Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship

Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship

This is the reincarnation of the official Unitarian Universalist Buddhist Fellowship's (UUBF). Created at the 7 Bi-Annual Convocation in Portland, OR 2017

Use Your Words • One Earth Sangha 17/02/2024

These Ecodharma zoom meetings and presentations are wonderful, and by donation. This one looks particularly important.

Use Your Words • One Earth Sangha Cross-cultural communication can bring us together… or tear us apart. In this EcoDharma Exploration on February 25, 2024, Rhonda Magee joins Kristin Barker in conversation to explore challenges and opportunities for building true Sangha as we work together for environmental justice.


There is an opportunity to serve these traditions of Unitarian Universalism and Buddhism that have nurtured us and the world we live in. The UU Buddhist Fellowship is seeking a Treasurer. Our long-time Treasurer Dick Swanson will be retiring. A description follows.
--- the UUBF Board: Wayne Arnason, Florence Caplow, Terry Kinsey, Erich Moraine, Pamela Patton, Sam Trumbore, Judy Zimmerman.

UU Buddhist Fellowship - Treasurer

The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Fellowship. This may include using Excel spreadsheets, Quicken, and online payment processors. They are responsible for understanding and complying with government laws and rules that apply to nonprofit organizations. The treasurer may propose policies that provide secure checks and balances regarding financial matters. The Treasurer shall make regular reports on the financial status and health of the Fellowship and shall fulfill other duties assigned to the Treasurer by the Board or required by law.

The Board is authorized to provide for staff under the direction of the Treasurer to administer financial matters. UUBF will provide for bonding of the Treasurer. The Board is empowered to have the financial records of the Fellowship reviewed by an independent auditor as the need arises. The position involves approximately 2 hours per week. Training and support will be provided.

For more information or to apply contact [email protected]

UUBF November National Online Gathering Registration 21/10/2023

UUBF November 2023 Online Gathering

Sunday, November 12th, 4 pm Pacific/5 pm Mountain/6 pm Central/7 pm Eastern. 90 Minutes

Led by UUBF Board Members Zenshin Florence Caplow and Terry Kinsey

Gather with UUBF Board Members for this 90 minute online gathering to develop greater community and to explore more deeply what it means to be a UU Buddhist. There will be a short talk, breakout groups, sharing of UUBF news, and conversation. Registration is required, no charge. Please register here: UUBF November Online Gathering Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdH6YFwMH8D4BPVexLod9rK0xEOD-j3So0O5yDsU3PItKZZBw/viewform

Our next gathering will be in January 2024.

UUBF November National Online Gathering Registration Sunday, November 12th, 4 pm Pacific/5 pm Mountain/6 pm Central/7 pm Eastern. 90 Minutes


LAST DAYS to register for the UU Buddhist Fellowship Convocation April 27-30, 2023 at the DeKoven Center in Racine, WI. Our teacher is David Loy, who will lead us in explorations of Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis. There will be meditation, worship, small groups, and workshops.

Convocation is offered in hybrid format, with residential, commuter and online options. The Dekoven Center is on the beautiful shoreline of Lake Michigan.

** Deadline is April 12** To register go to uubf.org and scroll down.

-- Judy, UUBF President, on behalf of the UUBF Board


UU Buddhist Fellowship Convocation 2023 April 27-30 at the DeKoven Center in Racine, WI. This year’s guest teacher is David Loy whose book Ecodharma: Buddhist Perspectives on the Ecological Crisis forms the theme of convocation. There will be dharma talks, meditation, workshops, and a public talk at 7 p.m. on 4/29. This will be streamed on Zoom https://tinyurl.com/2p8j5nw2.

This will be a hybrid format event, so you can register as 1) an online Zoom participant, 2) a commuter participant with meals or 3) an in-person participant, including lodging. The convocation will take place at the DeKoven Center in Racine, WI, along the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan.

Registration will continue until 4/12/2023. A limited number of scholarships are available. If you are in need of a scholarship, please email Judy Zimmerman at [email protected] Register at https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z6WK/home More information at uubf.org


CONVOCATION April 27-30 2023 with David Loy

After postponements due to COVID, the UU Buddhist Fellowship’s Convocation returns. On April 27-30, 2023 Unitarian Universalists Buddhists from many practice traditions will gather to meditate together, share our larger sangha, and engage with a distinguished teacher. This year our guiding teacher is David Loy. David is anauthorized teacher in the Sanbo Zen lineage of Japanese Zen Buddhism and has studied with Robert Aitken. He has served as Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Bunkyo University in Chigasaki, Japan, and as the Besi professor of Religion and Society at Xavier University in Cincinnati. His latest book is Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis (2019, Wisdom Press).

For the first time, UUBF Convocation will be held in the Midwest! We will gather at the beautiful DeKoven Conference Center in Racine, Wisconsin from Thursday evening April 27 through Sunday morning April 30, 2023. The DeKoven Center is right on the shores of Lake Michigan. Racine is accessible from the Milwaukee and O’Hare Chicago airports, and is within a five-hour drive of all major cities in six surrounding Midwest states.

In addition to the sessions led by David Loy, there will be opportunities for small group meetings for shared practice and discussion among practitioners of the various Buddhist schools and lineages; koan study from The Hidden Lamp with author Florence Caplow, organizational tips for your local sangha, and workshops on eco-activism, environmental racism, and eco-activism.

Registration materials can be found at uubf.org Early registrants get discounted rates through FEBRUARY 1. We hope you will attend in-person. Online-only participation will also be offered. Full and partial scholarships and help with rides from Milwaukie or O'Hare Airport to the DeKoven Center in Racine are available. For more information or to register go to https://uubf.org/wp/convocation-2023/

-- The UUBF Board