Rejuvenate Cells

Rejuvenate Cells

A breakthrough technology that works at cellular level, where health begins. Rejuvenate your cells w


Because ASEA takes science seriously, continuous research is paramount. The company has an ongoing commitment to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of their products, certify them where possible, and advance the research that proves the potential and benefits of redox signaling supplementation, both internally and externally.

In 2015, ASEA partnered with BioAgilytix Labs—an independent laboratory specializing in bioanalysis—to monitor the quality of our production process and provide scientific validity of the nature of our products. Their team of PhD-level experts validates the existence of redox signaling molecules in the products, establishing the proven potential and value of ASEA’s promising and innovative products. This process helps to ensure that every product made is of the highest quality and proven scientific effectiveness.

Typical skin cell turnover is 28 – 42 days. Researchers found that study participants using RENU 28 experienced an average turnover time 24 – 36 days, shaving four to six days off of regular cell renewal time and showing a 16% faster cell turnover rate.

With these results, ASEA opens up possibilities for further research into the effects of prolonged product use and cellular anti-aging.

***For more information visit : ***


💦 The list below highlights 50 of the many ways RENU 28 can benefit your skin.

1. Reduce and reverse the appearance of wrinkles in wrinkle- prone areas such as on the face, neck, chest, and hands
2. Soothe skin irritation from the effects of the sun
3. Improve the elasticity of skin
4. Decrease redness in skin
5. Reduce the appearance of cellulite on legs
and tummy
6. Soothe itchy or dry scalp
7. Clarify skin all over body
8. Minimize the appearance of dark spots
9. Normalize oily skin
10. Soothe feet after long workouts or time
spent in tennis shoes
11. Tighten skin to give the feeling of having a
12. Soothe skin irritated by plants
13. Use as a whole-body skin moisturizer
14. Tighten the skin around the eyes
15. Smooth rough skin anywhere on the body
16. Smooth and reduce calluses on the heels
and hands
17. Soothe and moisturize cracks in the heels
18. Improve blotchy skin
19. Soothe itchy skin anywhere on the body
20. Help areas prone to sun stress: nose,
scalp, and tops of ears
21. Reduce heat and pain in sore muscles due
to overexertion
22. Moisturize unhealthy, split, or drying skin
between the toes
23. Reduce the appearance of stretch marks
24. Soothe diaper irritation
25. Spot-treat blemishes
26. Soothe skin after shaving
27. Moisturize cuticles
28. Soothe dancers’ feet after dancing
barefoot or wearing pointe shoes
29. Soothe the skin on the hands after
working long hours, wearing gloves
30. Smooth and moisturize chapped lips after
weather exposure
31. Soothe fragile, aged skin
32. Tighten loose skin during weight loss 33. Smooth wrinkled skin on the upper arms 34. Rejuvenate skin after swimming
35. Reduce appearance of age spots
36. Soothe skin after waxing
37. Apply to dry winter skin to soothe and
38. Use while traveling/on planes to maintain
healthy skin
39. Soothe skin on runners’ feet
40. Improve and even out the tone of skin 41. Smooth dry, rough elbows and knees 42. Reduce blemishes and dryness common
on upper arms
43. Soothe chafing due to strenuous exercise 44. Soothe babies’ skin
45. Smooth calloused fingers of guitar
46. Revitalize skin after hand-washing and/or
47. Reduce appearance of crows feet and
laugh lines
48. Soothe skin irritated by eyebrow
49. Improve post-partum skin elasticity 50. Reduce appearance of freckles.


ASEA has taken the best of science and nature to create RENUAdvanced. This proprietary face care system provides all the benefits of redox signaling technology together with exclusive redox-friendly, anti-aging blends.


What impact could Redox Molecules have on our overall health and wellbeing?

There are thousands of people who are already feeling the benefits of supplementing their bodies with Redox and each individual has their own personal experiences to share. Whilst we do not claim that Redox products are treatments or cures for any disease or medical condition, the Redox Signaling Molecules certified to exist in our products empower our bodies to heal themselves by increasing cellular efficiency, cellular functions and cellular communication.

Have YOU had your amazing molecules today?


Redox signaling molecules are essential to the preservation and restoration of healthy tissues and cells.

When cells and tissues are damaged (by sunlight, toxins, air pollution, cuts, scrapes, exercise, infections, solar radiation, etc.) they send out redox signaling messages for help. This starts a cascade of messengers that are quickly spread throughout the affected area, where they call for action to start the healing process (blood supply is redirected, native antioxidants empowered and increased, DNA repair elicited, immune response initiated, inflammation, cell communication enhanced, regeneration efforts started, etc.). The healing process is a well orchestrated effort to either repair the damaged cells or cause the un-repairable cells to die and be replaced by healthy ones and thus restore healthy cells and tissue.

Increasing the amount of balanced redox signaling carriers in your cells and tissues simply helps to make this whole orchestrated effort much more efficient.


What to do with too many free radicals in the body? Antioxidants to the rescue! Antioxidants stabilize free radicals by generously giving away their very own electrons.

Where to get your antioxidant fill:
🍏🥕Fruits and veggies: spinach, broccoli, bell pepper, blueberries
🥜Nuts: walnuts especially
What if you could provide your body with SUPERIOR Antioxidant Protection through supplementation? ASEA accelerates the production of the body’s own antioxidants, including glutathione, SOD, and catalase. It also increases the effectiveness of these antioxidants.


Glutathione is crucial to good human health and has the potential to increase the human lifespan. These enzymes are vigilant in protecting our cells from the world we live in and even protecting us from many bad habits. But science shows that s we age our cells' production of these enzymes goes down.

The exciting news is that researches have shown us that we CAN increase the cells' own production and utilization of these super-antioxidant enzymes by taking ASEA. ASEA is an all natural product native to the body. Studies show that the product has no toxicity to your cells.


We live and die at the cellular level. Our bodies are programmed for health; programmed to protect, repair, and replace our cells. But our bodies' ability to do that diminishes over time. We have a word for that: Aging.

The key to protecting, repairing, and replacing cells is a specialized set of molecules: Redox Signaling molecules. Your own body makes them, every minute of every day. But as we get older, our bodies get less efficient at the process. In fact, while very young children operate at nearly 100% efficiency in what scientists call “the healing response,” a 70 year-old is operating at only 10% efficiency.

That’s aging, right there. Reduction in efficiency in the healing response.

The answer? The world’s only Redox Signaling supplement: ASEA.


If redox signaling molecules are at the foundation of your health, then what can you do to improve your REDOX POTENTIAL? There are many ways you can improve redox signaling in the body, however there is only ONE supplement available that contains trillions of stabilized redox signaling molecules.

ASEA is a completely non-toxic, stable, balanced mixture of Redox Signaling molecules that are identical to molecules found in all living animal and plant cells. ASEA enhances and activates the native antioxidants needed to protect and detoxify the cells and at the same time supplements the signaling molecules needed to repair or replace damaged cells and restore healthy tissue and immune function.

ASEA is safe and not just natural but native to the body. Redox signaling molecules generally do not interact with medications. ASEA does not stimulate or repress the immune response, but helps normalize and make more efficient natural immune response.

Have you had your redox molecules today?


The cells in our bodies are constantly SENDING out and RECEIVING signals.

But what if a cell fails to send out a signal at the proper time? Or what if a signal doesn't reach its target? What if a target cell does not respond to a signal, or a cell responds even though it has not received a signal? These are just a few ways in which cell communication can go wrong, resulting in disease. In fact, most diseases involve at least one breakdown in cell communication.

Drinking ASEA Redox Supplement every day enhances the ability of every cell in your body to function at a higher level, positively affecting the health of every system of the body.


Why is detoxification so important?

We live in a world filled with chemicals. They are in our water, in our air, and in nearly everything we touch. Too many of us bathe and shampoo with products laced with chemicals, then use chemical laden products to shave, to smell good, to soften our skin, to treat our blemishes, and more. Our skin soaks up these chemicals every day.

All of these foreign materials tax our body's resources and interfere with optimum health. The purpose of a detox is to cleanse the body of these foreign substances along with accumulated waste in order to optimize healthy bodily functions and healing.

Cleaning out the gut involves moving out debris while giving the body maximum nutrition that does not require the digestive system to do a lot of work.

Here is a list of 6 Daily Detox Tips you can do TODAY!


The only supplement on the market that will help your cells get strong👊

Timeline photos 08/09/2021

Regulating gene activity with signaling molecules keeps cellular communication strong.


When your cells are healthy and functioning properly, you look and feel
~More vibrant!

Timeline photos 05/08/2021

Our bodies easily recognize whole-food sources of nutrition.

That’s why ASEA® VIA™ Source is made from nutrient-dense greens and berries.


All of our health problems are due to cells that are unable to maintain a healthy REDOX potential. The immediate result could be cellular death, overwhelming infection. In our industrialized world our challenges result in chronic imbalances in cellular health causing chronic oxidative stress that the body is unable to overcome. Aging, poor diet, mental stress, poor hydration, and inadequate exercise set the stage for this imbalance, which advances the pace of aging (as well as illness).

Today there is a promising development in health science. For the first time we are finding that supplementing our tissues with stabilized REDOX SIGNALING MOLECULES has provided the core content of molecular resource for the cells. Cells then apply the REDOX resources. Upon this infusion of electrons and molecules hinges the whole equation from the tiny mitochondria to the whole person.

Timeline photos 04/08/2021

Drinking ASEA® REDOX every day is a simple thing to do.

It enhances the ability of every cell in your body to facilitate positive gene expression, allowing you to experience the vitality of true health and wellness.


If you want to heal ✔️FASTER or ✔️BETTER than you ever have, or at least like you did when you were YOUNGER, it might be time to supplement with redox.

The more you know about how your body works, the better able you are to make the choices necessary to enhance both the quantity and quality of your life!

Your body is constantly exposed to chemicals, toxins, pollutants, and other stressors. In addition, simple organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites are capable (under certain circumstances) of invading the human body and using it as a source of nourishment. Fortunately, the healthy human body has defenses against invasion by these organisms. Get your body HEALTHY again with redox!

Redox Advantage Part 2 - Breakthrough Cellular Health in a New World 25/07/2021

Redox Advantage Part 2 - Breakthrough Cellular Health in a New World Now more than ever people and families need a good back-up plan or "Plan B". Health and financial events are changing the world as we know it. Redox health-b...



How Are The Redox Signaling Molecules in ASEA Absorbed in The Body?

ASEA is absorbed quickly through water absorption channels in the soft tissues of the mouth, esophagus and stomach lining. The Redox Signaling molecules in ASEA are able to survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach for several minutes. Traces of residual Redox Signaling molecules have been found in the blood hours after ingestion.


Lung cells replace and repair themselves faster than any other cells in the body, which plays a vital role in supporting life.

💦The first thing and last thing we do in life is breathe!💦

Protecting and maintaining health in the respiratory system is critical. REDOX molecules play a pivotal role in activating the defense systems for lung cells (alveoli). They also signal support to eliminate outside invaders from our environment, that come through the air.


Releasing toxins across the cell membrane and neutralizing free radicals must occur second by second in the life of a lung cell. Lung cells are rich in various inside cell antioxidants like glutathione and superoxide dismutase. These antioxidants require equipment to do their work. REDOX molecules provide the resources necessary to activate the equipment for these antioxidants.


The design of our lungs provides a network of “armed sentries”. Like leaves on the twigs of a tree, our lung cells have lymph nodes that guard against dangerous germs and toxins. These lymph nodes can distinguish danger from harmless debris. Our life depends on this. If there are mistakes, airway swelling can take place inappropriately (asthma), or by comparison serious threats might go undetected (pneumonia). The intelligence of this system depends specifically on REDOX molecules. The REDOX molecules signal specific characteristics which make the distinctions of “friend or foe”.



☀️ Your cells are damaged every day from sunlight, toxins, chemicals, infections and other irritants
❌ Without the cellular healing process life could not exist- we would die in hours!
❤️ Healing is at the very heart of health

Will ASEA Help My Issue, i.e. skin, blood sugar, eye, kidney...? 14/07/2021

Will ASEA Help My Issue, i.e. skin, blood sugar, eye, kidney...? This is "Will ASEA Help My Issue, i.e. skin, blood sugar, eye, kidney...?" by ASEA United on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who…

Are There Any Conditions ASEA CAN'T be used for? 12/07/2021

Are There Any Conditions ASEA CAN'T be used for? This is "Are There Any Conditions ASEA CAN'T be used for?" by ASEA United on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


The thyroid gland creates several forms of thyroxin, which impacts all cells by giving them a modulating hormone that acts to keep them on an even keel—too much thyroxin, and metabolism speeds up—too little and the result is swelling and sluggishness.

Throughout life, REDOX-driven chemical reactions can confuse the immune system and initiate a gradual, self-destructive attack on the thyroid. REDOX imbalance can lead to the up-regulation of certain transcription factors, which in turn cause the expression of certain genes such as the thyroglobulin gene. Its expression frequently results in the breakdown of thyroxin production (the most common thyroid problem) and illness (fatigue, weight gain, goiter, and swelling).

Traditional therapies involve supplementation of thyroxin by prescription. Additionally, novel approaches also include correcting REDOX molecule imbalances with supplementation to restore proper communication. The results can be a gradual reversal of the attack on the thyroid gland and restored thyroxin levels.

***For more information visit***

How Can Athletes Use Renu28? 09/07/2021

How Can Athletes Use Renu28? This video is about How Can Athletes Use Renu28?

What Are The Ingredients In Renu28? 07/07/2021

What Are The Ingredients In Renu28? This video is about What Is In Renu28?

What Can I Use Renu28 For? 05/07/2021

What Can I Use Renu28 For? This video is about What Can I Use Renu28 For?
