Step into the Possibilities

Step into the Possibilities

What's next for you? I help people find joy and fulfillment as they pursue their passion.Take the ne


Go for your dreams!


Still recovering. Complications from extreme Vertigo made it very difficult.
One of my healer says that the Universe whispers messages to us. If we don't hear, the Universe shouts. If we're still not listening, it smacks us.I guess I wasn't listening too well!
I'm listening now, learning to love myself, take better care of myself.

Phyllis left a dangerous marriage to become her own champion 08/03/2018

Today is International Women’s Day. A great way to celebrate is with a $25 loan on KIVA!

Phyllis left a dangerous marriage to become her own champion Phyllis’ life did not turn out the way she imagined it would. She never expected to get divorced, or be a single mother.


5 Lessons in Life from

Law of Attraction 01/11/2017

Wishing you a Magical Halloween!

Law of Attraction Like if you believe they still are!

Timeline photos 12/07/2017

"It's only a small step from the word 'being' to the experience of Being." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Timeline photos 25/05/2017

The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about. It’s that simple. ~ Louise L. Hay

GRATITUDES-DAY -of-the-day

The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about. It’s that simple. ~ Louise L. Hay

Feel gratitude about your life and your level of well being greatly increases.

800-245-3002 - Manifestation Technology

Because when Coaches Coach they succeed using solid systems and tools to deliver results.

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International Women's Day loans | Kiva 09/03/2017

A small loan makes a big difference in someone's life... :)

International Women's Day loans | Kiva Make a loan to an entrepreneur across the globe for as little as $25. Kiva is the world's first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe.

Man Goes The Distance For Tiny Hummingbird His Dog Helped Rescue 12/02/2017

What a great story! I had to share it. :)

Man Goes The Distance For Tiny Hummingbird His Dog Helped Rescue A man in Whittier has gone the distance for a tiny hummingbird his once-feral dog helped rescue. Kristine Lazar reports.

Timeline photos 29/07/2016

Let Go!


"There's no such thing as can't." If you believe it, you can do it!

Timeline photos 24/06/2016

This amused me! "Yoga - Because punching people is frowned upon."


“Knowing how you actually want to feel is the most potent form of clarity that you can have.” ~ Danielle LaPorte


"You do not attract what you want. You attract what you are. That’s how the law of attraction works." ~ Wayne Dyer


Free Online Workshop: 3 Trusted Rules for Success that Actually Sabotage You!

Learn how to transform these rules and take the first step to becoming the hero of your own life story. In this live online workshop, we’ll explore 3 Rules for Success that we all typically rely on to help us, but that in fact sabotage our efforts and block our success. Once we see how to modify these rules to serve us, we can harness their power to move forward to success.

You can watch this live webinar on your computer or phone, just like a YouTube video, no special software needed. It runs 1 hour, plus there’s a chat box for Q & A after. I’ll cover the 7 Steps to Be the Hero of Your Own Life Story, and delve deep into the first critical step, so that you can use these techniques right away in your own life. At the end, I will spend a couple minutes going over the content of my full length course, in case anyone wants to go further in studying this material, and then I’ll stay on for Q & A.

The live webinar is free to attend. Isn’t it time to take control of the direction of your life and get the success you want?
Be the hero of your own life story!

Click here to sign up:

Webinar Registration Shelly Mazer is a romance author, speaker, and life coach, and she's discovered a strange truth: writing fiction and life coaching are actually closely related. They both follow the universal concept of the hero’s journey where, just like the hero, we have to push past our fears to become who we are…


"Look inside yourself, everything that you want, you are already that." ~ Rumi


Take a Leap of faith toward your dream today! It's an extra day, full of potential, to do something you that's been calling to you, but you haven't had time for. This is it, go for it!


You can never BE more deserving, you can only FEEL more deserving.


Goebel's Law Of Useless Difficulty: Just because it's hard, doesn't mean it's worth the effort!


“All things are created twice; first mentally; then physically...begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blue print of the desired result.” Stephen Covey


"Surviving is so last year..." ~ Mike Dooley


Winding up the year, don't focus on what more we need, let go of what we no longer need: old habits and beliefs that don't serve us.


In this season of giving, remember to keep your channel open to receiving as well. When someone offers you something, money, or gift, or attention, say, "Yes, thank you!"

Make your donation now - Donate 08/12/2015

Time to donate for this year. :)

Make your donation now - Donate Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others.

Savvy Quote: " Sometimes Burning Bridges Isn't a Bad Thing... - The Savvy Sistah 12/11/2015

"Sometimes burning bridges isn't a bad thing. It prevents you from going back to a place you should never have been in the first place."

Savvy Quote: " Sometimes Burning Bridges Isn't a Bad Thing... - The Savvy Sistah Don’t feel guilty about burning bridges or ending relationships, it’s not really a bad thing! If it was good for you, then you wouldn’t have needed to walk away in...

Homes for Heroes 11/11/2015

Donate just $11 today to and help Veterans get moved into a home!

Homes for Heroes With public funding in place for rent and services, all our heroes need now is move-in assistance. With a simple $11 donation, you can play a pivotal role in getting a veteran into a place called home.