Alexi K. Hartwell

Alexi K. Hartwell

Author, Life Coach


Sharing inspiration

I am the daughter of a daughter.
Who is the daughter of a daughter.
Who is also the daughter of a daughter.

Some of us are mothers
but all of us are daughters,
all birthed through lines
that weave back to that First Mother.

All connected from the very beginning.
All connected in the now.

Great Grandmothers,
Great Great Grandmothers.
All daughters born from
One. Original. Egg.
From One. Original. Woman.

So why the separation?
Why the animosity toward each other?
Why the arguing and fighting,
back-stabbing and lack of support?

The next time you see another woman,
look in her eyes and see the
Ancestral Lines, the lines of Women
that lead back to you.

Where are we going Mother?
And how will we get there Sister?
By staying connected Daughter
and allowing for difference.

For we are each one,
after all,
all Daughters
of Daughters
of Daughters
of our
One Mother.

~ Arlene Bailey, The Daughter Line, 2020

art | Sue Ellen Parkinson, The Healing Circle


Harness the inner power that is within you. It is your connection with God that will answer your questions.


When I feel overwhelmed by emotions, I remember the words of St. Francis, “Let me be an instrument of thy peace.”


Be still and know that I am God.


Pray for the well-being of everyone today. Stop for a moment and send good thoughts to everyone affected by war, conflict, earthquakes, floods and droughts everywhere in the world. Your individual thought of wellbeing for others has an impact, creating in the quantum field. Use your energy in constructive ways to uplift others.


Your path is different than the person next to you and the person next to them. You cannot compare yourself to others and this is where your inner voice is the source to lead you and where you learn to trust yourself. Heart centered choices where love is the greatest gift and power in your life and the ripple effects that are immeasurable.


Small minds discuss other people. Good minds discuss events. Great minds discuss ideas. -Denzel Washington — let’s discuss ideas and solutions to bring about change that brings more peace, harmony, kindness and compassion.


Home is not a place, it is a state of being and you can take it with you wherever you go. Just go inside to find it—it’s there in the stillness of your heart.


God will always be your closest ally.


Sovereignty is when you stay calm and peaceful. This is true mastery of self.
We point fingers and place blame holding onto emotions from imprinted messages and beliefs of who we “think” we are. Consciously choosing love in every moment (love thy neighbor as thyself) is what quiets the chatter of separation. The greatest power is always love.


Your greatest contribution in life will always be the kindness you show to strangers.


A sign of healing is when your emotions and memories show up and you remain calm—allowing the pain to surface and meeting it with unconditional love and compassion.


Your energy equals the silent thoughts & beliefs that you have. Your energy speaks louder than words and enters the room or conversation before you do.


You are the point of attraction in the world and you are the reflection of your beliefs. Be the light, the love and peace that you want to see. You must “be” what you want to attract.


Nature always takes my breath away. No two sunrises or sunsets are ever the same. See the sacred beauty in everyone and everything.


Beauty can be found everywhere. Can you see the beauty and perfection in yourself? Can you see it in others? Everyone and everything responds to love and appreciation. See it in you and you will see it in others.


Nature does not question itself because it is. A tree or bird does not desire to be anything other than what it is. Be who you are.


Perfection is all around you. See and feel the perfection all around you.
There are only limitations if you think you are limited. Visualize the world you want to live in.


The first step in healing, is when you take responsibility for how you feel and stop blaming anyone or anything outside of yourself.


Don’t give up on life, yourself or your dreams. Keep praying and giving your fears, doubts and worries to the One who will never leave you.


Self-sabotage is what you do when you don’t believe that you are powerful, worthy and deserving. Betrayal is what you experience when you deny/ignore your intuition.
Claim your self-worth and affirm and validate your own beauty!


Many of us carry secrets of shame, guilt, and sadness that holds us back from being and experiencing all the good things that life has to offer andhurts us physically and emotionally.

Nothing can ever touch the essence of God within you. It is only you that can choose to see the perfection and light that you are or whether you allow others to dim your light.

Shine like the brilliant star that you are!

Photo by Raíssa Letícia on Unsplash


Personal will and discipline is the key to healing, higher living and attainment. It is the compilation of personal will and discipline to overcome all obstacles. What are you willing to sacrifice? What will you do or what are you willing to do (that does not cause harm to anyone or anything)? Are you willing to give up the habits and sabotaging behaviors that create obstacles in your life?

Release the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

Put God first in your life and at each crossroad ask, "God, show me the next step I need to take to accomplish my goals."

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


You are the harmony, melody and the entire rhythm section of life expressing the beauty through you. Carry the song of your heart with grace and gratitude.

Photo by Kira Laktionov on Unsplash


Life is a dance of creating harmony within us and the delicate balance between self and selflessness.

Photo by Patricia Palma on Unsplash


A house divided cannot stand.

This is a moment in history where we can come together in unity, to seek to understand rather than to divide; to humanize each other rather than dehumanize based on fear, assumptions, and projections of right and wrong.

We are stronger together. Stand together in peace and unity.


Your life is the greatest teacher. There is no need to look outside of yourself when all the answers are within you. Listen. Listen to the still, small voice within you.

Photo by Nik on Unsplash


Abundance begins with generosity of spirit and forgiveness. God is the source of all your blessings and abundance. Give God your abundance of gratitude for the blessings you have received.

Photo by Susn Matthiessen on Unsplash


Magic-the essence that is unique to every individual. Respect that everyone and everything is a miracle. Some may see and know their gifts, the magic of their talents and abilities; while others may still be searching. We are all one without exception. Love is what unites us.

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00