Law Students Against Sexual and Domestic Violence - Lsasdv
Welcome to the page of UNC School of Law student organization Law Students Against Sexual a
Law Students Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (LSASDV) is a university-recognized student organization at the UNC School of Law that sponsors speakers and programs to educate law students and the university community about sexual and domestic violence. LSASDV also provides opportunities for UNC law students to advocate for survivors through connections with local domestic violence service prov
iders, r**e crisis centers, and legal nonprofits. Our Ex Parte Pro Bono Project is an example of how LSASDV enables law students to directly assist and gain experience working with survivors in the local community. LSASDV used to be called the Domestic Violence Action Project (DVAP), but students changed the name in 2016 in order to include sexual violence. In light of growing awareness and concern about sexual violence, UNC School of Law students wanted to ensure that students have the opportunity to advocate for sexual assault survivors. We also wanted to express clearly to the entire community that UNC law students believe survivors and are dedicated to providing support. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how you can connect with LSASDV, please send us a direct message!