Arab Association of Genetic Research Conference - Cairo 2019

Arab Association of Genetic Research Conference - Cairo 2019

Scientific & Medical Conference

Photos from Arab Association of Genetic Research Conference - Cairo 2019's post 27/11/2019

نود ان نعبر عن سعادتنا و شكرنا لكل الحضور و المشاركين و الذين ساهموا فى انجاح هذا المؤتمر 😊
We’d like to express our deep gratitude to all the attendees who participated in making this conference happen and to be a successful event 😊


ترحب الرابطة العربية لأبحاث الجينات بكم فى مؤتمرها السنوى الثاني و المقام بفندق النايل ريتز كارلتون بالعاصمة المصرية القاهرة فى الفترة بين ٢٦ الى ٢٧ نوفمبر ٢٠١٩



Meet international experts addressing the most recent updates in the field of RNA sequencing!


Talks from Experts from Egypt & the Arab World in the field of Fetal Medicine & Prenatal Diagnosis

For more information & registration please visit


Don’t miss the recent updates & discussions in the Ophthalmic Genetics session.

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2 days left


Counting Down 😊

Registration fees 04/09/2019

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Conference Speakers

Professor Said Aoufouchi, PhD
Is a principal investigator at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) studying the cross talk between DNA damage response and Immune defense. He received his PhD in Biochemistry from Rennes1 University (France). Then, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Suss*x University (Brighton, UK) than as senior scientist at the Medical Research Cancer (MRC-LMB, Cambridge, UK). He next joined the Necker institute in Paris as senior investigator to work in immune system disorders. Currently, S Aoufouchi is head of B cell and genome plasticity team at Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, (Villejuif, France). Supervisor of more than 30, MSC, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. He published more than 40 papers in high rated scientific journals including Cell, Nature, Nature immunol, J Exp Med, and Cancer Discovery.


For submission guidelines please visit:


Conference Speakers

Professor Michele De Luca, MD
Is Director of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari” and the Interdepartmental Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Scientific Director and co-founder of the university spin-off Holostem Terapie Avanzate. De Luca is author of over 120 peer reviewed international publications, has been invited speaker in approximately 200 international meetings worldwide. He is internationally recognized as a leading scientist in epithelial stem cell biology aimed at clinical application in regenerative medicine and played a pivotal role in epithelial stem cell-mediated cell and gene therapy.


Submit your abstracts now. Deadline is by the end of August.
Conference topics include:
- Genetics of rare diseases
- Genetics of common complex diseases
- Precision medicine
- Genetic testing
- Arab genomic research
- Cancer genetics
- Hereditary blood disorders
- Regenerative medicine and stem cells
- Pharmacogenomics
- Bioinformatics
- Biorepositories/biobanking and databases
- Fetal medicine
- Ethical, social and legal aspects of genomic studies
- Forensic genetics
- Dental genetics
- Ophthalmic genetics
- Genome editing

For submission guidelines please visit:


Get to know advanced updates about the role of the human genes in drug response.


Expert hematologists and geneticists addressing the most recent updates in hereditary blood disorders.


Conference Speakers

Professor Moiz Bakhiet

Is the Chief Executive Director of Princess Al-Jawhara Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics and the Chairman of the Department of Molecular Medicine, College of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University. He is a senior Consultant/Physician Neurologist at the University Medical Center, King Abdulla Medical City, Kingdom of Bahrain. Professor Bakhiet received his M.B.B.S. from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum and his PhD in Medical Sciences from Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. He also obtained a Clinical Specialty in Neurology from the Swedish Board of Health and Welfare.He served for several years as Head of Research and Director of the Brain Research and Neuroimmunology Laboratories at Huddinge University Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Sweden. He published more than 130 papers in high rated scientific journals as Cell, Nature and supervised more than 60 PhD and MSc students.


Conference Speakers

Professor Ghada Al-Kafaji
Is an Associate Professor of Molecular Genetics in the Department of Molecular Medicine, Al-Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine, Genetics and Inherited Disorders, and the Director of Personalized Medicine Master Program in the College of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain. She obtained her MSc degree in Molecular Biology from Baghdad University, Iraq, and her PhD degree in Molecular Genetics from King's College London, University of London, UK. Then, she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Medicine, King's College London, and as an Assistant Professor in Molecular Genetics at the College of Science, University College Kensington. Currently, Dr Al-Kafaji is involved in tutoring undergraduate and graduate students and supervising graduate theses. Her research interest includes genetic variations and novel biomarkers for cancer, diabetes and other complex diseases. She has publications in the area of Molecular Genetics, cited >350 times. She is a member in several International Scientific Associations and a reviewer for many scientific journals.

Timeline photos 17/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Samar Kamal Kassim
Is a professor of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. Co-PI Egyptian Node of H3ABioNet. Lead of African Precision Medicine Group of H3ABioNet. Upon completion of her PhD at Duke University Medical Center, she published many articles in area of cancer diagnosis. At 2002, she joined Glasgow Caledonian University where she identified differences between breast and ovarian cancers in the Androgen receptor gene methylation and exon one CAG repeat length.
Dr. Kassim published a large longitudinal study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology about Host and viral determinants of the outcome of exposure to HCV infection genotype 4.
She is the Co-PI and Egyptian node of H3ABioNet granted by the NIH. She leads the African Precision Medicine Portal Group of H3ABioNet

Timeline photos 16/07/2019

Conference Speakers
Professor Olaf Hiort
Is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Lübeck in Germany. He studied Economics at the University of Hamburg and Human Medicine at the University of Hamburg and at Tufts University of Medicine in Boston, graduating in 1989. He trained in Pediatrics with subspecialties neonatology, pediatric endocrinology and diabetes, as well as laboratory medicine in pediatrics. He obtained his M.D., Ph.D. in 1999 and became Professor in 2001 at the University of Lübeck, currently heading the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes. His scientific focus is on rare endocrine conditions of s*x development and calcium and phosphate metabolism. He has coordinated several European projects regarding rare endocrine conditions, namely EuroDSD funded under the 7th EU framework program and DSDnet, funded under Horizon 2020. Currently he serves as deputy coordinator and pediatric chair of the European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN).

Timeline photos 14/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Sonia Abdelhak DSc, PhD
Is head of the Research Laboratory on Biomedical Genomics and Oncogenetics at Institut Pasteur de Tunis. She is mainly involved in the study of the molecular basis of inherited rare disorders in endogamous populations. Dr Abdelhak is author of more than 170 scientific publications. She is also involved in R&Itraining activities and capacity building in human molecular genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. Dr Abdelhak acts as an independent expert for national and international institutions (Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the EU for European Research framework programme…). She is currently involved in the EU-H2020 project “Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science” Since 2011, Dr Abdelhak is the General Secretary and founding member of an NGO, Association la Recherche en Action (React-tn)

Timeline photos 13/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Arndt Rolfs, MD
Is a specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry, is appointed CEO and founder of Centogene AG. He previously served as Director of the Albrecht-Kossel-Institute for Neuroregeneration at the University of Rostock from 2008 to 2018. Dr. Rolfs received his approbation from the University of Mainz in 1985. Dr. Rolfs is principle investigator of several international epidemiological studies in the area of rare diseases, especially neurogenetic aetiologies, and actively engaged in biomarker research for several metabolic diseases (e.g. BioHAE, BioGaucher, BioHunter, BioMorquio). He has an extensive track record in medical and scientific publications with more than authored/contributed to 300 peer-reviewed publications

Timeline photos 12/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Scott Williams
Is a professor in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine. He received his PhD from Washington University, St. Louis, training in the population genetics and of Drosophila. About 25 years ago he switched his research focus to the study of human genetics and determining disease genotype-phenotype maps. Specifically, he has explored how ancestry and genetic differentiation among populations affects health disparities by asking how patterns of genetic variation among populations associate with disease prevalence. He has worked on the genetic susceptibility to infectious disease and the co-evolution of pathogens and host genomes as it affects disease risk and severity as well as the genetic bases of cardiovascular disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Dr. Williams has published more than 250 papers addressing issues of disease risk, disparity, genetic differentiation and methods to address these from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

Timeline photos 11/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Michele Ramsay
Is the director of the Sydney Benner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Professor in Human Genetics and South African Research Chair holder in Genomics and Bioinformatics of African Populations. As a member of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Consortium (H3Africa) she leads the AWI-Gen study on the genetic and environmental contributions to obesity and cardiometabolic disease risk in Africans. Her research aims to shed light on the role of African population genomic variation in susceptibility to diseases. She is President of the International Federation of Human Genetics Societies and past President of the African Society of Human Genetics.

Timeline photos 11/07/2019
Timeline photos 10/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Fowzan Alkuraya
Is a Professor of Human Genetics at Alfaisal University and a Senior Consultant and Principal Clinical Scientist at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center. He graduated with first class honor and was the valedictorian of his class at the College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He did his pediatric residency at Georgetown University Hospital, followed by a fellowship in clinical genetics and another in molecular genetics at Harvard Medical School. He also did a postdoctoral research fellowship in the area of developmental genetics in the lab of Prof. Richard Maas at Harvard Medical School. He returned to his native Saudi Arabia to establish the Developmental Genetics Lab at KFSHRC. He is an authority in the area of Mendelian genetics with more than 370 published manuscripts that describe his lab’s discovery of hundreds of novel disease genes in humans as well as many other seminal contributions to the field of human genetics as featured in profiles published by The Lancet and Science. He is a frequently invited speaker at local, regional and international conferences, on the editorial board of prominent human genetics journals, and the recipient of numerous prestigious awards including William King Bowes Award in Medical Genetics and King Salman Award for Disability Research.

Timeline photos 09/07/2019

Conference Speakers

Professor Dani Osman is an associate professor in the biology department at the faculty of science, Lebanese University. He is a scientist in Azm center for research in biotechnology, working on Intestinal Stem Cells using the powerful genetic model, Drosophila melanogaster. He holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in the field of Functional Genomics from Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. He then worked as a scientific research collaborator in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). He has teaching contributions in Paul Sabatier University, American University of Beirut and the Lebanese University. He is a member of several national and international Biology societies and he published significant genetic papers in high rated scientific journals. He recently got the “HDR”, which is the highest diploma delivered in the European countries certificating an international accreditation to supervise research.