Folk Dances Around the World

Folk Dances Around the World

Youtube channel about folk dances
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Georgian folk dance: Xevsuruli & Mtiuluri 04/08/2023

Georgian folk dance: Xevsuruli & Mtiuluri Interpretation of folk a dance that originates from Georgia. Done by Folk Dance Ensemble Marula, based in Tbilisi. Recorded in Salvaterra de Miño on 31/07/20...

Venezuelan folk dance: Alma llanera 04/08/2023

Venezuelan folk dance: Alma llanera Interpretation of folk dances that originate from Venezuela. Done by Compañía de Danzas Ballet Folcórico Scorpio based in Portuguesa-Araure. Recorded in Salv...

South African Zulu dances: Umkhomasi, Infolo & Umzansi 03/08/2023

South African Zulu dances: Umkhomasi, Infolo & Umzansi Interpretation of a zulu folk song that originates from South Africa. Done by Ama-Zebra Folk Dance Ensemble, based in Kwa Mashu, South Africa. Recorded in Sa...

Проект "Нація" 31/07/2023

Проект "Нація" С днем народження наша люба Україна!!!Проект "Нація " українське автентичне вбрання кінця XIX ст. – початку XX століттяКерівник проекта Ксенія МалюковаФотогр...

Сонце низенько, вечір близенько | Ukrainian folk song of the XIX century 31/07/2023

Сонце низенько, вечір близенько | Ukrainian folk song of the XIX century "The Sun Is Low" - Ukrainian folk song of the family and household cycle. This is one of the versions of the song, best known as Peter's aria from the opera ...

Сербине, Сербиночку | Matriarchal ballad in modern Ukrainian | Балада часів матріархату 31/07/2023

Сербине, Сербиночку | Matriarchal ballad in modern Ukrainian | Балада часів матріархату Ballad about Serbyn. From the era of matriarchy. At the time when this song was written, the father was unknown, only the mother and children were known. The...

Entrega de Premi Rotary Club a l’Escola de Música i Danses de Mallorca 08/07/2023

Balearic dances

Entrega de Premi Rotary Club a l’Escola de Música i Danses de Mallorca 0:00 Bolero dels Punts2:52 Jota d'en Fideu4:36 Jotes Robades

Leonese Folk Songs: Tirones, Panadera & La regadera 09/02/2022

Leonese Folk Songs: Tirones, Panadera & La regadera Interpretation of a folk songs that originates from the Leonese region, in Spain. Done by Mayalde, based in Salamanca. Recorded in Ramirás, Galiza, Spain, on...