Team TruRewards

Team TruRewards

I've created this page for Associates to come to and tag new Associates in as well. I will be posting graphics, updating you on events & posting files also

Timeline photos 08/11/2016

If you have already paid for your membership why not try and make some extra Christmas money and tell people about this deal !! This could be a game changer guys & gals

Timeline photos 12/10/2016
Commit 12/10/2016

DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO SELL PRODUCT? DID YOU KNOW when you enrolled and paid your annual fee that it came with websites? YES, you can easily earn $ or $ off of your product each month!! Some aren't here for that, neither was I, but in case someone asks you what you're doing to lose weight, or how do you have so much energy you can turn them onto the product?

For example, they can purchase a 7 day sample from your try now site which is (make sure to change yourusername in the link to your TruVision user name) Like mine is The difference between wholesale and retail is deposited every Monday in your payhub.

Also, you can have them purchase a 30 day supply by going to and choosing preferred customer to get their TruControl and TruFix for $88. Or they can choose associate and get it for $80 with a $35 annual fee.

Another way to purchase and SAVE EVEN MORE is to enroll them the commit program and get the Core 4 which is our 30 day supply of the combo, the entire system detox (reNu) and the protein and probiotic shake (replace) for $137 and no shipping with a $10 enrollment fee. They can easily do this by going to

If any of you need help or have any questions feel free to reach out to us. Or, if you'd like, refer them to the person that you enrolled under and we will be happy to assist them. There is no testimony like your own and when people see your results, they HAVE to know what you're doing. Please don't post your link on your personal page. Facebook highly frowns upon this but it's perfectly fine to do it in a private message.

You can also add your sponsor to a private message with the potential and we will be happy to assist both of you.

Stay Tru!

Commit TruVision Health


Are you a former TruVision associate who let your associate yearly membership fee lapse? Our company wants everyone to be able to try the amazing new truControl, so just call and order the 30 day TruControl combo ($80) and they will waive your membership fee for one order so you can try the product! Just call 801-281-7420 and tell them you want to try the New TruControl. You will fall in love, promise!

Timeline photos 06/10/2016

If you haven't ordered your month supply of TruControl you don't want to miss this !!


Ever wonder why inches are come off even when the weight remains the same.... Unlike most diet pills ours is not a thermogenic product :)

TruFix balances the blood chemistry... No matter if your BMI is too high or too low ... Your body is balanced through your blood chemistry so that means that it is a WEIGHT MANAGEMENT system as it balances the body to a healthy and balanced BMI. TruFix assists in cleansing the liver, lowering Cholesterol and balancing blood sugar. All of these things go hand in hand with cleansing the body, losing weight and increasing energy.

Our weight loss combo is NOT a diet pill! It is a supplement. One that balances your body. It is NOT likely that you will balance your body overnight as you did not get unhealthy/overweight overnight AND it may take more time for some than others as our bodies are all different. When you commit to losing weight and getting healthy our weight loss combo when taken consistently will make that process so much easier. The TruFix is a MUST in this combo as it breaks away and dissolves that visceral fat.

Taking traditional "diet products" that are thermogenic, force your body to lose weight and our combo works with your body, you see when you force the body to lose weight you also lose lean muscle mass and organ tissues can be depleted as well..... This is VERY unhealthy!! Low carb and low calorie diets can have this affect also. TruFix & Tru Weight/Energy are formulated as a combo, for optimal results you must take them together, this will ensure that you retain your lean muscle tissue and deplete only the visceral fat . I see so many commenting and asking others "are you in the gym" or what is your "work out schedule" well when your lean muscle becomes healthier and the visceral fat stores are being dissolved this gives the appearance that you are working out. You will also notice less weight lost in the breast tissue and that is because the TruFix dissolves the visceral fat and breast tissue is subcutaneous fat.

Our weight loss combo, the TruFix & TruWeight/Energy synergistically work TOGETHER which means that IF you want LONG LASTING RESULTS then you MUST take them together and be CONSISTENT!!!

Timeline photos 29/02/2016

Don't forget until midnight tonight you can sign up for $10 and get your products at wholesale and if you purchase a months supply you are entered for a drawing for a free cruise for 2 from any port in the US

Timeline photos 26/01/2016

Ok y'all I'm not one for getting on the scale and I didn't measure like I soooo wish I would have now but these pictures tell NO lies I'm down 90 pounds since May 2015 if I can do this ANYONE can

Untitled album 01/12/2015
