Beauty from Within

Beauty from Within

This page is to help you explore a new and confident You~


I am recruiting a team of serious entrepreneurs/brand representative/ambassadors, who wants to make a change in their life.

Retrenchment are everywhere, and getting paid a lower salary for a 100% effort put in job makes our life dull and meaningless. Why not shift this 100% of effort into own business and see how life can be changed?

Who doesnt dream a condo? Who doesnt wish to own a car in Singapore? With these increasing cost of living, only such opportunity can makes us achieve our goal.

Let us all make it happen!

Dry skin patches: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments 12/04/2019

Article from Medical News Today :

Causes of dry skin include:

- being exposed to chemicals in soaps or harsh, windy weather
- using hot water
- excessive hand-washing
- dehydration
- poor nutrition
- lotions that contain alcohol

Please look into the ingredients of skincare that you are using! Alchohol is one of the harmful ingredients..

Dry skin patches: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments Many common issues can cause patches of dry skin, including cold weather, allergies, and certain medical conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. In this article, we look at symptoms, treatments, and pictures of dry skin patches.


Aging well with me! Be You! Be Flawless!

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