Lisa Paine - Early Years

Lisa Paine - Early Years

Early Years Inspiration, reflections and pedagogical thinking.

Expressive Arts and Design: Get set to sew! 19/07/2024

Expressive Arts and Design: Get set to sew! Sewing promotes sustainable and anti-stereotypical practice and many areas of development, as well as being a useful skill. By Annette Rawstrone

SchemaPlay Early Years Training 10/06/2024

SchemaPlay Early Years Training Continuity & Progression Through Free-Flow Play.


I wish . . .


The Froebel Trust podcast series is created for educators and early years leaders interested in finding out what a Froebelian approach to early education is all about. The latest episode is available to download now. Listen in on a discussion about supporting the wellbeing of educators working in nursery schools and early years settings today.

Episode 7: Relationships and wellbeing in early years settings:

"Educators cannot provide the kind of attention that children need if they're not thought about and feel looked after..." Dr Peter Elfer, Honorary Research Fellow, School of Education, University of Roehampton

"We're supporting these children for the rest of their lives, giving them the tools to be able to deal with conflict, to make positive relationships..." Holli Williams - Head of Schools, Linden Tree Nursery Schools

"...those of us who are advocates for children must speak up for them and be their voice..." Dr Jools Page - Senior Early Years Lecturer, School of Education, University of Brighton

"Children can feel how you're feeling... to have a space where educators can talk with feeling about their own feelings and the children - it's absolutely necessary..." Dr Robyn Dolby - psychologist and specialist in the field of infant mental health

"Bookstart Baby gives parents something that feels like a way forwards” | BookTrust 04/10/2023


"Bookstart Baby gives parents something that feels like a way forwards” | BookTrust Children's physiotherapist Fiona Osmond shares how parents reading to their premature child can bring mutual benefits for their wellbeing and their bond during an incredibly stressful time

Froebel Trust Autumn Lecture 2023 15/09/2023

Froebel Trust Autumn Lecture 2023 Published 05/10/2023 Event location Cardiff Event type Share Join us for this year's lecture with Professor Tina Bruce CBE. A hybrid event. Update: Tickets to join us in person in Cardiff are now sold out. Please register to join the event online. This year's Froebel Trust Autumn Lecture is all abou...


Happy birthday Sir Ken Robinson!

Today we celebrate your life, your legacy, and the incredible impact and belief you had in our education, our creativity, and our humanity. Your ideas and passion inspired countless people to think differently about what is possible, to embrace their own creativity, and to push for change in our educational systems and beyond.

Today, on what would have been his 73rd birthday, we invite those who wish to donate to The SKR Legacy Collective Fund to continue his work and transform education and organisations with a deeper understanding of human creativity and intelligence. You can donate at and be a part of this movement to make a positive change.

To honor your memory and the powerful messages you shared, we have put together an updated 'Sir Ken Robinson YouTube Playlist' in celebration of your incredible legacy. We invite you to watch and share this playlist to keep Sir Ken’s vision and message alive.

Sir Ken, your impact will continue to be felt for generations to come. Thank you for your passion, your humor, your intelligence, and your unwavering belief in the power of creativity. Happy birthday, and may your spirit continue to inspire us to march forth and create a future for us all.

Why picture books are crucial to child development and education 28/02/2023

Why picture books are crucial to child development and education Author and illustrator Peter Horacek shares his thoughts on the importance of picture books for children's development.

Art in practice: Artist involvement in settings 24/02/2023

In my opinion, 'Expressive Arts & Design' (and Understanding the World), absolutely fit the DfE description of Prime Areas, which are stated as 'particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving'. Interesting that they are sadly right at the end of the Areas of Learning list 🤔

Now more than ever, providing Early Years environments where each child feels safe to express themselves creatively, alongside creative thinking, supportive adults who observe children closely to understand what is being expressed, is essential. This will contribute significantly to children developing either 'mastery' or 'helplessness' characteristics, dependant on how consistently they are given opportunities for their unique expression to be understood & celebrated.

With a growing awareness of signs of Mental Health difficulties within young people being evident at least 10 years younger through self-regulation*, providing these opportunities for creative expression in the Early Years is essential, and follows their natural desire for curiosity and exploration.

Thanks Lynnette at SchemaPlay Community Interest Company for your fabulous work in helping us all widen our understanding of what being child-centred truly is, & EEarly Years Educator for this interesting article.


Art in practice: Artist involvement in settings This is the first in a series of three articles, which explores artist involvement in early years settings. In this article I turn to academic theory, English early years policy and the inspiring practices of the pre-schools of Reggio Emilia to gain insights into how artists are involved in and coll...


I love this.

What a wonderful example of some principles of being embedded in practice; showing opportunities for trust, empowerment, collaboration, safety and choice through everyday interactions.

Thriving practitioners are best equipped to fully recognise the magic of being in 'flow', and to feel inspired to truly attune with children to meet them where they are.

So grateful for the important work that Kate Moxley Wellness For All, Mine Conkbayir and many others are doing in the UK to bring the significance (and challenges) of well-being in the EY workforce to the forefront, with Greg Bottrill from Can I Go And Play Now..? inviting 'Play people' to join him on his quest to learn about ourselves and our role within the 'Kingdom of Play'. I'll be joining this quest; I'm excited to see the impact this may have on child-led, play-based pedagogy, and well-being in EY.

Thank you Listen to the Children for sharing your wonderful child-led practice with us ❤️

An oldie, but goodie, from 2021:

In my child-led school, the schedule is

8:30-11:30 CHILD-LED Play
11:30 Go home

During that time, I listen to the children and meet their needs, or empower them to meet their own needs.

Our snack is OPEN. The children eat when they are hungry...sort of. When we are completely outside, and this is 100% true because there is loads of space.

Inside, due to only two tables, snack can happen anytime after 10. This gives us a good 90 minutes to use two tables for play.

Somedays, no one even mentions snack. Other days, I get bombarded with "Is it 10?"

And so....just now, Isaiah asked me if it was 10.

I showed him my stove clock and said "Do you see a 10?" (it was 9:41 at the time)

He shrugged his shoulders.

I said "Do you remember what 10 looks like?"
"How about you run to the calendar and bring me number 10."

And so, off he went, counting the calendar numbers until he got to 10 and brought it to the stove.

"Do you see that number?"


"Guess what? Now that you know, you can check all on your own!"

HUGE grin ("on your own" is empowering). He ran off, to put number 10 back on the calendar, but then came back and said "Can we hang this right there so we remember?"

"Yes. Yes you can. That’s a fantastic idea."


This is a fantastic example of the meaningful, 100% organic, in-the-moment, meet each child where THEY are learning I keep preaching. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻. Can I get an Amen?!

So then...think of the learning potential if they happen to catch it at 9:10 🤔


Couldn't agree more. I discovered Baby Signing through which inspired the start of my wonderful journey into understanding how children's communication skills develop and the magical world of Early Years. Another lovely way to connect with your baby

Although some parents worry that signing will stop their child talking, research actually shows that it helps children learn language 💜


FREE interactive storytelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar,
Due to popular demand we have opened additional spaces at Fenwick

Friday 17 February

Sessions last between 30-40 mins


Thank you to Curiosity Approach Network Reading & Oxfordshire for our lovely gift from the recent Discovery Session. Such a useful morning spent discussing child-led play & open-ended environments with Kirsty & other practitioners


"All too often in the UK, early years provision is seen almost entirely as “childcare”, and early years settings merely as places for young children to go to be “looked after” or “watched” until pick-up time.

But early educators do so much more than this. They are education professionals who support learning during the single most critical period of brain development. They are responsible for everything from identifying when a young child has additional needs and knowing what steps to take to support them, to spotting and acting on signs of abuse or neglect and knowing which agencies to liaise with to ensure families get the help they need.

Is it any wonder that year upon year of being dismissed by those in power is starting to take its toll?"

Our communications and external affairs director Shannon Pite has written an essay for the latest edition of from the Global Institute for Women's Leadership.

The collection focuses on the gendered politics of childcare and is packed full of great contributions from researchers, policymakers, activists & political leaders from around the world.

Read the collection here:


Love this- so many opportunities for learning in everyday play 🍔🐸

A burger that when you bite into it turns you into a frog 😍

No challenge card, no claustrophobic ‘progression of skills’ documents, no Do This, Do That. Instead, autonomy in a Learning Landscape that knows what children want - chat, movement and possibility - and the companionship of adults who know what each child needs to create the conditions for invention and discovery…

For me, this burger - that led to an outpouring of mathematics, playful-ness, language and yes mark making (there’s a code inside to make the burger transform you) - tells me who has a better understanding of the joy of being alive. Is it childhood or The Adult World with its Spreadsheet Gang?

We know the answer and that’s why we need to play ♥️


Beyond ‘Good Job’ – Praise that Pulls for a Child’s Growth and Development - Early Learning Nation 07/01/2023

Beyond ‘Good Job’ – Praise that Pulls for a Child’s Growth and Development - Early Learning Nation Praise is a funny thing. Words of acknowledgment can be the water and sunshine that help children grow into sturdy, confident and capable adults, or they

'Not enough' done to help early development - Kate 26/11/2022

'Not enough' done to help early development - Kate The Princess of Wales says the years from pregnancy to age five fundamentally impact people's lives.

Photos from Kate Moxley Wellness For All's post 04/11/2022
Knowing who you are 28/10/2022

Knowing who you are When my youngest got his autism/ADHD diagnosis it made me rethink everything I thought I knew - not so much about my son, I met him every day and accepted him as he is from the moment he was born. But more a self realisation about who I am. Which wasn't so much about knowing who I am, because I live...

Carol Payne - Speech & Language Therapy 25/10/2022

Carol Payne - Speech & Language Therapy There are reports that the number of children struggling with speech is on the rise following lockdown. Paul asked Carol Payne what can be done to help.


Via Empty Nest

Timeline photos 11/10/2022

It all begins with you 👌

Experts Agree! Really, Babies Don't Need To Read - Janet Lansbury 14/09/2022

Experts Agree! Really, Babies Don't Need To Read - Janet Lansbury I received this caring mom’s comment in response to How To Help Your Baby Become A Math Genius (Or Not): I am a mother of a 17 month old girl and I had her do the Baby Can Read program. I did this because I struggled with reading and vocabulary in school. My daughter has … Continued


Unassisted Motor Development
"When an adult interferes with a child’s movement and play, not only is there a disturbance of the autonomy of the situation, but also the adult’s own goals are substituted for the child’s interests, and this intervention creates an unnatural dependency on the adults."
Judit Falk.
(Judit Falk worked at the Pikler Institute for 48 years, for 12 of those she held the position as its director.)

For children, the challenges in the environment are just that, challenges. It is in the challenge - and the incremental achievements towards meeting the challenge - that the learning takes place, that is how intelligence unfolds. Yes, we might want to help the child up the tree or onto the ladder, but when we lift them because they can't get there by themselves, we take away the challenge.
