Pastor Matthew

Pastor Matthew

This page is for people who wish to be part of a prayer and support network for Matthew McBurney -a Chaplain, Pastor and Advocate.


I've been sitting on this for a while and today seems appropriate to share it.
The Gospel message contains not just the birth, life and death of Jesus the Christ. It is also about the resurrection, and the forgiveness that it brings for those who repent.
Forgiveness is a foundational, bedrock platform of the Christian faith. Yet in today's expressions of Christianity, we don't always get to see it.
High profile leaders sin and are cast out and forgotten. Their books are no longer sold, the videos are taken off line. In one instance recently, even their wife is rejected and she didn't do anything wrong. Where is the opportunity for these people to repent, seek forgiveness and demonstrate a contrition and willingness to be restored?
Even the head of the worldwide Anglican Church seems not to be able to forgive and reconcile with family members. With the leverage that family has, surely they can find ways to show the world how we as followers of Jesus are supposed to act.
My own story has a leader of a denomination who is blocking my progression in my calling to ministry because of her inability to forgive. Lucky God is bigger and I have faith in Him and do what He tells me, where He tells me to do it.

Come on people, let's share the WHOLE GOSPEL. Let's be who we are called to be.
