Mainly Mindful

Mainly Mindful

A journey towards a more mindful and meaningful life.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 8-Your Meditation Practice 20/10/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 8 – Your Meditation Practice

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 8-Your Meditation Practice Throughout this meditation challenge, your practice has included seven different types of meditation. You now have seven mindfulness tools in your toolkit.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 7 - Wheel of Awareness 13/10/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 7 - Wheel of Awareness

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 7 - Wheel of Awareness In this meditation we are guided to focus on different levels of awareness, using a wheel as imagery. In the centre of the wheel is our breath.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 6 - Mindful Movement 06/10/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 6 – Mindful Movement

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 6 - Mindful Movement The meditation challenge this will be trying a new approach to mindfulness, mindful movement. Movement can be a powerful tool when practicing being mindful.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 5 - Mountain Meditation 29/09/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 5 – Mountain Meditation

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 5 - Mountain Meditation To help us practice our focus and attention, the subject of this week's meditation challenge is visualizing ourselves as a mountain.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 4 - Gratitude Meditation 22/09/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 4 – Gratitude Meditation

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 4 - Gratitude Meditation I often think of compassion and gratitude as the twin super powers of humanity. When we are compassionate and grateful, we are at our very best.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 3 - Loving Kindness 15/09/2019

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 3 - Loving Kindness

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 3 - Loving Kindness In a loving kindness meditation we practice sending kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others, elements to achieve a happy and meaningful life.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 2 - The Body Scan 08/09/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 2 – The Body Scan

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 2 - The Body Scan Last week we cultivated mindfulness by paying attention to our breath. We continue the Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge with the body scan.


I hope week one of the meditation challenge is going well for everyone - your week two assignment will be posted tomorrow.

If you haven't already started the challenge it's never too late! You can start anytime with week 1 and work through the 8 weeks on your own time.

If you would like to receive a weekly email with the meditation challenge instructions sign up to my email list below.

Subscribe - Mainly Mindful Join me on my journey and subscribe so you don’t miss any blog posts. * indicates required Email Address * Email Format html text

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 1 - Breath Meditation 01/09/2019

The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge: Week 1 – Breath Meditation

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: Week 1 - Breath Meditation Mindfulness meditation can help us to cultivate mindfulness, and we start our Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge with a Breath Meditation.

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: 60 Days of Meditation - Mainly Mindful 30/08/2019

Starting this Labour Day weekend... The Mainly Mindful 60 Day Meditation Challenge. 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

Who's in?!

Read the post below for details, and click on the Sign Up button above to have the Meditation Challenge emailed to you each week!

The Mainly Mindful Meditation Challenge: 60 Days of Meditation - Mainly Mindful Labour Day Weekend has always felt like the year New Year to me. September = a new school year, new sweaters, new notebooks and new beginnings. […]

Mainly Mindful Book Club: Beach Reads Edition - Mainly Mindful 07/08/2019

Mainly Mindful Book Club: Beach Reads Edition! 4 book recommendations to get you through the rest of summer. 😎

Now I'm out of books to read and need some new suggestions. Share your mindful book recommendations with the group below! 👇

Mainly Mindful Book Club: Beach Reads Edition - Mainly Mindful One of the great joys of summer is sitting in a comfy chair in the sun and reading for hours. Here are four book club beach reads I’ve tackled this summer.

Financial Independence Retire Early F.I.R.E. - Mainly Mindful 23/07/2019

I recently returned from a two-week summer vacation. That glorious time of year spent exploring new places, experiencing new activities and having long leisurely lunches outdoors… all accompanied by the general feeling that money is being vacuumed from your pockets as you stroll in the sunshine. All those wonderful experiences come with a price tag.

In this post vacation haze, staring down my credit card statement, I’ve got my mind on my money and my money on my mind.

Financial Independence Retire Early F.I.R.E. - Mainly Mindful The Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.) community is a source of inspiration and resources for those who want to get more mindful about spending.

The Surprising Benefits of Fitness (It Is Not a Smaller Waistline) - Mainly Mindful 23/06/2019

Exercise often sits at the top of a long list of things we should do but would rather not.

But there is a simple joy in being alive and being able to move, in being able to fully participate in life, and in surprising yourself with what you can accomplish.

The Surprising Benefits of Fitness (It Is Not a Smaller Waistline) - Mainly Mindful Exercise often sits at the top of a long list of things we should do but would rather not. But there is a simple joy in being alive and being able to move, in being able to fully participate in life, and in surprising yourself with what you can accomplish.


Book club has been updated!

I read a lot of great books, and I post my favorites in my Book Club. The latest edition: Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt.

Read it! Post your thoughts and other book recommendations below.

Book Club | Mainly Mindful Book Recommendations Recommendation of books have been my teachers on my journey to becoming mainly mindful. Some heavy, some light, but all worth a read.

Practice Man, Practice There is no growth without practice. Mainly Mindful 09/06/2019

The art of practice is underrated, and that needs to change. There is no growth without practice.

Practice Man, Practice There is no growth without practice. Mainly Mindful Practice man, practice. The art of practice is underrated, and that needs to change. There is no growth without practice.


Mainly Mindful is about the daily quest to cultivate a little more joy, compassion and meaning in our ordinary human lives. All with a little bit of humour and humility.

We do this by being Mainly Mindful about our health, work, relationships and money.

Let’s practice being mainly mindful together. Most of the time, as best we can, with as much kindness as we can muster towards ourselves and each other. We're all in this together.

Welcome Friends | Mainly Mindful If you have stumbled across this blog it is likely because you are looking to live a more mindful and purpose driven life. Let's journey together.

We Need Each Other - The Power of Community - Mainly Mindful 02/06/2019

We are hardwired to need strong connections with each other to live a happy and meaningful life. Simply put, we need each other.

How can you reach out to others and build your community this week?

We Need Each Other - The Power of Community - Mainly Mindful The power of community through human connection is the main ingredient in a life well lived. Saying yes to the people in our our community is so important.

Mainly Mindful and Mainly Free - Meaningful Free Resources 02/06/2019

Joy, calm and meaning for free: read on!

What's your favorite (mindful) free stuff?! Share below.

Mainly Mindful and Mainly Free - Meaningful Free Resources As a mainly mindful person trying to cultivate mindfulness while being mainly mindful about spending, I have discovered some truly meaningful free stuff.

Your Money or Your Life - How Much Money is Enough? Mainly Mindful 30/04/2019

Our culture likes to celebrate more, more, more.

Today let's celebrate ENOUGH.

Being mindful about money is about knowing how much money is enough to live your life best lived.

Your Money or Your Life - How Much Money is Enough? Mainly Mindful Mindful money is about knowing how much money is enough to live your life best lived. Money = time, and it's your money or your life.

Meaningful Work Find Your Passion Mainly Mindful 23/04/2019

Mindful Work is about finding your own intrinsic and personal reasons for doing the work you do.

Aside from the paycheque, why do you show up to work everyday? What are your own reasons for doing the work you do?

Meaningful Work Find Your Passion Mainly Mindful Meaningful Work. Find that ONE THING that is all consuming and fills you with an endless supply of joy and just do that thing for a living.

My Fear of Public Speaking is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me 23/04/2019

My mindfulness journey started with a fear of public speaking. Fear is one of our greatest teachers.

My Fear of Public Speaking is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me Fear of public speaking is strange because merely opening your mouth to speak a few words will not actually kill you, yet it ranks before the fear of death.

Hi! I'm Leah @mainlymindful

I’m a mainly mindful, mostly happy and often positive kind of human. But sometimes not.

I live near Toronto with my husband and geriatric cat.

For fun, I love to travel and leave my comfort zone for a little adventure. I like to get outside, get some exercise, ride my bike, go sailing, take photos, meditate, listen to live music, eat good food and drink good beer, and spend time with my favorite humans.

For work, I am a policy wonk/nerd, city planner and environmental sustainability enthusiast. I volunteer as a public speaking teacher. You may note that the fun list is a lot longer.