Kaye Hazel - Angel Medicine

Kaye Hazel - Angel Medicine

Creating a life we love starts with honouring our journey – accepting where we are and what we’ve been through. I'm on this journey with you.

When we release resistance to what is, we open the way to receiving what can be, allowing us to create what we desire or something better. I’m a Highly Sensitive Soul, a transformational teacher and mentor, an Angel Intuitive, and a multi-modality practitioner of energy medicine. I love sharing processes that have helped me shift from stressed and depressed wanting my life to end, to finding peace


Transformation can be uncomfortable, but it doesn't happen without change. 💜



A mantra for today!

Loving this!


Thoughts are powerful. Becoming aware of what we're thinking is the first step to improving / transforming our lives. 💜



Love this wisdom. 💜

Loving this!


Monday torch! Let this guide your week ❤️




When I Run After What I Think I Want

When I run after what I think I want,
my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety,
if I sit in my own place of patience,
what I need flows to me, and without any pain,
from this, I understand that what I want also wants me,
and is looking for me and attracting me,
there’s a great secret in this for all who can grasp it.


Timeline photos 07/01/2022

The Law of Paradoxical Intent points out the underlying paradox of personal achievement: You can get what you want by knowing that you don't need it to be happy. It forces you to shift your focus from desperate intention to a peaceful pursuit. Never send out the energy that you're willing to wait to be happy-- just that you're willing to wait for the goal.


The many benefits of expressing gratitude - helping us to be happier and healthier. Today, I am grateful for my husband, who just made me my morning cup of coffee. What are you grateful for today? 💜

Hi my friend, let's make our final Gratitude Friday of 2021 epic!

When gratitude is expressed, we open the door for new blessings to enter our lives. It's one of the most powerful Universal Principles we can work with.

Today I'm grateful for you and our friendship!

What are you feeling grateful for today?



My channelled message for you about the past year. You have been making things harder for yourself than they need to be. You are seeing or creating obstacles to moving forward. Don't let self-imposed limitations hold you back. Trust in yourself and be guided by your dreams. Follow your inner light, allow that spark of passion and inspiration to light you up and get excited about your dreams. You'll be guided along the right path forward. When you follow your heart, obstacles fall away. Keep moving forward towards your dreams. Believe in yourself. 💜


What lessons have you learned over the past year? What can you just let go of? Keep the lesson, let the rest go.


As you reflect on the past year, consider what you've learnt about yourself and about life. What can you let go of?


With the year coming to a close, now is a good time to reflect back over the past year. You made it! That's worth celebrating. 🎉

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Welcoming the energies of the new year
