Kadeem One

Kadeem One

Meditation & Holistic Wellness Practitioner who provides solutions for your physical, mental, spirit


Coming up next! 🙌🏾
This virtual workshop combines the art of manifestation with the practicality of business coaching. Did I mention it was free??? 😲
Click the link in my bio for register now…or if you are on Facebook, click here ——> Linktr.ee/KadeemOne

I’m co-hosting this with my friend and business coach !


Proud to announce my business received a business grant from the Inclusive Backing program for my work in wellness & healing! Thanks to American Express in partnership with National Main Street Center for the award!


We hear it all the time among motivational speakers and spiritual teachers, that we have to "let go". Easy in theory I guess. But when has anyone ever mentioned the practice of letting go? If you need to let go, what do you actually do? If letting go was a cooked meal, what ingredients do you need? What is the recipe? In this workshop, I will share seven ways (plus one bonus way!) to actually put the art of letting go into a step by step effective practice. Join me, October 4th at 7am in the community to learn how to ACTUALLY let go! Link in bio to register.


During a recent meditation & sound bath experience…


Based in NYC? Wanna experience meditation & sound bath feels? Then register for my weekly meditation & sound bath classes on Tuesdays in association with . Link to register in bio. 🙌🏾


My new 10-day course, How To Succeed During Global Upheaval is up on the meditation app, Insight Timer! It gives a very real, honest and raw look into what’s currently happening on the earth from an energetic and spiritual perspective.

My course almost didn’t get approved for the platform as it was considered to be “controversial” and “too radical”. But I’ve learned that sometimes in order for a massive mindset shift to take effect, it may take people feeling uncomfortable and they may even stop talking to you in order for you to breakthrough to higher ground.


So many gems in this video! Thanks & for these words of wisdom.


She ready!
You ready?

Let’s manifest. 💪🏽



There’s more to than “The Secret” and The Law of Attraction. Listen in to hear more!


MANIFESTED a new home for myself with floor to ceiling windows and even a terrace.
And yes, I still live in NYC! Super duper, abundantly grateful. 🙏🏽

Learn how I manifested this new home with my powerful manifestation techniques in a workshop I am teaching on June 4th from 3pm to 6pm called Manifestation Magic. (Happening in-person and virtually.)

To find out more & to register click the link in my bio or check out:


Manifestation Magic ✨
Happening in person & virtually June 4th from 3pm to 6pm!

Read below for more info on the workshop:
Ready to learn the manifestation secrets only known by spiritual masters?
In this interactive, 3-hour workshop, explore the practical but profound tools and techniques you can use every day to realize your aspirations!
Utilize spirituality, visualization, energy healing, neuroscience and hypnotherapy to tap into the secret foundational steps to manifestation so that you can become a manifestation master!

Registration link in my bio. Or go to: linktr.ee/KadeemOne


Hi folks! After doing two seasons of my podcast on various streaming platforms, I have moved it exclusively to ! Season 1 & 2 will still be on the other platforms such as Apple & Spotify, but for any future episodes, check out my profile on the free app . 😘


Featured in this month! Thanks so & for the feature. 🙌🏾🙏🏽

Better Your Life with Holistic Wellness: Mental Health 28/12/2021

Have you gotten a chance to check out our new blog? In the latest edition of our holistic wellness series, we talk about mental health. Click here to learn tips for improving mental health. https://bit.ly/3pvOTBT

Better Your Life with Holistic Wellness: Mental Health From energy healing to sound therapy, all kinds of holistic remedies can improve mental health. Learn how to maximize their impact in our blog series.


Thanks for having me Whisk & Whiskey!
Repost from
Meditation Teacher. Holistic Wellness Practitioner. Inspirational Speaker✨

Timeline photos 10/12/2021

Sound can be incredibly powerful. A favorite song can lift you out of a low mood. A violin concerto can bring tears to your eyes. The sound of the ocean can instantly transport you to your favorite vacation spot from childhood.

As it turns out, sound can be therapeutic as well. Sound therapy is an effective tool for boosting the mind, body, and soul.

While sound therapy might seem like a wellness fad, it's been around for centuries. Ancient Greek literature supports that music was used to treat mental disorders. Even Cleopatra may have turned to sound therapy.

Sound therapy refers to a range of treatments in which sound is used to treat physical and mental conditions. One of these therapies is music therapy, which can involve a person listening to music for stress and muscle tension.

Music is one component of this therapy. Others use sound wave vibrations to treat physical and mental conditions. In general, this therapy is based on the theory that all of life vibrates, including people's bodies. When a person's healthy resonant frequency is out of balance, physical and emotional health is affected.

Treatment by sound waves is believed to restore that healthy balance to the body. Healing is done by transmitting beneficial sound to the affected area. The healing sound may be produced by a voice or an instrument such as electronic equipment, chanting bowls, or tuning forks.

Sound therapy focuses on balancing energy to treat a condition. Advocates maintain that sound therapy effectively treats such conditions as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, and autism.

Timeline photos 09/12/2021

No one can complete you but yourself. Expecting others to complete you is unfair both to them and to you.

Take a puzzle, for example. There are many pieces that just by shape fit into each other perfectly, and you can complete a puzzle that way. But if you step back and look at it, it doesn't look or feel right, does it?

You are the puzzle, and only you can see the bigger picture and put every little piece where it belongs. Anyone else would just be blindly assembling pieces by shape, and you'd end up resenting them for messing up the picture they never saw.


Being kind and being nice are two very different things.

Timeline photos 07/12/2021

This Saturday, we bring you a live meditation therapy hosted at Shamballa Yoga and Dance with Kadeem One and Nicolle Bennett! Join us as we dive deep into ourselves on the path to self-discovery, healing, and love!


P.S. Don't forget; you can also join Kadeem for his regular weekly meditative therapy tomorrow!


Timeline photos 06/12/2021

Don't let life run past you. In all its turmoil, be still. Be still in a way that no wave, however big and strong, can rock you to the bottom. Be aware of who you are. Be aware of your strength. Be aware of your beauty. Be mindful of both your inner and outer realities.

Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better.

Timeline photos 03/12/2021

Yoga is a vast collection of spiritual techniques and practices aimed at integrating mind, body, and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the universe. What is normally thought of as “yoga” in the West is really Hatha Yoga, one of the many paths of yoga. The different paths of yoga emphasize different approaches and techniques but ultimately lead to the same goal of unification and enlightenment.

Though yoga’s ultimate aim is lofty, its essence is practical and scientific as it emphasizes direct experience and observable results. It is not a religion, but a practice of personal inquiry and exploration. As the cultural and religious diversity of practitioners attest, yogic philosophy speaks to universal truths that can be incorporated within any belief system.

Timeline photos 02/12/2021

An honest "no" is much better than a resentful "yes". Saying no is not only okay but may just be essential to your wellbeing.


If you're not really sure what Kadeem One is - here's your answer!

Timeline photos 30/11/2021

Spiritual meditation is used in nearly all religions and spiritual traditions.

The types of spiritual meditation are as diverse as the world’s spiritual traditions themselves. Many of the meditation techniques that we mention in our posts could be considered spiritual meditation.

According to a 2017 study by Trusted Source, spiritual meditation focuses on developing a deeper understanding of spiritual/religious meaning and connection with a higher power. Examples include:

- Christian contemplative prayer
- Sufi dhikr (remembrance of God)
-Jewish kabbalistic practices

Spiritual meditation can be practiced at home or in a place of worship. This practice is beneficial for those who seek spiritual growth and a deeper connection to a higher power or spiritual force.

Join Kadeem tomorrow for a live, 45-minute meditative session! For those not based in the United States, please contact us and we will send you the information needed for your country.


Timeline photos 29/11/2021

Don't be gullible and trust everything you see and read. Use your strengths and evaluate what is in front of you.

Timeline photos 26/11/2021

As you learn to live more consciously, you open yourself up more to the subtle energies around you. Being receptive to other people’s energy, and having the gift of seeing exactly what they need, can be very supportive. But if it happens unconsciously, it could drain you. Your co-worker’s stress can become infectious, and their tension can overwhelm you or follow you home at the end of a busy workday. You might think it’s better to avoid certain people or situations because they leave you tired or anxious, or you might imagine you’re overworked or have some other problem because you’re carrying their energy with you. But you’ve probably picked up energy that’s not really yours. For sensitive people, it’s important to learn how our energy system works. Then you can not only protect yourself from other people’s negative energy but also cleanse and restore your energy when you need to.

After a while, once you have a sense of your aura, you can experiment to find out what influences your energy. The more you play with the possibilities, the sooner you’ll be able to tell when something enters your aura, and whether it’s welcome.

There are countless ways of clearing your aura of unwanted energy. In a natural setting, ask the elements (fire, wind, air, and water) if they will take your unwanted energy and transform it into love.

Join Kadeem in a 60-minute webinar, you will be guided through a series of exercises to help clean up your energy.


Timeline photos 25/11/2021

We all change and grow, but not necessarily in the same direction. What might have been your biggest support system might not follow or understand your growth. Maybe now YOU'RE meant to be the support.


I am not a habitual person, I do not do the same thing every morning and I am sure many of you can relate. That is okay! As long as you are in tune with yourself and listen to your needs.

Videos (show all)

So many gems in this video! Thanks @oprah & @itsmetarajane for these words of wisdom.
She ready!You ready?Let’s manifest. 💪🏽
#LawOfAttraction Talk!There’s more to #manifestation than “The Secret” and The Law of Attraction. Listen in to hear more...
Hi folks! After doing two seasons of my podcast on various streaming platforms, I have moved it exclusively to @insightt...
Thanks for having me Whisk & Whiskey! Repost from @whiskandwhiskeybklyn•@kadeemone Meditation Teacher. Holistic Wellness...
Being kind and being nice are two very different things. #selfhealer #innerhealing #dailyguidance #holistictherapy #medi...
If you're not really sure what Kadeem One is - here's your answer!#selfhealer #innerhealing #dailyguidance #holisticther...
If you're not really sure what Kadeem One is - here's your answer!#selfhealer #innerhealing #dailyguidance #holisticther...
I am not a habitual person, I do not do the same thing every morning and I am sure many of you can relate. That is okay!...
I am not a habitual person, I do not do the same thing every morning and I am sure many of you can relate. That is okay!...
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up to...
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep or cause you to wake up to...

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 23:00
Thursday 11:00 - 23:00
Friday 11:00 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 15:00 - 21:00