"END WHITE RACE BASED LAW" is dedicated to reopening White Race based Constitutions to abolishing le Them included. We have a say in its use. ONE NATION, ONE LAW.
Why does global justice garner so much fear, just the mere mention to END WHITE RACE BASED LAWS in all former White European Colonies? Aside from the numerous White Race Based laws in our constitutions, all the historic legislation decided in the favor of White Europeans needs to be abolished, and so many of the people of world, Europeans feel the same way about it, so why are we not all doing thi
s together? Why can't we END WHITE RACE BASED LAW, abolish all historic legislation decided in favor of White European Colonizers ra**ng Non-white Lands globally, stop feeding the White European Supremacists Industry? White Based Racism is built into our constitutions that's allowed court cases to ensue all across this country & globally in favor of Whites over non-whites, at the expense of Indigenous Peoples around the world, That is the backbone of the White European Supremacists Industry. None of these White based Historic legislation really serves anyone, except Wealthy Privileged White Folks, and those who depend on them for their own personal benefit, at the expense of all People global & domestic. ALL White politicians must be held accountable to the tax payer, this is not some new concept, it's Our Land & Resources which White Europeans have stolen all over the world. Historic White Race Based Laws impact Non-Whites globally in South Africa, Canada, Australia, United States, South America, Former Indian and Chinese Colonies. All constitutions based on historic White Racist Colonialism which have enfranchised and disseminated non-white populations globally need to be ratified. All property illegally occupied by White Europeans by Whites and given to needs will confiscated justly returned to their rightful owners. Why are the Wealthy White Europeans not on board with Us - the People of the World? My goal is to open up the conversation to challenge everyone to rethink all historic White Race based legislation, and to remove them from all our constitutions globally, and get on with the reality of us ALL being in this together. The face that Wealthy Europeans own 90% of Wealth and Resources attest to the impact of these White Race Based Laws. The personal attacks that came from the Wealthy White European Communities all over the globe, even here in Canada and United States, the media gangs of "CNN, CSPAN, CBC, BBC, etc" have created such a propaganda machine and image of White European colonization & exploitation, it made it nearly impossible for us to concentrate on much else. (Beyond the obvious of Canada's 'race based' constitutional system -- which is itself reliant on the 500 years of 'White race based' legislation and itself based on White race based colonial laws and -- and all the 'White race based' Sections of the Constitution that support this historic White race based legislation,
"With the repeal of out wright White Racism Charter, the White legislatures of Canada, the "White" House of Commons and the "White" provincial legislatures, their White legislative supremacy restored, and, they not being constitutionally restricted as before, would then be able to pass laws in the areas of their respective jurisdictions reversing, eliminating or otherwise dealing with...The White European Legislation and its progeny, the private business sector and special race-based laws favoring White property ownership and extraction of resources for the soul use of White owned corporations -- the heart of the whole benignly racist, segregationist, dysfunctional and harmful matter... of White European Racist has infected the World"
--D. Peter Best, "Ending the White Based Economic System, Private Sector and White-Race-based Laws")