Courtney Ahn Design

Courtney Ahn Design

design + illustration studio based in Portland, Oregon


never again means never again for anyone. We’ve heard the sentiment for years towards the older population, “how could you live through a literal genocide/civil war/etc and do nothing?” Just like this. Here we are living through the genocide of Palestinian people in a way that has never been documented in history before, in real-time videos and viral monstrosities being shared for all of us to see on social media…and it’s telling how little the average person cares. We must continue to speak up and amplify the needs of people in Gaza right now. Demand ceasefire. End apartheid. Stop the genocide. This is the time to be on the right side of history and silence will always benefit the oppressor. 🍉🇵🇸

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 01/12/2023

just making my Christmas list 📝 !


we must continue to be mindful of the way oppressors continue to co-opt, misuse, and weaponize language to garner sympathy, claim victimhood, and ultimately justify violence as self defense. This is no mistake. We say feminism, they say man-hater. We say pride, they say don’t push your lifestyle on me! We say Black lives matter, they say all lives matter. We say free palestine, they say you’re antisemitic. Calling for the end of apartheid and genocide is not antisemitic. The liberation of Palestine is inherently tied with the liberation of all marginalized peoples, including Jewish folks. One’s liberation is not contingent on another’s oppression, ever. 🇵🇸♥️


can’t think of anything more ironic (or fitting?) to see folks celebrating the genocide of indigenous peoples while a literal genocide is happening at the moment…🇵🇸💔


trans joy is magic. trans lives are sacred. trans folks deserve the world. 🏳️‍⚧️

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 17/11/2023

a few reminders for !!! 🏳️‍⚧️ courtesy of previous art 💓

(all ID’s on alt text)


I don’t know how to explain to you that you should care about other people!!! 🙃🙃🙃 - me in every conversation about the s**t show that is the world at the moment


So...I’ve been seeing this message once again a lot on my feed lately, “We can disagree on politics and still be friends!” 🙃 Okay, welllll. Maybe so, but you cannot be a supportive friend/family member/human to someone and actively support people, institutions, and policies that oppress and kill them. You don’t get to be silent on issues that determine their safety and well-being. That is a privilege. Period. And often the people I see share this are doing JUST that - well intentioned folks who use logical fallacies to justify why they don’t care about something, why it’s not a dealbreaker for them as someone ultimately privileged by that oppression.
We can disagree on many things, but not racism, not feminism, not the safety and rights of oppressed groups. You don’t get to disagree on the fundamentals of human rights. You don’t get to disagree on someone’s right to exist. You don’t get to disagree on opinions rooted in gaslighting systemic oppression. You don’t get to be exempt from the conversations that determine their safety and still expect to be a part of their life. And yes, there is no middle ground on what justifies genocide - EVER.
There’s often this notion that we have to be kind to those who invalidate us, shame us, gaslight us, being the bigger person, right? But, that IS NOT true - and it unfairly puts all of the work and very real trauma on oppressed groups to reeducate their oppressors! And while open dialogues are great for reeducation processes, it goes both ways - that isn’t on the oppressed to facilitate, especially when they aren’t given the same affordance. You don’t owe your oppressor kindness when they continue to oppress and gaslight you at every turn. You don’t owe a relationship to those who invalidate your existence. The oppressed do not owe their oppressors anything, end of story.


Being apolitical is a political statement. Purposely excluding yourself from discussions/actions that determine the safety of vulnerable communities will always be a statement, one that makes you complicit in systemic oppression (which thrives on mass complicity and political ignorance). The absence of your public opinion does not exempt you from taking part in harmful systems. 👏

ID: a pastel pink, green, lilac, orange, and white illustration on a bright blue background. In different bubbly hand-drawn outline rainbow text reads, “Being able to stay out of politics is a privilege!!!” In the bottom left half is a cute illustration of a white dog in a bandana holding a phone. To the side reads the artist credit .


Free palestine 🇵🇸 because a ceasefire is not enough, end the occupation! 🍉

🚨 Call your US reps at 202-224-3121 and demand your tax dollars stop funding genocide! 🚨

ID: a pink, green, white, and black illustration on a pink background. Across the top reads in handwritten bubbly lettering, “End the occupation, free Palestine!” In the bottom half is three illustrated figures sitting on a large watermelon, a femme presenting individual in hijab holding a newborn, a young girl in a long skirt, and a male presenting individual with hands raised. Across the side reads the artist credit .

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 31/10/2023

some last minute reminders for your halloween costumes tonight! 🎃

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 27/10/2023

y’all know I wouldn’t miss out on 💜 ! sharing some reminders from the year that still ring true !

love, a very proud panromantic ace 😈


silence is violence.

call your US reps at 202-224-3121 now and demand a ceasefire.

ID: a collection of fitted hand-drawn rainbow text on a black background. It reads, “Whatever you are feeling - grief, fear, anger…do not let these feelings fade away into inaction and apathy! May these feelings ignite a spark in you that burns the flames of action. Let these feelings compel you to care for communities beyond your own. Activism is a courageous act of love, and it is needed now more than ever!” Across the bottom reads the artist credit .

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 18/10/2023

unfortunately my post got removed by ig yesterday - but took this opportunity to do something a little more comprehensive!

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 09/10/2023

happy indigenous peoples’ day !!!


a lil reminder that nobody’s pronouns are up for debate, ever! If you can learn someone’s name, you can learn their pronouns 🌈❤️


Basic human rights are not your debate topic !!!👿
Absolutely NO ONE needs a devil's advocate on why you shouldn’t respect pronouns, sexuality, lived experiences, bodily autonomy, etc!
Everyone deserves the right to food, water, shelter, healthcare, bodily autonomy, safety, and justice. That’s not up for debate. ❤️


being straight was the phase !!! 🌈💖


a few reminders for ✨ !✨
Bisexual folks are still bisexual no matter who they’re dating (women are not “bad” bisexuals for dating men too...that’s kind of the whole point!)
Bisexuality is often defined as attraction to two OR more genders - it’s not binary! (but, everyone is entitled to how they define their sexuality so always ask before assuming anything)
Bisexuality is not a phase or a stepping stone to another sexual identity, it’s a valid identity in itself, period!
No, bisexual folks are not attracted to everyone or more likely to cheat!!
Bisexuality is a spectrum! It is very rarely an even split between attraction to 2 or more genders (nor do bisexual folks owe you a breakdown of their preferences!)
Not all who identify as biromantic are bisexual! You can identify as biromantic but also as asexual, graysexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pansexual, etc (romantic attraction can but does not always align with sexual attraction!)
Bisexual folks do not owe you their dating history (or any specific dating history for that matter) to be valid!


resharing these important reminders for ✨Hispanic + Latine heritage month✨
A note that the term Latine is a newer gender-neutral term (vs the binary Latino/Latina) used in addition to Latinx (which doesn’t naturally fit in the Spanish language but is still used)
The terms Hispanic and Latine are not interchangeable despite the way our government seems to generalize them… a Hispanic person comes from a Spanish-speaking country (language focused)...while Latine refers to someone from Latin America (geography focused).
You don’t have to look/speak a certain way to be ____. And suggesting that someone doesn’t look/sound Latine/Hispanic/Mexican isn’t the compliment you think it’s just a racist microagression!
Latine folks are not a monolith! Latine isn’t a race either - Latine folks can be Black, Indigenous, Asian, etc…
“Hispanic” is a eurocentric term centering Spain, rooted in a history of colorism and it’s not the best! But, keep in mind how someone chooses to define themselves is entirely their decision - so don’t assume or impose labels!
Learn more about the history, contributions, and cultures of Latine folks! Enjoy the many Latine-authored books, movies, and media out there. Support Latine-owned businesses. And don’t forget to amplify Latine voices and their liberation the rest of the year too! 💖


been in a bit of a personal slump lately and just drawing little happy scenes to cheer myself up 🥹💓 but in good news, I’m finally working on some new prints and stickers for the shop (including this cutie) and sent them off to print today! 🌈


children > guns. every time.


“the kids these days are all snowflakes!!!” 😏
*conservatives when they hear anything remotely progressive* 🤬🤬🤬


q***r folks deserve the world. 💔


the climate crisis is ALL our crisis…and as much as those in power choose to ignore it, there is no amount of money or privilege that can escape the deadly long-term consequences of climate change without action: wildfires, floods, hurricanes, rising sea levels, droughts, loss of biodiversity, extinction. There isn’t an issue I consider more intersectional and more urgent but why are we still acting like it’s up for debate? Don’t be confused that the negligence of those in power is absolutely intentional, because we all know who has and will be impacted first, the most marginalized. Keep the pressure on my friends! 👊


if ya know ya know! 👏🇰🇷
also idk why nearly every white person meeting me for the first time HAS to ask my race in the weirdest way possible…like what flavor of Asian are you??? 🙃🙃🙃


a reminder that you can critique celebs belonging to marginalized identities without making racist, homophobic, sexist, ableist, fatphobic, or other offensive comments! The thing that bothers me most is that marginalized celebs never get a second chance like their white, privileged counterparts do. It’s like folks are just waiting for any excuse to suddenly turn against them and blame it on that. We should hold ✨everyone✨ accountable to problematic actions, but let’s keep in mind that the one thing all these celebs have in common is an insane amount of money and power. That’s the true enemy here !!! 💸


a reminder as we close out that disability will never be the problem - inaccessibility and discrimination is! This means not treating disability like a problem to be fixed but just another diverse aspect of our society. Disability justice is all our justice and should be a priority in all our conversations! 🌈


just staying afloat! ❤️


because this barbie is a radical abolitionist and intersectional activist! 🎀


an important reminder this month that disabled folks STILL can not get married without losing their benefits!!!


a reminder this non-binary awareness week that there’s no right or wrong way to look enby - femme, masculine, androgynous, and anywhere in between or outside those parameters all together! 💜💛
sincerely a lil baby enby trying to figure it all out 🥹


a few reminders as kicks off! 🌈
disability is diverse…not all disabilities are visible (or any of your business)!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
disability is common, 1 in 4 adults in the US have a disability that significantly affects their life (source: CDC)! So there’s no excuse to not have accessible spaces and content!
disability justice is needed now - disabled folks still can’t get married without losing their benefits!
keep invasive questions to yourself - you are not entitled to anybody’s personal medical history without consent!
disabled is not a bad word - but handicapped, differently-abled, special, and gifted can be considered offensive (always ask before assuming)!
This is a time for celebration, education, activism, and action - not a time for pity, sympathy, or “inspiration!” The world wasn’t built for people with disabilities in mind but disabled folks have fought for decades to get accommodations for work, school, and medical care...but the fight for equality is not over! 👊💓


it may be the last day of pride month but we are ✨q***r all year✨ bb’s!! 🌈👏 so bring that same energy to q***r liberation and celebration all year long ❤️


we can’t forget the ✨reason✨ for the 🌈season🌈 today, frens! stonewall wasn’t about marriage equality, it was about state-sanctioned, police violence!!!


a reminder that whatever q***rness feels and looks like to you is valid! 🌈


Sharing the wonderful words again of ! ❤️
“It’s Juneteenth AND reparations.
It’s Juneteenth AND end police violence + the War on Drugs.
It’s Juneteenth AND end housing + education apartheid.
It’s Juneteenth AND teach the truth about white supremacy in our country.
Black liberation in its totality must be prioritized.”


q***r kids deserve so much more!!! they deserve the whole world - acceptance, love, happiness, support, gender-affirming healthcare, you name it. 💖🌈


fruity and proud ! 🌈

Photos from Courtney Ahn Design's post 01/06/2023

happy frens 🌈 !!!! It’s continuously a very exciting and equally frustrating time to be q***r ❤️ but just wanted to share some of my favorite posts over the past year!! Here’s to a very intersectional and action-focused month 👏

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