Tara McCann Wellness

Tara McCann Wellness

Tara McCann is a menstrual health coach who helps women to use the power of their menstrual cycle to That it's something to be ashamed of. Don't believe the lie!

You’ve been told it’s your greatest weakness, when actually it’s your greatest strength. I guide women to identify patterns in their menstrual cycle and find ways to support their health so they live in the flow of their hormones and stop fighting with their body. As women, we’ve been taught that we're weaker because of our cycle. That we should ignore it, pretend it doesn’t exist and work even ha


Happening this weekend! Will you be joining us?

It's important, especially this time of year, to take time for yourself. Join us at Coelho Winery tasting room in Amity on November 19 for Wine, Wisdom and Wellness. An evening with self care professionals so you can discover the best ways to pamper yourself.

Coelho Winery Calypso Natural Clinic Tara McCann Wellness Lashes and Skin by Alison


Join me this Thursday for this amazing talk!

Which one are you coming to? Don't forget to invite a friend! https://ancorawellness.com/events/


Join us to learn how to break up with your period app, protect your privacy AND learn what's true for you in your cycle.

In this 30 minute class, I'll get you started tracking without an app and share the 3 biggest insights my clients have had from tracking their cycles.

The class will be recorded and replays available with registration.

Register at link in comments


Breaking Up with Your Period App class is next week, July 27th at 10 am Pacific.

If you can't make the class live, recordings are available if you're registered.

We're going to talk about ways to track without an app (to keep your info private) and how to actually fit it into your life so you create a new habit.

I'll also share with you the top 3 things my clients learn from tracking without an app.

Register today at the link in bio.


I know you feel like your app is the only way to track your cycle, but there is another way.

And bonus, all your information stays with you!

Join me for my Breaking up with Your Period App class on July 27th at 10 am Pacific

Register at the link in bio


Tracking your menstrual cycle is more than just knowing when your period is starting.

If you've recently decided to stop using your period app tracker and want to understand all the amazing information your cycle can tell you, join my for my next class.

Breaking Up with Your Period App is July 27th, 10 am Pacific, the class is free, but you do need to register.

Reserve your spot at the link in bio.


Have you been using your phone to track your menstrual cycle?

Are you concerned about the privacy of your information in the app?

Join me for my class Breaking Up with Your Period App and learn how to track your cycle without an app.

You'll learn new tools that will support you to transition away from your app AND learn what's true for you in your cycle.

Register now at the link in bio


Flow not Force

In our transformation, as we emerge from the darkness and begin to embody a new way of being, the shifts may feel bumpy.

It helps me to think about water as it flows, whether it’s a rushing river, small burbling pools in a stream or the ebb and flow of the tides.

The water is flowing, it has a course, has a direction, has a purpose as it flows.

The alchemical transformation that occurs when we flow through the cycle is ease.

When we understand the darkness and trust that it leads to rebirth we can feel ease, even when things aren’t easy!


Join us to learn how to ditch your period app, protect your privacy AND learn what's true for you across your menstrual cycle.

This 30 minute class will give you practical tips to get started tracking without an app.

Register today at the link in bio.


During our transformation, as we learn more about ourselves an unfolding occurs.

We open to the expansiveness of ourselves and tune into our power and wisdom in a new way, unfurling what we once tried so hard to hide or were taught to be ashamed of.

As grace for ourselves expands and we connect into the essence of who we are, we are able to let go of that which isn’t us, has never been us, and step into our own power and authority.


As we move through the darkness, we have more awareness of the spaces and places where our innate knowledge of ourselves as Divine crashes into the stories and conditioning we’ve been taught to believe.

Illuminating and shedding the stories is the journey through the darkness back into the light.


In the cycles around us, there is always a return to the light.

But first there is the darkest part.

The dark of the moon, the dark before dawn, the darkness of winter, the journey into the underworld.

Traveling through the underworld to complete the journey and come back to the light.

Without the darkness, the cycle is not complete.


Yesterday my coach and I were talking about being selfish.

For a long time, taking time out during the day to go for a walk in the woods felt selfish.

There were things I “should” be doing for others.

My conditioning told me it was selfish to take care of myself and that my worth came from taking care of others.

The transformation right now is recognizing when those conditioned reactions and reflexive responses arise so I can choose differently.


Phoenix by

I was asked today what fire means to me.

My answer was that fire is cleansing and burns away what is no longer needed.

The Phoenix sets itself on fire for the opportunity to transform into something new.

As we see where we are being called to transform, do we step into the opportunity or get consumed by the fire?


I walked a labyrinth in this beautiful garden today.

As I was walking, I was struck by the U-turns that felt like I was repeating myself, walking the same space again, doubling back.

My first thought was that I’m getting nowhere, going back and forth over the same ground.

And then, the labyrinth would lead me somewhere different and ultimately to the center.

Sometimes what feels like going nowhere is exactly where we need to go.


Hestia from The Divine Feminine deck by

This is the card I pulled after a beautiful ceremony this morning releasing old stories I carried that weren’t ever mine.

I’m coming back to myself after decades of trying to be what I thought everyone else wanted me to be.

I am home, I am sacred, I am my sanctuary

Photos from Tara McCann Wellness's post 09/05/2022

In the past few days there's been a lot of concern about how data in period tracker apps is used.

I've had those concerns too, which is one of the reasons I use a paper tracker.

If you'd like to get started learning what's true for you in your cycle using a paper tracker, download my FREE Menstrual Cycle Tracker at the link in my bio.

Want a little more support, schedule your one-hour Cycle Tracker Jumpstart with me!


The view from my desk this morning as I write my weekly newsletter.
This week, I’m writing about how now is the time to stand in our power, to stop hiding, and to own our strength.
I’m saying some of the things I’ve been afraid to say because now is the time!
If you’d like to hear more, sign up for my newsletter by downloading my Menstrual Cycle tracker.
Thecla is from the Divine Feminine Oracle deck created by


Just a moment to check in today and find what’s nourishing for you in this moment.


PMS and Parenting
I had a few thoughts about my experience as a mom of tween girls and wanted to share them with you.

Photos from Tara McCann Wellness's post 23/02/2022

No, you’re not being dramatic.

When your bleed first starts, do you feel like all you want to do is rest?

Then see if you can allow yourself to REST!

I wonder if you can honor your body’s natural rhythm and sink into nourishing yourself when your body calls out for it.

Learn how to leverage your hormonal flow with us in Tracking With Friends, we start 3/14. Link in bio


My take on pushing through during your bleed.

Timeline photos 14/10/2021

Guess what? I'm part of an amazing event happening, November 5th 2021.
This is a fabulous opportunity to learn what’s really going on with your hormones, mind & body in perimenopause and menopause.
You can grab your tickets at the link in the comments


Hey wait, 🛑 for a second, sound on.
One of the biggest shifts clients report from my Tracking with Friends program is that they’re no longer fighting with their bodies to get things done.
And one of the ways we end that fight is to REST.
Rest may look like a nap, or reading a book or 3 deep breaths before you answer the next email.
One of my clients was looking for ways to practice rest, but thought it wasn’t possible while she cared for her active toddlers.
And then one day, she created 2 opportunities to play and connect with her kiddos that didn’t involve running after them at all!
That was a huge shift! She found a way to rest that worked for her, in her life and her schedule.
Now I want to hear from you, how are you resting today?

Timeline photos 03/08/2021

Take just a minute to stop scrolling.⁠⁠
Take a deep breath . . . now another one⁠⁠
How are you feeling right now?⁠⁠
Notice how your body feels⁠⁠
Notice what's going on in your mind⁠⁠
Are there thoughts running around in your head? Are you making a to-do list? Or avoiding one?⁠⁠
Are your shoulders up by your ears? Do you have to pee?⁠⁠
So often we ignore what our body is telling us. It takes just a moment, just a breath to reconnect to our bodies and the wisdom we have inside.⁠⁠
Now that you know how you feel, what would be nourishing for you right now?⁠⁠
Let me know in the comments. And then go do it!⁠

Timeline photos 15/07/2021

This is going to be an amazing conversation!!⁠⁠
Amy Chin from and I are talking all things period, cycles and CBD, you don't want to miss it.⁠⁠
July 22nd at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern on Zoom⁠⁠
Join us for FREE by downloading my Menstrual Cycle Tracker on my website.⁠

My Story

I became a health coach to help women on their journey to motherhood. This area of women's health is important to me because I struggled to get pregnant, and I felt I had little support for what I could do to improve my fertility.

I tried for a year, unsuccessfully, to become pregnant before seeking help. First, I added acupuncture, made some dietary changes, and then finally sought out reproductive medical specialists. After 2 years of trying, I finally became pregnant.

I now have 2 beautiful girls, but I remember the struggle to get pregnant, and I want to support women on their journey. Whether you have just decided to start trying or have been trying for a while, I am here to support you becoming fabulously fertile.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.

Videos (show all)

Flow not ForceIn our transformation, as we emerge from the darkness and begin to embody a new way of being, the shifts m...
Just a moment to check in today and find what’s nourishing for you in this moment.#womenshealthcoach #womenswisdom #sacr...
PMS and Parenting.I had a few thoughts about my experience as a mom of tween girls and wanted to share them with you.#wo...
My take on pushing through during your bleed.
Hey wait, 🛑 for a second, sound on..One of the biggest shifts clients report from my Tracking with Friends program is th...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 16:00
Thursday 09:00 - 16:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00