Izzy's coaching

Izzy's coaching

I am a Wellness Transformation Coach, specialising in creating programs that guarantee results.

I work with women who want to take their control back, by transforming their physique to the best it could be! I work with women who want to take their control back, by transforming their physique to the best it could be. We focus on simplified training programs and optimizing your overall health and mindset. My programs are created to help you optimise your time, eat consciously and workout effec


Super blessed to have this gift under the tree this yearšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ„°

Hope everyone had a Christmas full of lovešŸ’•


Whether you think you can or you think you canā€™t you are normally right..

This quote only resonated with me in this postpartum period of my life. I canā€™t say Iā€™m someone who has struggled with mindset but recently it has been a matter of ā€œthere arenā€™t enough hours in a dayā€

In my coach mind- thatā€™s just an excuse
In my mom mind- yeh I need more hours

Now that Iā€™ve taken a step back, looked at my goals and reevaluated my days I KNOW itā€™s just about having the mindset that I CAN. Guess what? Iā€™ve hit most goals this week and almost with ease because it was just my mind that needed convincing..

(Is it easy? No, but I find time that I didnā€™t even think was available for me even if itā€™s just 15 minutes! This makes me a better mama day to day)


I was sold a lie..

So many influencers go on about how natural birth means easier recovery and a ā€œbounce backā€ like no other ā€œOh you can get back to exercise so fast if you labor naturallyā€


The ā€œbounce backā€ culture is so damaging and many women get back into the gym waaay too early. Personally I couldnā€™t even try core activation prior to 8 weeks as it just hurt too much.

Now I had many reasons for wanting to birth naturally, but I really thought my body would snap back into having strength & the ability to train like before & that wasnā€™t the case. I made sure to tune in to what my body needed- slow.

My message to you fit mamas today is to take it easy, listen to your body and not the media! If I hadnā€™t taken it slow I donā€™t know where my body would have ended up! Becoming a mama is already a huge transition, give your body grace in this timešŸ™šŸ»


Anyone can google information. Itā€™s cheap & readily availableā€¦

But what is truly life changing is the accountability and hands on support navigating your journey..

What am I talking about? Iā€™m talking about getting yourself a coach!

Take the path of least resistance = mediocre results (if any!)

Step out of your comfort zone and reach your goals..

Want to know more? Click the link in my bio!!! We may or may not have something going for Black FridayšŸ˜


So many foods are often underreported when trackingā€¦

When you are really trying to make progress you cannot exclude these!

They still count even if you donā€™t physically plug them into your tracking appšŸ˜‰


My take on postpartum ā€œbounce backā€ cultureā€¦

I have done many a transformation post in my life, heck Iā€™ve had many circumstances to transform through. This time however is totally different..

I really have matured in this lifestyle and being a coach to many women going through all sorts of challenges in life has cemented this thinking for me..

My body is powerful, my body thrives in a healthy state (as anyones does), I honor itā€™s every need. I havenā€™t been the person to weigh myself at every point postpartum or to take pictures.
In fact this is one of the only Iā€™ve done at 6 weeks postpartum..

I honor the fact that this is a new life stage for me. I will be in the gym again soon, I am focused on eating healthy as my baby needs that. She needs a thriving mother but what she doesnā€™t need is a mother obsessed with how she looks as she finds her footing again.

I have always lived and breathed health & fitness, and I crave movement especially now but the difference is Iā€™m not going to be on my page or in my mirror analyzing every change and every negative. I am going to tick boxes daily as is possible, not beat myself up and show my daughter that there is beauty in living a healthy life but the mirror doesnā€™t define usšŸ’–


Happy due date to our precious baby Mila ā€¢9/9/2023

We are so lucky you chose to spend these extra days earthside with us

ā€œThe babies look down from Heaven & choose youā€

Photos from Izzy's coaching's post 01/09/2023

Say hello to our little miracle, Mila Joana born in the early hours of Tuesday 29/08

We are so in love with this cute little bundlešŸ’– Beyond blessed


Before our princess arrived

In a love bubble nowšŸ„°

Blessed ā¤ļø


Why blood sugar balance?

Having too high sugar or too low sugar can not only create a whole host of health problems but it can affect your daily functioning!

Think cravings, mood swings, concentration issues, fatigue & difficulty losing weight.

Focus on these 3 things to help keep your blood sugar balanced:
-Include protein in every meal
-Chose better sources of carbohydrates
-Eat regularly (for your lifestyle needs of course)

Give this post a like if you needed to hear this!


Life latelyā€¦

Just bumping aroundšŸ˜¬


Iā€™ve had this question come up a few times..

How much should I burn in a session?
Does what I burn at gym count?

That pretty fitness watch is only good to indicate 2 things:
šŸ”†Your daily steps
šŸ”†The intensity of your workout

We know the numbers they provide are not accurate, even moreso when it comes to calorie burn in a training session! Yes we want to be able to compare daily steps so yay for that feature but when it comes to tracking your burn in a session, well that means nothing beyond how hard this session was compared to the last..

Use your fitness watch to track your NON EXERCISE ACTIVITY, and then it can indicate if this session was a little harder than the last BUT I donā€™t care what you burn in the gym. That only makes up 5% of your day anywayšŸ˜‰

Letā€™s focus on what really creates a calorie deficit (and it isnā€™t your calorie burn on your watchšŸ˜‹)


šŸ„™Want to eat more in a deficit?

Establish a higher level of baseline calories!

What does this mean? Well ultimately we want a firing metabolism that now burns more at rest. This means over time you are able to cut on higher calories!

Does that sound like a scam?

Well it isnā€™t

Simply eat more than you probably have been (most women chronically diet which leaves absolutely no room for a deficit) and lift more than ever (progressive overload)

The outcome?
You will maintain weight while eating more, and you can also lose weight while eating more

Yay! Win win all around!


I cannot begin to tell you how much this lifestyle actually gave me..it has transformed so many aspects of my life which I have built a foundation on and I hope to keep sharing this with others willing to try..

- Fitness gave me self belief. It taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
- Fitness gave me resilience. There are always tough times in life, but somehow through the gym teaching me physical strength it also taught me I have mental strength too.
- It gave me confidence, discipline and self awareness. It has shown me that i am totally capable. I love sharing this with clients, probably more so than just seeing their physical transformations!
- It gave me the best job of working closely with other woman wanting to completely transform their lives.

Iā€™m sure you want it all too ;)


Sunday feels:

Rest & Recovery
Nutrient dense foods

Learning to take steps to slow down here & there is so important šŸ™šŸ»


Today I wanted to feature some really important pointers!

So many people think that all it takes to be successful is to follow a program..

Let me tell you a takes more than that

Here are 3 things the most successful clients do:
šŸ”†They always focus on their performance in the gym, hitting PRs or improving form. Some even just focus on intensity and giving it their all every session!
šŸ”†Tracking food accurately! And making sure protein is top priority
šŸ”†Something too many of us donā€™t yet understand, an off day isnā€™t the end of the journey. Every day is a chance to improve..

Want to be successful today? Get on boardšŸ˜‰


Happy Sunday from bump and IšŸ’–

Using today to get ahead of the weekšŸŽ‰ How about you?


Going through life with the attitude ofā€¦

ā€œI am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to becomeā€

Is exactly the attitude that will keep you winning and coming out the other side of adversity with more resilience than you knew a person could have.

Keep your chin up and lift heavy thingsšŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜


How many of you believe you just donā€™t have the WILLPOWER for a fitter lifestyle? That relying on SELF-CONTROL to shed fat is impossible so there is no point in even starting as you will just stumble over and over.

Let me tell you a secret, yes willpower absolutely plays a role however there is more to this than meets the eye!

Here are 4 things you need to put in place that will absolutely override this ā€˜willpowerā€™ belief:

šŸ”†Shape your path, or rather make sure your environment is set up for success! That means donā€™t bring things into the house that will only derail you.
šŸ”†Have a really good understanding of energy balance, calories and macros and just good general nutrition knowledge.
šŸ”†Have a good support group, surround yourself with people who are either on the same journey as you or support you 100%
šŸ”† Not least, have a good coach who can strategize with you, be there for you and hold you accountable to reach those goals!

Thatā€™s it! Thatā€™s all it really takes lovelies!


Pregnant mamas, one piece of advice that does not get shared enough:
Stop wasting endless hours focusing on how to decorate the nursery! Rather spend that time focused on birth, postpartum and your HEALTH.

Invest in the one big piece of the puzzle that will make all of the difference not only to you but to your new little family.

Here are a couple things that you can start doing right away:
- Get into nature more, natural vitamin D and grounding are probably the most healing FREE resources we do not use enough
- EAT GOOD FOOD! Iā€™m not saying donā€™t add in the treats just makes sure most of your diet is nutritious.
- Move your body, whatever that looks like for you in this phase just be mindful and reap the rewards
- Relax and disconnect. There is so much information out there and everyone always has a story you do not want to hear. Stay grounded in your intuition.
- Work with amazing knowledgeable people in this time, whether that be doulas, homeopaths, chiropractors whatever it is you are called to to keep balanced and healthy.
- Spend time focusing on birth prep (whatever journey you choose to follow) and more importantly postpartum. Winging it wont do!
- BUY ONLY GOOD QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS! I cannot emphasize this one enough. I have seen some horrid and useless options out there.
- Learn how to breathe properly and focus on relaxation whenever you can.

Want more? Considering sharing a small free resource soon, and possibly doing a IG Live on some of the things I have learnt and done along the way starting with fertility. Let me know if you want more with a comment belowā€¦.


Do you struggle to maintain your resultsā”

I know many women who have achieved great physique changes, they had the results they had been seeking all along!

BUT ā•

Unfortunately along the way they regained all the weight, lost all the strength and somehow didnā€™t recognize themselves once again.


Well these are often the people who start their journeys with quick fixes, fad diets and those online 30 day programs that seem so enticing.

Unfortunately, these do not involve lifestyle changes or education around tools they can use for life. These are purely diets and deprivation that force your body into change without taking into consideration the long term.

Thatā€™s why Strong & Lean always includes education and boxes to tick daily that you know will lead to results and slowly change your lifestyle forever! My ladies know exactly what they need to do to not only get the results but to keep them LONG TERM!

If you want this for yourself, head to my bio and click the link to apply for my coaching program or DM me the word RESULTS


Imagine ifā€¦

ā€¢You stopped training 6 days a week
ā€¢You instead put that energy into heavier, simpler workouts only 3-4 days a week
ā€¢You let go of social media nonsense and confusion and got RESULTS with confidence in your step again

Imagine loving every minute of this lifestyle youā€™ve built so simple knowing you can still enjoy life & all its events!

You donā€™t need to cut carbs, skip meals out, feel restricted and confusedā€¦

Ladies this is Strong & Lean

Let me help you feel confident in your skin again

Book a call.. link in my bio


Third trimester and I cannot believe how time is flyingšŸ™šŸ»

Canā€™t wait to meet our little one yet Iā€™m reminded how fast this all goes by!

Taking in every minutešŸ™šŸ»


Most people think that changing either their diet or exercise plan will be so difficult, when in realityā€¦

Training and nutrition become easy when you simplify things! How you do you simplify? By working on your HABITS, your MINDSET and learning the WHY around what you are doingā€¦

My Strong & Lean ladies know this already but
šŸ’›What you eat should generally remain the same (whether you are in fat loss or maintenance phases)
šŸ’›Training should also remain the same no matter what phase!
šŸ’›Then we just adapt the above depending on our goal - lose fat? Go into a deficit, gain some sexy shape? Focus on fueling your body moreā€¦

It really is that simple ladies!

Do you need help with your habits, mindset & why? Placing the above simple steps into action?

Then join my next Strong & Lean waitlist, click the link in my biošŸ’›


Goals mean nothing unless they match your values..

Have you tried over and over again to achieve certain goals in your health & wellness journey? Have you possibly waved in and out of commitment? Just not reaching your potential within a program?

I know this all to well! I can recognize this person from afar. They say they want to lose weight, get leaner, eat better etc yet within a couple weeks they forget this goal. Somehow they get clouded by other things.

The reason this happens? They havenā€™t aligned what they truly value in life with what they are trying to achieve in their health & fitness journey.

Ladies, commitment takes really reflecting on your values & vision for yourself & your life. The start of your journey should always start here. This is why my ladies donā€™t do anything else before finding some deeper meaning behind it allšŸ™ŒšŸ»

Join my next intake for Strong & Lean, link in bio..


Taking gains season very seriously this yearšŸ˜…

My how to for having a healthy a fit pregnancy (Personally):
-Keeping up protein intake (not always easy)
-Keeping up with my training (Short strong sessions)
-Focusing on rest and destress
-Getting in a minimum of daily steps

*Please note I know we donā€™t all have the same experience in pregnancy, this is just how/what I am lucky enough to have been able to keep up with focusing on the biggest workout of my lifešŸ˜…šŸ™šŸ»

šŸ“©DM for any pre/postnatal fitness help (Yes even you can be Strong & Lean mama!)

Photos from Izzy's coaching's post 02/06/2023

It takes both..

Many people believe they just need to step into the gym to shape up, or they just need to eat less to lose the weight..

Did you know that the two actually work hand in hand? That at certain points of your transformation journey you will need to adjust BOTH accordingly?

Add fuel to your metabolic fire, add training to your new eating plan. Make the process work for you!

Remember this: both methods will create rather different results (more training can mean changing body shape, calorie deficit can mean weight loss)

Own your transformation and make sure you have both in the bag at the right timešŸ”„

Photos from Izzy's coaching's post 23/05/2023

We all love a good holiday travel, but never want it to leave us feeling completely out of whack.āœˆļø

It can be so simple to give your body what it needs to stay in balance in this time, swipe through for the tips..


I have been so fortunate to be able to visit family in Portugal, spending quality time with them before my little family growsšŸ™šŸ»

Hereā€™s to more adventure, health & happiness to comešŸ’–

Videos (show all)

I just had to have fun with this trendšŸ¤£Ladies, it is no joke the amount our bodies change in pregnancy..But like anythin...
ā€œEasy doesnā€™t build strongā€(Featuring an amazing client transformation šŸ˜)I know the simplest thing to do is just show up...
Do you take stock of the words you use when working towards a goal? The way you speak on the journey you have chosen? So...
I hear a lot of people who say they wonā€™t even bother with macro tracking because itā€™s too much work, distracts them fro...
So many of us try to add and add so many tasks that overwhelm us on our journey, keep it simpleRather turn inwards and q...
Donā€™t just dream the dreamsāœØGet up and put in the work to achieve themāœØHappy Saturday
šŸ’ŖYes many exercises can be modified slightly to emphasize a different body part, especially lower body movementsšŸ¦µšŸ¼Quad d...
Donā€™t let your clouded vision today influence tomorrowā€™s happiness.šŸ’›Donā€™t get caught up in the unknowns, in the what ifs...
šŸ’ƒšŸ»What you do before and after your workout determines how effective that time you spent training actually is!I always m...
ā€œCourage is nothing more than taking one step more than you think you canā€
That early morning collagen fix for glowing wellnessāœØ