UT Honors Council

UT Honors Council

The official page of the Honors Council at the University of Tampa. We represent and organize events for academic enthusiasts among Honors students at UT.


Hello Spartans!
We are accepting our last round of research papers for Respond: the Honors undergraduate research journal of relevant academic discourse, here at UT.

Email your intellectual gem to [email protected] before midnight on Tuesday, Sept. 26.

If there is anything you have written as part of a class, that you think qualifies as research (both empirical and theoretical) and is relevant to the global state of academic affairs, hit submit without sparing a second thought! Best submissions with cash prizes and bragging rights in the undergraduate academic community!

We will make sure to publish the best ones and work with you on the ones that we think can make the next volume.


Deadline extended for submissions till July 9th, 2017.

Publish your research or non-fiction paper in UTs own academic journal. It is a fantastic opportunity for those who are thinking of applying to grad school.


General Assembly meeting for the month, tomorrow at 6pm in Riveside 107.
The meeting will be followed by our first social: Trail-mixer. Meet other Honors students and create your own trail mix!
See you there!

World University Rankings 26/09/2016

University of Oxford is now ranked No. 1 in the world!
Students from UT Honors Program are the only ones to get the exclusive opportunity to spend a semester study at this prestigious institution.

https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2017/world-ranking #!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank_label/sort_order/asc/cols/rank_only

World University Rankings The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2016-2017 list the 980 top universities in the world, making it our biggest international league table to date. It is the only global university performance table to judge world class universities across all of their core missions – teaching, rese...

Timeline photos 09/09/2016

Meet the Members: President, Laura Hearst!

She's from Chicago, Illinois and a Marine Bio major who loves UT because of its small size that allows for more one-on-one educational involvement.

Laura joined Honors Council to meet people from diverse backgrounds and participate wholeheartedly in making the Honors Program one for the students.

Meet the spearhead of UTHC in person, at the meeting on Monday 09/12 in Riverside room 107! See you there.


Welcome Honors Students in the Class of 2020! We are the new Honors Council and we have lots of exciting stuff planned for you this year, including social as well as academic opportunities to get involved with other honors students here at UT. We hope to see you soon.
