Slow Social

Slow Social

Slow is a revolution, an alternative to our obsession with speed. Enter Slow Social™, a new way of relating. But that’s not what’s happening. It’s time.

Social media, smart phones, fast food restaurants, high speed travel. The world is moving at incredible speed, and all the while we’re told our opportunity for connection is increased. The instinct is to disconnect and replace real, nourishing connection – which is vital to our well-being – with pseudo connection. This feels good in the short term and leaves us isolated, lonely and unsatisfied in

Mindfulness: How to Call Off the Emotional Attack Dogs 11/02/2017

Mindfulness: How to Call Off the Emotional Attack Dogs Nature didn't give us any tools to control our emotions. That is why psychologist Paul Ekman says you need to keep a diary of your emotions, writing what you...

Timeline photos 09/02/2017

Self-care is on everyone’s mind these days. Here’s a playlist of the 9 best TedTalk on the topic. Tag a friend who would enjoy!

Timeline photos 18/08/2014

" becoming rare and precious. Everything is hype, noise, desire, desperation, speed and greed. We in the modern world are good at 'doing,' but anemic at 'being.' Entertainment, busy-ness, texting while walking or even driving...'Efficiency' is an addictive myth based on our fidgety fear of opening up. We can not 'do' properly until we can, first, 'be' fully. Practice doing nothing - then - we can accomplish...ANYTHING."

Use as an opportunity to practice doing nothing!

No Time to Think 31/07/2014

The perils of living fast

No Time to Think Nowadays, people can keep negative thoughts at bay with a frenzy of activity.

Five discoveries taking science by surprise 01/07/2014

Five discoveries taking science by surprise If you thought dying of loneliness was just an old wives' tale, or that genetic inheritance is fixed – think again, writes Michael Brooks


An interesting take by Chogyam Trungoa on depression as a gateway to moving into and through samsara.

Big Mac, Thin Wallet 31/05/2014

Interesting study about how the availability of fast food reduces people's ability to savor an experience.

Big Mac, Thin Wallet Does eating at McDonald’s make you financially impatient?

What Facebook Is Doing to Your Brain Is Kind of Shocking. 22/05/2014

What Facebook Is Doing to Your Brain Is Kind of Shocking. I had no idea. Neither will you.

The High Price of Loneliness 03/05/2014

Another article about research on the impact of loneliness, especially as we get older.

The High Price of Loneliness Older people who report high levels of loneliness also suffer more disabilities and earlier deaths, a new report finds.

Shaking Off Loneliness 03/05/2014

A great article about the multiple health impacts of loneliness and social isolation.

Shaking Off Loneliness Social isolation can adversely affect health, undermining the ability to self-regulate, raising stress and increasing inflammation, studies show.

Binge Media Culture Finds a Receptive Audience in Americans 03/05/2014

Article on the parallels between bingeing and using social media/the internet

Binge Media Culture Finds a Receptive Audience in Americans The freedom to binge on all media anytime. See a problem ahead?

Happiness and Its Discontents 02/05/2014

What does it mean to be happy?

Happiness and Its Discontents Are you satisfied with your life? How are you feeling? Does either question tell us what we really want to know?