Heather's Healthy Habits

Heather's Healthy Habits

A nurse with a Holistic focus on helping others achieve health and wellness!


Today I made it official. I passed my Nurse Coach Board Certification exam! Now it's Heather Kruse, RN, BSN, NC-BC. Many exciting things to come!!


I am a rare one who likes winter. It helps me appreciate the nicer weather in spring and fall (I don't love the extreme heat of summer, lol). But even I can admit it can take a toll on me when it's sub-arctic and lacking in sunshine. For over 4 days, we did not have a drop of ☀️ but today, God removed every cloud and blessed us with sunshine! I hope you got out and absorbed some vitamin d. There are things you can do to help combat the winter blues- use a "happy light", get outside even if it's cloudy, or even get a notebook and journal 3 things every day that you are grateful for! More sun is coming, it's all about perspective!


Creating new habits is not easy, but it is sustainable. You alone are a complete and whole person, capable of doing hard things. I can help you to realize your potential, help you craft goals, and then turn those into lifelong and life changing habits.


As we embark on a new year, remember life is a series of decisions that we make every day. They will not always be the best choice, but the good news is there are many more that we can make that can positively impact our lives. Keeping a positive attitude will help you make better decisions. If you need someone to come along side you and help you create goals, stick around as I am launching my business. I would be honored to help!


Today I graduated from the Transformative Nurse Coaching program, and I will be taking certifications to be a board certified Nurse Health Coach and a board certified Holistic Nurse (so I will end with the credentials of Health & Wellness Nurse Coach - Board Certified, HWNC-BC).

Over the last 7 months, I have been learning how to help myself and others prioritize health and wellness. I have learned and grown as a person and as a nurse. I am very excited for what the future holds as I begin the process of private practice (while continuing my current nursing job, for now).

My heart is to help those who really want to make active changes toward wellness in their lives. Stay tuned for more to come!


"I want to tell others they can do it too, and know they can because I did. I want to be a light of hope to others who, like me, may feel hopeless at times. This WILL be my story. And I can't wait to share it."


Saturday morning reading. Making changes.