Easy Peasy DIY Websites

Easy Peasy DIY Websites

I help ambitious website newbies build their first websites stress-free & with confidence & EASE! Hi, I'm KB, owner & creator of ClickByClickAcademy.com.

Building a website shouldn't be difficult. It should be FUN. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed before you even start. I'm here to help.

Photos from Easy Peasy DIY Websites's post 18/04/2024

Hi there! 👋 Remember me? I’ve been taking a “sabbatical” from the website journey so to speak… but not really. 😜

Let me explain…

While stepping back from building websites and instead focusing on the family business full-time, we’ve won local awards and evolved. Which brings me to the point of this post:

Your website’s evolution mirrors your growth.

While I’m not fully back here, I’m still immersed in website building. And I’m crafting a newbie-friendly resource based on everything I’ve learned over the years, including tips, tricks and custom codes to juice up your site and make it your own.

In the meantime…

Want a head start?

New to Squarespace?
Use the link in my bio to sign up for a free trial with Squarespace.

Already on a free trial?
Use the link in my bio for my free 7-Step Guide to building a website. My unique 20% discount code is inside.

Questions? Reach out anytime.

I’ll be back! 😜

Happy Squarespacing!

Kerstin, Your Click By Click Website Coach

Photos from Easy Peasy DIY Websites's post 13/02/2023

Let me ask you a question:

How many Mondays have been & gone where you said to yourself, "I'll start my website tomorrow"?

How many MORE Mondays have to go by before you start?

The best time to start your website was two years ago.

The next best time is TODAY.

If you want to make this year count, take THIS as your SIGN to start.

Nothing ever happened without taking action...

Think of it as starting a Jigsaw Puzzle...

Like me, when my husband gave me a jigsaw puzzle for Christmas.

A beautiful (1000-piece!) jigsaw puzzle.

The only drawback... I had to actually build the bloody thing...

Turns out, once I started (and got the hang of it), I started to look forward to doing a little bit every night... (over a glass of G&T)...

And before I knew it, after just 30 minutes a few nights in a row, the image started to take shape...

In the end, once I focused & really got into it, it happened pretty fast... 7 days later, it was all done!

So, what took me so long? The first step (to just START), was the hardest… after that, it became easier with each day!

It's exactly the same with your website...

Imagine you started TODAY. Where could you be in 365 days from now??

And the BEST part, once you start, you’ll get clearer on your idea in the process. (It happened to me!)

So, let me give you an incentive to “just do it” 🎁

Actually, TWO incentives... 🎁🎁

Because it's my birthday soon...


If you haven't started your site yet (or are still on a FREE trial), between now and 10th March, you can SAVE 20% with my special (Squarespace Authorised Trainer) discount code: KERSTINBEGLEY

All you need to do is…

Click the FIRST LINK in my BIO and register for a FREE Squarespace website account.


Click the SECOND LINK in my BIO to download my FREE GUIDE > 7 STEPS TO A WEBSITE (the brand-NEW updated 2023 edition), to get you started on building your site TODAY.

Nothing is going to change until YOU make it happen!

So, let's DO this! 👊

DM me for any questions, thoughts, obstacles to overcome to get you started on your website adventure.

I'm here to help.

Happy squarespacing!



Psst…! You probably noticed, I’m not posting much over here anymore… 🫣

Why, you ask? 🤔

Because our family business Little Woodworkers® is taking up ALL my time (at the moment!) since we had to restructure and adapt to the years of 2020 and 2021…

And yes, building a brand-new site was the clincher to taking that business to the next level. 📈

Never underestimate the value of being able to build, rebuild, revamp, update, maintain your own website and products…

Website changes are constant… as your site grows WITH you and your business… all the time! 👍

Just saying. 😉

DM me if you need help with your site. 👊

Please know, when it comes to my members of CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™️ (CBCA) they get priority and all my attention whenever they need me.

If you’d like to know what CBCA is all about, PM me and I’ll tell ya. 😊

Or click the link I‘ll park in the comments and I’ll tell you even more. 😉


Be careful what you wish for. It may just come true. 😉♥️


If you’re over 40 or 50 years YOUNG(!), or whatever age really… you’re gonna want to hear this. Don’t wrap up… start up!!

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 13/06/2022

Just in case you needed to hear that today. 💕


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram akash.poetry • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 21/05/2022

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.”

It’s up to you to take the action to get you there. 👊


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram angelaliggs • Original Audio


For all the mothers, step-mums, foster mums, future mums, fur-baby/pet mums, lost mums (we miss you), mums-to-be, mums-at-heart…

We are thinking of you.

Happy Mother’s Day! ♥️

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 02/05/2022

A little Monday motivation for you (and me). 👊

As I’m trying to start the week as I mean to go on… inspired by Mel Robbins “Spring Reset” training (even though it’s autumn here 😉).

Changing the little things to make a big difference. (In your life, health & business.)

Today started with a 5 km walk which turned into 11 km. 👊

Now, back to work… 👩‍💻

Let’s make stuff happen! 💪

Who is with me? 🙋🏼‍♀️


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram alecolantuono • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 30/04/2022

I just wanted a trim. But then I changed my mind… 🤣

And it feels so good. So light. So free. So empowering. 👊

New hair. New (old) goals. ⚡️

Like with most things in life (i.e. getting out of bed for an early morning walk) Just. Do. It. ✔️

Don’t overthink it. Don’t allow your brain to find excuses. 🤯

And I’m saying this to myself as much as to anyone who needs to hear this. 😉

The spontaneous decisions, ideas, actions are usually the best.

Take action. What’s the worst that can happen?

No regrets. 👊


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram lea.rdg__ • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 24/04/2022

The best time to start your website was last year. The NEXT best time is NOW. 😉

No one is coming to push you.

No one is coming to do it FOR you. (Unless you want to hand over your hard earned cash to a web designer. 🤷‍♀️)

It’s up to YOU to START!

“You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.” - Jack Canfield

CLARITY happens when you start.

If you want to build your own website but have no idea where to begin, I can help. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Building a website doesn’t have to be difficult. It should be FUN❣️

Private message me if you need some click by click guidance.


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram etkfit • Nobody is coming.

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 16/04/2022

Every sunset is an opportunity to reset for the new day ahead. 🌅


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram Squarespace Website Coach posted on Instagram: “Every sunset is an opportunity to reset for the new day ahead. 🌅 …” • See all of 's photos and videos on their profile.

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 14/04/2022


“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” - Albus Dumbledore 🧙‍♂️🪄


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram grettaray • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 29/03/2022

Try new things. You might be surprised at what you are capable of.

I always wanted to try Paddleboarding. But I always found excuses.

Not this time!

And it was absolutely brilliant.

I fell. A lot. Got up again. Fell. Got up. Fell… well, you get my drift. 🤣

It was my first time.

And I’ll do it again. (And again!)

Loved every minute of it. Thanks to a great teacher and great company. 😉

Because you don’t regret the things you do. You regret the things you didn’t do when you had the chance. 👊

What new thing are YOU going to try this week? This month? This year? 👊

Tell me in the comments. Or send me a private message. I’d love to know. 🤗


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram darya_beskrovnyh • Such a W***e ( Beskrovnyh Remix)

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 14/03/2022

My new mug, a bday present from the husband Little Woodworkers ☕️

(I’ll take his word for it. 🤣)

Here’s to an amazing, productive, powerful week ahead. 👊

Kids told me today, only 3 more weeks to term break (aka two weeks of school holidays). 😳

OMG… I better get cracking!! 😬

What are YOU getting DONE this week?


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram Patrick Watson • Je te laisserai des mots

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 10/03/2022

You are where you need to be right now.

Trust the process.

You are enough! ♥️


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram unicorn.eclipse • quote - kristen butler


Hi, it’s me, KERSTIN B, your Website Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide. 🐭

It’s been a while since I actually introduced myself here. 🙋🏼‍♀️

So, if you’re new here, say HI in the comments. 👋

And of course WELCOME and THANK YOU for liking my page! ☺️

So, how do I help people? What do I actually do?

And how can I help YOU?

I help tech-frazzled website newbies build their very first websites with Squarespace… 👩‍💻

Taking them from tech-overwhelm to building their first websites with confidence & EASE. 💫

(WITHOUT breaking the bank!)

Building a website shouldn’t be difficult. It should be FUN!

So, let’s have some FUN! 👊

Five minutes ago I’ve uploaded my updated FREE GUIDE…

📕 7 STEPS TO A WEBSITE (2022 edition!)

So, if you’ve been thinking about building your own site (& want to save tons of 💰 in the long run), grab the FREE guide now…

Well, actually, I won’t put the link here…

Just give me a 🙋🏼‍♀️ in the comments, so I know you’d like a free copy.

(Before I change my mind & start charging for it 🤣).

“A year from now you wish you had started TODAY.” Karen Lamb

CLARITY happens when you START❣️

Just saying. 😉

Make sure to say HI in the comments or private message me and let’s CONNECT. 🤝

Let’s get some engagement back here to see who is still with me…

while I was MIA helping my husband’s business Little Woodworkers survive the last few crazy years… as well as focusing on my members inside Click By Click Academy™️. ☺️

Chat soon. 🙋🏼‍♀️


Hi, it’s me, KERSTIN B, your Website Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide. 🐭

It’s been a while since I actually introduced myself here. 🙋🏼‍♀️

So, if you’re new here & have just started following me…

Say HI in the comments. 👋

And of course WELCOME and THANK YOU for following me! ☺️

So, how do I help people? What do I actually do?

And how can I help YOU?

I help tech-frazzled website newbies build their very first websites with Squarespace… 👩‍💻

Taking them from tech-overwhelm to building their first websites with confidence & EASE. 💫

(WITHOUT breaking the bank!)

Building a website shouldn’t be difficult. It should be FUN!

So, let’s have some FUN! 👊

Five minutes ago I’ve uploaded my updated FREE GUIDE…

📕 7 STEPS TO A WEBSITE (2022 edition!)

So, if you’ve been thinking about building your own site (& want to save tons of 💰 in the long run), grab the guide for FREE now…

(before I change my mind & start charging for it 🤣).


“A year from now you wish you had started TODAY.” Karen Lamb

CLARITY happens when you START❣️

Just saying. 😉

Make sure to say HI in the comments or private message me and let’s CONNECT. 🤝

Chat soon. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 10/02/2022

I’m all set for 2022! 💥

Still a bit of re-arranging & decorating to do but you get the gist…

I’m ready for NEW things to be thrown at me this year…

(In fact, it has already started… 🤯)

But that can also be a good thing… Exciting even! 🤫

As we are growing & evolving… life-wise & business-wise…

Because that should never stop!

So, get out there. Try new things…

Take that (measured) risk…

Get out of your comfort zone…

What’s the worst that can happen? 🤷‍♀️

In years to come…

“You will have more regrets for the things you didn’t try than the ones you tried and didn’t succeed at.” - Jay Samit

So, BELIEVE, go for it & trust the process.

Clarity happens when you START. (Works for me!! 🤓)

What do YOU want to start/learn/accomplish this year? 😬

(If it’s anything to do with a website, let’s chat! ☕️)

And in case you’d like to know about who helped me with my new office…

German (double-glazed) windows Living Design Double Glazing Pty ltd (the most helpful, patient, reliable & hardest workers I’ve ever had to deal with 🙏)
Carpet Carpet World Mornington
Desk & stand-up chair IKEA (always my go to for good quality, inexpensive well thought-through & practical furniture 👌)
Labour, wall moving, painting, built in shelving, window sill, etc Little Woodworkers (Thanks for your patience & being my sounding board ♥️)
Wooden material (window sill, built in shelf Bunnings Warehouse Australia 🪵)


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram kyliekatich • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 02/02/2022

Are we ready to take on 2022? 🤔 With both kids back at school only since yesterday (after a looong summer holiday), I’m finally back in the office…

With New hair. In a new office. And new goals.

If you’d like to know more, I’ll be sharing it on Instagram…

When the time is right. So make sure to follow me there (if you aren’t yet). It’s where I hang out most. 😅

While I can’t be here as much as I’d like, as I divide my time between helping my members inside Click By Click Academy™️ & our (family) business Little Woodworkers…

Please know I’m always checking in here too. 👀

So, if you’re thinking about building a website, or need someone to do it FOR you, let me know. 👩‍💻

I’m always here to help! 🙋🏼‍♀️

Tell me in the comments (or PM) what’s YOUR goal for 2022? 😇


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram northernelg • Good part ~


Just in case you haven't done it yet, this is a quick reminder to update the year at the footer of your site (aka copyright © note) to keep your IP protected in 2022. 🤓

📸 Screenshot from tutorial I just shared inside membership

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 11/01/2022

This is where I’ll spend January… it’s the summer holidays over here…

Six weeks of spending quality time with the kids (well, that was the plan anyway)…

But when you’re working from home, with no family around to take the kids even just for an hour, so you can get some productive office-time, with emails still flooding in, the phone still ringing, what can you do… 🤷‍♀️

Steeling half an hour here and there… to get done whatever needs to get done…

I’m not complaining. We built this life. (With two websites)…

Because we had a dream. A vision. When we decided to move to Australia... 🦘

If you have a dream, or a vision, I’d LOVE to hear about it…

(I may even be able to help if building a website is the thing that’s stopping you).

THANK YOU for sticking around while I wasn’t able to be here much… as I was taking care of our family business Little Woodworkers (and my CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™️ members) during these last two roller coaster years…

(Looks like the CRAZE is not going to end anytime soon either! 🦠)…

While I’m not here as frequently as I’d like, please know, I’m always checking in…

So, if you’ve ANY questions about how YOU can start or build your own first website in 2022, ask away.

I’m here to help! 🙋🏼‍♀️


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 0 Likes, 0 Comments - DIY Website Building Workshops () on Instagram: “This is where I’ll spend January… it’s the summer holidays over here… Six weeks of spending…”


Starting the year off with my Booster shot. 💉💉💉

Once again, what a year! 🤪 Let’s try this again…


Here’s to a more predictable, less challenging year 2022. Cheers/Sláinte/Prost to that! 🥂…

… and to having to put out less (family business) fires in 2022…

… so that I can FINALLY find the time to build the CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™️ membership site…

For my existing members and many, many new members in 2022.

Because NOW is the time to take it ONLINE…

Whatever it may be, the world needs what YOU have… 👊

A website can help you with that. 💞

For more info, take your pick with my LINK IN BIO

Tell me, what’s the ONE thing/project/milestone you really want to achieve in 2022? 🤗


I gave these motivational bracelets to all of us today... 🎁

The kids couldn’t decide so they put them all on.

We just love them ALL. ♥️

Hopefully the positive & encouraging messages will go in too… 😇

Spreading happy vibes.

These are perfect little Christmas gifts. Young or old. Doesn’t matter. 🤷‍♀️

We all need some nudges sometimes to see that we already have everything we need right now. To be less demanding (especially as it gets closer to Christmas). To wake up and smell the coffee. ☕️

I’ll wear one every day. Depending on the mood that day. 💫

Which one would YOU wear most days?

Me? Probably „Patience…” 🤔

To get yours (& support a small business), check out ☺️

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 22/11/2021

It’s always the same…

Kids are off to school. I’m all fired up for the day…

SO many things I want to get done…

Only to end up going down the rabbit hole of task OVERLOAD…

And NONE of which are getting done! 🤷‍♀️

So, now & again I try this approach… (inspired by the husband who swears by it).


And to my surprise, every time I do it, I get stuff DONE!

If it’s a big task, I write down the ONE task. (To increase my chances of success.)

If it’s those small niggling tasks (I keep postponing), I write them ALL down.

For example…

Last Friday I wrote down 18 little tasks that where bugging me for WEEKS…

And whaddaya know, 15 of them got DONE that day.

Because they were ON THE LIST.

I TICKED THEM OFF as I went along. (So satisfying!)

I made sure to sneak in tasks that are EASY to tick off. To gain MOMENTUM!

I’m going to “train” myself to make it a new every-day-habit to write a list FIRST. (Maybe even the night before, over a glass of vino 🍷🤔)

Will you try it? Tell me (in the comments or via PM) if it worked for you too. 📝

Or what’s YOUR secret to get stuff done every day?

(Please tell me I’m not alone. 🙏)


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram moveyourbump • Original Audio

Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram 12/11/2021

I never appreciated going to a restaurant with “the girls” as much as I did last night.

It feels good to be back.

Back to business.

Back to (real) life.

Back to Instagram (it’s where I scroll most days).

While I was running the other Instagram and Facebook account over at Little Woodworkers…

(It’s the family business, that needed my full attention during this roller coaster of 2 years. It still does.)

There was not enough time to post here too as often as I would have liked.


Even if it’s not as frequently, I’m still here… I always was…

Always checking in.

Checking messages.

Or answering website questions inside my membership CLICK BY CLICK ACADEMY™️.

So, if you’ve ANY questions on building your first website, you’re non-techie, need a website, but have no idea where to even start, ask away.

Or DM me.

Whatever works for you. I’m here. 🙋🏼‍♀️

Tell me…

If you were in a Lockdown (if you’re in Melbourne like me, you endured SIX of them!), what did YOU do FIRST when it was over?


✨Joined KX Pilates Mornington

✨ Shopped at rebel sport

✨ Bought a scented candle at the local Cotton On Body shop

✨Dinner with the girls

✨ A proper catch up

✨ Belly laughs

✨ Yummy food at “Out For Thai Restaurant” in Cheltenham. 😋

Realising how much I missed the little things we used to take for granted.

It just feels good to be back. 🤗


Watch this reel by easypeasydiywebsites on Instagram charmedbyhue • Original Audio


Calling all friends who are self-employed/run their own business, or want to support small businesses!

It's interesting to see the variety in our extended circles.

Post a link to your website below without a description - just the link, it speaks for itself. Anyone who follows this page can see it and visit your site.

Copy this text onto your own page and give others the chance to reach more people through your circle.

Visibility is everything!
Let's help each other.

Now is the time to take it ONLINE!

Need a website? 🙋‍♀

5 years ago I did too...

I had absolutely no clue when it came to website building (in fact all things tech made me feel 🤯).

I did all the things I should do. I spoke to all the experts who bamboozled me with their tech jargon and I hired a highly recommended web designer that cost me an arm and a leg. 💰

I invested a lot, I sent out 400 flyers promoting the site launch and guess what happened on launch day?


I was absolutely freaking out. I was a very frustrated, completely overwhelmed, non-techie former secretary what could I do about it?

Well, I built a landing page overnight! 👩‍💻

It wasn’t perfect, but I realised that all of these website gurus were doing their best to over complicate the process for us non-techie folk so they could charge a premium.

I threw myself into the learning more about easy peasy website design and over time taught myself to create gorgeous websites in no time without getting overwhelmed by all the tech stuff.

The more I did it the more people started to ask me to help them do the same.

That’s when I had my breakthrough. 💡

I needed to make sure there was never another person in my situation.

I needed to teach other non-tech people like me to create their own beautiful websites easily and quickly.

So that’s what my mission is, I help those who have no idea about websites, build a website the easy peasy way! 🙌

Sound like something you’d be interested in?

You can build your dream website in a way that’s:
✅ fast
✅ easy
✅ inexpensive
✅ full control

Ready to get started? 🥳

Download this incredible FREE guide which walks you through 7 Easy Peasy Steps to a Website 👇


And you're not alone!

Your Website Coach & Click By Click Tech Guide

Videos (show all)

Psst…! You probably noticed, I’m not posting much over here anymore… 🫣Why, you ask? 🤔Because our family business Little ...
Sunset vibes
That after lockdown feeling
Last night I worked until 2 am just for some uninterrupted kids-free office time… 🤪Because I’m getting prepared  for whe...
Hang in there, Victoria. 👊
After home-schooling the kids through SIX lockdowns, I gotta say… school holidays don’t feel the same. 🤷‍♀️ I took the b...
After home-schooling the kids through SIX lockdowns, I gotta say… school holidays don’t feel the same. 🤷‍♀️ I took the b...
This Intro was so much fun to create on Instagram. Maybe because my daughter helped (and made faces while filming)…No bu...
Why bother LEARNING to build your own website?Question is, why not? 😉Apart from those 3 reasons on the clip…1. IDEA VALI...
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel….This morning I needed to get out for a QUICK walk….Which turned into 1.5 hours...
15-mins FREE website audit for Princess