erent designs and styles. We are all unique, but we share a common thread. We are all a part of "The Music Life". TMLA is a web-based company located in Phoenix, AZ. TMLA is by musicians, for music lovers and musicians. We work with artists to bring you fresh designs that let you show off your musical lifestyle. That's why we chose the slogan, "Wear Your Passion". Music is more than an art form; it's a way of life. The Music Life Apparel allows you to show who you are, through what you wear. As part of our commitment to music, part of our profits will go toward a non-profit program, "Hungry for Music". Each time you buy from TMLA, you help share the passion. For more info, check them out on our website. Our Mission:
TMLA is operated by musicians. Our mission is to be the best musical apparel company. For us, that means starting with the basics: fresh designs, quality apparel, and great customer service. We wear the designs and shirts before we ever offer them to you. That's just a small part of what we do to make sure TMLA is the best that it can be. It's time for us to showcase that with pride. Our Vision:
Music is boundless, limitless. That's where we're striving to be. Currently, we offer shirts in limited edition runs called "Volumes". In those Volumes, we are working to incorporate fresh and innovative accessories, products, and anything that will help you Wear Your Passion. If you'd like to be part of our growing vision, we always welcome design submissions! Got a crazy idea for accessories? We'd love to see it. Did you draw something and think, "Woah this should be on a shirt"? Maybe it should! Music is all about collaboration and we are too. Lets talk ideas, you can start a conversation with us here, or connect with us on Instagram/Facebook.