaths and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and along railroad rights of way.

To accomplish its lifesaving goals, Operation Lifesaver volunteers provide FREE safety presentations for various professions and all age groups to increase public safety awareness around railroad tracks. Including, but not limited to:
• Driver's Education Courses
• School Classrooms (Pre-K through High School)
• Professional Driving Courses
• Community Events
• Safety Fairs
• Family Days


Trains overhang tracks. Before crossing, be sure there is space for your vehicle to completely clear the tracks on the other side.

Remember: If it doesn’t fit, don’t commit!


Do you know what to do if your car stalls on the tracks? ⤵️

1. Get out of your car
2. Locate the Blue and White Emergency Notification System sign
3. Call the number provided for help

Learn more tips at!


Use caution this . Obey traffic signs and signals. Always make safe choices around tracks and trains.


Always expect a train at any crossing, at any time, in either direction.


As you get outside and celebrate , remember:

🛤️ Railroad tracks are private property, NOT public trails.
🚵 Keep recreational activities off the tracks.


– you have a responsibility to keep your clients safe.

Keep couples off and away from railroad tracks this wedding season. No photo is worth the risk!


On and every day, don’t forget to make safe choices when running near tracks and trains! Safety tips for runners, bikers and pedestrians can be found here


Bicycle riders — make sure you know how to ride safely around tracks and trains! Learn more tips for cyclists at:


You can help save lives this ! Take the transit safety pledge and promise to share the message with those you love. Learn more:


– your clients, your responsibility.

Make a commitment to keeping your clients safe during graduation and wedding season and keep photos off and away from railroad tracks.


Stay safe this Memorial Day (and every day). Keep recreational activities off and away from railroad tracks! Stay off, stay away, and stay safe!


If you don’t fit, don’t commit! Before crossing railroad tracks, be sure your vehicle can completely clear the tracks.


Trains are quieter and faster than you think! When approaching railroad tracks, always wait to cross and look both ways.


This and every day, Operation Lifesaver is thankful for the teachers empowering their students with the knowledge they need to make safe decisions around railroad tracks and trains!

Teachers, find free resources for students of all ages at:


It’s ! Make sure to follow these tips to stay safe:

🚲Cross only at designated crossings
🚃Always expect a train
🛤Whenever you See Tracks, Think Train!


— your clients are your responsibility. Keep them and yourself safe. Never take photos on or near railroad tracks and trains.


Trains overhang tracks. Always stand back from the platform edge and behind the painted or raised markings.


you for making safe choices around railroad tracks and trains. OLI has resources for you at


Trains can come on any track, at any time, from either direction. Stay alert when driving near tracks, and always expect a train!


Keep yourself and others safe by staying alert and avoiding distractions near railroad tracks and trains.

OLI Urges Eclipse-Watchers to Stay Off and Stay Away from Railroad Tracks and Property | Operation Lifesaver 08/04/2024

OLI Urges Eclipse-Watchers to Stay Off and Stay Away from Railroad Tracks and Property | Operation Lifesaver Rail Safety Education Nonprofit Offers Lifesaving Tips for Those Traveling and Viewing the April 8 Solar Eclipse


Trains are quieter and faster than you think — when you see tracks, always think train.


As you observe the tomorrow, remember, trains don’t stop for the eclipse. Stay off of railroad tracks and trestles.


Trains overhang tracks. Never walk on or along the tracks!


– crossing tracks on a bicycle requires extra caution and attention!

Only cross tracks at designated crossings. Walk your bike across train tracks at a 90 degree angle. Never ride on railroad tracks.


Before crossing railroad tracks, always make sure there is enough space on the other side for your vehicle to completely clear the tracks!


Recreation and rails don’t mix. When you see tracks, always think train. Stay off and stay away from railroad tracks whether you are hiking, hunting or fishing.
