Fran Dargaville

Fran Dargaville

Hi, I'm Fran, a Functional Nutritionist and Founder of the High Vibe & Gut Healthy Collective.


Weekend reminder 💛

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 14/06/2023

PPIs are one of the top prescribed drugs in Australia. They’ve been shown to impact the gut more than antibiotics. 🤯⁠

As I’ve said on here many times, stomach acid is really important for digesting food, killing pathogens and more. Which is why suppressing stomach acid (by taking PPIs) can impact health in many ways.⁠

A huge challenge with PPIs is that once you’re on them, it can be really hard to get off them. ⁠

Despite being intended for short-term use (2-8 weeks), so many people find themselves stuck on them for months, years, or even decades.⁠

If you're considering discontinuing PPIs, it's crucial to have a plan. Always consult your doctor before making any adjustments to your medication.⁠

The good news is, there are steps you can take to support and prepare your body when coming off PPIs. In this week's podcast, I'm taking about the hidden cause of acid reflux, and how to support your body naturally so you can overcome it in a sustainable way without relying on medication.⁠

Head to the link in my bio to listen, or search for High Vibe & Healthy wherever you get your podcasts.

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 01/11/2022

I’m so incredibly excited to be sharing this with you! 😍🙌🏻

My newest team member, Andisha Butterfield, is a Functional Nutritionist and Registered Nurse with a passion for fertility and pregnancy.

Andisha worked in clinical medicine as a registered nurse for over 20 years, and she developed a passion for functional nutrition after enduring the emotional rollercoaster of IVF.

Being blessed with two children through IVF shifted her passion to the root cause of why she was unable to conceive naturally, and she’s now super passionate about supporting women and couples to have the best fertility outcomes and pregnancy journey possible.

We are going to be launching our new program very soon, so if any of this is resonating with you and it sounds like something you’re after, jump on the waitlist so you’re the first to know when the new program goes live.

Get on the list here:

There are only going to be limited spots available in our first intake, so be sure to get on the list and make sure you don’t miss out 💛


Identifying your fertile window will help you:

🌈 get pregnant as quickly and easily as possible
🌈 confirm if and when ovulation is occurring. If ovulation is not happening, it’s important to identify this so you can find out why.
🌈 it can also be used to avoid pregnancy - but this should only be done with the guidance of a Fertility Awareness Method practitioner to make sure you’re doing it correctly!

In the next post, I’ll be sharing how you can figure out your fertile window. Stay tuned!

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 28/09/2022

My take on skim milk vs full fat. ⁠

PS. If you're swapping from skim to full fat in coffee, you might like it better with less milk! I'll often order a 3/4 full flat white or a piccolo.

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 22/09/2022

Supporting optimal health = supporting fertility! 💛

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 18/08/2022

Imagine how you could be wrapping up the end of this year if you invested the next few months into your health.

My programs are for you:
🌈 If you’re struggling with digestive symptoms like bloating, burning and belly pain, or other gut-related health challenges.

🌈 If you’ve been to your doctor (or multiple doctors), had a bunch of lab tests run and everything keeps coming back “normal”, even though you know something just isn’t right (or perhaps you got a diagnosis of IBS, GERD/GORD, endo, PCOS or something else, and were sent out the door with no helpful advice on what to do next).

🌈 If you believe in a holistic approach to health, and want to overcome your symptoms in a sustainable way (hint: no quick fixes or bandaid approaches here).

Let’s do this! Can’t wait to support you on your healing journey 💛

Photos from Fran Dargaville's post 06/06/2022

Swap low fat yoghurt with additives to full fat natural yoghurt (or coconut yoghurt).⁠

The additives, like gums and preservatives, can irritate the gut.⁠

The natural alternatives contain gut-friendly probiotics, and the fat provides a long lasting fuel source. 🙌🏻


Marketing on gut health supplements and diets would have you believe that their one diet or supplement will fix all of your problems.⁠

Sounds great, right?!⁠

This is pretty much never the case!⁠

To fix your gut issues, you will most likely need to:⁠

🌈 Avoid your trigger foods and eat a nutrient dense diet⁠

🌈 Heal your gut lining⁠

🌈 Improve your digestion (stomach acid and enzymes)⁠

🌈 Get your gut moving at the right speed (no more constipation or diarrhoea)⁠

🌈 Get rid of any pathogens that are causing symptoms like SIBO, Candida or parasites⁠

To learn how to get started, head to the link in the comments to watch my free Fix Your Gut training! 💛


Now, I'm not saying you have to give up coffee...⁠

(Don't worry, I'm a coffee lover too! 😍)⁠

But I 𝘢𝘮 saying that on its own, it 𝙖𝙙𝙙𝙨 stress to the body (by spiking our stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline) and doesn't provide your body with the fuel it needs to operate in a nourished and sustainable way.⁠

What can you do instead?⁠

Have breakfast with 25 grams of protein and a healthy fat first, and wait until after to have your coffee.⁠

This helps stabilise your blood sugar and signal safety to your body, and soften the blow of the caffeine.⁠

Do you have your coffee first thing in the morning? Have you tried having breaky first? Share with me in the comments 👇🏻


Swap conventional stock for bone broth 😍🙌🏻

Here are some ingredients in these stocks:

❌ Canola oil, sunflower oil - highly processed oils that have been bleached, deodorised and heating to extremely high temperatures 😅

❌ Sugar and other sweeteners - makes sense for a cookie or cake, but in stock, is this really necessary? 🤷🏼‍♀️

❌ Preservatives like Lactic Acid (270) and Anticaking Agent (551)

❌ “Natural flavours” which are far from natural

Plus non-organic or free range chicken, which isn’t the best for our health, the animals or the planet.

Instead, use a quality broth or make your own. It’s super easy and cheap!

Not only will you avoid the crappy ingredients, you’ll get added benefits like gut-loving gelatin and minerals.

If you’re looking to get your gut healthy, I have 2 spots left in my 1:1 programs. DM me or head to the link in my bio to save your spot! 💛

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